Channel: The Indiana Exchange Marketplace: Public Notices
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 1 FOR CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA IN THE MATTER OF THE SUPERVISED ESTATE OF PATRICIA ANN SMITH, DECEASED. CASE NO.: 10C01-1908-ES-046 MATTHEW S. JACOBS, ATTORNEY AND SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on September 5, 2019, Matthew S. Jacobs was appointed Special Administrator of the estate of Patricia Ann Smith, deceased, who died intestate on March 5, 2019. The name and address of the attorney and Special Administrator is: Matthew S. Jacobs, Attorney at Law, 430 Watt Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, Telephone: (812) 285-1200. All persons having claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Jeffersonville, Indiana, this 5th day of September, 2019. CLERK OF THE CLARK COUNTY COURTS hspaxlp


PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Code 26-3-8-1 et. seq., to satisfy owner's lien, the following personal belongings stored at Tinder's Mini Storage, 2159 N. Market St. Kokomo, IN will be sold at private sale or otherwise disposed of 10/8/19 - #69 Christy Sutherland; #18 James Smith; #78 Ryan Schafer K-789 9/9 hspaxlp 1582814

MDK # 19-013078 TO THE OWNERS ...

MDK # 19-013078 TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Clark Circuit Court No. 1 of Clark County, Indiana, in Cause No. 10C01-1904-MF-000088 wherein Fifth Third Bank was Plaintiff, and Sonia Brown, as Heir to the Estate of Susan Parks, AKA Susan H. Parks, State of Indiana, Department of Revenue, Collection Division, Unknown Occupants, and Liberty Pointe Owner's Association were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder on October 22, 2019, at the hour of 10:00 AM, or as soon thereafter as is possible, at Sheriff's Office at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Clark County, Indiana. Lot No. 38 of Liberty Pointe, as the same appears of record in Plat Book 14, Page 17 in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. Commonly known address: 2217 Freedom Circle, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Nicholas M. Smith (31800-15) Stephanie A. Reinhart (25071-06) Sarah E. Barngrover (28840-64) Chris Wiley (26936-10) J. Dustin Smith (29493-06) Amanda L. Krenson (28999-61) Elyssa M. Meade (25352-64) Manley Deas Kochalski LLC P.O. Box 441039 Indianapolis, IN 46244 Telephone: 614-222-4921 Attorneys for Plaintiff Jamey J. Noel, Sheriff of Clark County Township: Jeffersonville Parcel No./ Tax Id #: 10-21-01-100-074.000-010 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. hspaxlp


Thomas NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 34D01-1908-EU-000156 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HOWARD COUNTY, INDIANA IN THE MATTER OF THE UNSUPERVISED ESTATE OF WALTER R. THOMAS, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August, 2019, a petition was filed and granted authorizing JUDITH A. AIGNER, who was heretofore appointed the Personal Representative of the Estate of WALTER R. THOMAS, deceased, to administer the estate without Court supervision. All persons having claims against the estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Kokomo, Indiana, this 19th day of August, 2019. /s/ Debbie Stewart Clerk, Howard Court #14588-48 ATTORNEY FOR THE ESTATE Corbin K. King, Esq. 115 East Sycamore Street Kokomo, IN 46901 (765) 459-9777 K-776 9/2, 9 hspaxlp 1581357


SECTION 000020 - INVITATION TO BIDDERS The City of Jeffersonville and TEG Architects LLC invite sealed bids for the Animal Shelter & Adoption Center, Renovation & Addition, 201 Willinger Lane, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, until 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, October 8, 2019. Bids must be delivered in person from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., October 8, 2019, to the office of the Owner: City Clerk, City of Jeffersonville, 500 Quartermaster Court, Suite 156, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 prior to the appropriate time indicated. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids to be placed in a sealed envelope and addressed to Attn: City Clerk, City of Jeffersonville, 500 Quartermaster Court, Suite 156, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130. Bids transmitted electronically or by facsimile will not be accepted. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, October 8, 2019 in the Mayor's Conference Room, City of Jeffersonville, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130. Bids shall be Stipulated Lump Sum bids. All contractors shall have Indiana Certificate of Qualification for Public Works Projects per Indiana Code IC 5-16-13 prior to beginning construction on site. A contractor of any tier is EXEMPT from this requirement if the total amount of their work awarded is less than Three Hundred Thousand dollars ($300,000). The successful bidder, offered a Contract, is required to provide Performance and Payment Bonds from an acceptable surety, each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Sum prior to execution of the Contract. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, September 18, 2019 in the Mayor's Conference Room, City of Jeffersonville, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130. Prospective bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at these locations during normal business hours: Office of the Architect TEG Architects LLC 903 Spring Street Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 General Contract Bidders, Material Suppliers and Subcontract Bidders, may purchase documents direct from the printer, Don Meredith Co., 2434A Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY, (502) 636-0155. Purchased documents are nonrefundable. A current Planholders List will be available at Don Meredith Co. Partial sets of documents will not be issued. Bidders may not obtain individual drawings or specification sections. Bidders may inspect the existing site conditions between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Contact Sarah Green, Director, at 812.282.0071, ext. 104 to coordinate site visits. All questions and substitution requests regarding the project shall be directed to Louis Seidel, Project Manager, TEG Architects LLC, lsseidel@teg123.com, 812.282.3700 ext. 355. Bidding proposals shall be executed on and in accordance with Indiana State Board of Accounts Form 96, and accompanied by a satisfactory bid security for not less than 5% of the total bid price payable to the City of Jeffersonville. Bidders must submit properly executed Form 96, and bid security at the time of bidding or the bids will not be accepted. All prices quoted are to be free of all Federal Excise Taxes and State Sales Tax, and upon request of supplier, tax exemption certificate will be executed by the Owner to the successful bidders to cover all items subject to these taxes. The Owner reserves the right to accept the Bid which, in the Owner's judgment, is the lowest responsible and responsive bid, or rejects all bids. Should a successful bidder withdraw his bid, or fail to execute a satisfactory contract, the Owner may then declare the bid deposit and/or bond forfeited as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the opening of bids. Should any Bidder under consideration for award withdraw his bid or bids within sixty (60) days after the time of Bid Opening or withdraw his bid or bids after the issuance of Letter of Intent, or fail to execute a Form of Agreement if presented, the Owner may declare the Bid bonds forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages. hspaxlp


SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE CLARK COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (IN) NO. 1 FOR CLARK COUNTYSTATE OF INDIANA CAUSE NO.: 10C01-1908-MF-000167 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, vs. BILLY J. CROSKY, JULIE CROSKY, LEWIS & CLARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendants above-named, and any other person who may be concerned: You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is: Foreclosure of mortgage and termination of your interest, if any, in the real property located at: 12014 Timberfield Court, Sellersburg, IN 47172 and to the following Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown: Lewis & Clark Homeowners Association, Inc., and all other persons claiming any right, title, or interest in the within described real estate by, through or under them or any other person or entity, the names of all whom are unknown to the Plaintiff In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this summons there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days commencing the day after final publication of this notice, and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. Respectfully submitted, __________________________________________ David M. Bengs, #16646-20 Email: dbengs@mlg-defaultlaw.com Jennifer L. Snook, #30140-45 Email: jsnook@mlg-defaultlaw.com Attorney for Plaintiff MARINOSCI LAW GROUP, P.C. 455 West Lincolnway, Ste. B Valparaiso, IN 46385 Telephone: (219) 386-4700 NOTICE: MARINOSCI LAW GROUP, P.C., IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ATTEST: Clerk, Clark County Circuit Court (IN) hspaxlp


NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is your notice that on August 31, 2019, Kreider Farms, Inc., an Indiana corporation, with its principal offices located at 22297 County Road 28, Goshen, Indiana 46526, commenced the voluntary winding up and dissolution of its business. If you consider yourself to be a creditor of, or claimant against, the Company, your claim must be received by Ellen R. Kreider, Vice President/Treasurer, 2678 Wexford Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221-3218. Your claim must specify its basis, the amount, terms of payment, and to whom payment is to be made. An action to enforce your claim must be brought within two (2) years of the date of publication of this notice. IF AN ACTION IS NOT BROUGHT WITHIN THAT TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD, YOUR CLAIM IS BARRED. Kreider Farms, Inc. By: Carl R. Kreider, President September 9 hspaxlp


NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE DLC#:B181-117 By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Clark County, Indiana, in Cause No. 10C01-1905-MF-000117, wherein MidFirst Bank was Plaintiff, and Steven B. Brackens a/k/a Steven Boyles Brackens a/k/a Steven Brackens a/k/a Steven Brakens and United States of America through its Department of Housing & Urban Development, were the Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 17th day of October, 2019, at 10 A.M. of said day, at the City-County Bldg., 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Clark County, Indiana: Lot No. One Hundred One (101) of Plum Run Estate Section, an addition to the Town of Clarksville, as the same appears of record in Plat Book 10, Page 47, of the Clark County, Indiana records. 10-26-10-800-015.000-040 and commonly known as: 8319 Plum Valley Drive, Sellersburg, IN 47172. Subject to all liens, encumbrances, rights of redemption, easements and restrictions of record not otherwise foreclosed and extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause # 10C01-1905-MF-000117 in the Circuit Court of the County of Clark Indiana, and subject to all real estate taxes, and assessments currently due, delinquent or which are to become a lien. Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Doyle & Foutty, P.C. 41 E Washington St, STE 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Jamey J. Noel Clark County Sheriff Silver Creek Township 8319 Plum Valley Drive, Sellersburg, IN 47172 Street Address The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein SHERIFF PLEASE SERVE: MANNER OF SERVICE: hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 11 481902416 48...

Tax Sale Page 11 481902416 48-12-04-300-226.000-033 $2,203.05 Huff Kevin M & Skye M LINDBERG EST PL 03 L 082 831 Deerfield Rd 481902417 48-12-04-400-046.000-033 $590.70 Riffey Builders Inc SCOTS GLEN 1ST CONT SEC 2 L 21A corner parcel next to 3762 chisholm 481902418 48-12-09-300-040.000-033 $364.28 Mc Keon John T HIGHLAND PARK 22' N SD L 029 parcel adjacent to 305 oxford 481902419 48-12-09-300-062. 000-033 $661.01 Hensley Chance T & Malarie R HIGHLAND PARK EXC 25' W SD L 049 516 Hanover 481902420 48-12-10-100-003.000-033 $178.44 Freestone Jack R & Jack Freestone J/T R/S SW OF NE 0.050AC back parcel for 316 North St 481902421 48-12-11-300-011.000-033 $1,630.53 Coonce Monte Eugene PT E2 SW 11-19-8 00000.4350A 4313 S Sr 32 481902422 48-12-15-100-023.000-033 $257.01 Bell Inez M WALNUT GROVE ADD L 017 1304 Douglas St 481902423 48-12-15-400-144.000-033 $2,528.12 Chism Brian W & Kathryn EASTWOOD PL 09 L 186 2118 Kitchen Dr 481902425 48-12-16-200-076.000-033 $4,233.98 Aumend Kathy RIVER PARK EST RP SEC 6 L 039 3437 E 10th St 481902426 48-12-16-400-049.000-033 $1,410.02 Sayers Billie J PT SE 16-19-8 00001.0000A 915 S 300 E 481902427 48-12-21-300-009.000-033 $1,232.38 Stabler Ian Stuart W2 SW 21-19-8 00006.4070A 3238 S Rangeline Rd 481902428 48-12-21-300-036.000-033 $1,830.19 Long Michael & Kenya PT W2 E2 SW 21-19-8 00001.7720A 2258 200 S 481902431 48-12-21-400-049.000-033 $1,517.33 Keesling Steven R SE 21-19-8 00000.5300A 2744 E 200 S 481902434 48-12-22-300-019.001-033 $333.63 Oren Erin Jay SW SW 0.937ac parcel behind 3178 E 200 S -angles by the field 481902435 48-12-23-100-001.000-033 $6,874.32 Baker Joyce A NE NE 23-19-8 00040.0000A 4967 E 100 S 481902437 48-12-23-200-001.000-033 $4,293.22 Phillips Hanna M NE NW 23-19-8 00013.7210A 4475 E 100 S 481902438 48-12-26-100-010.000-033 $409.23 Terry Whitney W2 NE 26-19-8 00000.6660A Wooded area across from 2116 S 450 E 481902439 48-12-27-100-004.001-033 $1,203.63 Richards Roy & Marjorie C/O Jay Richards Parcel at the back of 3995 & 3997 E 200 S 481902441 48-12-33-200-074.000-033 $507.04 Springer Dennie J BLUE HAVEN 3.45X125' S END L 017 5609 patterson ln - possible easement 481902446 48-12-10-100-112.000-035 $2,110.24 Hamilton Derek & Melissa K VASBINDERS 5TH L 008 705 North St 481902449 48-12-10-200-012.000-035 $21,291.73 CGC Tool LLC SW NW 10-19-8 00001.3300A 1136 Dilts St 481902450 48-12-10-400-030.000-035 $2,474.16 Riley Pamela D PT SE 10-19-8 00000.1700A 211 S Washington St 481902451 48-12-10-400-183.000-035 $9,586.87 Hoppes Jerry Lee & Cheryl E PT W2 SE 10-19-8 00001.5500A 232 Anderson Rd 481902455 48-12-11-200-037. 000-035 $1,473.02 Wilhoite Kim & Sharon D CHESTERFIELD BLUFFS 1ST L 076 407 Gaywood Dr 481902457 48-12-11-200-262. 000-035 $2,233.22 Richman Joshua Lucas CHESTERFIELD BLUFFS 3RD L 196 616 Hampton Ln 481902459 48-12-11-400-026.000-035 $1,803.82 Lee Megan LAUREL WOOD PHASE II L 021 4958 Chester Dr 481902460 48-01-07-200-017.000-036 $200.03 Morrison Jarrod D & Kelly MILFORDS L 009 18844 N St Rd 9 house sits on 2 lots 481902461 48-01-17-400-007.000-036 $4,546.45 Larrance Gwendola PT SE SE 17-22-8 00001.0220A 1976 E 1700 N 481902462 48-01-17-400-010.000-036 $2,289.71 Thurber Shelby PT SW SE 17-22-8 00004.0030A 1734 1700 N 481902463 48-01-17-400-028. 000-036 $2,514.26 Thurber Shelby MINI PLAT 816 L 2 1780 E 1700 N 481902464 48-01-20-100-006.000-036 $3,350.63 Thurber Ted W NW NE 20-22-8 00016.0000A 16957 Redding Rd 481902465 48-01-20-100-008.000-036 $251.77 Thurber Ted W PT NE NE 20-22-8 00000.8500A first lot after curve on East Redding Rd on West side 48-01-20-100-013.000-036 and 48-01-20-100-008.000-036 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902466 48-01-20-100-012.000-036 $307.60 Bourne Carl & Ernest Reding PT NE NE 20-22-8 00001.3800A Lot behind the second lot on North Redding Rd 481902467 48-01-20-100-013.000-036 $235.02 Thurber Ted W PT NE NE 20-22-8 00000.6600A second lot on North Redding Rd 48-01-20-100-013.000-036 and 48-01-20-100-008.000-036 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902468 48-01-20-100-025. 000-036 $1,002.26 Thurber Shelby PT NE NE 20-22-8 00001.2300A 1795 E 1700 N 48-01-20-100-025. 000-036 & 48-01-20-100-035.000-036 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481902469 48-01-20-100-035.000-036 $2,085.32 Thurber Shelby PT NE NE 20-22-8 00000.2600A 1813 1700 N 48-01-20-100-025.000-036 and 48-01-20-100-035.000-036 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902471 48-01-26-100-011.000-036 $2,743.43 Fields Jeffery & Heather MINI PLAT 586 L 1 (1.745A) 4679 E 1600 N 481902472 48-01-30-200-001.000-036 $387.23 James Nancy Lea E2 NW 30-22-8 00000.2070A parcel west of 516 E 1550 N 481902473 48-01-34-400-003.000-036 $1,014.14 Payne Sherry Ann SE SE 34-22-8 00005.0100A 14204 N 375 E 481902474 48-01-20-300-067.000-037 $377.27 Starr James B WOODSIDE 11X65' N SD L 005 203 N Main 481902475 48-01-20-300-068.000-037 $626.92 Starr James B WOODSIDE PT 006 (18'x95') **see Misc Note re: legal** 203 N Main 48-01-20-300-068.000-037,48-01-20-300-069.000-037,48-01-20-300-071.000-037,48-01-20-300-072.000-037 and 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902476 48-01-20-300-069.000-037 $626.92 Starr James B WOODSIDE 4X30' & 22X35' L 005 L 006 203 N Main 48-01-20-300-068.000-037,48-01-20-300-069.000-037,48-01-20-300-071.000-037,48-01-20-300-072.000-037 and 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902477 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 $323.19 Starr James B WOODSIDE 4X65' S SD L 006 203 N Main 48-01-20-300-068.000-037,48-01-20-300-069.000-037,48-01-20-300-071.000-037,48-01-20-300-072.000-037 and 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902478 48-01-20-300-071. 000-037 $5,362.65 Starr James B WOODSIDE L 007 203 N Main St 48-01-20-300-068.000-037, 48-01-20-300-069.000-037, 48-01-20-300-071.000-037,48-01-20-300-072.000-037 & 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481902479 48-01-20-300-072.000-037 $602.48 Starr James B WOODSIDE L 008 203 N Main 48-01-20-300-068.000-037,48-01-20-300-069.000-037,48-01-20-300-071.000-037,48-01-20-300-072.000-037 and 48-01-20-300-070.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902480 48-01-20-400-005.000-037 $5,231.02 Kinley William G OAK GROVE W2 14' N SD L 001 102 N 7th St 481902483 48-01-20-400-184.000-037 $692.08 Crist Shirley A THURSTONS L 013 corner of E John & S Railroad Ave 481902485 48-01-20-400-271.000-037 $2,563.93 Thurber Shelby PARK L 043 208 N 2 Nd St 481902486 48-01-20-400-369.000-037 $1,669.24 Featherstone Ronald & Betty A M WILLIAMS 1886 N PT L 011 409 NE Main 481902487 48-01-20-400-445.000-037 $5,737.10 Wallace Justin Ray A M WILLIAMS 1882 BLOCK 06 L 002 400 E N Main St 481902488 48-01-20-400-458.000-037 $1,542.95 Nelson Donald D & Mary Lj/T R/S A M WILLIAMS 1882 PT BLOCK 04 L 003 812 E Walnut St 481902489 48-01-29-100-031. 000-037 $1,014.98 Shipley Donald P FAIRVIEW L 227 400 Prospect St 481902492 48-01-29-100-059.000-037 $1,718.76 Day Bobby FAIRVIEW 15'S END L 254 south lot adjacent to 435 prospect 481902493 48-01-29-100-060.000-037 $2,003.39 Day Bobby FAIRVIEW L 255 437 S Prospect St 481902494 48-01-29-100-081.000-037 $1,096.67 Stone Allene FAIRVIEW L 276 320 E Summitville St 48-01-29-100-082.000-037 and 48-01-29-100-081.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902495 48-01-29-100-082.000-037 $342.62 Stone Allene FAIRVIEW L 277 Lot behind 320 Summitville St 48-01-29-100-082.000-037 and 48-01-29-100-081.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902496 48-01-29-100-086.000-037 $390.27 Miesner Helen F FAIRVIEW L 281 house sits on 2 lots 312 S Pearl St 481902497 48-01-29-200-080.000-037 $4,956.73 Hill James A & Melissa D Gordon FAIRVIEW VACATE W2 ALLEN ST L 067 301 W Indiana 481902498 48-01-29-200-083.000-037 $200.50 Inglis Thomas W Jr FAIRVIEW VAC E2 ALLEN STREET L 070 back lot of 297 W Indiana St 481902499 48-01-29-200-085.000-037 $262.30 Inglis Thomas W Jr FAIRVIEW VAC E2 ALLEN STREET L 072 297 W Indiana St 481902501 48-01-29-200-154.000-037 $280.32 Scoda Randi R & Adam G FAIRVIEW L 138 vacant lot on corner of S Howard & West Lake St 481902502 48-01-29-200-166.000-037 $469.81 Johnson Teresa L FAIRVIEW L 149 lot with garage 508 Main St 48-01-29-200-166.000-037 and 48-01-29-200-167.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902503 48-01-29-200-167.000-037 $302.92 Johnson Teresa L FAIRVIEW L 150 side lot south 508 Main St 48-01-29-200-166.000-037 and 48-01-29-200-167.000-037 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902504 48-01-29-200-203. 000-037 $395.42 Chapman Jasper & Frances Milliner FAIRVIEW L 183 vacant lot on corner of S Clinton & E Summitville st 481902512 48-01-29-200-231.000-037 $4,464.54 Meisner Roger & Andrea FAIRVIEW L 207 adjacent lot east of 401 S Clinton 481902514 48-01-29-200-248.000-037 $2,157.82 Reynolds Richard D & Michelle K ALLENS L 006 320 S Main St 481902515 48-01-29-200-250.000-037 $146.18 Barnett Charles T & Rita J ALLENS L 008 322 S Main 481902517 48-08-35-400-025.000-040 $6,726.93 Coy Christina SE COR SE SE .606AC 2025 N Madison Ave 481902519 48-15-15-400-001.000-044 $6,429.10 Kinnard Joseph E & Eva I E2 SE 15-18-6 00080.0000A south east corner of st rd 13 & w 650 s Total Properties: 2081 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpayment of taxes and special assessments for the time periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, current taxes and costs due thereon and the same are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with which they are charged on said list. Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of September, 2019. Rick Gardner, Auditor, Madison County Indiana. HB-618 9/2, 9, 16 hspaxlp


NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SALE Madison County Indiana Beginning 10:00 AM, 10/14/2019 County Courthouse - Commissioners Courtroom, Room 110 Local Time Madison County Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following described property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 09/27/2019 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Madison County Circuit Court III and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 09/27/2019. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment. Such sale will be held on 10/14/2019 at the County Courthouse - Commissioners Courtroom, Room 110 and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale. Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of: (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of: (1) forty-five dollars ($45) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(c) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney's fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 for certificates sold in the tax sale. For certificates struck to the county, the period of redemption may expire Tuesday, February 11, 2020. If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 10/14/2019 or during the duration of the sale. This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale. Minimum bid amounts are prescribed by law and are subject to change prior to the auction date. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-3(e), property descriptions may be omitted for properties appearing on the certified list in consecutive years. A complete property list may be obtained at www.sriservices.com or in an alternative form upon request. Dated: 09/02/2019 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for an Indiana county, you may register online at http://legacy.sri-taxsale.com/Tax/Indiana/Registration/. This registration is good for all counties that SRI services. You need to register only once for all counties. Make sure to bring the completed form with you to each sale. This will speed up the registration process for you the morning of the sale. If you do not have access to a computer with internet service you may register the morning of the sale. Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured you will receive your bid number before the start of the sale. Please bring your registration form and W9 form with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be able to print these forms from the registration web site. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-5.1 a business entity that seeks to register to bid at the Madison County Tax Sale must provide a certificate of good standing or proof of registration in accordance with IC 5-23 from the Secretary of State to the Madison County Treasurer. 481900001 48-13-02-100-003.000-001 $638.97 Hollingsworth Mark Allen NE NE 02-18-8 00001.2500A 4885 E 400 S 481900002 48-13-02-300-010.000-001 $435.86 Bousman James P & Elizabeth S S2 SW 02-18-8 00002.0000A 4212 E 500 S 481900003 48-13-06-200-008.000-001 $1,555.07 Metzing Danny P & Sandra L S2 NW 06-18-8 00002.2760A 4315 S New Columbus Rd 481900004 48-13-06-300-019.000-001 $3,816.79 Ellingwood Stephen & Shannon BABY FARMS 223' E END N2 L 004 4505 S New Columbus Rd 481900005 48-13-08-100-013.000-001 $3,622.39 Mc Cormack William Scott &Julie A NE NE TR 1 08-18-8 00000.7740A 1987 E 500 S 481900006 48-13-17-100-001.000-001 $959.18 Morrow James L Jr SW NE 17-18-8 00001.9300A 1538 E Gilmore Rd 481900007 48-13-17-200-021.000-001 $3,126.80 Saunders Mark D W2 NW 17-18-8 00001.0000A 6212 S 100 E 481900008 48-13-17-400-010.000-001 $1,321.37 ESM of Indiana Inc 17-18-8 Pt SE SE (0.269ac) 6997 S 200 E 481900010 48-13-18-200-009.000-001 $152.65 DeVries Adam M NE NW 18-18-8 00001.8800A Joined with parcel north of 6175 S 50 E 481900011 48-13-18-300-046.000-001 $365.45 Blake Developers EAST KNOLL SEC 2 L 41 00000.7887A Blake developers parcel west of 6978 s Co Rd 25 E join East of pond 481900014 48-13-22-200-006.000-001 $201.15 Young Wayne Scott & Heather J W2 NW 22-18-8 00000.1380A Property joining west of 7095 S Co Rd 400 E 481900016 48-13-28-200-009.000-001 $2,622.20 Higginbotham June N SE NW 28-18-8 00000.5000A 8343 S 250 E 481900019 48-13-33-100-005.000-001 $558.12 Indiana Right Of Way Co S2 NE 33-18-8 00000.5470A Indiana Right of Way Co 481900020 48-13-33-200-001.000-001 $3,657.24 Myers Christopher Adam & Christine Kay W2 NW 33-18-8 61.690ac 1st parcel East of 1967 E Co Rd 900 S 481900021 48-13-33-200-002.000-001 $2,427.82 Myers Christopher Adam & Christine Kay E2 NW 33-18-8 00037.2440A 2nd parcel East of 1967 E Co Rd 900 S 481900024 48-13-34-100-026.000-001 $817.05 Clendenin Randall K & Julia A E2 NE 34-18-8 00005.2970A 3867 E Sr 38 481900025 48-13-34-100-033.000-001 $2,436.91 Mahaffey John & Phillips Clinton M J/T R/S TOMAHAWK TRAILS TR 06 34-18-8 00002.1770A 3938 E 950 S 481900026 48-13-34-100-043.000-001 $339.63 McCorkle Larry & Terrie TOMAHAWK TRAILS TR 18 34-18-8 00001.7930A west of 3738 E CoRd 950 S 481900027 48-13-34-200-018.000-001 $428.46 Holbrook Mary E & Martin SW NW 34-18-8 00003.0000A 1st parcel North of 9324 S CoRo 311 E 481900028 48-13-34-300-004.000-001 $715.17 Indiana Right Of Way Co SW 34-18-6 00000.7500A Indiana Right of Way Co 481900029 48-18-04-100-004.000-001 $3,097.88 Rowland-Fisher Chris P MINI PLAT #130 L 001 10215 S 300 E 481900030 48-13-27-300-046.000-002 $538.75 Diane Estates Inc STREET ROW (Fort Ave) 27-18-8 00000.3450A parcel is Fort St 481900034 48-13-27-300-095.000-002 $1,379.18 Harlan John P W2 SW 27-18-8 4.37AC4.37AC 207 E Main St 481900035 48-13-28-300-073.000-002 $3,217.09 ANS Holdings Inc PT SW 28-18-8 0.759A 2042 S Sr 38 481900036 48-13-28-400-081.000-002 $466.05 Indiana Right Of Way Co LEWIS 1ST LOTS 20 & 21 Indiana Right of Way Co 481900037 48-13-28-400-129.000-002 $1,764.89 Griffin Bonnie & Griffin Austin JT/RS FAIRVIEW LTS 11-15 E PT LT 10 28 Home Ave 481900038 48-13-28-400-146.000-002 $304.16 Seal Cameron Lee PT E2 SE 28-18-8 00000.1870A 1st parcel West of 20 W Main ST 481900039 48-13-28-400-147.000-002 $463.69 Holmes James A & Marilyn &T SE SE 28-18-8 00000.0500A 1st parcel North of 110 S State St 481900043 48-13-33-100-094.000-002 $3,448.95 Stafford Michael R PT E2 NE 33-18-8 00000.3970A 412 S State Street 481900044 48-11-01-101-003.000-003 $684.86 Madison County Coon Hunters Assoc Inc PT NE PLAT 205 01-19-7 00004.0750A Madison County Coon Hunters 481900045 48-11-01-101-093.000-003 $1,417.75 Ebbert Deborah L NORTH ANDERSON 12' S SD L 040 Parcel between 1805 Crystal and 1803 Crystal 481900046 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 $858.98 Sokol Robert V NW NE 1-19-7 0.05A adj to West side L 168 MT HOPE ADDN (pt abandoned PCC & St L RR) 1st parcel West of 1773 Silver St 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900047 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 $631.17 Sokol Robert V NW NE 1-19-7 0.05A adj to West side L 168 MT HOPE ADDN (pt abandoned PCC & St L RR) 2nd parcel West of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900048 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 $330.35 Sokol Robert V MT HOPE NO ANDERSON PT L 168 3rd parcel west of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900049 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 $1,526.06 Sokol Robert V MT HOPE NO ANDERSON 50' N END L 168 1st parcel West of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900050 48-11-01-103-046.000-003 $188.10 Decker Martha & Melissa J/T R/S VINEYARD EXC 39' E SD PLAT 84 L 006 Parcel divides improvements of 218 West Vineyard St 481900051 48-11-01-103-070.000-003 $1,680.50 Jarvis Trenton A VINEYARD L 024 217 W Vineyard St 481900052 48-11-01-104-050.000-003 $2,301.14 Job Source Inc OAKDALE NO ANDERSON L 058 24 E Plum St 481900053 48-11-01-104-051.000-003 $1,302.50 Ice Randy D OAKDALE NO ANDERSON L 059 26 E Plum St 481900054 48-11-01-104-101.000-003 $5,244.95 Jones Christopher L & Theresa Lynn Ell J/T R/S OAKDALE NO ANDERSON E2 L 109 Parcel East of 208 E Oak St and West of 222 E Oak St 481900055 48-11-01-104-212.000-003 $1,224.00 Johnson Chad OAKDALE NO ANDERSON Pt Lots 127 & 128 (0.138ac) 131 E Oak St 481900056 48-11-01-202-016.000-003 $3,639.73 Foley Phillip B & Mary E NORTH ACRES EXC 70' N SD PL 01 L 008 1820 N Madison Ave 481900057 48-11-01-202-046.000-003 $190.75 Stanley Haley NORTH ACRES 5.35' S SD PL 01 L 022 Parcel strip of land between 1810 Whitter Ave and 1806 Whitter Ave 481900059 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 $521.12 Rhodes Kevin K & Julie K & Kelsi & Kevin K Jr Rhodes COUNTRY CLUB VIEW 45' E SD L 019 Parcel is half of 620 Country Club Ln 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900060 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 $4,085.52 Rhodes Kevin D & Julie K & Kelsi & Kevin K Jr Rhodes COUNTRY CLUB VIEW 30' W SD L 018 620 Country Club Ln 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900061 48-11-01-204-004.000-003 $1,715.06 Pepellea Arthur III & Allissa PT N2 S2 NW 01-19-7 PL 27 00000.2000A 401 W Vineyard St 481900063 48-11-01-301-002.000-003 $7,799.62 Dowling Travis PT NE SW 01-19-7 0.30A **SEE MISC NOTE re: LEGAL** Parcel East of RR Track North of 328 W North St / 318 W North St 481900064 48-11-01-301-010.000-003 $364.27 Cuatro Casas LLC CLIFFORD PLACE L 010 939 Indiana Ave 481900065 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 $2,970.73 Dowling Travis CLIFFORD PLACE EXC W2 L 020 Parcel is 2 parcels West from 328 W North St 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 and 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900067 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 $6,146.81 Dowling Travis CLIFFORD PLACE L 021 Parcel is 4 parcels West from 328 W North St 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 and 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900069 48-11-01-301-071.000-003 $1,840.50 Alec Cay LLC CLIFFORD PLACE L 004 909 Indiana Ave 481900070 48-11-01-304-031.000-003 $634.63 Smith Jacob Cody & Whitney Lyn Stafford J/T R/S CLIFFORD PLACE L 031 902 Hickory St 481900071 48-11-01-304-036.000-003 $4,372.72 Stover Jesse D & Ramon A MERIDIAN AVE NO ANDERSON50'X PL 13 L 131 00000.1800A 1st parcel West of 223 Court St 481900072 48-11-01-402-005.000-003 $4,282.28 Express Funding Corp PT NE NW SE PLAT 171 01-19-7 00000.3100A 1st Parcel East joining 1220 Indiana Ave 481900073 48-11-01-402-033.000-003 $4,703.13 Mc Clure Lawrence J MIX NO ANDERSON EXC I5' W SD L 002 1st Parcel west of 202 W North ST 481900074 48-11-01-402-036.000-003 $1,561.88 Baker Steve A J MIX NO ANDERSON L 005 130 North St 481900075 48-11-01-402-037.000-003 $925.73 Davis Randy D J MIX NO ANDERSON L 006 126 North St 481900076 48-11-01-402-086.000-003 $401.85 Bathauer Ken HILLSIDE HTS L 009 1st parcel North of 1136 Lawson 481900077 48-11-01-402-087.000-003 $2,016.60 Bathauer Ken D & Barbara J HILLSIDE HTS L 010 1136 Lawson Ct 481900078 48-11-01-403-002.000-003 $1,062.08 LRB Holdings Inc Tomlinson Jill (cto) PT W2 SE PLAT 28-4 01-19-7 00000.2900A 724 Indiana Ave 481900080 48-11-01-403-043.000-003 $696.98 CRS Contract Services LLC J D RODECAPS L 010 212 CLIFFORD ST 481900081 48-11-02-201-064.000-003 $1,187.16 Arnold Richard J & Patricia J GREENBRIAR PARK 1.5' N SD SEC 10 L 410 Small strip of land between 1812 Redfern and 1804 Redfern 481900082 48-11-02-202-048.000-003 $797.19 Ruff Bethea A GREENBRIAR PARK PT TRI SEC 6 L 225 Small Strip of land between 2307 S Fairlawn & 2303 S Fairlawn 481900083 48-11-02-203-066.000-003 $1,646.26 Fuhrmann John R GREENBRIAR PARK SEC 1 L 066 1407 RAINTREE DR 481900084 48-11-02-203-094.000-003 $1,281.10 2311 Aspen Court Land Trust Vetter Johanna Mae & Dakota Wayne (cto) GREENBRIAR PARK SEC 1 L 094 2311 Aspen Ct 481900086 48-11-03-200-002.000-003 $3,246.28 Goacher Jason S PT E2 NW PLAT 5-2 03-19-7 00009.6200A 2909 W Cross St 481900088 48-11-03-200-050.000-003 $315.47 Thompson Debra Kay Wray Eva Mae Zirkle John Robert J/T R/S CLOVERDALE CONT W2 E2 L 024 3227 Washington St 481900089 48-11-03-300-006.000-003 $2,148.87 Beck Alicia A E2 NW PLAT 5-14 03-19-7 00004.6520A 1230 Romine Rd 481900092 48-11-10-300-159.000-003 $1,823.15 Stephenson Lance WESTERN VILLAGE 8TH L 119 Lot East of 2107 W 8th ST 481900093 48-11-10-300-175.000-003 $2,916.89 Holliday Jess WESTERN VILLAGE 3RD L 011 806 Park Rd 481900094 48-11-10-400-016.000-003 $2,801.72 Morant John L & Alberta H RAIBLE HTS L 013 617 Raible Ave 481900096 48-11-10-400-212.000-003 $2,958.66 Neidert David B & Caitlin E Dishman J/T R/S WESTERN VILLAGE L 021 925 Shellbark Rd 481900098 48-11-11-103-003.000-003 $6,631.71 Alac Services Inc SE PLAT 4 11-19-7 00000.3200A West of 1529 Sycamore Street in the woods 481900099 48-11-11-103-004.000-003 $8,723.61 A L A C Inc I/C SE PLAT 4-4 11-19-7 00000.7870A 233 Sycamore St 481900100 48-11-11-103-032.000-003 $795.23 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 082 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900101 48-11-11-103-033.000-003 $1,060.20 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 082 201 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900102 48-11-11-103-034.000-003 $808.21 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 083 201 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900103 48-11-11-103-035.000-003 $1,651.86 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 083 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900104 48-11-11-103-036.000-003 $808.21 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 084 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900105 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 $1,061.64 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 084 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900106 48-11-11-103-067.000-003 $2,060.40 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN PT L 163 Joined north of 1512 W 3rd St 481900107 48-11-11-103-068.000-003 $1,771.19 Wilder George & Melanie EVALYN Pt Lots 163 & 164 (0.069ac) 1512 W 3rd St 481900108 48-11-11-103-069.000-003 $2,625.50 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN PT L 164 parcel joining West of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900109 48-11-11-103-071.000-003 $2,763.72 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN L 165 2nd parcel west of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900110 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 $2,623.95 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN L 166 3rd parcel west of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900111 48-11-11-103-073.000-003 $2,193.19 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A L 167 South West corner of Sycamore and 2nd St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900112 48-11-11-103-074.000-003 $2,072.23 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A L 168 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900113 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 $5,425.86 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A V/S L 169 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900115 48-11-11-104-011.000-003 $427.00 Atkisson Nathan V & Dorotheo Reagan PT NE 11-19-7 PL 10 00000.1100A 0 Hazlett St 481900116 48-11-11-104-019.000-003 $647.82 Doctor Trust SE NE PLAT 15-1 11-19-7 00000.1400A West of Madison Ave and 17th St, South of Railroad 481900117 48-11-11-104-044.000-003 $9,153.80 Robinette Linda EVALYN L 011 1124 W 1st St 481900118 48-11-11-104-053.000-003 $5,176.50 Haines Donald L & Betty L EVALYN L 020 1217 W 1st St 481900119 48-11-11-104-069.000-003 $1,272.20 Rivas-Escoto Margarita EVALYN L 035 1009 W 1st St 481900120 48-11-11-104-070.000-003 $22,144.35 Pierce Bobby Joe EVALYN EXC 36.5' S END L 036 South West corner of 1st and Madison Ave 481900121 48-11-11-104-092.000-003 $188.28 Deering David L EVALYN 3' E SD L 057 Small Strip between 1302 W 2nd and 1304 W 2nd 481900122 48-11-11-104-143.000-003 $2,166.52 Davey Chuck & Kate EVALYN L 139 1208 W 3rd St 481900123 48-11-11-104-150.000-003 $2,834.57 Lewis Edna EVALYN L 146 1308 W 3rd St 481900124 48-11-11-201-026.000-003 $2,002.92 Gilley Michael R & Rebecca C GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 099 1912 Northshore Ext 481900126 48-11-11-202-105.000-003 $1,078.32 Sokol Robert Brandon & Stephen Brady Sokol GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 172 2111 Highland Ave 481900127 48-11-11-202-108.000-003 $764.72 Sokol Rob GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 175 2205 Highland Ave 481900128 48-11-11-202-136.000-003 $4,698.94 Bozelli David M & Brian N T-C GRANDVIEW TERRACE W2 SEC B L 203 Small Strp between 2221 Van Buskirk and 2227 Van Buskirk 481900129 48-11-11-202-138.000-003 $937.93 Ehle James W & Toni L GRANDVIEW TERRACE EXC 37.5'W SEC B L 204 Small Strp between 2221 Van Buskirk and 2227 Van Buskirk 481900130 48-11-11-301-011.000-003 $408.47 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 063 3rd lot East from 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900131 48-11-11-301-012.000-003 $363.32 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 064 2nd lot Eastfrom 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900132 48-11-11-301-013.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 065 1 lot East from1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900133 48-11-11-301-015.000-003 $918.94 Hazel Tyler J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 014 1712 W 7th St 481900134 48-11-11-301-020.000-003 $1,133.85 Victorias Properties LLC J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 019 1819 W 6th St 481900135 48-11-11-301-025.000-003 $2,223.33 Collins Jazzelyn J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 024 1721 W 6th St 481900136 48-11-11-301-026.000-003 $653.56 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 025 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900137 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 026 1 Lot West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900138 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 028 2 Lots West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900139 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 029 3 Lots West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900140 48-11-11-301-031.000-003 $573.70 Pacheco Shawna J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 030 520 Louise St 481900141 48-11-11-303-011.000-003 $781.08 Home Opportunity LLC Donald J Odom & Jennifer L Lindsey (cto) PT W2 SW 11-19-7 PL 18 00000.7170A 2112 W 8th St 481900142 48-11-11-303-024.000-003 $2,330.75 Silvey Alice PT SW SW PLAT 6-1 11-19-7 00000.0450A 1st lot Joined North of 2238 W 9th St 481900144 48-11-11-303-071.000-003 $1,699.41 DYG Anderson Properties LLC PT SW SW 11-19-7 PL 11 00000.1400A 2109 W 9th St 481900145 48-11-11-303-084.000-003 $272.21 Chesnut Michael & Margaret CATHEDRAL L 008 Half part of house at 2422 W 9th St 481900146 48-11-11-303-115.000-003 $1,446.70 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES L 049 East parcel joining 2211 W 8th St 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900147 48-11-11-303-116.000-003 $794.78 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES N END L 042 South of and joining parcel 48-11-11-303-116.000-003 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900148 48-11-11-303-117.000-003 $1,356.33 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES L 050 2nd lot East of 2211 W 8th St 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900149 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 $1,043.58 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES N END L 041 South of and joining parcel 48-11-11-303-117.000-003 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900150 48-11-11-303-137.000-003 $785.75 Kuhn Thomas L E ELLIOTTS 1ST 5' E SD L 008 Small strip between 2329 W 9th and 2330 W 9th 481900151 48-11-11-303-143.000-003 $1,942.64 DYG Anderson Properties LLC E ELLIOTTS 1ST L 013 2336 W 9th St 481900153 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 $256.90 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 046 East of 1003 West 10th St 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900154 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 $2,438.49 McCain Bradley Lamont S J JONES 1ST L 048 Southwest corner of West 10th St and Arrow Ave North of 909 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900155 48-11-11-304-042.000-003 $3,618.90 Jackson Harson & Cynthia D S J JONES 1ST 48' S END L 048 915 Arrow Ave 481900156 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 $32,718.00 McCain Bradley Lamont S J JONES 1ST L 053 903 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900157 48-11-11-304-054.000-003 $256.90 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 055 Has part of 1003 Arrow improvements 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900158 48-11-11-304-055.000-003 $679.59 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 056 1003 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900159 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 $1,261.52 Fields Sarah Jane A T DAVIS 1ST L 015 1721 W 9th St 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900160 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 $622.40 Fields Sarah Jane A T DAVIS 1ST E2 L 016 1st Parcel west of 1721 W but has part of house improvement 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900161 48-11-11-304-083.001-003 $202.19 Mitchem Vera Amos T Davis 1st Addn 4'E sd Lt 20 1st Lot East of 1730 W 9th st 481900162 48-11-11-304-084.000-003 $959.96 Weatherford Lucinda J A T DAVIS 1ST L 021 2nd Lot East of 1730 W 9th st 481900163 48-11-11-304-086.000-003 $2,539.39 Bagienski Samuel G A T DAVIS 1ST L 023 1st Lot East of 1724 W 9th st 481900164 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 $390.60 Irwin Keith A T DAVIS 1ST EXC 20X20' SE L 026 1st lot West of 1715 Mulvane 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900165 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 $499.24 Irwin Keith A T DAVIS 1ST L 027 2nd lot West of 1715 Mulvane 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900166 48-11-11-304-093.000-003 $959.94 Weatherford Lucinda J A T DAVIS 1ST L 028 3rd lot West of 1715 Mulvane 481900167 48-11-11-304-108.000-003 $427.74 Belkacem Lyes A M WILLIAMS L 006 1st lot West of 1814 W 10th St 481900168 48-11-11-304-110.000-003 $427.74 Belkacem Lyes A M WILLIAMS L 008 Lot has partial house improvement of 1814 W 10th St 481900169 48-11-11-304-114.000-003 $1,613.14 Ashby David E & Rita J A M WILLIAMS L 012 1805 W 9th St 481900171 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 $2,597.81 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 026 902 Irving Way 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900173 48-11-11-304-167.000-003 $2,190.53 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS 8' V/S L 032 1903 W 9th St 481900174 48-11-11-304-172.000-003 $385.50 Woessner David CRAYCRAFTS L 037 Lot has partial house improvement of 1826 W 9th St 481900175 48-11-11-304-174.000-003 $406.72 Woessner David CRAYCRAFTS L 039 1st Lot joining West of 1826 W 9th St 481900176 48-11-11-304-193.000-003 $10,275.54 RE Asset Servicing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 058 1st Lot East of 1931 Mulvane Ave 481900177 48-11-11-304-195.000-003 $1,429.77 RE Asset Servicing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 060 3rd lot East of 1931 Mulvane Ave 481900178 48-11-11-304-200.000-003 $392.66 Brady Investing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 065 1st lot East of 2001 W 8th St 481900179 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 $307.68 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS PT L 025 1st Lot West of 902 Irving 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900180 48-11-11-401-021.000-003 $1,538.99 Klingler Paige & Jimmy Klingler & Bartlett Dustin J/T R/S EVALYN L 208 1021 W 3rd St 481900181 48-11-11-401-024.000-003 $2,351.82 M & N Jones Family Limited Partnership Marsee Kimberly (cto) EVALYN L 211 1009 W 3rd St 481900182 48-11-11-401-025.000-003 $1,368.75 Santiago-Lopez Paulino & Floridelma Lopez-Santiago EVALYN L 212 1007 W 3rd St 481900183 48-11-11-401-027.000-003 $391.22 Griffin Will EVALYN S2 S2 L 214 337 Madison Ave 481900186 48-11-11-401-036.000-003 $6,749.26 Everhart Jacob EVALYN L 217 1016 W 4th St 481900187 48-11-11-401-049.000-003 $453.48 Gann Melinda D & Teresa L Etchison J/T R/S EVALYN EXC 43' W SD L 227 Small strip of lot between 1208 W 4th and 333 Locust 481900188 48-11-11-401-103.000-003 $24,375.86 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay EVALYN L 350 Lot West of 1225 W 5th St 481900189 48-11-11-401-124.000-003 $458.54 Tax Sale Investments of Madison County LLC W P HARTERS 1ST L 047 1st Lot East of 1217 W 6th St 481900190 48-11-11-401-132.000-003 $1,892.76 Rothasy Eshamlech LLC W P HARTERS 1ST L 055 1103 W 6th St 481900191 48-11-11-401-169.000-003 $2,882.12 L R B Holdings W P HARTERS 1ST L 091 1103 W 5th St 481900192 48-11-11-401-170.000-003 $19,452.00 Higgins Scott & Stacie W P HARTERS 1ST L 092 1st Lot West of 1019 W 5th St 481900193 48-11-11-401-193.000-003 $2,670.54 Short Denny F & Rena M W P HARTERS 1ST L 115 8 Lots North of 430 E 23rd St 481900195 48-11-11-402-024.000-003 $688.92 Keller Norman & Merrill Michael J/T R/S BERNARDS L 052 1617 W 6th St 481900196 48-11-11-402-039.000-003 $14,622.16 Deutsche Bank EVALYN L 173 1527 W 3rd St 481900197 48-11-11-402-043.000-003 $2,404.64 Goodman Donald E & Carole A EVALYN L 177 First lot West of 1509 W 3rd St 481900198 48-11-11-402-077.000-003 $1,878.69 Rector Randy EVALYN L 264 1517 W 4th St 481900199 48-11-11-402-080.000-003 $18,117.86 Watson Howard L EVALYN L 267 1505 W 4th St 481900200 48-11-11-402-084.000-003 $627.20 Holland Claude A EVALYN L 271 1st Lot West of 1417 W 4th St 481900201 48-11-11-402-123.000-003 $498.67 Lauziere Steven M Sr EVALYN EXC 62' N END L 343 507 Henry St 481900202 48-11-11-402-138.000-003 $28,530.85 De Witt Herbert W EVALYN L 371 1st Lot East of 1532 W 6th St 481900203 48-11-11-402-156.000-003 $355.00 Hillenburg Richard EVALYN 47' S END EXC 5' W L 411 **see Misc Note 1st Lot East of 1618 W 7th ST 481900204 48-11-11-403-091.000-003 $1,905.75 Hopkins John HILLSIDE E2 L 018 1st Lot East of 1420 W 10th St 481900205 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 $1,473.44 Reagan Elmer HILLSIDE N2 L 029 1613 W 9th St 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 & 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900206 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 $257.73 Reagan Elmer HILLSIDE N2 PT L 030 Half of 1631 W 9th St improvement 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 and 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900207 48-11-11-403-113.000-003 $2,440.24 Tchentsovson Vladimir HILLSIDE S2 L 032 829 Sycamore St 481900208 48-11-11-403-117.000-003 $11,330.77 Leedy Brian Victor HILLSIDE E2 L 033 1st Lot East of 1530 W 9th St 481900212 48-11-11-403-139.000-003 $11,631.00 Earhart Charlie M HILLSIDE 40' W SD EXC 32' E L 046 1515 W 8th St cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 10 481902162 48...

Tax Sale Page 10 481902162 48-04-15-202-098.000-027 $493.20 Kane Patrick NW 15-21-6 00000.0740A lot west of 1634 S B st 481902163 48-04-15-203-009.000-027 $1,997.70 DSV SPV2 LLC SIGLERS 3RD 22' E SD L 043 1804 S G St 48-04-15-203-010.000-027 and 48-04-15-203-009.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902164 48-04-15-203-010.000-027 $379.25 DSV SPV2 LLC SIGLERS 3RD 22' W SD L 044 house sits on 2 lots 1804 S G st 48-04-15-203-010.000-027 and 48-04-15-203-009.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902165 48-04-15-203-045.000-027 $963.30 DeWitt Bobby G & Ellis Barbara D J/T R/S SIGLERS 1ST 22' E SD L 014 1719 S F St 481902166 48-04-15-203-047.000-027 $2,105.90 Williams Ruth Joy SIGLERS 1ST 44' W SD L 014 1713 S F St 481902169 48-04-15-204-022.000-027 $3,394.30 Dudley Lillian L SIGLERS 3RD L 061 2001 S F St 481902172 48-04-15-301-033.000-027 $694.75 Lovell Tracy LYNWOOD L 030 2012 S I St 48-04-15-301-034.000-027 and 48-04-15-301-033.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902173 48-04-15-301-034.000-027 $1,820.20 Lovell Tracy LYNWOOD L 031 2012 S I St 48-04-15-301-034.000-027 and 48-04-15-301-033.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902174 48-04-15-301-035.000-027 $1,105.80 Flora-Kirk Stephanie & Lacey Flora-Kirk J/T R/S LYNWOOD L 032 2016 S I St 48-04-15-301-036.000-027 and 48-04-15-301-035.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902175 48-04-15-301-036.000-027 $459.43 Flora-Kirk Stephanie & Lacey Flora-Kirk J/T R/S LYNWOOD L 033 2016 S I St 48-04-15-301-036.000-027 and 48-04-15-301-035.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902176 48-04-15-301-050.000-027 $189.55 Twiford William M & Nancy L LYNWOOD L 047 2111 S I St 481902177 48-04-15-301-063.000-027 $1,423.65 Clos Mark A LYNWOOD L 060 1925 S I St 481902179 48-04-15-301-111.000-027 $487.25 Caswell Joyce B LYNWOOD L 156 side lot east of 1901 S J st 481902181 48-04-15-301-121.000-027 $562.90 Davis Matthew Harold Thomas & Richards Evette Nicole LYNWOOD L 212 2000 S K St 481902182 48-04-15-302-048.000-027 $11,257.10 Wycoff Kevin J & Angela L Everson Rick E Everson Ashley T-C LYNWOOD L 159 1821 S J St 481902184 48-04-15-302-080.000-027 $2,469.08 Fisher Amy C LYNWOOD L 189 1115 S 16th St 481902185 48-04-15-302-110.000-027 $2,064.60 Mark Donald E LYNWOOD L 265 1535 S K St 481902186 48-04-15-302-163.000-027 $2,983.90 Willhoite Marietta & Tena M Beckley J/T R/S HARTING & HARTING L 034 1800 S I St 481902187 48-04-15-302-173.000-027 $629.95 McClain Paul E HARTING & HARTING E SD L 043 house sits on 2 lots 1820 S I St 481902188 48-04-15-303-030.000-027 $1,366.86 Biddle Paul & Lisa OAKLAND L 024 1525 S N St 481902189 48-04-15-303-048.000-027 $1,180.75 Montgomery Thomas OAKLAND L 039 1620 S N St 481902190 48-04-15-303-080.000-027 $2,903.90 Price Robert D OAKLAND L 065 1800 S N St 481902191 48-04-15-303-081.000-027 $622.25 Price Robert D OAKLAND L 066 1800 S N St 481902192 48-04-15-304-138.000-027 $381.16 Gosnell Lucinda K CASSINGHAMS L 024 house sits on 2 lots 2025 S L St 481902193 48-04-15-304-139.000-027 $1,972.35 Bartl Donna & L/E to Judith L Hoover CASSINGHAMS L 026 2013 S L St 48-04-15-304-140.000-027 and 48-04-15-304-139.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902194 48-04-15-304-140.000-027 $197.90 Bartl Donna & L/E to Judith L Hoover CASSINGHAMS 7 1/2' W SD L 025 side lot east of2013 S L st 48-04-15-304-140.000-027 and 48-04-15-304-139.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902195 48-04-15-304-165.000-027 $483.95 Davis James M & Angela K CASSINGHAMS L 051 house sits on 2 lots 2006 S M 481902196 48-04-15-304-167.000-027 $10,087.26 Nickel Henry C & Elizabeth CASSINGHAMS L 053 lot east of 2006 S M St 481902197 48-04-15-401-002.000-027 $3,091.84 Robinette Charles TIN PLATE BLOCK 157 L 001 sw corner of 2721 S H St 48-04-15-401-002.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-004.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902198 48-04-15-401-004.000-027 $2,849.44 Robinette Charles TIN PLATE E2 BLOCK 157 L 002 sw corner of 2721 S H St 48-04-15-401-002.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-004.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902199 48-04-15-401-017.000-027 $4,482.75 Robinette Charles TIN PLATE BLOCK 157 L 015 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-017.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-018.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902200 48-04-15-401-018.000-027 $4,471.25 Robinette Charles TIN PLATE BLOCK 157 L 016 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-017.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-018.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902201 48-04-15-401-020.000-027 $14,857.27 Daulton Andy L & Tracy L T-C TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 002 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-020.000-027,48-04-15-401-021.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-022.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902202 48-04-15-401-021.000-027 $15,718.08 Daulton Andy L & Tracy L T-C TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 003 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-020.000-027,48-04-15-401-021.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-022.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902203 48-04-15-401-022.000-027 $14,630.34 Daulton Andy L & Tracy L T-C TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 004 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-020.000-027,48-04-15-401-021.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-022.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902204 48-04-15-401-023.000-027 $11,707.06 Collins James F TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 005 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-023.000-027,48-04-15-401-024.000-027,48-04-15-401-025.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-026.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902205 48-04-15-401-024.000-027 $12,116.11 Collins James F TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 006 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-023.000-027,48-04-15-401-024.000-027,48-04-15-401-025.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-026.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902206 48-04-15-401-025.000-027 $11,707.06 Collins James F TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 007 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-023.000-027,48-04-15-401-024.000-027,48-04-15-401-025.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-026.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902207 48-04-15-401-026.000-027 $11,707.06 Collins James F TIN PLATE BLOCK 156 L 008 wooded lot south of 2706 S I Street 48-04-15-401-023.000-027,48-04-15-401-024.000-027,48-04-15-401-025.000-027 and 48-04-15-401-026.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902208 48-04-15-402-018.000-027 $557.70 Diaz Flor M TIN PLATE BLOCK 122 L 023 2312 S J St 48-04-15-402-018.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-019.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902209 48-04-15-402-019.000-027 $1,415.95 Diaz Flor M TIN PLATE BLOCK 122 L 024 2312 S J St 48-04-15-402-018.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-019.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902210 48-04-15-402-020.000-027 $1,729.50 Amos Ralph & Beatrice M TIN PLATE BLOCK 122 L 025 2316 S J St 481902211 48-04-15-402-056.000-027 $1,843.42 HGM Holdings LLC TIN PLATE BLOCK 133 L 001 2427 S H St 48-04-15-402-057.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-056.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902212 48-04-15-402-057.000-027 $583.55 HGM Holdings LLC TIN PLATE BLOCK 133 L 002 back yard for 2427 S H 48-04-15-402-057.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-056.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902213 48-04-15-402-059.000-027 $772.85 Morgan Michelle TIN PLATE BLOCK 133 L 004 lot beside 2423 S H St 481902214 48-04-15-402-075.000-027 $1,328.49 Bryan Clifford A & Anna M TIN PLATE 2' W SD BLOCK 134 L 004 house sits on 2 lots 481902215 48-04-15-402-081.000-027 $1,889.50 Terry Amy TIN PLATE BLOCK 134 L 009 2400 S J St 481902216 48-04-15-402-113.000-027 $803.40 Green Michael K & Tamla J TIN PLATE BLOCK 121 L 007 2225 S J St 48-04-15-402-113.000-027,48-04-15-402-114.000-027,48-04-15-402-116.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-115.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902217 48-04-15-402-114.000-027 $516.50 Green Michael K & Tamla J TIN PLATE BLOCK 121 L 008 side lot 2225 S J St 48-04-15-402-113.000-027,48-04-15-402-114.000-027,48-04-15-402-116.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-115.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902218 48-04-15-402-115.000-027 $320.75 Green Michael K & Tamla J TIN PLATE BLOCK 121 L 009 side lot 2225 S J St 48-04-15-402-113.000-027,48-04-15-402-114.000-027,48-04-15-402-116.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-115.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902219 48-04-15-402-116.000-027 $280.25 Green Michael K & Tamla J TIN PLATE BLOCK 121 L 010 side lot 2225 S J St 48-04-15-402-113.000-027,48-04-15-402-114.000-027,48-04-15-402-116.000-027 and 48-04-15-402-115.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902220 48-04-15-402-129.000-027 $464.75 Glotzbach John P & Thomas B J/T R/S TIN PLATE EXC 30' W SD BLOCK 121 L 021 **see MISC NOTE re: legal** small part of yard 2228 S K St 481902221 48-04-15-403-008.000-027 $1,386.77 Secondary Structures LLC KIDWELLS L 006 lot south of 1409 S 25th 481902223 48-04-15-403-010.000-027 $546.95 Zornes Michael KIDWELLS L 008 lot north of 1409 S 25th 48-04-15-403-009.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-010.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902224 48-04-15-403-014.000-027 $10,117.41 Foor Verl & Ida KIDWELLS L 012 vacant lot south of 1207 S 25th 481902225 48-04-15-403-015.000-027 $22,772.40 Galbreath Judith KIDWELLS L 013 vacant lot south of 1207 S 25th 481902226 48-04-15-403-084.000-027 $602.00 Holtquist Richard Kenneth KIDWELLS L 081 front lot 1404 S 23rd 481902227 48-04-15-403-086.000-027 $602.00 Holtquist Richard Kenneth KIDWELLS L 083 1404 S 23rd 481902228 48-04-15-403-087.000-027 $514.25 Holtquist Richard Kenneth KIDWELLS L 084 lot south of 1404 S 23rd 481902229 48-04-15-403-108.000-027 $1,522.40 Miracle Jeremy M KIDWELLS 2ND L 140 1417 S 24 Th St 481902230 48-04-15-403-120.000-027 $473.75 Giselbach Ashley Raquel KIDWELLS 2ND L 169 lot next to garage 1412 S 26th 48-04-15-403-120.000-027,48-04-15-403-121.000-027,48-04-15-403-122.000-027,48-04-15-403-123.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902231 48-04-15-403-121.000-027 $473.75 Giselbach Ashley Raquel KIDWELLS 2ND L 170 lot next to garage 1412 S 26th 48-04-15-403-120.000-027,48-04-15-403-121.000-027,48-04-15-403-122.000-027,48-04-15-403-123.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902232 48-04-15-403-122.000-027 $473.75 Giselbach Ashley Raquel KIDWELLS 2ND L 171 lot with garage 1412 S 26th 48-04-15-403-120.000-027,48-04-15-403-121.000-027,48-04-15-403-122.000-027,48-04-15-403-123.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902233 48-04-15-403-123.000-027 $581.75 Giselbach Ashley Raquel KIDWELLS 2ND L 172 0 S 26th St 48-04-15-403-120.000-027,48-04-15-403-121.000-027,48-04-15-403-122.000-027,48-04-15-403-123.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902234 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 $1,659.30 Giselbach Ashley Raquel KIDWELLS 2ND L 173 1412 S 26 Th St 48-04-15-403-120.000-027,48-04-15-403-121.000-027,48-04-15-403-122.000-027,48-04-15-403-123.000-027 and 48-04-15-403-124.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902235 48-04-15-404-020.000-027 $926.22 Elkins Perry E TIN PLATE BLOCK 154 L 015 2714 S L St 48-04-15-404-021.000-027 and 48-04-15-404-020.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902236 48-04-15-404-021.000-027 $446.75 Elkins Perry E TIN PLATE BLOCK 154 L 016 0 S L St 48-04-15-404-021.000-027 and 48-04-15-404-020.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902237 48-04-16-101-021.000-027 $5,075.96 Arehart Isabella Louise & Joseph A J/T R/S HILLSDALE L 021 sw corner lot next to creek 1235 South B 48-04-16-101-031.000-027 and 48-04-16-101-021.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902238 48-04-16-101-031.000-027 $3,993.37 Arehart Isabella Louise & Joseph A J/T R/S HILLSDALE L 033 sw corner lot next to creek 1235 South B 48-04-16-101-031.000-027 and 48-04-16-101-021.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902239 48-04-16-101-050.000-027 $1,422.50 Stephens Donald D & Anna L BARTONS 4TH BLOCK 002 L 004 1120 S A St 481902240 48-04-16-101-078.000-027 $12,420.60 Kelich Donita E & Justin E Finton OP & L 015 22' FR BLOCK 003 L 014 114 S Anderson St 481902241 48-04-16-101-079.000-027 $11,041.20 Kelich Donita E & Justin E Finton OP & L 015 21.5' FR BLOCK 003 L 014 112 S Anderson St 481902242 48-04-16-101-111.000-027 $2,436.55 Warner F A BARTONS 1ST L 013 1320 S C St 481902243 48-04-16-101-138.000-027 $1,677.30 Coons Realty Inc BARTONS 1ST S PT E2 L 024 1326 S D St 481902244 48-04-16-101-142.000-027 $1,706.70 Noble Indiana Investments LLC BARTONS 1ST 32' W SD E2 N PT 16-21-06 L 024 1327 S C St 481902246 48-04-16-102-013.000-027 $2,660.40 Lombas Durvin J Jr & Janet L Roberts J/T R/S STARKEYS 2ND L 005 825 W Main St 481902247 48-04-16-102-060.000-027 $1,168.77 Schilling Melissa & Timothy STARKEYS 2ND L 050 1000 S B St 481902249 48-04-16-102-088.000-027 $16,440.45 French Michael &Carol Cloud STARKEYS 2ND L 075 lot south of 901 South B next to rr tracks 48-04-16-102-088.000-027,48-04-16-102-089.000-027,48-04-16-102-090.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-091.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902250 48-04-16-102-089.000-027 $11,454.60 French Michael &Carol Cloud STARKEYS 2ND L 076 lot south of 901 South B next to rr tracks 48-04-16-102-088.000-027,48-04-16-102-089.000-027,48-04-16-102-090.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-091.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902251 48-04-16-102-090.000-027 $11,139.82 French Michael &Carol Cloud STARKEYS 2ND L 077 lot south of 901 South B next to rr tracks 48-04-16-102-088.000-027,48-04-16-102-089.000-027,48-04-16-102-090.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-091.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902252 48-04-16-102-091.000-027 $11,139.82 French Michael &Carol Cloud STARKEYS 2ND L 078 lot south of 901 South B next to rr tracks 48-04-16-102-088.000-027,48-04-16-102-089.000-027,48-04-16-102-090.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-091.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902253 48-04-16-102-097.000-027 $2,714.40 Hollowell Teresa LAKE ERIE V/A L 001 915 S B St 48-04-16-102-098.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-097.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902254 48-04-16-102-098.000-027 $460.25 Hollowell Teresa LAKE ERIE L 002 lot next to 915 South B 48-04-16-102-098.000-027 and 48-04-16-102-097.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902255 48-04-16-102-109.000-027 $6,799.75 Robinette Charles LAKE ERIE L 013 wooded lot across street from 314 south 10th 481902256 48-04-16-102-110.000-027 $1,530.00 Martin Randy LAKE ERIE L 014 312 S 10th St 481902257 48-04-16-102-113.000-027 $303.00 Hollowell Teresa LAKE ERIE EXC 10'X10' SW COR L 016 Lot behind 915 South B across the alley by rr tracks 481902260 48-04-16-103-052.000-027 $280.40 Cumings Tony L ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 022 lot south of 806 South D 481902261 48-04-16-104-008.000-027 $1,173.30 1341 South D Street Land Trust Morrison Caleb Ryan & Tara Shinae (cto GIMASON BROYLES 1ST L 005 1341 S D St 481902262 48-04-16-104-024.000-027 $3,180.00 Dimas Adela BROYLES 1ST L 020 1408 S E St 481902263 48-04-16-104-053.000-027 $3,612.75 HDMG Investments LLC BROYLES 2ND L 045 1420 S G St 481902267 48-04-16-201-045.000-027 $3,339.55 Getz Eldon Ray ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 016 lot north of 806 South D 481902268 48-04-16-201-046.000-027 $9,130.08 May Myron ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 017 lot north of 806 South D 48-04-16-201-046.000-027 and 48-04-16-201-047.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902269 48-04-16-201-047.000-027 $9,232.33 May Myron ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 018 lot north of 806 South D 48-04-16-201-046.000-027 and 48-04-16-201-047.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902270 48-04-16-201-048.000-027 $236.15 CumingsTony L ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 019 lot north of 806 South D 481902271 48-04-16-201-049.000-027 $2,169.37 Cumings Tony L ELWOOD BLOCK 082 L 020 house sits on 2 parcels 481902272 48-04-16-201-066.000-027 $1,621.55 B & R Rentals ELWOOD ADDN VAC ALLEY BLOCK 69 small parcel W of 529 South A 481902278 48-04-16-201-103.000-027 $2,675.10 Morrow Randy & Samantha ELWOOD BLOCK 066 L 001 601 S A St 481902279 48-04-16-201-114.000-027 $756.33 Glotzbach John P & Thomas B J/T R/S ELWOOD 15' E SD BLOCK 066 L 012 improvement sits on 2 parcels 604 South B 481902280 48-04-16-201-141.000-027 $1,939.24 Stout Jeffry W & Donna M ELWOOD BLOCK 064 L 011 720 S B St 48-04-16-201-141.000-027 and 48-04-16-201-142.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902281 48-04-16-201-142.000-027 $2,913.40 Stout Jeffry W & Donna M ELWOOD BLOCK 064 L 012 0 S B St 48-04-16-201-141.000-027 and 48-04-16-201-142.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902282 48-04-16-201-154.000-027 $1,520.50 B & R Rentals Llc ELWOOD SW COR BLOCK 065 L 006 improvement sits on 2 parcels 601 South B 481902283 48-04-16-201-155.000-027 $32,683.77 Thomas Christopher J ELWOOD 20' W SD BLOCK 65 L 7 parcel east of 601 South B St 481902284 48-04-16-202-017.000-027 $2,723.92 Bentley Thomas S & Julia E ELWOOD BLOCK 083 Lots 17 & 18 (0.344ac) house sits on 2 parcels 481902285 48-04-16-202-019.000-027 $2,489.56 Fowler Charles C Diana Jo & Charles E J/T-R/S ELWOOD BLOCK 083 L 019 parcel east of 301 S D St 48-04-16-202-019.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-020.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902286 48-04-16-202-020.000-027 $2,529.43 Fowler Charles C Diana Jo & Charles E J/T-R/S ELWOOD BLOCK 083 L 020 parcel east of 301 S D St 48-04-16-202-019.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-020.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902287 48-04-16-202-044.000-027 $7,892.20 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 001 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 481902288 48-04-16-202-045.000-027 $7,735.55 Getz Eldon Ray ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 002 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 481902289 48-04-16-202-046.000-027 $5,597.56 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 003 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 481902290 48-04-16-202-054.000-027 $2,455.03 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 011 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 48-04-16-202-054.000-027,48-04-16-202-055.000-027,48-04-16-202-056.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-057.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902291 48-04-16-202-055.000-027 $2,592.68 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 012 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 48-04-16-202-054.000-027,48-04-16-202-055.000-027,48-04-16-202-056.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-057.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902292 48-04-16-202-056.000-027 $2,455.03 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 013 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 48-04-16-202-054.000-027,48-04-16-202-055.000-027,48-04-16-202-056.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-057.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902293 48-04-16-202-057.000-027 $2,865.28 Martin Edward & Beth A ELWOOD BLOCK 079 L 014 located behind 222 South D St next to rr tracks 48-04-16-202-054.000-027,48-04-16-202-055.000-027,48-04-16-202-056.000-027 and 48-04-16-202-057.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902294 48-04-16-401-043.000-027 $1,732.65 Fanning Ryan & Cindy Bryant J/T R/S BROYLES 3RD L 015 1400 S I St 481902295 48-04-16-401-096.000-027 $1,539.39 Green Raymond L & Lois A SO PARK L 016 1311 S J St 481902296 48-04-16-401-112.000-027 $4,152.40 Laster Robert C SO PARK L 032 1300 S J St 481902297 48-04-16-401-113.000-027 $4,587.20 Laster Robert C SO PARK L 033 1302 S J St 481902298 48-04-16-401-117.000-027 $816.55 Gill Paul N & Peggy J SO PARK L 037 parcel west of 1322 South J St 481902300 48-04-16-401-159.000-027 $1,296.80 Kothe Realty Enterprises LLC SOUTH SIDE L 034 1305 S K St 481902301 48-04-16-401-165.000-027 $937.24 Burnette John C & Helen J Luse Thomas W (Cto) SOUTH SIDE L 040 1401 S K St 481902302 48-04-16-404-065.000-027 $3,906.60 Garver Bart ELWOOD HTS L 014 1434 S 13 Th St 481902303 48-04-16-404-072.000-027 $334.77 Christy Mark A ELWOOD HTS L 028 1525 Glenview Dr 481902305 48-05-31-301-013.000-028 $810.61 Humes Carson E Sr & Lucinda J QUICKS EXC W PT L 002 304 Washington St 48-05-31-301-013.000-028 and 48-05-31-301-014.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902306 48-05-31-301-014.000-028 $529.75 Humes Carson E Sr & Lucinda J QUICKS 38 1/2' N SD L 003 parcel south of 304 N Washington 48-05-31-301-013.000-028 and 48-05-31-301-014.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902307 48-05-31-301-015.001-028 $2,868.92 Cazares Francisco H Quicks E 70' Lot 004 208 N. Washington St 481902310 48-05-31-301-115.000-028 $265.45 Willemsen Tejo SIGLERS OP 9' S SD & PT V/A BLOCK 05 L 001 301 N Washington Ave 481902311 48-05-31-302-011.000-028 $401.50 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 083 107 N Jackson St 48-05-31-302-011.000-028,48-05-31-302-012.000-028,48-05-31-302-013.000-028,48-05-31-302-014.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902312 48-05-31-302-012.000-028 $1,466.65 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 084 107 N Jackson St 48-05-31-302-011.000-028,48-05-31-302-012.000-028,48-05-31-302-013.000-028,48-05-31-302-014.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902313 48-05-31-302-013.000-028 $401.50 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 085 310 Sigler St 48-05-31-302-011.000-028,48-05-31-302-012.000-028,48-05-31-302-013.000-028,48-05-31-302-014.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902314 48-05-31-302-014.000-028 $401.50 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 086 310 Sigler 48-05-31-302-011.000-028,48-05-31-302-012.000-028,48-05-31-302-013.000-028,48-05-31-302-014.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902315 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 $1,211.05 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 087 310 Sigler St 48-05-31-302-011.000-028,48-05-31-302-012.000-028,48-05-31-302-013.000-028,48-05-31-302-014.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-015.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902316 48-05-31-302-016.000-028 $401.50 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 088 312 Sigler St 481902317 48-05-31-302-027.000-028 $273.25 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 099 109 N Jackson 48-05-31-302-027.000-028,48-05-31-302-028.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-029.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902318 48-05-31-302-028.000-028 $273.25 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 100 109 N Jackson 48-05-31-302-027.000-028,48-05-31-302-028.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-029.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902319 48-05-31-302-029.000-028 $273.25 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 101 109 N Jackson 48-05-31-302-027.000-028,48-05-31-302-028.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-029.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902320 48-05-31-302-032.000-028 $280.00 Stowers Byron L CENTER S2 L 103 109 N Jackson 48-05-31-302-032.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-034.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902321 48-05-31-302-034.000-028 $718.30 Stowers Byron L CENTER S2 L 104 109 N Jackson 48-05-31-302-032.000-028 and 48-05-31-302-034.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902322 48-05-31-302-041.000-028 $1,210.56 Sides Stephen M Green Amber & Calvin (cto) SIGLERS OP PT BLOCK 04 L 001 near an easement - small not buildable 481902323 48-05-31-302-055.000-028 $5,805.60 Gardner Aaron SIGLERS OP E2 BLOCK 03 L 006 206 Sigler St 481902324 48-05-31-302-064.000-028 $1,133.75 Millikan F M SIGLERS OP BLOCK 01 L 005 205 Short St 481902325 48-05-31-303-034.000-028 $381.25 Snyder Larry D & Carolyn A KIRTLEYS E2 L 030 se corner behind 207 S Lincoln 481902327 48-05-31-303-044.000-028 $175.75 Harris Renee & Andrew KIRTLEYS L 039 209 S Lincoln 48-05-31-303-044.000-028 and 48-05-31-303-043.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902329 48-05-31-303-147.000-028 $273.25 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 080 201 S Jackson St 48-05-31-303-147.000-028,48-05-31-303-148.000-028 and 48-05-31-303-149.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902330 48-05-31-303-148.000-028 $273.25 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 081 201 S Jackson St 48-05-31-303-147.000-028,48-05-31-303-148.000-028 and 48-05-31-303-149.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902331 48-05-31-303-149.000-028 $772.30 Stowers Byron L CENTER L 082 201 S Jackson St 48-05-31-303-147.000-028,48-05-31-303-148.000-028 and 48-05-31-303-149.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902332 48-05-31-303-152.000-028 $6,257.20 J A G Group LLC SIGLERS OP E2 BLOCK 03 L 005 206 W Sigler St 481902334 48-05-31-401-051.000-028 $862.76 Borum Gregory J & Rita F WATKINS 3RD 83' X 125' SE EXC L 003 307 N 11th W St 481902335 48-05-31-401-079.000-028 $893.35 Ball Sharon K Holder Robert L L/E FAIRVIEW L 015 FAIRVIEW NE COR LT 16 12'X45' & NE COR LT 15 45'X56' 480531401079000 FAIRVIEW NE COR LT 16 12'X45' & NE COR LT 15 45'X56' parcel across easement 205 481902336 48-05-31-401-106.000-028 $712.00 Holder Robert & Ruth FAIRVIEW L 040 back parcel for 205 n 11th goes clear to maple st 481902337 48-05-31-401-108.000-028 $373.00 Holder Robert L & Ruth I FAIRVIEW S2 L 041 back parcel for 205 n 11th 48-05-31-401-108.000-028 and 48-05-31-401-110.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902338 48-05-31-401-110.000-028 $1,417.60 Holder Robert L & Ruth I FAIRVIEW S2 L 042 205 11th St 48-05-31-401-108.000-028 and 48-05-31-401-110.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902341 48-05-31-402-086.000-028 $1,115.70 Turner Lot L III & Marina Elizabeth QUICKS 3RD L 087 204 N 5 Th St 481902346 48-05-31-404-037.000-028 $392.75 Mountain Prime 2017 LLC WATKINS 2ND L 018 206 delaware 48-05-31-404-037.000-028 and 48-05-31-404-038.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902347 48-05-31-404-038.000-028 $3,794.90 Mountain Prime 2017 LLC WATKINS 2ND L 019 206 S Delaware St 48-05-31-404-037.000-028 and 48-05-31-404-038.000-028 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902348 48-05-31-700-002.000-028 $2,140.09 Edwards Lisa HILLSIDE 31-21-7 L 007 00000.1490A 208 S 4th St 481902352 48-05-32-300-253.000-028 $2,626.63 Legg William E MEADOWS SEC 1 L 028 406 Winding Way 481902355 48-07-07-300-069.000-029 $1,545.74 Weston Lanette K LYNDALE PL 01 L 027 6133 N Akron Dr 481902356 48-07-08-100-026.000-029 $1,890.80 James Jay R & Nancy L E & W RANCH 3RD EXC 20' E L 048 1844 E Sagebrush 481902357 48-07-08-100-046.000-029 $1,023.17 Zdanowski Edward S E & W RANCH L 006 1906 E 650 N 481902358 48-07-08-100-053.000-029 $2,522.28 Denny Denise E & W RANCH 1ST L 012 6655 N 200 E 481902359 48-07-08-400-005.000-029 $2,655.18 Macomber Tricia Amy & Muckenhirn Leanna & Dillon Tim Edward PT S2 E2 SE 08-20-8 00000.4190A 6019 N 200 E 481902360 48-07-10-400-001.000-029 $1,238.22 Stinson Earl David Moreland Robert Douglas & Ann Marie (cto) PT E PT SE 10-20-8 00016.6150A 0 48-07-11-300-003.000-029 and 48-07-10-400-001.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902361 48-07-10-400-067.000-029 $550.15 Lanning Mark A NE SE 10-20-8 00001.2570A 3758 E 600 N 481902362 48-07-11-300-002.000-029 $1,709.15 Rogers David & Lois PT W2 SW 11-20-8 00002.0300A 6415 N 425 E 481902363 48-07-11-300-003.000-029 $3,700.68 Stinson Earl David Moreland Robert Douglas & Ann Marie (cto) PT W2 SW 11-20-8 00023.7300A 4015 E 650 N 48-07-11-300-003.000-029 and 48-07-10-400-001.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902364 48-07-16-200-010.000-029 $1,705.27 Shelby Wright Farms Inc Pt NW 16-20-8 (12.257ac) parcel south of 2022 e 560 n 481902365 48-07-18-200-224.000-029 $1,884.37 Findlay Max E HERITAGE HTS SEC 4 L 093 5576 N Heritage 481902366 48-07-18-300-016.000-029 $35,792.66 West Coast Fund LLC N PT SW 18-20-8 (12.996ac) 5422 N Sr 9 481902367 48-07-18-300-018.000-029 $2,100.77 Brooks Pamela J N PT SW 18-20-8 00001.0000A 5487 Alexandria Pkwy 481902371 48-07-30-200-031.000-029 $1,218.93 Pickel Damon Shawn MINI PLAT #057 L 001 174 E 360 N 481902372 48-07-30-300-026.000-029 $4,267.28 Brennaman Enterprises Inc BARR ACRES PT L 003 & 004 3110 Jay Dr 481902374 48-07-31-200-053.000-029 $89,356.71 Gosnell Lester A & Marilyn J E & N PT NW 31-20-8 00004.4100A 2917 N Sr 9 481902377 48-07-31-300-024.000-029 $10,534.68 Mc Clain Museum NW SW 31-20-8 00002.1310A 1 wooded parcel behind McClain Museum 48-07-31-300-028.000-029 and 48-07-31-300-024.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902378 48-07-31-300-028.000-029 $2,375.49 Mc Clain Museum NW SW 31-20-8 00000.7470A 1 wooded parcel behind McClain Museum 48-07-31-300-028.000-029 and 48-07-31-300-024.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902379 48-07-31-300-034.000-029 $1,667.84 C & A Rentals LLC SW COR W2 SW 31-20-8 00000.2700A 504 E Cross St 481902380 48-07-31-300-037.000-029 $8,446.79 C & A Rentals LLC PT W2 SW 31-20-8 00000.5000A 500 E Cross St 48-07-31-300-038.000-029 and 48-07-31-300-037.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902381 48-07-31-300-038.000-029 $3,719.60 C & A Rentals LLC SW COR W2 SW 31-20-8 00001.7000A 508 E Cross St 48-07-31-300-038.000-029 and 48-07-31-300-037.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902387 48-07-33-100-004.000-029 $2,136.41 Metzner Sally SE NE 33-20-8 00000.5600A 2565 N 300 E 48-07-33-100-006.000-029 and 48-07-33-100-004.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902388 48-07-33-100-006.000-029 $290.28 Metzner Sally SE NE 33-20-8 00000.5680A 2565 N 300 E 48-07-33-100-006.000-029 and 48-07-33-100-004.000-029 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902389 48-07-31-200-249.000-030 $2,491.63 Hernandez Silvia INDIAN MEADOWS 1ST L 250 2810 Dakota Dr 481902391 48-10-16-300-004.000-031 $2,232.81 Malarkey Michelle SW SW 16-19-6 00002.5110A 756 S Sr 13 481902393 48-11-18-200-019.000-031 $3,635.22 Coleman Andre PT NW 18-19-7 00001.5130A 5745 W Sr 32 481902394 48-11-19-400-009.000-031 $3,686.01 Powell Scott Allen & Romonica ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT 06-241 L 1 00002.2470A 1559 S 500 W 481902395 48-10-28-103-070.000-032 $2,442.55 Wigley David L & Connie M WRIGHTS 2ND L 018 20 W 9th St 481902397 48-10-28-103-183.000-032 $4,307.60 Kern Adam J C FISHERS 1ST L 036 409 Pendleton Ave 481902398 48-10-28-103-195.000-032 $1,048.23 Morgan Tiffany CASCADDENS 1ST EXC 45' W SD Lot 49 334 W 7th St 481902399 48-10-28-103-197.001-032 $257.50 Morgan Tiffany & Kevin D Skinner E V Cascadeden's First Addn West 25' Lot 50 334 W 7th 481902400 48-10-28-104-020.000-032 $3,537.25 Smart James R & Sharon A CONRADS 2ND L 035 1034 Woodward St 481902401 48-10-28-104-037.000-032 $808.30 Retherford Barry WOODWARD BROS 1ST L 011 1024 Walnut 481902403 48-10-28-401-103.000-032 $433.00 Montgomery David A & Nancy A WOODWARDS 3RD N2 L 084 330 S Woodward St 481902404 48-10-28-402-128.000-032 $1,795.40 Netherton Willis F & Rosie N S A FORDS 1ST L 011 409 S Erie 481902405 48-10-33-100-059.000-032 $258.80 Braun Timber Industries LLC MONTGOMERY FARMS L 38 new housing additon briar dr 481902406 48-07-33-300-046.000-033 $1,633.45 Hancock Rebecca J WANTLAND MANOR 1ST L 035 3516 Ridgeway Dr 481902407 48-07-33-300-104.000-033 $3,887.34 Phillips Hanna Marie MEADOW WOODS PL 02 L 033 2315 Meadow Way 481902408 48-07-33-400-166.000-033 $544.14 Amburn Jeffrey W & Tina N Poe PT SE 33-20-8 00001.0000A parcel north of 2219 N 300 E 481902409 48-07-35-300-007.000-033 $1,164.37 Priest Angela S MINI PLAT #036 L 001 4475 E 250n 481902410 48-12-03-300-032.000-033 $343.95 Fuller Dwight D and Wanda Fuller EMERALD GLEN N2 SEC 05 L 146 side lot south of 5055 Stonespring Ct 481902411 48-12-03-300-069.000-033 $321.25 Emerald Park Homeowners Association Inc EMERALD PARK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SEC 2 L 3 (0.3160A) (COMMON AREA) 5064 Glenmore Rd 481902412 48-12-03-300-144.000-033 $338.20 Erby Zachary S EMERALD GLEN NE COR SEC 04 L 109 parcel associated with 5037 Timberwood 481902414 48-12-04-300-129.000-033 $2,217.48 Cripe Douglas A & Rebecca M DiMaggio Victor & Candie (cto) PT SW SW 04-19-8 00001.9300A 1136 N 200 E Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 2 481900214 48-1...

Tax Sale Page 2 481900214 48-11-11-404-020.000-003 $220.33 Harvey Margery I T/R PT E2 SE 11-19-7 PL 09 (0.098ac) Wm P Harters 1st Pt Lot 25 703 Madison Ave 481900216 48-11-11-404-033.000-003 $21,068.22 Fite Jack L & Juell A T DAVIS 2ND N PT L 4-2 S W Corner lot- West lot of 1325 W 9th St 481900218 48-11-11-404-064.000-003 $1,482.19 Shultz Celeste & Harry D W CAMPBELLS 8' W SD L 011 Strip of land between 1107 and 1111 W 10th St 481900219 48-11-11-404-074.000-003 $42,571.68 Yater David G & Pattee L WEBBS L 005 1st Lot West of 1125 W 9th St 481900220 48-11-11-404-075.000-003 $355.68 Turner Lottie Belle WEBBS L 006 1129 W 9th St 481900221 48-11-11-404-086.000-003 $1,395.88 Administrator Of Veterans Affairs c/o L Allen H K HARTERS 1ST L 004 1204 W 10th St 481900222 48-11-11-404-088.000-003 $2,322.84 Victorias Properties LLC H K HARTERS 1ST L 005 1203 W 10th St 481900223 48-11-11-404-099.000-003 $378.44 Morris Marshall BARRETTS 35' E SD L 3-1 1st Lot West of 1211 W 8th St 48-11-11-404-099.000-003 and 48-11-11-404-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900225 48-11-11-404-101.000-003 $24,193.38 Huston William W BARRETTS 37.5X81.6' L 4-1 1st Lot West of 1212 W 9th St 481900226 48-11-11-404-102.000-003 $4,027.52 Morris Marshall BARRETTS 72.5'X148.9' L 4-2 1211 W 8th St 48-11-11-404-099.000-003 and 48-11-11-404-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900227 48-11-11-404-104.000-003 $5,075.20 Brown David L BARRETTS L 005 1st Lot East of 1224 W 9th St 481900228 48-11-11-404-130.000-003 $605.22 Khawashki Hunayda T MC CULLOUGHS 1ST N2 L 007 1st lot East of 903 Madison Ave 48-11-11-404-130.000-003 and 48-11-11-404-132.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900229 48-11-11-404-132.000-003 $2,509.94 Khawashki Hunayda T MC CULLOUGHS 1ST N2 L 008 903 Madison Ave 48-11-11-404-130.000-003 and 48-11-11-404-132.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900230 48-11-11-404-210.000-003 $6,101.55 Move-In LLC HILLTOP ADDN FINAL PLAT LOT 17 1221 W 10th St 481900232 48-11-12-101-013.000-003 $4,663.83 Kauffman Eugene PT NE 12-19-7 PL 45 00000.3100A 2nd Lot from 301 Rose St 481900233 48-11-12-101-025.000-003 $942.77 Job Source Inc GLENDALE PL 26 L 001 3rd lot West of Maplewood Cemetry 48-11-12-101-025.000-003,48-11-12-101-026.000-003 and 48-11-12-101-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900234 48-11-12-101-026.000-003 $733.82 Job Source Inc GLENDALE PL 27 L 002 2nd lot West of Maplewood Cemetry 48-11-12-101-025.000-003,48-11-12-101-026.000-003 and 48-11-12-101-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900235 48-11-12-101-027.000-003 $733.82 Job Source Inc GLENDALE PL 28 L 003 1 lot West of Maplewood Cemetry 48-11-12-101-025.000-003,48-11-12-101-026.000-003 and 48-11-12-101-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900236 48-11-12-101-031.000-003 $321.84 Klus Willis E & Virgil O GLENDALE PL 34 L 024 7th lot South on Flora St from Rose St 481900237 48-11-12-101-034.000-003 $6,838.04 Gray Bill GLENDALE PL 37 L 034 5th lot South on Flora St from Rose St 481900238 48-11-12-101-036.000-003 $321.84 Klus Willis E & Virgil O GLENDALE PL 39 L 043 4th lot South on Floral St from Rose St 481900239 48-11-12-102-027.000-003 $6,142.46 Thompson Stephen A MERIDIAN AVE NO ANDERSON PL 13 L 079 & PT LOT 80 & NW NE 12-19-7 TOTAL AC 0.623 523 Broadway 481900240 48-11-12-103-026.000-003 $34,446.06 Benefiel Thomas G MATTERS L 002 1st lot West of 202 W 3rd 481900241 48-11-12-103-049.000-003 $1,050.41 Seleyman Doris and Allie P W2 NE 12-19-7 (0.255ac) 1st lot West behind and joining 3 Jackson 481900242 48-11-12-203-020.000-003 $2,756.95 Allen Luceal D PARK ADDN L 039 1st lot Est of 825 Hazlett 481900244 48-11-12-203-028.000-003 $8,814.39 Turner Suzanne M PARK ADDN L 046 1st lot West of 907 Hazlett 481900245 48-11-12-203-039.000-003 $2,406.81 Stapleton Mike & Sandy PARK ADDN L 054 924 W 1st St 481900246 48-11-12-203-072.000-003 $47,604.84 Heritage Lake Builders PARK ADDN L 097 933 W 1st St 481900247 48-11-12-203-103.000-003 $1,050.81 Chatman Jeffrey PARK ADDN L 129 805 W 2nd St 481900248 48-11-12-203-105.000-003 $633.07 Causbie Jason R PARK ADDN L 131 821 W 2nd St 481900249 48-11-12-203-106.000-003 $2,850.93 Dayton William D & Dorothy J PARK ADDN L 132 825 W 2nd St 481900250 48-11-12-203-128.000-003 $1,037.77 Nickell Patricia PARK ADDN L 151 904 W 3rd St 481900251 48-11-12-203-144.000-003 $1,148.39 Church Of Godfull Gospel An Assoc PARK ADDN L 121 0 2nd St 481900252 48-11-12-204-029.000-003 $839.45 Dalton Robert D MATTERS NW L 026 533 W 2nd St 48-11-12-204-029.000-003 and 48-11-12-204-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900253 48-11-12-204-030.000-003 $202.19 Dalton Robert D MATTERS 8' W SD NW L 27-1 Small Strip of ground East and joining 533 w 2nd St 48-11-12-204-029.000-003 and 48-11-12-204-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900254 48-11-12-204-039.000-003 $8,345.76 Wilbur Sean C MATTERS L 035 415 W 2nd St 481900255 48-11-12-204-054.000-003 $1,053.97 Dalton Robert D MATTERS EXC 39'X38' SW COR L 46-1 223 W 2nd St 481900256 48-11-12-204-058.000-003 $1,576.98 Cumings Kevin D and Doris A MATTERS L 053 214 W 2nd St 481900257 48-11-12-204-088.000-003 $1,191.10 Gore Timothy J MATTERS L 075 536 W 2nd St 481900258 48-11-12-204-102.000-003 $3,372.53 Phillips Otis C & Barbara J MATTERS S2 L 83-1 1st Lot East & joining 116 Morton St 481900259 48-11-12-204-103.000-003 $14,814.89 Shoot Roger L & Pamela K MATTERS L 084 1st Lot West & joining 411 W 1st St 481900260 48-11-12-204-106.000-003 $424.20 Martin Mae West MATTERS L 087 Lot on corner of Lincoln & W 1st St joining 405 w 1st St 481900261 48-11-12-301-007.000-003 $39,331.63 Muterspaugh William C MATTERS L 144 303 W 3rd St 481900262 48-11-12-301-029.000-003 $1,464.74 Burton Ricky G & Marsha M J/T R/S MATTERS S2 S2 PL 27 L 160 Lot next to alley, 507 W 3rd St 481900263 48-11-12-301-043.000-003 $13,799.20 Cope Jack A N C MC CULLOUGHS L 007 Lot between 305 W 6th ST and 233 W 6th St 481900264 48-11-12-301-045.000-003 $24,341.35 Tyson Charles R N C MC CULLOUGHS L 009 225 W 6th St 481900265 48-11-12-301-064.000-003 $1,496.70 Kirtley Josh D W SWANKS W2 PL 45 L 183 506 W 4th St 481900266 48-11-12-301-074.000-003 $1,847.74 Muterspaugh William C & Buddy Camine HAZLETTS 44'X28' SW COR PLAT 1 L 135 North West Lot of Chase and the E W alley between 5th and 6th St, joing 321 W 5th St 48-11-12-301-147.000-003 and 48-11-12-301-074.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900267 48-11-12-301-079.000-003 $30,921.25 Muterspaugh William C HAZLETTS 60' W END L 088 230 W 5th St 481900268 48-11-12-301-088.000-003 $2,059.85 Weingart James C & Lisa M HAZLETTS 35.4' E SD L 103 503 W 6th St 481900269 48-11-12-301-117.000-003 $1,341.26 DYG Anderson Properties LLC HAZLETTS PT W SD L 116 410 W 6th St 481900270 48-11-12-301-125.000-003 $357.20 Tomlin Corey W & Marita M HAZLETTS 36X10' L 120 0 W 6th St 481900271 48-11-12-301-136.000-003 $1,709.68 Adkins Chris & Lorraine HAZLETTS E2 L 129 421 W 5th St 481900272 48-11-12-301-147.000-003 $7,147.02 Muterspaugh William C & Buddy Camine HAZLETTS 28'X100' W PT PLAT L 135 327 W 5th St 48-11-12-301-147.000-003 and 48-11-12-301-074.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900273 48-11-12-301-189.000-003 $8,513.20 Odell Barnes LLC HAZLETTS 2ND PL 65 L 156 303 W 4th St 481900274 48-11-12-302-017.000-003 $578.25 Provence R L & Rebecca MADISON AVENUE ADDN EXC 48' E L 001 600 Madison Ave 481900275 48-11-12-302-026.000-003 $32,673.67 Spencer Charles & Laura Skovera R E BURKES L 004 Lot West and joining 703 W 6th St 481900276 48-11-12-302-040.000-003 $1,541.44 Remson Mario Jr FAIR GROUNDS L 002 905 W 3rd St 48-11-12-302-041.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900277 48-11-12-302-041.000-003 $328.28 Remson Mario Jr FAIR GROUNDS L 003 Lot Wst and joining 905 W 3rd St Has detached garage 48-11-12-302-041.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900278 48-11-12-302-046.000-003 $1,754.12 William K Riley Building & Remodeling Inc FAIR GROUNDS 89' N END L 008 931 W 3rd St 481900279 48-11-12-302-047.000-003 $263.25 Riley William K & Alice M FAIR GROUNDS 52' S END L 8-1 Lot East and joined to 314 Madison Ave 481900280 48-11-12-302-048.000-003 $2,177.07 Riley William K & Alice M FAIR GROUNDS 89' N END L 009 302 Madison Ave 48-11-12-302-048.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900281 48-11-12-302-049.000-003 $1,667.20 Riley William K & Alice M FAIR GROUNDS 52' S END L 9-1 314 Madison Ave 48-11-12-302-048.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900282 48-11-12-302-050.000-003 $1,668.13 Miller Grace I & Ricky D Miller J/T-R/S FAIR GROUNDS N2 N2 LOT 10-2 L 010 322 Madison Ave 481900283 48-11-12-302-077.000-003 $5,417.37 Peterson Tracy G & Barbara A FAIR GROUNDS EXC 70' N END LOT L 026 2nd lot East behind 404 Madison Ave 48-11-12-302-077.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-078.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900284 48-11-12-302-078.000-003 $29,748.69 Peterson Tracy G & Barbara A FAIR GROUNDS EXC 70' N END L 027 1st lot East behind 404 Madison Ave 48-11-12-302-077.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-078.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900285 48-11-12-302-081.000-003 $1,161.87 Seth Ram FAIR GROUNDS E2 L 029 924 W 5th St 48-11-12-302-081.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-083.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900286 48-11-12-302-083.000-003 $456.90 Seth Ram FAIR GROUNDS L 030 Parcel splits 1/3 of 924 W 5th St 48-11-12-302-081.000-003 and 48-11-12-302-083.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900287 48-11-12-302-098.000-003 $1,983.43 Nisenoff Danny FAIR GROUNDS L 042 921 W 5th St 481900288 48-11-12-302-113.000-003 $740.71 Dalton Robert D FAIR GROUNDS 49X144' PL 10 L 056 605 Hendricks St 481900290 48-11-12-302-116.000-003 $648.30 Harbour Portfolio Vi Lp FAIR GROUNDS 45X99' L 057 45X PL 08 L 056 1st lot West of 917 W 6th St 481900291 48-11-12-302-143.000-003 $1,201.09 Finnerty Michael Gene & Ann L FAIR GROUNDS CONT L 085 826 W 4th St 481900292 48-11-12-302-146.000-003 $3,368.59 Turner Clara Ann McCormick & James Eugene Turner FAIR GROUNDS CONT L 088 816 W 4th St 481900293 48-11-12-302-164.000-003 $1,679.49 Hollingworth Jo Ann L HOMMEDIEU PLACE L 011 731 W 5th St 481900295 48-11-12-303-028.000-003 $2,953.35 Ronquillo-Andrade Jorge ALLENS Pt Lot 1 & pt lot 1 Burkes & pt lot 2 W M Moores Pt Lot 1 (0.158ac) 724 W 7th St 481900297 48-11-12-303-099.000-003 $1,253.64 Gnaw Jimmy D & Maria Turner BURR & WILLETTS 12' W SD L 024 Small Strip of land West and joining 917 W 9th St 481900298 48-11-12-303-108.000-003 $1,685.79 Alec Cay LLC J DAVIS 2ND EXC 66'X100' E SD PL 08 L 022 615 W 10th St 481900299 48-11-12-303-125.000-003 $418.66 Victorias Properties LLC J DAVIS 2ND 40' W SD PL 24 L 033 730 W 9th St 481900300 48-11-12-303-136.000-003 $17,430.60 Transhire Holding Group Llc J DAVIS 2ND W2 PL 35 L 039 1st lot West and joining 901 W 9th St 481900302 48-11-12-303-153.000-003 $13,882.42 Sullivan Funding Group Inc J DAVIS 2ND W2 PL 50 L 055 1st lot East and joining with 827 W 9th St 481900303 48-11-12-303-154.000-003 $1,907.92 Townsend William & Carolyn R J DAVIS 2ND E2 PL 51 L 055 2nd lot East of 827 W 9th ST 481900305 48-11-12-304-006.000-003 $2,170.92 Alec Cay LLC HAZLETTS OL PL 192 L 003 302 W 7th St 481900306 48-11-12-304-015.000-003 $869.03 Toombs William & Rodney William Toombs J/T R/S HAZLETTS OL PL 196 L 004 324 W 7th St 481900307 48-11-12-304-062.000-003 $3,062.37 Hopkins Cary B HAZLETTS OL PT-1 PL 30 L 010 North lot joining 538 W 8th St 481900308 48-11-12-304-064.000-003 $9,934.87 Shearer Louie H HAZLETTS OL PL 29 L 010 522 W 8th St 481900310 48-11-12-304-100.000-003 $1,530.20 Hopkins William A J DAVIS 2ND PL 60 L 018 1st lot West and joining 507 W 10th St 48-11-12-304-100.000-003,48-11-12-304-101.000-003 and 48-11-12-304-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900311 48-11-12-304-101.000-003 $1,530.20 Hopkins William A J DAVIS 2ND PL 61 L 019 2nd lot West of 507 W 10th St 48-11-12-304-100.000-003,48-11-12-304-101.000-003 and 48-11-12-304-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900312 48-11-12-304-102.000-003 $1,108.23 Hopkins William A J DAVIS 2ND E PT PL 62 L 020 3rd lot West of 507 W 10th St 48-11-12-304-100.000-003,48-11-12-304-101.000-003 and 48-11-12-304-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900313 48-11-12-304-203.000-003 $453.16 Davis Ronald E Iglesia de Dios La Hermosa (cto) J DAVIS 1ST SW PL 14 L 016 East half of parking lot West of 218 W 10th St 48-11-12-304-204.000-003 and 48-11-12-304-203.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900314 48-11-12-304-204.000-003 $607.60 Davis Ronald E Iglesia de Dios La Hermosa (cto) J DAVIS 1ST 72' N END 72' S PL 15 L 017 West half of parking lot West of 218 W 10th ST 48-11-12-304-204.000-003 and 48-11-12-304-203.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900316 48-11-12-401-006.000-003 $1,172.42 Midwest Men Of Integrity Inc E PT & PT NE SE 12-19-7 PL 08 00000.2240A 0 Main St 48-11-12-401-006.000-003,48-11-12-401-007.000-003 and 48-11-12-401-013.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900317 48-11-12-401-007.000-003 $3,640.39 Midwest Men Of Integrity Inc E2 SE 12-19-7 PL 09 00000.4260A 3rd lot East of 415 Main St/building burnt down 48-11-12-401-006.000-003,48-11-12-401-007.000-003 and 48-11-12-401-013.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900318 48-11-12-401-013.000-003 $695.40 Midwest Men Of Integrity Inc N2 SE PLAT 11-1 12-19-7 00000.1200A 4th lot East of 415 Main St 48-11-12-401-006.000-003,48-11-12-401-007.000-003 and 48-11-12-401-013.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900319 48-11-12-402-101.000-003 $225.90 Scott Steven L Jr & Jonathan B Scott J/T R/S HANNAH & HAZLETTS 44' W END PL 17 L 052 114 W 4th St 481900320 48-11-12-402-135.000-003 $3,452.57 Baugher Robert W & Amanda HANNAH & HAZLETTS W1/2 36' PL 84 L 078 125 W 5th St 481900321 48-11-12-402-139.000-003 $657.73 Brannon Jonathon HAZLETTS L 082 214 W 5th St 481900322 48-11-12-402-140.000-003 $10,574.86 Church Extension & Home Missions Ch Of God Inc Bd Of HANNAH & HAZLETTS 40' N END PL 75 L 072 516 Delaware St 481900323 48-11-12-403-044.000-003 $4,369.24 Shadeland Group LLC NORTH FRONT OP ANDERSON L 006 & PT L 005 (0.35A) 709 Main St 481900327 48-11-12-403-106.000-003 $3,294.81 Lawrence Anthony C & Tracey R J/T R/S SOUTH FRONT OP PL 16 L 004 928 Meridian St 481900328 48-11-12-403-107.000-003 $4,780.68 Lawrence Anthony C & Tracey R J/T R/S SOUTH FRONT OP PL 15 L 004 924 Meridian St 481900329 48-11-12-403-129.000-003 $45,168.41 Mendez Cory L J DAVIS 1ST PL 06 Lot 4 & Pt Lot 43 (0.68ac) 120 W 10th St 481900330 48-11-12-403-146.000-003 $6,585.16 Goins Robert T J DAVIS 1ST S2 W PT 51X108' L 007 204 W 9th St 481900331 48-11-12-404-059.000-003 $1,415.22 Rogers Harry E J M RUDDELLS 4TH 44' W END PL 87 L 133 Lot West and joining 625 Milton 481900332 48-11-12-500-016.000-003 $61,078.58 Pinedo Abner PT E2 NW & PT W2 NE 12-19-7 7.9000A 200 W 1st St 481900333 48-11-13-101-002.000-003 $2,116.82 Myers Mark R & Carolyn ANDREW JACKSON'S OUTLOTS PT OL 15 & 16 1st Lot NW of 1227 Short St 481900334 48-11-13-101-012.000-003 $846.94 Gardner Aaron A JACKSONS 2ND Pt Lot 1 (0.112ac) BLOCK 07 PL 71 **SEE MISC NOTE RE: LEGAL 1st lot West of 1219 Fletcher 481900335 48-11-13-101-025.000-003 $4,051.63 Foland Aaron R A JACKSONS 2ND W2 W2 BLOCK 9 L PL 04 L 002 321 E 13th St 481900336 48-11-13-101-115.000-003 $2,918.79 Slinker John & Amy JACKSONS OL PL 36 L 019 1336 Ohio Ave 481900337 48-11-13-101-129.000-003 $15,800.95 Wasily Maurice FLETCHER & WILLIAMS SE SQ OP 26,27,32 and PL 17 L 033 200 E 11th St 481900338 48-11-13-102-001.000-003 $1,328.99 Gonzales Jorge Oscar NW NE 13-19-7 0.083A 208 W 12th St 481900341 48-11-13-103-005.000-003 $32,443.45 Rohm Rosalie PT W2 50'X99' NE 13-19-7 PL 05 00000.1200A 3rd lot West of 118 W 16th St 481900342 48-11-13-103-014.000-003 $323.91 Baker Dorothy H Andrews Univ Adm Bld/Claudia S PT SW NE PLAT 16 13-19-7 PL 17 00000.2000A PT SW NE PLAT 16 13-19-7 PL 17 00000.2000A P B CORNELIUS ADDN PT LT 4 PT SW NE 0.215A0.215A Lot south and joined with 1739 Meridian St 481900343 48-11-13-103-030.000-003 $1,940.47 Property-Main Street 7 LLC PT SW NE 13-19-7 PL 26 00000.1100A 1615 Main St 481900344 48-11-13-103-055.000-003 $1,072.68 Autry Willa P B CORNELIUS PL 48 L 002 1725 Meridian St 481900347 48-11-13-103-121.000-003 $19,007.18 Rhodes Emma Lou A R EGLINS W2 PL 30 L 003 0 W 17th St 481900348 48-11-13-103-148.000-003 $733.46 Victorias Properties LLC B F JACKSONS 48'X 72' N PT PL 46 L 006 25 W 16th St 481900349 48-11-13-103-171.000-003 $10,868.26 Rardin Joshua D HARRISON & SIMPSON 98' E END PL 18 L 010 Lot West and joining 130 and 140 W 17th St 481900351 48-11-13-104-040.000-003 $458.60 Campos Ricardo Ramirez & Benjamin Ramirez Compos A JACKSONS 2ND 36' N END BLOCK 11 PL 41 L 005 Lot East and joined with 1512 Fletcher 481900352 48-11-13-104-044.000-003 $1,154.44 Resolution Trust Corp A JACKSONS 2ND 30' S END BLOCK 11 PL 43 L 006 Lot South has partial of 1523 Pearl St attached 48-11-13-104-044.000-003,48-11-13-104-045.000-003,48-11-13-104-047.000-003,48-11-13-104-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900353 48-11-13-104-045.000-003 $881.02 Resolution Trust Corp A JACKSONS 2ND BLOCK 11 PL 44 L 006 2nd Lot South of 1512 Pearl St 48-11-13-104-044.000-003,48-11-13-104-045.000-003,48-11-13-104-047.000-003,48-11-13-104-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900354 48-11-13-104-047.000-003 $682.11 Resolution Trust Corp A JACKSONS 2ND 30' N END BLOCK 11 PL 42 L 006 Lot West and joined with 519 Pearl St 48-11-13-104-044.000-003,48-11-13-104-045.000-003,48-11-13-104-047.000-003,48-11-13-104-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900355 48-11-13-104-050.000-003 $1,092.99 Resolution Trust Corp A JACKSONS 2ND 30' S END BLOCK 11 PL 46 L 007 1st Lot South and joined with 1521 Pearl St 48-11-13-104-044.000-003,48-11-13-104-045.000-003,48-11-13-104-047.000-003,48-11-13-104-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900356 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 $942.67 Resolution Trust Corp A JACKSONS 2ND PT BLOCK 11 PL 45 L 007 2nd Lot South of 1521 Pearl St 48-11-13-104-044.000-003,48-11-13-104-045.000-003,48-11-13-104-047.000-003,48-11-13-104-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900357 48-11-13-104-070.000-003 $12,066.44 G M A C Mortgage Corp GOEHLERS 1ST 7X144' V/A L 001 Lot South and joined with 1702 Fletcher 481900359 48-11-13-104-083.000-003 $839.78 Hunter Opal GOEHLERS 1ST 13' N SD L 012 Strip of land between 1711 Pearl and 1715 Pearl 481900360 48-11-13-104-089.000-003 $4,903.84 Boothe Ray JACKSONS OL PT PL 35 L 044 1720 Pearl St 481900361 48-11-13-104-096.000-003 $388.05 Reeder Charles E Revoc T/R JACKSONS OL 16.5'X146' PL 28 L 044 Lot North and joined with 1629 Pearl St 481900362 48-11-13-104-099.000-003 $661.54 Reeder Charles E Revoc T/R JACKSONS OL PL 25 L 044 Lot South and joined with 1629 Pearl St 481900363 48-11-13-104-102.000-003 $6,957.72 Moore Lloyd W & Mary Ellen SHAYS L 003 1630 Fletcher St 481900364 48-11-13-104-104.000-003 $4,673.71 Knotts Jeffrey E SHAYS L 005 Lot South and joined with 1614 Fletcher 481900365 48-11-13-104-105.000-003 $1,352.82 Gomez Concepeion Violeta Azurdia SHAYS EXC PT N SD L 006 1614 Fletcher St 481900366 48-11-13-104-157. 000-003 $996.38 Martinez Antonio Vazquez & Martinez Gabrielle HAMS N2 PL 07 L 004 1521 Walnut St 481900367 48-11-13-104-160.000-003 $1,664.44 Martinez Gabrielle & Martinez Vzquez Antonio HAMS EXC 5' S SD E2 PL 08 L 005 1515 Walnut St 481900368 48-11-13-104-161.000-003 $959.46 Morgan Katherine E HAMS 5' S SD E2 L 005 Small strip of land between 1515 Walnut and 1521 Walnut 481900369 48-11-13-104-164.000-003 $1,305.76 Gustavo F Placers LLC HAMS 42X52' PL 14 L 006 425 E 15th St 481900370 48-11-13-104-167.000-003 $1,144.52 Morgan Katherine E HAMS 8' S SD W2 PL 10 L 006 2nd Lot South of 419 E 15th St 481900372 48-11-13-104-172.000-003 $6,026.77 Wendling Stephen & Sandy HAMS PLAT 19-3 L 11 401 E 15th St 481900373 48-11-13-104-199.000-003 $5,298.49 Stephens Jimmy Lee J BRONNENBERG PL 67 L 022 1422 Pearl St 481900374 48-11-13-104-219.000-003 $300.95 Davis Barbara E A JACKSONS 1ST 33' N SD BLOCK 03 PL 37 L 005 Lot West and joining 1501 Central Ave 48-11-13-104-219.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-221.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900375 48-11-13-104-221.000-003 $1,578.82 Davis Barbara E A JACKSONS 1ST 33' N SD BLOCK 03 PL 38 L 006 1437 Central Ave 48-11-13-104-219.000-003 and 48-11-13-104-221.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900376 48-11-13-201-003.000-003 $276,406.79 Wigwam Holdings LLC PT NE NW &PT V/S 13-19-7 ( 8.56ac) Eatons Addn Lots 15-27 OP Crims 1st Lots 1-9 EM Jackson 2nd Addn 1200 Fairview John Street to Lincoln, West 12th St to 14th St ie. Wigwam 481900378 48-11-13-201-151.000-003 $4,964.37 Wages Michael C ROSEDALE L 009 408 W 12th St 48-11-13-201-152.000-003 and 48-11-13-201-151.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900379 48-11-13-201-152.000-003 $874.88 Wages Michael C ROSEDALE lot 10 Lot East and joining 408 W 12th St 48-11-13-201-152.000-003 and 48-11-13-201-151.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900380 48-11-13-201-186.000-003 $16,216.05 Voyles Mark E & Joy L STILWELLS 2ND PT W PT PL 44 L 023 Lot West and joining 303 12th St 48-11-13-201-189.000-003 and 48-11-13-201-186.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900381 48-11-13-201-187.000-003 $1,670.91 Shrake Beverly A STILLWELLS 2ND 38.5' E SD PL 43 L 023 303 W 12th St 481900382 48-11-13-201-189.000-003 $2,512.86 Voyles Mark E & Joy L STILWELLS 2ND PT E PT PL 45 L 024 2nd lot West of 303 W 12th St 48-11-13-201-189.000-003 and 48-11-13-201-186.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900383 48-11-13-202-027.000-003 $2,144.40 Jackson Marlon PETERSONS L 001 1021 Hendricks St 481900384 48-11-13-202-028.000-003 $1,293.17 Bradley Michael PETERSONS L 002 1025 Hendricks St 481900385 48-11-13-202-033.000-003 $3,242.41 Harris Sadie B PETERSONS L 007 1111 Hendricks St 481900386 48-11-13-202-105.000-003 $1,245.46 Resolution Trust Corp OAK GROVE 59' S PT S2 L 008 912 W 12th St 481900387 48-11-13-202-116.000-003 $1,345.09 Job Source Inc HUNTZINGERS 2ND L 005 815 Nichol Ave 481900388 48-11-13-202-136.000-003 $1,717.46 Mendenhall Mike HODSONS 1ST L 002 715 Nichol Ave 481900389 48-11-13-202-168.000-003 $22,462.06 Job Source Inc CALLS L 007 Lot West and joined with 1102 Hendricks 481900390 48-11-13-202-170.000-003 $2,945.24 Home & Castle Llc CALLS L 009 815 W 11th St 481900391 48-11-13-203-018.000-003 $777.82 Streaty Donald L & Ronald Davis HAZELWOOD L 018 1407 Sheridan St 481900392 48-11-13-203-025.000-003 $2,126.52 Roland Vyonne HAZELWOOD L 032 1631 Sheridan St 481900393 48-11-13-203-041.000-003 $1,488.68 Clemons John Scott HAZELWOOD L 043 Lot North and joining 1628 Sherman St 481900394 48-11-13-203-042.000-003 $1,488.68 Clemons John S HAZELWOOD L 044 2nd Lot North of 1628 Sherman St 481900395 48-11-13-203-050.000-003 $362.43 Job Source Inc HAZELWOOD 80' W END L 055 Lot on corner of Sherman and W 14th St joined with 1408 Sherman st 48-11-13-203-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900396 48-11-13-203-051.000-003 $1,010.39 Job Source Inc HAZELWOOD 44' E END L 055 NE lot attached to joined to1408 sherman Street 48-11-13-203-050.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900397 48-11-13-203-061.000-003 $2,206.47 Allied Indiana Investments LLC HAZELWOOD PLAT 1-1 L 067 1613 Sherman St 481900398 48-11-13-203-062.000-003 $7,602.06 Carter Roosevelt & Gertrude HAZELWOOD 50' N PT L 67-3 Lot North and joined with 1613 Sherman St 481900399 48-11-13-203-071.000-003 $1,695.08 Warren George G & Diana M HAZELWOOD L 075 2nd Lot south of 1710 Hendricks St 481900400 48-11-13-203-076.000-003 $6,198.84 Cook Richard & Sally HAZELWOOD S2 L 081 2nd and last lot East at the end of Hendricks at RR 48-11-13-203-076.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900401 48-11-13-203-077.000-003 $3,164.94 Cook Richard L & Sally HAZELWOOD N2 L 081 1st Lot North and joined with1628 Hendricks 48-11-13-203-076.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900402 48-11-13-203-097.000-003 $2,088.55 Federal National Mortgage Assoc HAZELWOOD L 107 1st lot North and joined with 904 W 17th St 481900403 48-11-13-203-100.000-003 $1,218.37 Clemons John S HAZELWOOD EXC 82' W END PLAT 23 L 109 2nd lot East of 915 W 17th St 48-11-13-203-100.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-103.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900404 48-11-13-203-101.000-003 $1,150.23 Clemons John Scott HAZELWOOD 42' M PT PL 23 L 109 1st lot East of 915 W 17th St 48-11-13-203-101.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-104.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900405 48-11-13-203-103.000-003 $1,150.23 Clemons John S HAZELWOOD EXC 82' W END PLAT 24 L 110 2nd lot South West Lot of 17th and Hendricks 48-11-13-203-100.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-103.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900406 48-11-13-203-104.000-003 $1,057.43 Clemons John Scott HAZELWOOD 42' M PT PL 24 L 110 West next to 48-11-13-203-103.000-003 48-11-13-203-101.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-104.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900407 48-11-13-203-105.000-003 $642.68 Vanmeter Frank & Louise HAZELWOOD L 111 2 lots South of 915 W 17th St 48-11-13-203-105.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-106.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900408 48-11-13-203-106.000-003 $642.68 Vanmeter Frank & Louise HAZELWOOD L 112 3 lots South of 915 W 17th St 48-11-13-203-105.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-106.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900409 48-11-13-203-109.000-003 $590.09 Gardner John L HAZELWOOD L 114 1 lot South and joining 1708 Madison Ave 481900410 48-11-13-203-111.000-003 $622.84 Gardner John L HAZELWOOD L 116 Lot North of 1708 Madison Ave 481900411 48-11-13-203-114.000-003 $605.23 Jackson Geraldine & Nathaniel E Burnett HAZELWOOD L 123 1508 Madison Ave 48-11-13-203-114.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-115.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900412 48-11-13-203-115.000-003 $686.24 Jackson Geraldine K & Nathaniel E Burnett HAZELWOOD L 124 Lot North and joining with 1508 Madison Ave 48-11-13-203-114.000-003 and 48-11-13-203-115.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900413 48-11-13-203-148.000-003 $30,116.77 Wright Claude LOVETTS SW L 056 1 lot South and joining 1709 Fairview 481900414 48-11-13-203-153.000-003 $1,680.62 Durden Annie Lee LOVETTS L 061 Lot North and joining 1720 Sheridan St 481900415 48-11-13-203-177.000-003 $1,882.27 Poole Debra L & Don L RE-DEVELOPMENT RP PROJECT A SEC 2 L 004 West lot on the Round-a-Bout joining 1525 Hendricks 481900416 48-11-13-203-187.000-003 $2,142.96 Stjuste Magdala and Jean Robert Stjuste J/T R/S RE-DEVELOPMENT RP PROJECT A SEC 2 L 014 1512 Sherman St 481900418 48-11-13-204-043.000-003 $18,533.94 Patterson Leslie T Sr & Earlie LOVETTS PL 21 L 001 lot south and joining 1720 Morton St 481900419 48-11-13-204-045.000-003 $1,136.85 2554 Nichol Avenue LLC LOVETTS 40' E END Pt Lots 6,7,8 2nd lot East of 432 W 17th St 481900420 48-11-13-204-052.000-003 $1,898.40 Cox James LOVETTS PL 37 L 011 1604 Morton St 481900421 48-11-13-204-057.000-003 $2,894.96 Harris Cody Ella & Charlie Jr LOVETTS 20' N SD PL 42 L 014 1st lot North and joining 1520 Morton 48-11-13-204-060.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-057.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900422 48-11-13-204-059.000-003 $10,278.71 Hendricks Moses LOVETTS 30' N SD PL 44 L 015 3rd lot North of 1520 Morton St 48-11-13-204-061.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-059.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900423 48-11-13-204-060.000-003 $2,971.10 Harris Cody Ella & Charlie Jr LOVETTS 20' S SD PL 43 L 015 2nd lot North of 1520 Morton St 48-11-13-204-060.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-057.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900424 48-11-13-204-061.000-003 $12,585.63 Hendricks Moses LOVETTS PL 45 L 016 4th lot north of 1520 Morton St 48-11-13-204-061.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-059.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900425 48-11-13-204-062.000-003 $3,515.71 Tellis Ocie Lee & Mozelle LOVETTS 44' FRONT TRI PT PL 46 L 017 3rd Lot North of 1519 Morton St 481900426 48-11-13-204-063.000-003 $24,582.85 York Joyce A LOVETTS 36.5' S SD PL 47 L 017 2nd lot North of 1519 Morton St 48-11-13-204-063.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-064.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900427 48-11-13-204-064.000-003 $3,657.84 York Joyce A LOVETTS 4' N SD PLAT 48-1 L 018 1st lot North and joining 1519 Morton 48-11-13-204-063.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-064.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900428 48-11-13-204-066.000-003 $5,402.97 Harris Charlie Jr & Hattie L LOVETTS PL 49 L 019 1st lot South and joining 1519 Morton 481900429 48-11-13-204-067.000-003 $9,983.98 Harris Hattie LOVETTS PL 50 L 020 2nd lot South of 1519 Morton 481900430 48-11-13-204-074.000-003 $2,443.96 Elicia's House of Hope LOVETTS 66' E END PL 57 L 026 504 W 17th St 481900431 48-11-13-204-082.000-003 $14,856.23 Barnes Robert Lee Sr LOVETTS PL 64 L 032 2nd lot South of 1716 Fairview 48-11-13-204-082.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-084.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900432 48-11-13-204-083.000-003 $13,875.92 Carter Charron LOVETTS EXC 2' S SD PL 66 L 033 1716 Fairview St 481900433 48-11-13-204-084.000-003 $1,310.47 Barnes Robert Lee Sr LOVETTS 2' S SD PL 65 L 033 1st lot small strip south and joined with 1716 fairview 48-11-13-204-082.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-084.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900434 48-11-13-204-086.000-003 $6,800.88 Wilkerson John I LOVETTS PL 68 L 035 1st lot north and joined with 1714 Fairview 481900435 48-11-13-204-091.000-003 $1,826.46 Scott Jack LOVETTS PL 73 L 040 1 lot North and joined with 1620 Fairview 481900436 48-11-13-204-098.000-003 $5,907.94 Tabernacle Ministries Inc LOVETTS PL 75 L 042 lot north and joined with 1612 fairview 481900437 48-11-13-204-103.000-003 $17,599.78 Wilson James Edward Sr E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 09 PL 12 L 001 403 W 17th St 48-11-13-204-103.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-110.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900438 48-11-13-204-105.000-003 $2,926.03 Wellington Company Lp E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 03 PL 01 L 001 Last lot on West side deadend of Lincoln 481900439 48-11-13-204-110.000-003 $3,985.20 Wilson James Edward Sr E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 09 PL 17 L 002 North East lot from 407 W 17th St 48-11-13-204-103.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-110.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900440 48-11-13-204-112.000-003 $2,223.74 Wellington Company Lp E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 03 PL 02 L 002 2nd lot West at deadend of Lincoln 48-11-13-204-112.000-003,48-11-13-204-118.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-121.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481900441 48-11-13-204-116.000-003 $4,377.29 Wilson James Sr E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 09 PL 18 L 003 1 lot East and two lots south of 407 W 17th St 481900442 48-11-13-204-118.000-003 $3,617.36 Wellington Company Lp E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 03 PL 03 L 003 1 lot West and 1 lot South of RR and Lincoln 48-11-13-204-112.000-003,48-11-13-204-118.000-003 and 48-11-13-204-121.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900443 48-11-13-204-121.000-003 $3,720.31 Wellington Company Lp E M JACKSONS 3RD BLOCK 03 PL 04 L 004 2nd lot South on West side from RR on Lincoln 48-11-13-204-112.000-003,48-11-13-204-118.000-003 & 48-11-13-204-121.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 3 481900444 48-1...

Tax Sale Page 3 481900444 48-11-13-204-211.000-003 $2,297.74 Job Source Inc E M JACKSONS 1ST BLOCK 006 PL 48 L 004 2nd lot East of 335 W 14th St Improvements on 48-11-13-204-213.000-003 481900445 48-11-13-301-035.000-003 $1,836.77 Hamer Mary P HIGHLAND 40X39.5' PL 11 L 009 lot West and joined with 2031 Morth St 481900446 48-11-13-301-047.000-003 $2,913.89 Express Properties Of Indiana Inc HIGHLAND 30' E SD PL 21 L 018 2nd lot east of 525 W 21st St 48-11-13-301-047.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-048.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900447 48-11-13-301-048.000-003 $20,389.62 Express Properties Of Indiana Inc HIGHLAND L 019 3rd lot East of 525 W 21st St 48-11-13-301-047.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-048.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900448 48-11-13-301-052.000-003 $16,280.94 Hinderer John REPLAT of HIGHLAND ADDN 50' M PT L 022 & L 023 **SEE MISC NOTE re: legal** 1 Lot South and joined with 2100 Morton 48-11-13-301-053.000-003,48-11-13-301-052.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-055.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900449 48-11-13-301-053.000-003 $6,089.47 Hinderer John REPLAT of HIGHLAND ADDN S 43' L 022 **See Misc Note re: legal** 2nd lot from 2100 Morton on the West 48-11-13-301-053.000-003,48-11-13-301-052.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-055.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900450 48-11-13-301-055.000-003 $1,258.12 Hinderer John HIGHLAND S PT L 023 2nd lot from 2100 Morton on the East 48-11-13-301-053.000-003,48-11-13-301-052.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-055.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900452 48-11-13-301-096.000-003 $27,203.32 B2 Real Estate Fund L P H J BRONNENBERG PL 49 L 017 1 lot South of and joined with 1925 Morton 481900453 48-11-13-301-107.000-003 $28,697.51 Bourke Kieran (Kerry) & Valery H J BRONNENBERG PL 61 L 029 1925 Morton St 481900454 48-11-13-301-119.000-003 $12,344.74 Outlaw Bruce E & Sonya L H J BRONNENBERG PL 73 L 040 1928 Fairview St 481900456 48-11-13-301-155.000-003 $3,613.68 Cassidy Dawn E PENDLETON AVENUE ADDN PL 01 L 001 1 lot North and joining 1806 Fairview St 48-11-13-301-155.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900457 48-11-13-301-157.000-003 $2,905.86 Cassidy Dawn E PENDLETON AVENUE ADDN PL 03 L 003 1 Lot South and joining 1806 Fairview St 48-11-13-301-155.000-003 and 48-11-13-301-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900458 48-11-13-302-008.000-003 $40,524.93 Sloss Jimmy K WOODLAWN L 004 1817 Fairview St 481900459 48-11-13-302-018.000-003 $2,460.34 Wallace Temple A M E Zion Church WOODLAWN 44' N SD L 014 2013 Fairview St 481900460 48-11-13-302-030.000-003 $717.45 English Tony J WOODLAWN L 020 2115 Fairview St 481900461 48-11-13-302-049.000-003 $969.83 Hopkins Daisy 13/15 Et Al 2/15 WOODLAWN L 082 1830 Sheridan St 481900462 48-11-13-302-050.000-003 $378.44 Hopkins Clyde J & Daisy H WOODLAWN L 083 1 lot south and joining with 1822 Sheridian St 481900463 48-11-13-302-058.000-003 $2,331.71 Hollowell David Arnold & Elmar Johnson Hollowell WOODLAWN L 092 1825 Sheridan St 481900464 48-11-13-302-065.000-003 $453.71 Wilkerson Chistopher & Wilkerson Louie WOODLAWN L 099 1929 Sheridan St 481900465 48-11-13-302-080.000-003 $1,008.00 Ward J D & Carzell WOODLAWN W2 L 154 1 lot south and joining 720 W 22nd St 48-11-13-303-127.000-003 and 48-11-13-302-080.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900466 48-11-13-302-082.000-003 $2,871.12 Amsden William R & Carolyn Landers T-C WOODLAWN L 156 1lot north joined with 2120 Sherman St 481900467 48-11-13-302-083.000-003 $13,068.76 Peaniehill Waterfront Property llc WOODLAWN L 157 2106 Sherman St 481900468 48-11-13-302-118.000-003 $2,317.14 Boyd Melvin A WOODLAWN L 260 1828 Hendricks St 481900469 48-11-13-303-010.000-003 $1,151.89 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP 32' S EN L 008 lot East and joining 625 W 24th St 481900470 48-11-13-303-011.000-003 $901.98 Muncie Bargain Rentals Inc WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP EXC 32' L 009 Lot East and joining 623 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-011.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-012.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900471 48-11-13-303-012.000-003 $590.67 Muncie Bargain Rentals Inc WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP 32' S EN L 009 2nd lot East of 625 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-011.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-012.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900472 48-11-13-303-013.000-003 $1,663.67 Muncie Bargain Rentals Inc WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 010 Lot is half of 625 W 24th St 481900473 48-11-13-303-014.000-003 $965.50 Muncie Bargain Rentals Inc WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP S2 L 011 2nd lot south of 625 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-014.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-015.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900474 48-11-13-303-015.000-003 $839.57 Muncie Bargain Rentals Inc WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP N2 L 011 1 lot south of 625 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-014.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-015.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900475 48-11-13-303-021.000-003 $5,089.89 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 017 9 th lot south of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900476 48-11-13-303-022.000-003 $5,195.07 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 018 8 th lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900477 48-11-13-303-023.000-003 $5,195.07 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 019 7 th lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900478 48-11-13-303-024.000-003 $5,915.00 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 020 6 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900479 48-11-13-303-025.000-003 $5,195.07 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 021 5 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900480 48-11-13-303-026.000-003 $5,195.07 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 022 4 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900481 48-11-13-303-027.000-003 $5,418.27 Richie Adrian J & Et Al WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 023 3 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900482 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 $5,389.72 Richie Adrian & Et Al J/T R/S WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 024 2 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-021.000-003,48-11-13-303-022.000-003,48-11-13-303-023.000-003,48-11-13-303-024.000-003,48-11-13-303-025.000-003,48-11-13-303-026.000-003,48-11-13-303-027.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-028.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900483 48-11-13-303-029.000-003 $4,009.40 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 025 1 lot South of 703 and 705 W 24th St 481900484 48-11-13-303-030.000-003 $15,823.00 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 026 1st lot South of 715 W 24th St 481900485 48-11-13-303-031.000-003 $4,009.40 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 027 2nd lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900486 48-11-13-303-032.000-003 $4,009.40 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 028 3rd lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900487 48-11-13-303-033.000-003 $4,009.40 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP L 029 4th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900488 48-11-13-303-034.000-003 $4,009.40 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP 26' V/S L 030 5th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900489 48-11-13-303-035.000-003 $4,477.57 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP V/S L 031 6th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900490 48-11-13-303-036.000-003 $4,477.57 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP V/S L 032 7th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900491 48-11-13-303-037.000-003 $4,477.57 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP V/S L 033 8th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900492 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 $4,428.49 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN STEBBINGS RP V/S L 034 9th lot South of 715 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-031.000-003,48-11-13-303-032.000-003,48-11-13-303-033.000-003,48-11-13-303-034.000-003,48-11-13-303-035.000-003,48-11-13-303-036.000-003,48-11-13-303-037.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-038.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900493 48-11-13-303-040.000-003 $1,936.48 Smith Lee WOODLAWN 49' 11IN E END L 023 602 W 22nd St 481900495 48-11-13-303-108.000-003 $70,081.01 King Troy L WOODLAWN Lot 141 lot South and joined with 2320 Sherman St 481900496 48-11-13-303-113.000-003 $23,446.16 Kirkwood Billy W WOODLAWN L 146 Lot North and joined witn 2308 Sherman St 481900497 48-11-13-303-127.000-003 $7,984.43 Ward J D & Carzell WOODLAWN W2 L 153 Lot West and joined 716 W 22nd St 48-11-13-303-127.000-003 and 48-11-13-302-080.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900498 48-11-13-303-128.000-003 $1,421.20 Holliday Jesse WOODLAWN L 200 802 W 22nd St 481900499 48-11-13-303-137.000-003 $2,329.47 Larkin Larrie James WOODLAWN L 207 Lot North and joined with 2311 Sherman ST 481900500 48-11-13-303-138.000-003 $379.71 Victorias Properties LLC WOODLAWN L 208 2311 Sherman St 481900501 48-11-13-303-139.000-003 $536.74 Victorias Properties LLC WOODLAWN L 209 2315 Sherman St 481900502 48-11-13-303-148.000-003 $677.63 West 24Th Lands Llc & L/E Charles R & Dolores Jones WOODLAWN 41' W PT L 214 parcel splits 1/2 house at 811 W 24th 481900503 48-11-13-303-149.000-003 $889.55 Matthews Terrence WOODLAWN 41'X20' N PT M PT L 215 1st parcel south of 807 w 24th St 481900504 48-11-13-303-151.000-003 $1,813.40 West 24Th Lands Llc & L/E Charles R & Dolores Jones WOODLAWN 41' W PT & 30'X83' L 215 3rd parcel south of 807 W 24th St 481900505 48-11-13-303-152.000-003 $13,590.27 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN L 216 4th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 481900506 48-11-13-303-153.000-003 $4,915.73 Robinette Charles WOODLAWN L 217 5th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 481900507 48-11-13-303-154.000-003 $13,133.71 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN L 218 6th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-154.000-003,48-11-13-303-155.000-003,48-11-13-303-156.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900508 48-11-13-303-155.000-003 $14,417.51 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN V/S L 219 7th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-154.000-003,48-11-13-303-155.000-003,48-11-13-303-156.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900509 48-11-13-303-156.000-003 $14,417.53 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN V/S L 220 8th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-154.000-003,48-11-13-303-155.000-003,48-11-13-303-156.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900510 48-11-13-303-157.000-003 $22,006.55 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN V/S L 221 9th parcel South of 807 W 24th St 48-11-13-303-154.000-003,48-11-13-303-155.000-003,48-11-13-303-156.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-157.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900511 48-11-13-303-158.000-003 $6,783.66 Carter Industrial Services WOODLAWN EXC 52' N SD L 222 3rd lot South of 2434 Hendricks 481900512 48-11-13-303-162.000-003 $16,256.58 Sherman Kevin H Ii & Mandy R WOODLAWN 26' N SD L 224 2nd lot south of 2426 Hendricks 48-11-13-303-163.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900513 48-11-13-303-163.000-003 $1,872.79 Sherman Kevin H Ii & Mandy R WOODLAWN 16' S SD L 225 1st lot south of 2426 Hendricks 48-11-13-303-163.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900514 48-11-13-303-171.000-003 $2,801.72 Hubbard Roy & Karen WOODLAWN L 231 2nd lot south of 2316 Hendricks 48-11-13-303-171.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-172.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900515 48-11-13-303-172.000-003 $3,822.33 Hubbard Roy & Karen WOODLAWN L 232 1st lot South and joining 2318 Hendricks 48-11-13-303-171.000-003 and 48-11-13-303-172.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900516 48-11-13-303-177.000-003 $10,219.60 Muthiah Gunasekaran & Sinnamutha Manonmani WOODLAWN ADDN L 237 2228 & 2230 Hendricks ST 481900517 48-11-13-303-186.000-003 $1,664.57 Midwest Men Of Integrity Dba Man 4 Man Ministries WOODLAWN & 1/2 VAC ALLEY L 291 2205 Hendricks St 481900518 48-11-13-303-188.000-003 $293.55 Burns Darrin WOODLAWN & 1/2 VAC ALLEY L 293 1st lot South of 2209 Hendricks 481900519 48-11-13-303-189.000-003 $25,112.09 Hardin James A & Belinda WOODLAWN & 1/2 VAC ALLEY L 294 2225 Hendricks St 481900520 48-11-13-303-192.000-003 $3,758.48 Concerned Citizens Coalition WOODLAWN L 298 Lot between 2309 and 23019 Hendricks 481900521 48-11-13-303-218.000-003 $337.63 Cotton Oscar Jr & Velma WOODLAWN L 321 1st lot south of 2320 Madison Ave 481900522 48-11-13-303-234.000-003 $2,500.62 Board Of Church Extension & Home Missions Of Church Of God WOODLAWN 24' S SD L 224 2430 Hendricks St 481900523 48-11-13-304-014.000-003 $1,050.78 Amos Max L & Delberta K PT SE SW 13-19-7 PL 27 00000.1300A 2450 Chase St 481900524 48-11-13-304-016.000-003 $3,007.65 Collins Bobby G PT SE SW PLAT 28-1 13-19-7 00000.2800A 1 lot South of 2435 Brown St 481900525 48-11-13-304-019.000-003 $4,007.20 Wood Steven M PT E2 13-19-7 PL 02 00000.1260A 2424 Morton St 481900526 48-11-13-304-042.000-003 $1,518.68 Baker Tamara PT E2 SW 13-19-7 PL 17 00000.1250A 2410 Chase St 481900527 48-11-13-304-043.000-003 $1,176.77 Baker Esther M PT E2 SW 13-19-7 PL 18 00000.1700A 2414 Chase St 48-11-13-304-044.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900528 48-11-13-304-044.000-003 $300.62 Baker Esther M PT E2 SW 13-19-7 PL 19 00000.1950A 1 Lot South of 2414 Chase St 48-11-13-304-044.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900529 48-11-13-304-063.000-003 $2,036.52 Jenkins Veronica PT E2 SW 13-19-7 PL 01 00000.2000A 2220 Lincoln St 481900530 48-11-13-304-091.000-003 $25,844.71 Smith Diane BAERS FAIRVIEW PL 59 L 004 2441 Lincoln St 481900531 48-11-13-304-095.000-003 $1,327.59 Alec Cay LLC BAERS FAIRVIEW L 008 2446 Morton St 48-11-13-304-095.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-096.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900532 48-11-13-304-096.000-003 $286.47 Alec Cay LLC BAERS FAIRVIEW L 009 parcel is half of improvements of 2446 Morton 48-11-13-304-095.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-096.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900533 48-11-13-304-097.000-003 $856.48 Alec Cay LLC BAERS FAIRVIEW PL 65 L 010 2442 Morton St 481900534 48-11-13-304-103.000-003 $15,404.00 Mc Cracken Richard M BAERS FAIRVIEW PL 72 L 016 2435 Morton St 481900535 48-11-13-304-131.000-003 $23,609.88 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay PIQUGNOS 2ND PL 55 L 013 1st lot north of 2423 Lincoln St 481900536 48-11-13-304-176.000-003 $1,733.23 JIH LLC HARRIS PL 24 L 014 2230 Chase St 481900537 48-11-13-304-196.000-003 $1,596.93 Henson Kevin W CHERRYS W2 BLOCK 03 L 005 307 W 22nd St 481900538 48-11-13-304-198.000-003 $583.57 Victorias Properties LLC CHERRYS EXC 13.05'X 112' BLOCK 03 L 006 311 W 22nd St 481900539 48-11-13-304-200.000-003 $6,134.18 O Neil Herbert M & Louise F J/T-R/S CHERRYS BLOCK 04 L 008 1st lot West of 321 W 22nd St 481900540 48-11-13-304-223.000-003 $1,242.64 Jones Willie Lee & Thelma HIGHLAND 18X130' E SD L 056 1st lot (small strip) East of 505 W 22nd St 48-11-13-304-223.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-224.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900541 48-11-13-304-224.000-003 $9,341.86 Jones Willie Lee & Thelma HIGHLAND L 057 2ndLot East and joining 505 W 22nd St 48-11-13-304-223.000-003 and 48-11-13-304-224.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900542 48-11-13-401-007.000-003 $5,278.83 O'Hearn Warren E FLETCHER PLACE PL 38 L 001 2004 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-007.000-003,48-11-13-401-138.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-139.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900543 48-11-13-401-009.000-003 $22,093.16 Teague James FLETCHER PLACE PL 40 L 003 2012 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-009.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-141.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900544 48-11-13-401-016.000-003 $404.07 Operation Move In LLC FLETCHER PLACE L 010 2110 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-016.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-148.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900545 48-11-13-401-017.000-003 $1,807.22 Operation Move In Llc FLETCHER PLACE PL 03 L 011 2114 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-017.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-149.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900546 48-11-13-401-018.000-003 $687.70 Operation Move In LLC FLETCHER PLACE PL 04 L 012 Lot between 2114 Fletcher and 2122 Fletcher next to Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-018.000-003,48-11-13-401-019.000-003,48-11-13-401-150.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900547 48-11-13-401-019.000-003 $2,157.93 Operation Move In Llc FLETCHER PLACE PL 13 L 013 2122 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-018.000-003,48-11-13-401-019.000-003,48-11-13-401-150.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481900548 48-11-13-401-020.000-003 $2,903.52 Jackson James A FLETCHER PLACE PL 06 L 014 2126 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-020.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-152.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900549 48-11-13-401-036.000-003 $2,360.21 King Elsie T FLETCHER PLACE 10' N SD PL 38 L 032 Small Strip of parcel South and joining 2010 Central Ave 481900552 48-11-13-401-095.000-003 $2,068.62 Hagerman Carla KELTNERS PL 89 L 007 parcel south of 1924 Pearl St 481900553 48-11-13-401-097.000-003 $1,292.54 DYG Anderson Properties LLC WALNUT HILLS PT PL 84 L 004 1923 Fletcher St 481900554 48-11-13-401-102.000-003 $8,212.36 Goodman Tyler WALNUT HILLS 1D PL 90 L 007 1907 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-105.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900555 48-11-13-401-105.000-003 $590.52 Goodman Tyler WALNUT HILLS 1/3 PL 91 L 008 1911 Fletcher improvements 48-11-13-401-105.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-102.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900556 48-11-13-401-108.000-003 $1,098.53 Yater David G & Pattee L WALNUT HILLS 16 2/3' S SD PL 95 L 010 1911 Fletcher improvements 48-11-13-401-108.000-003 & 48-11-13-401-109.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900557 48-11-13-401-109.000-003 $5,500.38 Yater David G & Pattee L WALNUT HILLS 17.2/3' N SD PL 96 L 011 1912 Central Ave 48-11-13-401-108.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-109.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900558 48-11-13-401-138.000-003 $909.08 O'Hearn Warren E SOUTH PARK PL 46 L 087 Lot South and joining 1928 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-007.000-003,48-11-13-401-138.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-139.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900559 48-11-13-401-139.000-003 $1,154.81 O'Hearn Warren E SOUTH PARK PL 47 L 088 Lot splits house at 2004 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-007.000-003,48-11-13-401-138.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-139.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900560 48-11-13-401-141.000-003 $7,129.09 Teague James SOUTH PARK PL 49 L 090 Lot south of 2008 Fletcher and East of parcel 48-11-13-401-009.000-003 48-11-13-401-009.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-141.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900561 48-11-13-401-146.000-003 $4,830.88 Buck Chris & Christine SOUTH PARK PL 54 L 095 Lot has half of house at 2034 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-014.000-003 481900562 48-11-13-401-148.000-003 $620.07 Operation Move In LLC SOUTH PARK L 097 309 E 21st St 48-11-13-401-016.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-148.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900563 48-11-13-401-149.000-003 $725.99 Operation Move In LLC SOUTH PARK PL 09 L 098 Lot has half of 2114 Fletcher 48-11-13401-017.000-003 48-11-13-401-017.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-149.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900564 48-11-13-401-150.000-003 $725.99 Operation Move In LLC SOUTH PARK PL 10 L 099 NE lot between 2114 and 2122 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-018.000-003,48-11-13-401-019.000-003,48-11-13-401-150.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900565 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 $725.99 Operation Move In Llc SOUTH PARK PL 11 L 100 Lot has half of house at 2122 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 48-11-13-401-018.000-003,48-11-13-401-019.000-003,48-11-13-401-150.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-151.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900566 48-11-13-401-152.000-003 $2,230.36 Jackson James A SOUTH PARK PL 12 L 101 NE lot betwee 2122 and 2128 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-020.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-152.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900568 48-11-13-401-174.000-003 $34,457.01 Stokes Travis & Heather SOUTH PARK PL 68 L 165 2018 Pearl St 481900569 48-11-13-401-217.000-003 $1,687.06 DYG Anderson Properties LLC PEARL STREET ADDN PL 92 L 002 1820 Pearl St 481900570 48-11-13-401-233.000-003 $28,755.46 Buck Christopher HETTLES L 003 1812 Central Ave 481900571 48-11-13-401-246.000-003 $302.82 Reynolds Jeffrey HETTLES PL 01 L 015 Lot is half of house at 1800 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-246.000-003 481900572 48-11-13-401-251.000-003 $1,514.61 Hackett Marshall HETTLES PL 06 L 020 Lot is half of house at 1826 Fletcher 48-11-13-401-267.000-003 48-11-13-401-251.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-267.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900573 48-11-13-401-267.000-003 $4,173.10 Hackett Marshall HOOVERS 43'X103' PL 22 L 010 1826 Fletcher St 48-11-13-401-251.000-003 and 48-11-13-401-267.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900574 48-11-13-401-270.000-003 $10,659.95 Dorcy Rocky Wayne As Trustee Of Sofia L Dorcy Irrovic T/R ANDREW JACKSON'S 2nd ADDN OL PT L 054 1903 Walnut St 481900575 48-11-13-401-272.000-003 $4,761.48 Templin Scott JACKSONS OL 054 PL 97 L 063 1900 Pearl St 481900576 48-11-13-401-273.000-003 $1,058.48 Joyner Jackie PEARL STREET ADDN EXC 41.5' E ENL 001 JACKSONS 2ND ADDN OF OL PT LTS 54 & 63 1810 Pearl St 481900577 48-11-13-401-275.000-003 $52,146.67 Slinker John JACKSONS OL2 PLAT 102 13-19-7 L 054 00000.1100A 1829 Walnut St 481900579 48-11-13-401-283.000-003 $345.48 M E M Properties Llc T-C SOUTH PARK L 001 Lot East and joins 2130 Main St 48-11-13-401-283.000-003 and 48-11-13-402-080.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900580 48-11-13-402-017.000-003 $853.85 Friend Larry Keith AVONDALE & 1/2 VAC ALLEY L 004 1816 Main St 481900581 48-11-13-402-053.000-003 $1,190.95 Barnes Dena M AVONDALE PL 24 L 083 1807 Main St 481900582 48-11-13-402-069.000-003 $11,258.33 Walbridge Glenford C & Frances AVONDALE PL 66 L 168 South Lot joining 1814 Jackson 48-11-13-402-071.000-003 and 48-11-13-402-069.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900583 48-11-13-402-071.000-003 $1,108.26 Walbridge Glenford & Frances AVONDALE pt L 169 (12.4' x 0.55') 2nd parcel small strip south of 1814 Jackson 48-11-13-402-071.000-003 and 48-11-13-402-069.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900584 48-11-13-402-080.000-003 $5,193.51 M E M Properties Llc T-C AVONDALE L 024 2130 Main St 48-11-13-401-283.000-003 and 48-11-13-402-080.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900585 48-11-13-403-027.000-003 $717.92 Miquels Marc D K HARPOLDS PL 33 L 002 2436 Brown St 481900587 48-11-13-403-060.000-003 $1,218.60 Verdin Raul MORRISONS PL 24 L 001 2431 Jackson St 481900588 48-11-13-403-063.000-003 $469.15 Victorias Properties LLC MORRISONS PL 27 L 004 2432 Delaware St 481900589 48-11-13-403-073.000-003 $1,915.80 Cunningham Morris & Tenia Collins J/T R/S DELAWARE 36.75' S SD PL 43 L 004 2416 Delaware St 481900591 48-11-13-404-001.000-003 $476.94 Anderson Michael & Bonnie BH GEDGE'S PT LTS 1-9 & SOUTH PARK PT LTS 198-203 (0.745ac) **SEE MISC NOTES RE: LEGAL** Lot is a triangle shape between alley and RR from 2450 to 2330 Pearl 481900592 48-11-13-404-012.000-003 $548.19 P C C & St Louis Rr B H GEDGES ADDN L 010 V/A & VAC 25TH ST (0.227AC) Lot includes both sides and includes East 25th st, South of and joins 2450 Pearl st 481900593 48-11-13-404-018.000-003 $2,031.12 Anderson Micheal & Bonnie B H GEDGES L 016 2432 Pearl St 48-11-13-404-018.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900594 48-11-13-404-019.000-003 $456.17 Anderson Micheal & Bonnie B H GEDGES S PT L 017 North LotJoining 2432 Pearl and has half of improvements 48-11-13-404-018.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900596 48-11-13-404-028.000-003 $1,378.08 Perez Gildardo B H GEDGES L 025 2449 Pearl St 481900597 48-11-13-404-049.000-003 $981.90 Shanks Jeff B H GEDGES PL 82 L 047 2434 Central Ave 481900598 48-11-13-404-096.000-003 $1,431.88 Bristow Gregory K SOUTH PARK EXC PT TRI PT PL 26 L 021 2413 Central Ave 481900599 48-11-13-404-133.000-003 $193.71 Dieudonne Marie Melody SOUTH PARK PT S SD L 053 Small Strip of land North and joining 2314 Central Ave 48-11-13-404-133.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-134.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900600 48-11-13-404-134.000-003 $3,331.53 Dieudonne Marie Melody SOUTH PARK PL 46 L 054 2314 Central Ave 48-11-13-404-133.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-134.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900603 48-11-13-404-185.000-003 $1,413.17 Alfa Investment Group Inc SOUTH PARK L 117 2328 Fletcher St 481900604 48-11-13-404-187.000-003 $2,810.95 Manning Tim & Kathy SOUTH PARK L 119 2404 Fletcher St 481900605 48-11-13-404-201.000-003 $2,680.23 Malinsky Avery & Susan SOUTH PARK L 133 2319 Pearl St 481900606 48-11-13-404-205.000-003 $998.90 Campbell Charles Eric & Kathryn Ann Thoman SOUTH PARK PL 26 L 137 2229 Pearl St 481900607 48-11-13-404-207.000-003 $328.92 Rector Randy R SOUTH PARK PL 28 L 139 Lot South and joining 2219 Pearl St 48-11-13-404-207.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-208.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900608 48-11-13-404-208.000-003 $997.73 Rector Randy R SOUTH PARK PL 29 L 140 2219 Pearl St 48-11-13-404-207.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-208.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900610 48-11-13-404-213.000-003 $585.59 Phillips David L & Jacquelines SOUTH PARK L 177 Lot South and joined with 2126 Pearl 481900611 48-11-13-404-216.000-003 $443.35 Rector Randy R SOUTH PARK PL 51 L 180 Lot South and joined with 2206 Pearl 48-11-13-404-216.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-217.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900612 48-11-13-404-217.000-003 $639.14 Rector Randy R SOUTH PARK PL 52 L 181 2214 Pearl St 48-11-13-404-216.000-003 and 48-11-13-404-217.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900613 48-11-13-404-218.000-003 $635.47 Rector Randy SOUTH PARK PL 53 L 182 2218 Pearl St 481900614 48-11-13-404-234.000-003 $1,505.42 Huffman Eric Parra Encarnacion (cto) SOUTH PARK L 197 2420 Pearl St 481900615 48-11-13-500-006.000-003 $726.22 Brown Harold HARLANS S2 PL 36 L 006 1206 Home Ave 481900616 48-11-14-101-024.000-003 $8,015.59 Anthony Roy E PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 05 00000.1500A Lot North and joined to 1324 Locust St 481900617 48-11-14-101-026.000-003 $306.80 Patrick Brian PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 03 00000.1300A lot is 1312 Locust St with improvements 481900618 48-11-14-101-029.000-003 $3,419.86 Cox Samuel S & Misty L Gardner J/T R/S PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 12 00000.0700A Lot West and joined with 1110 W 13th St 481900619 48-11-14-101-033.000-003 $1,339.28 Oliver Montague III PT NE NE OAK GROVE 14-19-7 PL 08 00000.4700A 1031 Nichol Ave 481900620 48-11-14-101-034.000-003 $1,087.92 Gibson Toby A & Sherri L PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 07 00000.3200A 1st lot West and joining 1031 Nichol 481900621 48-11-14-101-035.000-003 $182.05 Victorias Properties LLC PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 06 00000.2500A 1st Lot East and joining 1113 Nichol 48-11-14-101-035.000-003,48-11-14-101-036.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-039.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900622 48-11-14-101-036.000-003 $401.23 Victorias Properties LLC PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 05 00000.1700A 1113 Nichol Ave 48-11-14-101-035.000-003,48-11-14-101-036.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-039.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900623 48-11-14-101-039.000-003 $100.05 Victorias Properties LLC PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 03 00000.1000A 1st lot West and joining 1113 Nichol 48-11-14-101-035.000-003,48-11-14-101-036.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-039.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481900624 48-11-14-101-044.000-003 $331.47 Lewis Julia A PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 08 00000.2500A 1st lot East and joining 1227 W 13th St 481900625 48-11-14-101-051.000-003 $10,649.21 Matthews Willie Mae PT W2 NE NE PLAT 1-1 14-19-7 00000.2000A 1st lot West and joining 1326 W 14th St 481900626 48-11-14-101-055.000-003 $698.48 Swain Clarice PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 05 00000.0500A 1st lot (small strip) West of 1229 W 11th St 48-11-14-101-055.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-059.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900627 48-11-14-101-058.000-003 $2,554.71 Lawler Irene D & Nell Lawler & V Lawler & L L Fuller J/T R/S PT NE NE 14-19-7 PL 01 00000.2300A 1230 W 11th St 481900628 48-11-14-101-059. 000-003 $902.95 Swain Clarice HILLTOP 64' S END L 015 & V/A 1321 W 11th St 48-11-14-101-055. 000-003 & 48-11-14-101-059.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481900629 48-11-14-101-065.000-003 $1,541.41 Alec Cay LLC HANCOCKS & V/A PL 36 L 006 1030 W 11th St 481900630 48-11-14-101-108. 000-003 $4,763.89 Payne Monnie S HILLTOP EXC 85' W END L 014 Small lot going East & West & joining 1327 W 11th Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 4 1579659 4819...

Tax Sale Page 4 1579659 481900631 48-11-14-101-114.000-003 $1,553.73 Weatherspoon Michelle CHIPMANS PL 72 L 004 1307 Nichol Ave 481900632 48-11-14-101-117.000-003 $18,448.98 Rice Mary H CHIPMANS PL 75 L 007 Lot West and joining 1306 W 13th St 481900633 48-11-14-101-119.000-003 $5,129.00 Smith Willie L CHIPMANS PL 77 L 009 Lot East and joining 1306 W 13th St 481900634 48-11-14-101-120.000-003 $2,078.24 Streaty Julius Sr & Marybelle CHIPMANS PL 78 L 010 Lot West and joining 1224 W 13th St 481900635 48-11-14-101-122.000-003 $3,425.63 Barnes Robert Lee Sr CHIPMANS PL 21 L 012 Lot East and joining 1307 W 13th St 481900636 48-11-14-101-131.000-003 $1,472.35 Barnes Robert Lee & Robert Lee Barnes Jr CHIPMANS N2 PL 31 L 020 Lot North and joining 1224 W 14th St 481900637 48-11-14-101-136.000-003 $4,964.32 Express Funding Corp BIG FOUR PL 68 L 004 Lot East and joining 1224 W 13th St 481900638 48-11-14-101-152.000-003 $15,651.31 Fuller Virginia D OWEN L CARRS INSIDE PL 14 L 013 Lot North and joining 1315 Locust St 481900639 48-11-14-101-155.000-003 $11,159.90 Shea Thomas OWEN L CARRS INSIDE PL 17 L 016 Lot South and joining 1321 Locust St 481900640 48-11-14-101-156.000-003 $13,088.14 Hyde Evie OWEN L CARRS INSIDE PL 18 L 017 1329 Locust St 481900641 48-11-14-101-157.000-003 $16,551.70 Buck Christopher & Christine OWEN L CARRS INSIDE PL 19 L 018 1333 Locust St 481900644 48-11-14-101-168.000-003 $13,420.31 Collins Franklin OAK GROVE PL 19 L 054 2nd Lot North of 1319 Madison Ave 481900645 48-11-14-101-173.000-003 $1,127.87 Owens Douglass OAK GROVE PL 69 L 058 1st lot North West corner two alleys behind 1207 Madison Ave 48-11-14-101-173.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-176.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900646 48-11-14-101-176.000-003 $1,182.52 Owens Douglass OAK GROVE PL 71 L 062 2nd lot North West of alley benind 1207 Madison Ave 48-11-14-101-173.000-003 and 48-11-14-101-176.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900647 48-11-14-102-001.000-003 $4,401.25 Fuller Shannon D MILLER & JUDD V/S L 001 Lot West at the corner of Laurel and Nichol Ave joining 1225, 1217, 1201 Victory Ct 481900648 48-11-14-102-012.000-003 $936.03 Fleet Kevin E & Janet A MILLER & JUDD L 007 1608 Nichol Ave 481900649 48-11-14-102-014.000-003 $7,731.61 Restoration Earth Inc MILLER & JUDD L 009 1616 Nichol Ave 481900650 48-11-14-102-019.000-003 $1,573.51 Vaught Terry Dean MILLER & JUDD 5' W SD L 013 1st lot West (Small strip) joining 1628 Nichol 48-11-14-102-019.000-003 and 48-11-14-102-020.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900651 48-11-14-102-020.000-003 $17,440.76 Vaught Terry Dean MILLER & JUDD L 014 Lot at the corner of Nichol Ave and alley West of 1628 Nichol 48-11-14-102-019.000-003 and 48-11-14-102-020.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900652 48-11-14-102-026.000-003 $3,142.32 Brann Charles E & Karen L MILLER & JUDD L 020 1635 W 12th St 481900653 48-11-14-102-028.000-003 $878.44 Welllington Investments Llc MILLER & JUDD 5' W SD L 021 1st lot West (Small strip) joining 1627 Nichol 481900654 48-11-14-102-040.000-003 $1,541.44 Johnson Ruby L MILLER & JUDD L 031 1510 W 12th St 481900656 48-11-14-102-057.000-003 $3,540.72 AL Homes MILLER & JUDD L 051 1635 W 11th St 481900657 48-11-14-102-060.000-003 $1,400.72 Sullivan Ryan MILLER & JUDD L 054 1621 W 11th St 481900658 48-11-14-102-068.000-003 $1,855.90 2554 Nichol Avenue LLC MILLER & JUDD L 062 1513 W 11th St 481900659 48-11-14-102-071.000-003 $1,931.61 KDS3 Associates MILLER & JUDD L 065 1501 W 11th St 481900660 48-11-14-102-072.000-003 $2,778.95 Spicer Franklin E MILLER & JUDD EXC 96' N END V/ L 066 Lot West and joining1115 Victory Ct 481900661 48-11-14-102-074.000-003 $19,139.64 Musick James Ryan MILLER & JUDD S PT & 1/2 V/S L 067 1030 Laurel St 481900662 48-11-14-102-080.000-003 $1,845.06 Morrissey Lawrance J MILLER & JUDD L 072 1524 W 11th St 481900663 48-11-14-102-081.000-003 $887.81 Carter Michael & Rhonda MILLER & JUDD L 073 1048 Sycamore St 481900664 48-11-14-102-098.000-003 $1,796.40 Hyde Evie C HIGH POINT PLACE L 001 1402 W 11th St 481900665 48-11-14-102-105.000-003 $5,116.87 Peters Charles & Vicky HIGH POINT PLACE EXC 113.10' N L 006 1st lot West and joining1414 W 11th St 481900667 48-11-14-102-142.000-003 $3,218.97 Fields Beverly ENGLEWOOD 89.5' N PT L 191 1st lot West and joining 13631 W 13th St 481900668 48-11-14-102-143.000-003 $38,333.79 Givens John H ENGLEWOOD EXC 89.5' N PT L 191 1630 W 14th St 481900669 48-11-14-102-151.000-003 $1,394.82 Nunn Franklin J ENGLEWOOD 98.75' S END L 196 1610 W 14th St 481900670 48-11-14-102-153.000-003 $4,827.76 Mc Phaul Martha & Joyce Russell & Nancy Taylor T-C ENGLEWOOD 107' S END L 197 1608 W 14th St 481900671 48-11-14-102-162.000-003 $300.95 May-Bey Maurice ENGLEWOOD L 206 0 W 14th St 481900672 48-11-14-102-170.000-003 $328.65 Noble asset Holding LLC ENGLEWOOD L 214 1425 W 13th St 481900673 48-11-14-102-176.000-003 $705.46 Wilson Carolyn J ENGLEWOOD 40'X50' L 216 1312 Laurel St 481900674 48-11-14-102-186.000-003 $3,088.61 Bonner Bernice ENGLEWOOD S PT L 222 1316 Sycamore St 481900676 48-11-14-102-210.000-003 $272.34 2554 Nichol Ave Llc ENGLEWOOD L 244 0 Nichol Ave 481900677 48-11-14-102-220.000-003 $956.48 Home & Castle Llc ENGLEWOOD EXC 120' S END L 251 1615 Nichol Ave 481900678 48-11-14-102-227.000-003 $4,462.74 Allen Lou Emma & Jessie James ENGLEWOOD 88.5'X50' S END L 254 Lot West and joining 1622 W 13th St 481900679 48-11-14-103-006.000-003 $14,170.00 V C G X T Llcste Ll 130 ENGLEWOOD L 014 Lot South at corner of 15th St and Arrow joining 1424 Arrow Ave 481900680 48-11-14-103-015.000-003 $1,317.54 1st Millennial LLC ENGLEWOOD 34' N SD L 023 Lot has 1/3 of improvement building at 1610 Arrow Ave 481900681 48-11-14-103-016.000-003 $202.19 1st Millennial LLC ENGLEWOOD 14' S SD L 023 1st lot South of 1610 Arrow Ave 48-11-14-103-016.000-003,48-11-14-103-018.000-003 and 48-11-14-103-017.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900682 48-11-14-103-017.000-003 $269.02 1st Millennial LLC ENGLEWOOD 30' S SD L 024 3nd lot South of 1610 Arrow Ave 48-11-14-103-016.000-003,48-11-14-103-018.000-003 and 48-11-14-103-017.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900683 48-11-14-103-018.000-003 $213.63 1st Millennial LLC ENGLEWOOD 18' N SD L 024 2nd lot South of 1610 Arrow Ave 48-11-14-103-016.000-003,48-11-14-103-018.000-003 and 48-11-14-103-017.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900684 48-11-14-103-022.000-003 $951.60 Reed Barbara L ENGLEWOOD L 027 1702 Arrow Ave 481900685 48-11-14-103-026.000-003 $1,203.77 Cape Cod International LLC ENGLEWOOD L 031 1648 W 18th St 481900686 48-11-14-103-032.000-003 $499.44 Alec Cay LLC ENGLEWOOD L 037 1618 W 18th St 481900687 48-11-14-103-033.000-003 $661.08 Alec Cay LLC ENGLEWOOD L 038 1614 W 18th St 481900688 48-11-14-103-043.000-003 $27,287.97 Bd Of Church Extension & Homemissions Of Ch Of God Inc ENGLEWOOD L 063 1637 W 17th St 481900689 48-11-14-103-044.000-003 $31,704.59 Umlic-One Inc ENGLEWOOD L 064 1645 W 17th St 481900690 48-11-14-103-068.000-003 $18,790.94 Carter William ENGLEWOOD L 108 1st Lot West and joining 1632 W 16th St 481900691 48-11-14-103-070.000-003 $302.84 Williams Joseph & Annie ENGLEWOOD L 110 !st lot East and joining 1632 W 16th St 481900692 48-11-14-103-071.000-003 $302.82 Williams Joe ENGLEWOOD L 111 2nd lot East of 1632 W 16th St 481900693 48-11-14-103-086.000-003 $10,764.94 Boom Systems Llc ENGLEWOOD L 132 1st lot West and joining 1425 W 15th St 481900694 48-11-14-103-089.000-003 $1,674.50 Poole Neoma & Larry & Phylis A J/T R/S ENGLEWOOD L 136 1529 W 15th St 481900695 48-11-14-103-120.000-003 $2,267.41 Morant Alberta & Adrienne White ENGLEWOOD L 171 1415 W 14th St 481900696 48-11-14-103-129.000-003 $3,488.09 Morgan Fred ENGLEWOOD L 186 1st lot West of 1621 W 14th St 481900697 48-11-14-104-003.000-003 $265.25 Lawson Larry PT SE SE 14-19-7 PL 63 00000.2000A Lot South north of RR and joining 1710 Locust 48-11-14-104-003.000-003,48-11-14-104-067.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-068.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900698 48-11-14-104-019.000-003 $1,363.63 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD 64' S SD L 147 1717 Madison Ave 481900699 48-11-14-104-022.000-003 $1,091.68 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 149 3rd Lot South of RR West of Madison Ave, North of 1725 Madison Ave 481900700 48-11-14-104-024.000-003 $1,020.18 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 209 2nd Lot South of RR on Cedar St 48-11-14-104-024.000-003,48-11-14-104-025.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-136.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900701 48-11-14-104-025.000-003 $1,283.58 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 210 1st Lot South of RR on Cedar St 48-11-14-104-024.000-003,48-11-14-104-025.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-136.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900702 48-11-14-104-038.000-003 $1,558.86 L R B Holdings HAZELWOOD L 221 1502 Cedar St 481900703 48-11-14-104-042.000-003 $1,850.20 Parkhurst Clarissa HAZELWOOD E2 PL 36 L 223 Lot East and joining 1426 Cedar St 481900704 48-11-14-104-046.000-003 $4,000.05 Boyd Lee C HAZELWOOD W2 PL 42 L 227 Lot SE corner of 14th and Cedar 481900705 48-11-14-104-047.000-003 $6,004.61 J D H Pro Deals LLC HAZELWOOD E2 PL 41 L 227 2nd lot East of Cedar, and South on 14th St, NW of 1403 S Madison 481900706 48-11-14-104-050.000-003 $11,328.35 Barnes Robert Lee HAZELWOOD PL 45 L 230 1st lot South and joining 1407 Cedar St 481900707 48-11-14-104-051.000-003 $8,339.03 Barnes Robert Lee Sr HAZELWOOD PL 46 L 231 2nd lot South of 1407 Cedar St 481900708 48-11-14-104-052.000-003 $8,019.20 Barnes Robert Lee HAZELWOOD PL 47 L 232 3rd lot South of 1407 Cedar St 481900709 48-11-14-104-067.000-003 $3,741.06 Lawson Larry HAZELWOOD L 311 1710 Locust St 48-11-14-104-003.000-003,48-11-14-104-067.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-068.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900710 48-11-14-104-068.000-003 $555.25 Lawson Larry HAZELWOOD L 312 1710 Locust St 48-11-14-104-003.000-003,48-11-14-104-067.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-068.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900711 48-11-14-104-074.000-003 $1,911.96 Williams Joe L & Annie J HAZELWOOD EXC 79' W SD L 326 1st lot West of alley and 1507 Cedar St 481900712 48-11-14-104-076.000-003 $3,926.55 Harris Leo HAZELWOOD PL 49 L 327 South lot and joining 1422 Locust St 481900713 48-11-14-104-080.000-003 $955.50 Concerned Citizens Coalition HAZELWOOD PL 53 L 331 1st lot North and joining 1412 Locust St 481900714 48-11-14-104-100.000-003 $1,566.52 Davis Enrico J HAZELWOOD PL 42 L 428 1412 Forkner St 481900715 48-11-14-104-107.000-003 $1,413.36 Rayford Joe I Sr HAZELWOOD N2 PL 47 L 433 1st lot South and joining 1407 Forkner St 48-11-14-104-107.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-108.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900716 48-11-14-104-108.000-003 $10,030.24 Rayford Joe I Sr HAZELWOOD S2 PL 48 L 433 2nd lot South of 1407 Forkner St 48-11-14-104-107.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-108.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900717 48-11-14-104-110.000-003 $1,782.42 Cotton Helene P HAZELWOOD PL 50 L 435 1st lot south and joining 1415 Forkner St 48-11-14-104-110.000-003,48-11-14-104-111.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-112.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900718 48-11-14-104-111.000-003 $1,727.84 Cotton Helene P HAZELWOOD E PT PL 51 L 436 1st lot West side at Forkner and W 15th St from 1415 Forkner 48-11-14-104-110.000-003,48-11-14-104-111.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-112.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900719 48-11-14-104-112.000-003 $1,274.03 Cotton Helene P HAZELWOOD 27' W END PL 52 L 436 2nd lot West (at the alley) of Forkner and W 15th St 48-11-14-104-110.000-003,48-11-14-104-111.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-112.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900720 48-11-14-104-116.000-003 $4,976.21 Taylor Frances & Kevin C T-C HAZELWOOD 37.5' N SD L 440 1st lot South of and joining 1517 Forkner St 481900721 48-11-14-104-136.000-003 $1,586.63 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 537 1st lot (triangle size) South of RR on Cedar St 48-11-14-104-024.000-003,48-11-14-104-025.000-003 and 48-11-14-104-136.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900722 48-11-14-104-155.000-003 $1,568.13 Pride Of Anderson Lodge 772 Improved B P O E HAZELWOOD L 539 1st lot (triangle size)North of RR on Cedar St 481900723 48-11-14-201-010.000-003 $9,681.72 McMullen Tony PT NE NW 14-19-7 PL 08 00000.2500A Lot West and joining 1914 Nichol Ave 481900724 48-11-14-201-012.000-003 $9,803.22 Phillips Pearlie Mae PT NE NW 14-19-7 PL 06 00000.1800A Lot West and joining 202 Nichol Ave 481900726 48-11-14-201-026.000-003 $1,213.70 Vaught Terry D & Glenda SHADELAND 62' W END PL 27 L 024 2nd lot from SW corner of W 14th and Arrow Ave 481900727 48-11-14-201-032.000-003 $6,337.90 Davis Lee & Johnnie B SHADELAND PT PL 69 L 098 Llot West and joining 1315 Arrow Ave 481900728 48-11-14-201-033.000-003 $4,119.45 Prather William R SHADELAND EXC E PT PL 69 L 098 Lot joining 1712 W 14th St 481900729 48-11-14-201-038.000-003 $2,035.76 Richard Bennett Builder Inc SHADELAND PT L 107 1320 Menifee St 481900730 48-11-14-201-060.000-003 $9,896.88 Black Linden CUMBADK'S CONT OF SHADELAND ADDN LOT 173-B IN THE REPLAT OF LOT 173 Lot South and joining 2005 Nichol Ave 481900732 48-11-14-201-071.000-003 $1,514.89 Schrenker John S SHADELAND CONT S PT N2 PL 67 L 226 1310 Dewey St 481900733 48-11-14-201-086.000-003 $4,634.37 Richard Rochelle Marie GEO W PIERCE PL 14 L 003 1903 W 12th St 481900734 48-11-14-201-088.000-003 $1,274.68 KJC Properties LLC GEO W PIERCE PL 16 L 005 Lot East and joining 1222 Irving Way 481900735 48-11-14-201-095.000-003 $7,890.36 R & R Associates Llc WICKERSHAMS PL 23 L 003 Lot East and joining 1826 Nichol Ave 481900736 48-11-14-201-113.000-003 $5,275.13 Williams Walter J WICKERSHAMS PL 28 L 018 Lot West joining 1205 and 4501 Louise St 481900737 48-11-14-201-135.000-003 $640.37 Lennis Gary & Carol SLEEPY HOLLOW L 021 Lot East of and joining 1912 W 11th St 481900738 48-11-14-201-169.000-003 $1,372.62 Alec Cay LLC PEACH PLACE L 006 39' S PT PL 31 L 005 1205 Arrow Ave 481900739 48-11-14-201-193.000-003 $3,824.00 Hinderer John J PEACH PLACE PT 1/2 V/A PL 53 L 025 West lot behind and joining 111 Arrow Ave 481900740 48-11-14-201-200.000-003 $1,609.70 Greater Emmanual Apostolicchurch Inc NICHOLS 1ST PL 17 L 001 North East corner of Louise and 12th ST joining 1736 W 12th St 481900741 48-11-14-201-202.000-003 $2,095.64 Des Catital Llc NICHOLS 1ST 10' S SD L 002 1st lot South of and joining 1124 Louise St 481900742 48-11-14-201-213.000-003 $2,358.90 Fleming Dale C & Annette NICHOLS 1ST PL 36 L 012 1804 W 12th St 481900743 48-11-14-202-044.000-003 $1,589.68 WS Properties LLC PT NW NW 14-19-7 PL 10 00000.1400A 2222 Nichol Ave 481900744 48-11-14-202-055.000-003 $1,068.73 Vermillion Shari PT NW NW 14-19-7 PL 07 00000.3200A 1st Triangle lot West along Rabile Ave joining 1015 and 1109 Malibu1015 481900745 48-11-14-202-057.000-003 $1,460.35 Peters Donald G PT NW NW PLAT 4-1 14-19-7 00000.0200A 2nd Triangle lot West from Rabile Ave joining 1015 and 1109 Malibu1015 48-11-14-202-058.000-003 and 48-11-14-202-057.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900746 48-11-14-202-058.000-003 $11,105.78 Peters Donald G PT W2 SW NW NW 14197 P 11-19-7 00000.1270A 1st Lot south and joining 1006 Raible Ave 48-11-14-202-058.000-003 and 48-11-14-202-057.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900747 48-11-14-202-092.000-003 $1,136.25 2554 Nichol Avenue LLC PRIVETTS PL 15 L 015 2307 Nichol Ave 481900748 48-11-14-202-093.000-003 $4,524.42 Campbell Charles Eric & Kathryn Ann Thoman PRIVETTS PL 16 L 016 2303 Nichol Ave 481900749 48-11-14-202-099.000-003 $2,131.34 Gholar Willie SHADELAND PL 07 L 232 2205 Nichol Ave 481900754 48-11-14-202-121.000-003 $227.57 Poole Don L & Debra L MALIBU HTS PT S SD L 015 Small Strip lot South of 1008 Malibu 481900755 48-11-14-202-124.000-003 $273.42 Poole Don L & Debra L MALIBU HTS PT N SD L 017 Lot is 1/4 of house at 1016 Malibu 481900756 48-11-14-202-165.000-003 $2,280.64 Ebury Re LLC RECTOR & BREWER PL 48 L 001 2323 W 12th St 481900757 48-11-14-203-003.000-003 $603.20 Jordan David Sr BENNINGHOFEN PL 34 L 002 1st lot South and joining 2127 W 16th St 481900758 48-11-14-203-004.000-003 $1,971.58 Nunn Willie Bell BENNINGHOFEN PL 35 L 003 2nd lot South 2127 W 16th St 481900759 48-11-14-203-006.000-003 $977.12 Gosha Willie BENNINGHOFEN PL 37 L 005 1620 Walton St 481900761 48-11-14-203-015.000-003 $3,148.98 Mitchem Everette A BEECH GROVE PL 35 L 008 1420 Fountain St 481900762 48-11-14-203-018.000-003 $910.51 Harrell Elisa D BEECH GROVE 47' S END PL 37 L 009 1423 Fountain St 481900763 48-11-14-203-069.000-003 $581.02 Williams Bessie M BEECH GROVE PL 21 L 049 1st Lot West and joining 2301 W 16th St 481900765 48-11-14-203-089.000-003 $14,003.41 Harrington Darlene R BEECH GROVE PL 39 L 067 2421 W 17th St 48-11-14-203-089.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-090.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900766 48-11-14-203-090.000-003 $7,911.44 Harrington Darlene R BEECH GROVE PL 40 L 068 2nd lot Est of 2423 W 17th St 48-11-14-203-089.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-090.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900767 48-11-14-203-092.000-003 $6,354.75 Johnson Elmer & Et Al BEECH GROVE PL 42 L 070 2401 W 17th St 481900768 48-11-14-203-095.000-003 $23,868.33 Fuller Richard V BEECH GROVE PL 45 L 073 2309 W 17th St 481900769 48-11-14-203-101.000-003 $11,019.48 Dyatlow Ivan BEECH GROVE 100' N END PL 50 L 078 NE lot joining 2310 W 18th St 481900771 48-11-14-203-107.000-003 $8,519.45 Carter John A & Beth A BEECH GROVE PL 55 L 083 4th lot East of 2415 Main St at the NW corner of fountain and 18th St 48-11-14-203-107.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-108.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900772 48-11-14-203-108.000-003 $5,311.78 Carter John A & Beth A BEECH GROVE PL 56 L 084 3rd lot East of 2418 St 48-11-14-203-107.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-108.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900773 48-11-14-203-119.000-003 $1,620.66 Davey Chuck SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 31 L 007 1430 Walton St 481900774 48-11-14-203-133.000-003 $3,980.14 Turner James D SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 08 L 021 South lot joining 1728 Walton St 481900775 48-11-14-203-155.000-003 $1,061.47 Just Family Properties SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 47 L 042 1429 Walton St 481900776 48-11-14-203-160.000-003 $19,833.28 Love Roosevelt & Patricia Aedna Kersey J/T-R/S SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 54 L 049 1st lot South and joining 2225 W 14th St 481900777 48-11-14-203-161.000-003 $5,927.91 Buckley Preston R & Wendi R SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 55 L 050 2nd lot South of 2225 W 14th St 48-11-14-203-161.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900778 48-11-14-203-162.000-003 $2,859.14 Buckley Preston R & Wendi R SELVAGES WEST SIDE PL 56 L 051 3rd lot South of 2225 W 14th St 48-11-14-203-161.000-003 and 48-11-14-203-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900779 48-11-14-203-193.000-003 $6,414.21 Express Funding Corp PRIVETTS N PT PL 18 L 018 1st lot North and joining 1413 Fulton 481900780 48-11-14-203-200.000-003 $6,142.32 Perkins Paul D & Lois K PRIVETTS 80' E SD L 021 1423 Fulton St 481900781 48-11-14-203-208.000-003 $988.92 Convergence Health Care PRIVETTS PL 26 L 026 1513 Fulton St 481900782 48-11-14-203-213.000-003 $1,739.28 DYG Anderson Properties LLC SHADELAND CONT PL 18 L 242 2110 W 15th St 481900783 48-11-14-203-214.000-003 $7,362.25 Bush V Ray Sr SHADELAND CONT PL 19 L 243 2nd lot North of 1513 dewey St 481900784 48-11-14-203-217.000-003 $1,439.49 Jimenez Jesus Omar & Annamarie Nitura SHADELAND CONT PL 22 L 246 1515 Dewey St 481900785 48-11-14-203-219.000-003 $1,411.21 WH Housing Solutions LLC SHADELAND CONT PL 24 L 248 2104 W 16th St 481900787 48-11-14-204-010.000-003 $4,873.55 Prather William R SHADELAND N2 FRONT PL 11 L 010 1st lot North and joining 1615 Arrow Ave 481900788 48-11-14-204-013.000-003 $302.84 1st Millennial LLC SHADELAND 18' S SD PL 12 L 011 2nd lot North of 1615 Arrow 481900789 48-11-14-204-015.000-003 $10,862.54 Lawson Kenneth J SHADELAND PL 13 L 013 1523 Arrow Ave 481900790 48-11-14-204-018.000-003 $1,037.36 Alec Cay LLC SHADELAND PL 16 L 016 1511 Arrow Ave 481900791 48-11-14-204-021.000-003 $774.41 Allen Jalen DeShuan SHADELAND 47' W END PL 19 L 019 1704 W 15th St 481900792 48-11-14-204-022.000-003 $1,190.18 Allen George SHADELAND EXC 47' W END PL 20 L 019 1423 Arrow Ave 481900793 48-11-14-204-023.000-003 $284.87 Allen Jalen DeShuan SHADELAND 42.7'X23' W END PL 22 L 020 1st lot West and joining 1417 Arrow Ave 481900794 48-11-14-204-046.000-003 $2,743.81 Smith Harold N & Florence M SHADELAND PL 21 L 043 1 lot North and joining1706 Nelle St 481900795 48-11-14-204-075.000-003 $11,488.87 Smith Harry SHADELAND PL 56 L 075 1410 Louise St 481900796 48-11-14-204-085.000-003 $3,551.76 Hubbard Roy & Karen SHADELAND PL 41 L 086 1st lot South and joined with 1604 Menifee 481900797 48-11-14-204-086.000-003 $32,693.41 Bd Of Church Extension & Homemission Of Church Of God Inc SHADELAND PL 42 L 087 2nd lot South of 1604 Menifee 481900798 48-11-14-204-094.000-003 $2,340.49 Turner Tremayne SHADELAND PL 50 L 095 1718 Louise St 481900799 48-11-14-204-109.000-003 $1,976.02 Jackson Harson & Cynthia D SHADELAND CONT L 141 1st lot South and joined with 1615 Menifee 48-11-14-204-109.000-003 and 48-11-14-204-110.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900800 48-11-14-204-110.000-003 $1,976.02 Jackson Harson & Cynthia D SHADELAND CONT PL 23 L 142 2nd lot South of 1615 Menfee 48-11-14-204-109.000-003 and 48-11-14-204-110.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900801 48-11-14-204-152.000-003 $429.04 Jones Jackquella SHADELAND CONT L 188 1st lot South and joined with 2005 W 16th St 481900802 48-11-14-204-156.000-003 $1,141.07 Moss Mervin SHADELAND CONT L 192 1649 Halford St 481900803 48-11-14-204-158.000-003 $6,815.83 Jackson Harson SHADELAND CONT L 194 1st lot South and joined with 1703 Halford St 481900804 48-11-14-204-163.000-003 $3,538.89 Payne Living Trust SHADELAND CONT Lots 199 & 200 (0.291ac) 1724 Dewey St 481900805 48-11-14-204-168.000-003 $1,425.67 DYG Anderson Properties LLC SHADELAND CONT L 204 1704 Dewey St 481900806 48-11-14-204-171.000-003 $10,448.53 Morgan Charles E & Or Doris E T-C J/T-R/S SHADELAND CONT L 207 Lot South and joining 1612 Dewey 481900808 48-11-14-204-186.000-003 $524.30 Christian Center Inc SHADELAND PL 15 L 037 1st lot North and joining 1608 Nelle St 481900809 48-11-14-301-010.000-003 $846.83 Llanas Marin HAZENS PL 05 L 002 2007 Arrow Ave 481900810 48-11-14-301-011.000-003 $916.78 Alec Cay LLC HAZENS PL 06 L 003 2011 Arrow Ave 481900811 48-11-14-301-012.000-003 $9,710.54 Nathaniel King David HAZENS PL 07 L 004 2015 Arrow Ave 481900812 48-11-14-301-017.000-003 $405.03 Davis Mae F & James H Chamberlain & Et Al J/T R/S HAZENS PL 03 L 009 1st lot South and joined 2105 Arrow Ave 481900813 48-11-14-301-019.000-003 $2,247.97 Thompson Oliver HAZENS PL 05 L 011 Lot South and joining 2115 Arrow Ave 481900814 48-11-14-301-032.000-003 $1,017.89 Mathis-Pearson Brenda L HAZENS PL 14 L 019 2020 Nelle St 481900815 48-11-14-301-046.000-003 $1,784.54 Nunn Earlene C HAZENS PL 19 L 034 4th lot South of 1825 W 21st Street 481900816 48-11-14-301-047.000-003 $1,723.17 Nunn Frank & Earlene HAZENS PL 20 L 035 3rd lot South of 1825 W 21st Street 481900817 48-11-14-301-048.000-003 $1,723.14 Nunn Earlene C HAZENS PL 21 L 036 2nd lot South of 1825 W 21st Street 48-11-14-301-048.000-003 and 48-11-14-301-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900818 48-11-14-301-049.000-003 $1,723.14 Nunn Earlene C HAZENS PL 22 L 037 1st lot South of 1825 W 21st Street 48-11-14-301-048.000-003 and 48-11-14-301-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900819 48-11-14-301-056.000-003 $4,264.03 Thompson Oliver HAZENS E2 L 054 1st lot East of 1920 w 22nd St 481900820 48-11-14-301-058.000-003 $14,862.94 Smith Joseph & Novella R HAZENS L 056 1st lot South and joining 2110 Halford St 481900821 48-11-14-301-064.000-003 $4,760.60 Lavender Helena HAZENS PL 11 L 062 2nd lot North of 2029 Halford St 48-11-14-301-064.000-003 and 48-11-14-301-065.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900822 48-11-14-301-065.000-003 $5,994.03 Lavender Helena HAZENS PL 12 L 063 2019 Halford St 48-11-14-301-064.000-003 and 48-11-14-301-065.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900823 48-11-14-301-070.000-003 $512.93 Hudson Jackie HAZENS L 068 2111 Halford St 481900824 48-11-14-301-073.000-003 $505.74 Davis Trey E HAZENS L 071 1st lot North and joining 2124 Dewey St 481900825 48-11-14-301-103.000-003 $1,726.43 Lawler Annie L MAPLE GROVE PL 60 L 012 1st lot (triangle shape) South and joined with 1906 Dewey 481900826 48-11-14-301-112.000-003 $5,473.13 Midwest Men Of Intetgrity Incorporated LOVETTS PARK PL 24 L 009 2023 W 18th St 481900827 48-11-14-301-113.000-003 $926.67 Fitzjarrell Larry & Sherry LOVETTS PARK PL 25 L 010 2nd lot West of 2023 W 18th St 481900828 48-11-14-301-115.000-003 $849.24 2554 Nichol Avenur Llc LOVETTS PARK PL 27 L 012 1812 Dewey St 481900829 48-11-14-301-118.000-003 $40,762.19 Deamus Michael C LOVETTS PARK PL 30 L 015 1818 Dewey St 481900830 48-11-14-301-121.000-003 $776.41 SavingThe Next Generation Inc (Anthony Walker) LOVETTS PARK PL 33 L 018 1902 Dewey St 481900831 48-11-14-301-131.000-003 $1,880.92 DYG Anderson Properties LLC LOVETTS PARK PL 43 L 028 1810 Halford St 481900832 48-11-14-302-036.000-003 $409.65 Fuller Frank &Laura Fuller MAPLE GROVE S2 L 002 1st lot North and joined with 1813 Dewey St 481900833 48-11-14-302-043.000-003 $9,487.87 Biddle Kenneth & Tracy L MAPLE GROVE L 008 1st lot on the corner of West 19th St and Dewey St 481900834 48-11-14-302-044.000-003 $3,543.54 Blackwell Brent T MAPLE GROVE L 009 2nd lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Dewey St 48-11-14-302-044.000-003 and 48-11-14-302-045.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900835 48-11-14-302-045.000-003 $22,955.08 Blackwell Brent T MAPLE GROVE L 010 1911 Dewey St 48-11-14-302-044.000-003 and 48-11-14-302-045.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900836 48-11-14-302-051.000-003 $19,273.73 Frizzelle Joe C & Bertha M Gino Paige MAPLE GROVE L 021 2 lots North of 1822 Walton St 481900837 48-11-14-302-052.000-003 $8,813.94 United Tax Sale Relief Inc MAPLE GROVE L 022 3 lots North of 1822 Walton St 481900838 48-11-14-302-054.000-003 $1,803.87 Jackson Harson & Cynthia MAPLE GROVE E2 L 023 Lot South of 2135 W 18th St 481900839 48-11-14-302-060.000-003 $23,112.08 Jones Christopher & Jeffrey Wallen MAPLE GROVE L 028 Lot North of 1813 Walton St 481900840 48-11-14-302-064.000-003 $3,336.53 Richard Bennett Builder Inc MAPLE GROVE L 032 Lot East of 2213 W 19th St - in between 2 alleys 481900841 48-11-14-302-065.000-003 $1,869.63 Blowers George D & Ann E MAPLE GROVE L 033 1903 Walton St 481900842 48-11-14-302-067.000-003 $4,267.71 Acres Investments LLC MAPLE GROVE L 035 1929 Walton St 48-11-14-302-068.000-003 and 48-11-14-302-067.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900843 48-11-14-302-068.000-003 $750.61 Acres Investments LLC MAPLE GROVE L 036 Lot situated next to Railroad at the end of Walton St 48-11-14-302-068.000-003 and 48-11-14-302-067.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900844 48-11-14-302-070.000-003 $1,539.80 Coburn Sheila M MAPLE GROVE L 038 Lot North of 1920 Fulton St 481900845 48-11-14-302-071.000-003 $22,053.06 Hendrickson Herman & Catherine MAPLE GROVE L 039 2 lots North of 1920 Fulton St 481900846 48-11-14-302-075.000-003 $2,887.72 KI Consulting Group LLC MAPLE GROVE L 043 1830 Fulton St 481900847 48-11-14-302-087.000-003 $3,620.87 Fernandez Ramiro MAPLE GROVE L 053 1815 Fulton St 481900848 48-11-14-302-088.000-003 $245.90 Rayford Virginia & Inez Newson Erica Newson Jason Archey T-C MAPLE GROVE L 054 Lot North of 1827 Fulton St 481900849 48-11-14-302-092.000-003 $1,130.93 Jones Orlando & Beatrice MAPLE GROVE L 058 2 lots South of 1901 Fulton St 481900850 48-11-14-302-093.000-003 $2,722.34 Cannon Bennie B MAPLE GROVE L 059 Lot North of 1909 Fulton St 481900851 48-11-14-302-095.000-003 $7,830.67 Boswell Lawrence MAPLE GROVE L 061 Lot situated to the West of 1901 and 1903 Fulton St 481900852 48-11-14-302-096.000-003 $4,680.42 Streaty Virginia A MAPLE GROVE L 062 Triangular lot situated 2 lots West 1901 and 1903 Fulton St 481900853 48-11-14-302-098.000-003 $3,495.89 Streaty Virginia A MAPLE GROVE L 064 Lot situated 2 lots West of 1827 and 1815 Fulton St 481900854 48-11-14-302-099.000-003 $337.65 Turner Lazarus MAPLE GROVE L 065 Lot situated 3 lots West of 1827 and 1815 Fulton St 481900855 48-11-14-302-107.000-003 $1,079.80 Sevenseals Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ MAPLE GROVE L 017 Lot North of 1910 Walton St - part of structure is situated here 481900856 48-11-14-303-007.000-003 $3,653.13 Davis Oleta Y 2/3 & Fred Jones 1/3 T-C WHEELOCKS PL 01 L 033 Lot on the corner of West 23rd St and Fountain St 481900857 48-11-14-303-009.000-003 $6,071.46 Leach Phyllis WHEELOCKS PL 03 L 035 Lot East of 2421 W 23rd St 481900858 48-11-14-303-011.000-003 $2,706.05 Stewart Stacy Carey- WHEELOCKS PL 05 L 037 Lot West of 2421 W 23rd St 481900862 48-11-14-303-076.000-003 $5,253.01 Firstar Bank N A JACKSON PARK L 196 1st lot on the corner of West 23rd St and Dewey St 481900863 48-11-14-303-077.000-003 $430.35 Casarrubias Christian B Juarez JACKSON PARK L 197 2307 Dewey St 481900864 48-11-14-303-080.000-003 $293.53 Fuller Walter & Evelyn JACKSON PARK L 200 2 lots North of 2335 Dewey St 481900865 48-11-14-303-081.000-003 $21,145.93 Bolton Beverly Jean JACKSON PARK L 201 Lot North of 2335 Dewey St 481900866 48-11-14-303-083.000-003 $3,861.17 Bannister William C & Brenda B JACKSON PARK L 203 2401 Dewey St 481900867 48-11-14-303-090.000-003 $7,297.68 Goacher Jason JACKSON PARK L 211 Lot West of 2441 Dewey St - separated by alley 48-11-14-303-090.000-003 and 48-11-14-303-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900868 48-11-14-303-091.000-003 $7,649.95 Goacher Jason JACKSON PARK L 212 4th lot North on corner of Walton St and West 25th St 48-11-14-303-090.000-003 and 48-11-14-303-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900869 48-11-14-303-092.000-003 $4,966.63 Goacher Jason JACKSON PARK EXC 10' N SD L 213 2nd lot on corner of Walton St and West 24th St - small strip 481900870 48-11-14-303-093.000-003 $3,775.68 Mc Lain Trucking Inc JACKSON PARK 10' N END L 213 Lot West of 2407 Dewey St - separated by alley 481900871 48-11-14-303-094.000-003 $10,642.52 Mc Lain Trucking Inc JACKSON PARK L 214 Lot on corner of Walton St and West 24th St 481900872 48-11-14-303-096.000-003 $31,218.55 Williams Porter Bell & Lamar Williams J/T/R/S JACKSON PARK L 216 Lot South of 2324 Walton St 481900873 48-11-14-303-098.000-003 $3,541.75 May James JACKSON PARK L 218 Lot North of 2324 Walton St 481900874 48-11-14-303-099.000-003 $3,869.58 Mc Cracken Richard M JACKSON PARK L 219 Lot South of 2306 Walton St Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 5 1579665 4819...

Tax Sale Page 5 1579665 481900875 48-11-14-303-102.000-003 $908.93 Dixon Foree & Betty S JACKSON PARK L 222 Lot on corner of Walton St and West 23rd St 481900876 48-11-14-303-110.000-003 $4,089.80 Cooper Bernice JACKSON PARK L 230 Lot South of 2212 Walton St 481900877 48-11-14-303-114.000-003 $5,368.67 Hunt Manuel L Rev JACKSON PARK L 234 Lot North of 2208 Walton St 481900878 48-11-14-303-117.000-003 $13,437.86 Vaught Terry D & Glenda JACKSON PARK L 237 Lot on corner of Walton St and West 22nd St 481900879 48-11-14-303-119.000-003 $10,375.67 Taylor Donald R & Theresia JACKSON PARK L 239 Lot South of 2205 Walton St 481900880 48-11-14-303-147.000-003 $4,723.35 Laswell John F JACKSON PARK L 280 Lot South of 2222 Fulton St 481900882 48-11-14-303-153.000-003 $4,542.34 Sharp Randall JACKSON PARK L 286 Lot North of 2216 Fulton St 481900883 48-11-14-304-023.000-003 $6,113.05 Dishmon Chester A Jr PLEASANT WALK 1/2 V/A V/S PL 36 L 017 Lot West of 1722 W 24th St 48-11-14-304-028.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900885 48-11-14-304-028.000-003 $6,113.05 Dishmon Chester A Jr PLEASANT WALK 1/2 V/A V/S PL 41 L 022 2 lots West of 1719 W 23rd St 48-11-14-304-028.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900886 48-11-14-304-034.000-003 $1,825.96 Westrater Bobby & Phyllis JACKSON PARK PL 25 L 002 2207 Arrow Ave 481900887 48-11-14-304-058.000-003 $2,974.82 Mc Grady Ruth Ann JACKSON PARK PL 48 L 025 2 lots North of 2226 Nelle St 48-11-14-304-058.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-059.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900888 48-11-14-304-059.000-003 $9,182.10 Mc Grady Ruth Ann JACKSON PARK PL 49 L 026 2216 Nelle St 48-11-14-304-058.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-059.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900889 48-11-14-304-085.000-003 $187.45 Job Source Inc JACKSON PARK 20'X42.33' SW COR PL 16 L 050 Lot North of 1812 W 24th St 481900890 48-11-14-304-088.000-003 $150.67 Hester I G JACKSON PARK 42.33' W END PL 14 L 051 3 lots North of 1812 W 24th St 481900891 48-11-14-304-089.000-003 $1,077.76 Underground LLC JACKSON PARK PL 15 L 052 Lot South of 2308 Louise St 48-11-14-304-090.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-089.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900892 48-11-14-304-090.000-003 $2,150.43 Underground LLC JACKSON PARK PL 16 L 053 2308 Louise St 48-11-14-304-090.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-089.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900893 48-11-14-304-100.000-003 $4,387.22 Wilhote Roger L JACKSON PARK PL 76 L 063 Lot North of 2236 Louise St 481900895 48-11-14-304-105.000-003 $3,590.77 Redfield Lealer JACKSON PARK PL 82 L 069 Lot South of 1819 W 22nd St 481900896 48-11-14-304-106.000-003 $1,469.56 Jackson Darrell JACKSON PARK PL 83 Lot 70 (0.137ac) 1819 W 22nd St 481900897 48-11-14-304-114.000-003 $7,126.79 Jones Marsha J JACKSON PARK L 078 Lot North of 2227 Louise St 481900898 48-11-14-304-116.000-003 $350.14 Savage Misty L JACKSON PARK L 080 Lot South of 2227 Louise St 481900899 48-11-14-304-117.000-003 $874.18 Wire Ted JACKSON PARK L 081 2235 Louise St 481900900 48-11-14-304-123.000-003 $12,682.17 Mc Clurkin Beulah JACKSON PARK L 090 2317 Louise St 48-11-14-304-123.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900901 48-11-14-304-124.000-003 $2,840.38 Mc Clurkin Beulah JACKSON PARK L 091 Lot North of 1904 W 24th St 48-11-14-304-123.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900902 48-11-14-304-125.000-003 $1,227.10 Parks Charlie JACKSON PARK L 092 1904 W 24th St 481900903 48-11-14-304-141.000-003 $1,703.98 Brooks Oliver L Sr &Hattie S JACKSON PARK L 108 Lot South of 2300 Halford St 481900904 48-11-14-304-157.000-003 $4,549.46 Prather William R JACKSON PARK L 124 1919 W 22nd St 481900905 48-11-14-304-159.000-003 $6,233.60 Hummel M B & Marjorie JACKSON PARK L 126 Lot North of 2209 2209 Halford St 481900906 48-11-14-304-166.000-003 $3,762.13 Mc Grady Josh M JACKSON PARK L 133 4 lots South of 2215 Halford St 481900907 48-11-14-304-177.000-003 $610.47 Alec Cay LLC JACKSON PARK L 150 2407 Halford St 481900908 48-11-14-304-183.000-003 $1,223.57 Wells Ratia L Holifield JACKSON PARK L 163 3rd lot South on corner of Dewey and West 23rd St 481900909 48-11-14-304-193.000-003 $2,525.91 Thurman Mabel R & Kimberly E Remson J/T-R/S JACKSON PARK L 177 Lot North of 2216 Dewey St 481900910 48-11-14-304-194.000-003 $5,323.59 Cooley Aaron JACKSON PARK L 178 2 lots North of 2216 Dewey St 481900911 48-11-14-304-196.000-003 $2,110.74 Coleman Jefferson JACKSON PARK L 180 Lot on the corner of West 22nd St and Dewey St 481900912 48-11-14-304-205.000-003 $20,088.64 Board Of Church Extension & Home Missions Of Church Of God JACKSON PARK L 083 2241 Louise St 481900913 48-11-14-304-212.000-003 $619.79 NPM Enterprise JACKSON PARK L 153 Lot on the corner of Dewey St and West 25th St 48-11-14-304-212.000-003,48-11-14-304-213.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-214.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900914 48-11-14-304-213.000-003 $619.79 NPM Enterprise JACKSON PARK L 154 Lot West of 2409 Halford St - separated by alley 48-11-14-304-212.000-003,48-11-14-304-213.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-214.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900915 48-11-14-304-214.000-003 $619.79 NPM Enterprise JACKSON PARK L 155 Lot West of 2407 Halford St - separated by alley 48-11-14-304-212.000-003,48-11-14-304-213.000-003 and 48-11-14-304-214.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900916 48-11-14-401-002.000-003 $1,201.93 Gardner John L & Laretta HAZELWOOD L 151 4 lots North of 1825 S Madison Ave 481900917 48-11-14-401-003.000-003 $1,339.33 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 152 3 lots North of 1825 S Madison Ave 48-11-14-401-003.000-003,48-11-14-401-004.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-005.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900918 48-11-14-401-004.000-003 $1,339.33 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 153 2 lots North of 1825 S Madison Ave 48-11-14-401-003.000-003,48-11-14-401-004.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-005.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900919 48-11-14-401-005.000-003 $1,339.33 JLG LLC HAZELWOOD L 154 Lot North of 1825 S Madison Ave 48-11-14-401-003.000-003,48-11-14-401-004.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-005.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900920 48-11-14-401-009.000-003 $1,147.75 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN 1/2 V/A PL 08 L 158 2nd lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Madison Ave 481900921 48-11-14-401-010.000-003 $1,434.02 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN 1/2 V/A PL 09 L 159 3nd lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Madison Ave 481900922 48-11-14-401-012.000-003 $1,434.01 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN 1/2 V/A PL 11 L 161 5th lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Madison Ave 48-11-14-401-012.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-013.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900923 48-11-14-401-013.000-003 $1,381.95 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN PT VAC 20TH ST PL 12 L 162 6th lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Madison Ave 48-11-14-401-012.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-013.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900924 48-11-14-401-021.000-003 $1,186.18 Bethesda Missionary Baptist Chruch Inc HAZELWOOD L 170 2109 Madison Ave 481900925 48-11-14-401-030.000-003 $1,298.95 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN 1/2 V/A PL 30 L 201 2nd lot South on the corner of West 19th St and Cedar St 481900926 48-11-14-401-031.000-003 $1,350.03 Walker Anthony D HAZELWOOD ADDN 1/2 V/A PL 31 L 202 Lot on the corner of West 19th St and Cedar St 481900927 48-11-14-401-039.000-003 $1,497.98 Easley Wilma K & Franklin T Anderson HAZELWOOD N2 L 247 4 lots North of 1819 Cedar St 481900928 48-11-14-401-041.000-003 $2,708.85 Easley Wilma K & Franklin T Anderson J/T R/S HAZELWOOD 449X42' S SD PL 40 L 248 Lot North of 1819 Cedar St 48-11-14-401-041.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-042.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900929 48-11-14-401-042.000-003 $1,353.33 Easley Wilma K & Franklin T Anderson J/T R/S HAZELWOOD 8' N SD 0.0000 Acres STR: 00000 Section: Plat: 00 IN: OUT: 0 Cedar St 48-11-14-401-041.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-042.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900930 48-11-14-401-046.000-003 $4,268.14 Currie James S & Bobbie J HAZELWOOD W2 PL 44 L 252 1/2 lot South of 1827 Cedar St 481900931 48-11-14-401-057.000-003 $2,710.34 Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church Inc HAZELWOOD L 265 2103 Cedar St 481900932 48-11-14-401-061.000-003 $35,906.72 Sellers Stephen E HAZELWOOD L 291 2114 Locust St 481900933 48-11-14-401-062.000-003 $2,664.37 Coleman Joe N 3Rd & Bettie May HAZELWOOD L 292 2nd lot on corner of West 21st St and Locust St 481900934 48-11-14-401-063.000-003 $23,934.95 Felton Lisa A & Randy L HAZELWOOD L 293 2104 Locust St 481900935 48-11-14-401-066.000-003 $19,377.95 Welch Bettie HAZELWOOD PL 63 L 299 2004 Locust St 481900936 48-11-14-401-069.000-003 $31,014.50 Redding Wayne E & Ozell HAZELWOOD 33.1/3' N SD PL 67 L 301 1920 Locust St 481900937 48-11-14-401-080.000-003 $2,993.48 Peoples Margaret R HAZELWOOD PL 04 L 358 Lot East of 1219 W 20th St 481900938 48-11-14-401-081.000-003 $19,086.96 V C G X T Llc HAZELWOOD PL 05 L 359 2005 1/2 Locust St 481900939 48-11-14-401-091.000-003 $2,016.71 Jackson Barbara Jean HAZELWOOD W2 L 397 **See Misc Note 0 W 22nd St 481900940 48-11-14-401-095.000-003 $1,502.07 Jackson Barbara Jean HAZELWOOD 25' S SD W2 L 398 2 lots South of 1226 W 22nd St 481900941 48-11-14-401-099.000-003 $1,971.53 Dye Beatrice HAZELWOOD EXC 60' E END PL 10 L 402 Lot South of 2022 Forkner St 481900942 48-11-14-401-103.000-003 $1,966.53 Dye Beatrice HAZELWOOD EXC 60' E END PL 12 L 404 Lot North of 2022 Forkner St 481900943 48-11-14-401-114.000-003 $690.40 Scates Damemon Lamar & Eric Eugene Scates HAZELWOOD PL 37 L 460 Lot North of 1302 W 22nd St 481900946 48-11-14-401-119.000-003 $2,407.11 Mc Duffie Louise & Terry HAZELWOOD PL 20 L 505 3rd lot North of Lot West of 2033 Forkner St - corner of West 21st St and Henry St 48-11-14-401-119.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-120.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900947 48-11-14-401-120.000-003 $2,407.13 Mc Duffie Louise & Terry HAZELWOOD PL 21 L 506 4th lot North of Lot West of 2033 Forkner St - corner of West 21st St and Henry St 48-11-14-401-119.000-003 and 48-11-14-401-120.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900948 48-11-14-401-121.000-003 $3,897.81 Concora Corp HAZELWOOD L 508 6th lot North of Lot West of 2033 Forkner St - corner of West 21st St and Henry St, closest to Railroad 481900949 48-11-14-401-160.000-003 $8,900.61 Keegan Debra K Miggenburg HAZELWOOD L 497 2 lots South of 2116 Henry St - corner of Henry St and West 22nd St 481900950 48-11-14-402-007.000-003 $457.88 Prichard Thomas GRANDVIEW W2 PL 04 L 004 Lot East of 1630 W 19th St 481900951 48-11-14-402-010.000-003 $4,058.50 Chamberlain Robert L & Mattier GRANDVIEW PL 07 L 006 Lot East of 1624 W 19th St 481900952 48-11-14-402-047.000-003 $3,738.88 Evans Mary Annie Mc Daniel & James Chatman T-C R/S GRANDVIEW PL 11 L 042 Lot adjoining 2104 Park Ave 481900954 48-11-14-402-088.000-003 $193.71 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW 8' PL 30 L 121 Small triangular lot situated behind garage to 2011 Park Ave 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900955 48-11-14-402-090.000-003 $193.71 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW 8' N END PL 34 L 122 Southern half of garage is situated here to 2011 Park Ave 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900956 48-11-14-402-091.000-003 $271.13 Whittaker Wanda M GRANDVIEW S PT L 123 Small triangular lot closest to Park Ave to 2011 Park Ave 481900957 48-11-14-402-092.000-003 $193.71 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW 8' N END PL 35 L 123 Driveway to 2011 Park Ave 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900958 48-11-14-402-095.000-003 $1,690.20 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW S PT PL 38 L 124 2011 Park Ave 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900959 48-11-14-402-098.000-003 $238.35 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW S PT PL 43 L 125 2nd lot from road on Park Ave to 2011 Park Ave 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900960 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 $238.35 Shadeland Group LLC GRANDVIEW S PT PL 44 L 126 3nd lot from road on Park Ave to 2011 Park Ave - back yard 48-11-14-402-088.000-003,48-11-14-402-090.000-003,48-11-14-402-092.000-003,48-11-14-402-095.000-003,48-11-14-402-098.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-101.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900961 48-11-14-402-114.000-003 $942.35 Watson L C GRANDVIEW EXC 100' N PL 39 L 138 Lot South of 1635 W 20th St 481900962 48-11-14-402-119.000-003 $1,382.25 Alec Cay LLC GRANDVIEW' Pt Lots 139 & 140 2004 Arrow Ave 481900963 48-11-14-402-124. 000-003 $329.91 Taylor Zetta GRANDVIEW S M PT PL 10 L 141 Small square lot 2nd North on corner of West 20th St & Arrow Ave to 1918 Arrow Ave 48-11-14-402-124.000-003 & 48-11-14-402-128.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481900964 48-11-14-402-128.000-003 $472.23 Taylor Zetta GRANDVIEW S M PT PL 13 L 142 Rectangular 2nd East lot, 2nd North on corner of West 20th St and Arrow Ave to 1918 Arrow Ave 48-11-14-402-124.000-003 and 48-11-14-402-128.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900965 48-11-14-403-002.000-003 $3,310.07 Victorias Properties LLC GRANDVIEW 198 5' S PT PL 24 L 195 2424 Arrow Ave 481900966 48-11-14-403-018.000-003 $5,280.93 Garr Richard E HARTMETZ PLACE PT PL 20 L 015 Lot East of 2318 Arrow Ave - next to Railroad 481900967 48-11-14-403-033.000-003 $4,640.49 Long Ty Allen GRANDVIEW PL 07 L 056 3rd lot Northeast from 2236 Park Ave 48-11-14-403-033.000-003,48-11-14-403-034.000-003 and 48-11-14-403-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900968 48-11-14-403-034.000-003 $4,216.26 Long Ty Allen GRANDVIEW PL 08 L 057 2nd lot Northeast from 2236 Park Ave 48-11-14-403-033.000-003,48-11-14-403-034.000-003 and 48-11-14-403-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900969 48-11-14-403-035.000-003 $2,132.34 Long Ty Allen GRANDVIEW PL 09 L 058 Lot Northeast from 2236 Park Ave 48-11-14-403-033.000-003,48-11-14-403-034.000-003 and 48-11-14-403-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900970 48-11-14-403-038.000-003 $9,727.92 Harrison James Merrill GRANDVIEW PL 12 L 061 Triangular lot at the end of West 23rd St and Park Ave 481900971 48-11-14-403-063. 000-003 $5,590.55 American Legion Jack Farley GRANDVIEW E PT PL 23 L 072 Lot East of 1635 W 22nd St 481900972 48-11-14-404-014.000-003 $1,763.88 Felder George SPRING GROVE PL 10 L 010 2411 Madison Ave 481900973 48-11-14-404-023. 000-003 $6,829.64 Tax Certificate Investments Inc SPRING GROVE PL 19 L 019 Lot West of 2433 Madison Ave - separated by alley 481900974 48-11-14-404-024.000-003 $2,536.05 Midwest Men Of Integrity Dba Man 4 Man Ministries SPRING GROVE PL 20 L 020 Lot West of 2429 Madison Ave - separated by alley 481900975 48-11-14-404-040.000-003 $1,187.66 Milhouse Isaac SPRING GROVE PT E END PL 36 L 035 1/2 Lot on corner of West 24th St and Cedar St 481900976 48-11-14-404-042.000-003 $2,504.70 Milhouse Beverly Ann & Frank Milhouse J/T R/S SPRING GROVE N2 PL 38 L 037 2411 Cedar St 481900977 48-11-14-404-043.000-003 $532.93 Barnes Stephanie SPRING GROVE S2 PL 39 L 037 2415 Cedar St 481900978 48-11-14-404-047.000-003 $7,216.10 Talbert Linda K SPRING GROVE EXC PT MID N PT PL 43 L 041 Lot South of 2429 Cedar St 48-11-14-404-047.000-003 and 48-11-14-404-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900979 48-11-14-404-049.000-003 $11,529.28 Talbert Linda K SPRING GROVE PL 44 L 042 2437 Cedar St 48-11-14-404-047.000-003 and 48-11-14-404-049.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900980 48-11-14-404-058.000-003 $864.72 Hollingsworth Linda Diane Nunn Jessie D Hollingsworth Tamica V JT/RS SPRING GROVE PL 49 L 047 2424 Locust St 481900981 48-11-14-404-066.000-003 $26,617.84 First National Bank Of Madison Co % Uc Lending Corp SPRING GROVE PL 57 L 053 1125 Dr Mlk Jr Blvd 481900984 48-11-14-404-121.000-003 $8,211.63 Hamer Michelle & Hamer Robert E Jr Hamer Melanie J J/T R/S HAZELWOOD L 285 2210 Locust St 481900985 48-11-14-404-122.000-003 $2,643.46 Hamer Michelle E & J/T R/S Robert E Hamer Jr & Melaine Hamer HAZELWOOD L 286 Lot North of 2210 Locust St 481900987 48-11-14-404-130.000-003 $744.53 Archey Phillip E & Donald Archey T-C HAZELWOOD PL 15 L 372 Lot North of 2215 Locust St 48-11-14-404-130.000-003 and 48-11-14-404-131.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900988 48-11-14-404-131.000-003 $1,243.64 Archey Phillip E & Donald Archey T-C HAZELWOOD PL 16 L 373 2215 Locust St 48-11-14-404-130.000-003 and 48-11-14-404-131.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900989 48-11-14-404-137.000-003 $7,371.75 Trent Steven M HAZELWOOD PL 29 L 379 Lot South of 2311 Locust St 481900990 48-11-14-404-138.000-003 $37,856.59 Liston Terry K & Debra A HAZELWOOD PL 30 L 380 2319 Locust St 481900991 48-11-14-404-158.000-003 $8,842.62 Lumsey Latrisha HAZELWOOD PL 43 L 466 Lot South of 2215 Forkner St 481900992 48-11-14-404-159.000-003 $8,400.39 Frizzelle Joe & Bertha Mae Paige Gino Paige HAZELWOOD PL 44 L 467 2nd lot South of 2215 Forkner St - corner of West 23rd St and Forkner St 481900993 48-11-14-404-166.000-003 $11,922.34 Peters Norval HAZELWOOD E PT L 475 Lot South of 2403 Forkner St 481900994 48-11-14-404-174.000-003 $1,668.09 Mc Leodusa Network Services Inc HAZELWOOD 50' E end L 491 **see Misc Note re: legal Eastern 1/2 lot at the end of West 23rd St 481900996 48-11-14-404-188.000-003 $28,412.93 Board Of Church Extension & Home Missions Of Church Of God HAZELWOOD PL 41 L 469 2307 Forkner St 481900998 48-11-15-101-013.000-003 $3,353.55 R & R Associates Llc E2 NE PLAT 74-1 15-19-7 00000.5280A Large rectangular parcel East of 1121 Raible Ave 481900999 48-11-15-101-042.000-003 $3,027.21 WBK LLC WEST COURT L 003 2508 W 11th St 481901000 48-11-15-101-079.000-003 $1,276.24 Roberts Bertha WOODSDALE PT NE COR L 026 Small lot North and joining 2528 W 12th St 481901001 48-11-15-101-086.000-003 $3,528.76 Preferred Trust Co Custodian FBO Kevin R Lewis WOODSDALE L 033 2644 W 12th St 481901006 48-11-15-202-065.000-003 $190.75 Tanner William J FOREST MANOR PT L 020 Triangular lot East and joining 1107 Maryland Dr 481901007 48-11-15-204-020.000-003 $5,107.73 Broadnax James P & Janie L COSTELLO L 016 1613 Costello Dr 481901008 48-11-15-204-060.000-003 $15,853.04 Taylor Ray ELMHURST L 021 1513 Drexel Dr 481901011 48-11-15-204-112.000-003 $178.64 Moore Jeffrey Lee & Debra Jo ELMHURST 2' N SD L 072 Long thin rectangular lot North of 1726 Drexel Dr 481901012 48-11-15-204-127.000-003 $564.62 Kemmerling Kurt J Trust The Kurt J Kemmerling Trustor and/or Trustee ELMHURST L 205 1st lot North of 1525 Euclid Dr 481901013 48-11-15-301-006.000-003 $1,289.27 Evans Melvin Jr COSTELLOS 2ND CONT L 040 1912 Costello Dr 481901014 48-11-15-301-030.000-003 $2,233.02 Watson Lacey & Khola COSTELLOS 2ND CONT L 064 1905 Costello Dr 481901015 48-11-15-301-078.000-003 $1,304.98 J L G LLC John Gardner (cto) ELMHURST L 113 2020 Euclid Dr 481901016 48-11-15-301-085.000-003 $2,523.20 ATCF REO Holdings LLC ELMHURST L 120 2116 Euclid Dr 481901017 48-11-15-301-087.000-003 $531.77 Lewis Beverly G ELMHURST N2 LOT 123 1st lot North of 2121 Euclid Dr 481901018 48-11-15-301-136.000-003 $1,237.06 Smith Harold N & Florence M ELMHURST L 121 2924 W 22nd St 481901019 48-11-15-302-028.000-003 $1,077.23 Nikoloff Andrew PARKWOOD L 018 Lot West of 3225 W 20th St 481901020 48-11-15-302-099.000-003 $512.82 Hunt Wesley Dale ROSEWOOD 1ST L 070 Lot South of 1916 Rosewood Dr 481901021 48-11-15-302-100.000-003 $888.68 Hunt Dale G ROSEWOOD 1ST L 071 2010 Rosewood Dr 481901022 48-11-15-303-046.000-003 $1,346.73 Thompson Emmett L PINE OAKS RP L 031 Large lot on cul-de-sac South of 3035 W 22nd St 481901024 48-11-15-304-026. 000-003 $62,309.70 Liberman Edith ELMHURST L 160 2225 Euclid Dr 481901025 48-11-15-401-042.000-003 $1,544.51 Vanderberg Terry BRENTWOOD MANOR L 036 2613 Horton Dr 481901026 48-11-15-401-047.000-003 $1,335.44 Allen Molly Ann BRENTWOOD MANOR L 041 2517 Horton Dr 481901028 48-11-15-401-069.000-003 $742.04 Stewart Tyreis BRENTWOOD MANOR L 063 2719 W 18th St 481901029 48-11-15-402-009.000-003 $1,587.56 Anderson Franklin T BRENTWOOD MANOR 1ST CONT L 085 2804 W 18th St 481901030 48-11-15-402-018.000-003 $2,308.39 1810 Kerrwood Drive Land Trust BRENTWOOD MANOR 1ST CONT L 094 1810 Kerrwood Dr 481901031 48-11-15-402-045.000-003 $541.10 Cat Island LLC BRENTWOOD MANOR 3RD CONT L 127 2025 Kerrwood Dr 481901033 48-11-15-402-073.000-003 $1,830.86 Rehabilitation Management LLC BRENTWOOD MANOR 4TH CONT L 155 1917 Beverly Ct 481901034 48-11-15-402-091.000-003 $3,109.67 Miller John P BRENTWOOD MANOR 3RD CONT L 173 2118 Kerrwood Dr 481901035 48-11-15-402-098.000-003 $1,900.80 Adm Of Veterans Affairs BRENTWOOD MANOR 4TH CONT L 180 2804 Brentwood Dr 481901036 48-11-15-404-001.000-003 $739.03 Manderbach Gregory ROWLAND GARDENS L 001 2638 W 25th St 481901038 48-11-15-404-034.000-003 $3,281.66 Moss Brian J ROWLAND GARDENS LOT 15-4 2409 Raible Ave 481901039 48-11-15-404-103.000-003 $703.81 Jimmy LLC ROWLAND GARDENS RP L 053 Lot West of 2516 W 23rd St 48-11-15-404-103.000-003 and 48-11-15-404-104.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901040 48-11-15-404-104.000-003 $586.82 Jimmy LLC ROWLAND GARDENS RP L 054 2516 W 23rd St 48-11-15-404-103.000-003 and 48-11-15-404-104.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901042 48-11-21-200-042.000-003 $548.19 Fowler Timothy D & Karen O C CLARK & SONS L 004 Lot East of 4411 W 25th St 481901044 48-11-22-300-009.000-003 $3,762.78 Welch Sharon N PT NW SW 22-19-7 PL 20 00001.9700A 3219 W 32nd St 481901045 48-11-22-400-019.000-003 $2,611.06 Elliott Charlie BELLEVIEW L 008 2632 W 34th St 481901046 48-11-23-200-013.000-003 $751.97 Cooper Richard BELMONT L 034 2716 Dewey St 481901047 48-11-23-200-015.000-003 $2,228.19 R & R Associates Llc BELMONT EXC 70' W END L 036 2nd Eastern half lot North of 2716 Dewey St 481901048 48-11-23-200-016.000-003 $2,204.96 Lopez Inocencio Martinez BELMONT 70' W SD L 036 2nd Western half lot North of 2716 Dewey St 481901051 48-11-23-200-030.000-003 $4,476.41 Arizona Pacific BELMONT L 049 0 Halford St 481901052 48-11-23-200-031.000-003 $12,281.92 Antonio Hector H BELMONT L 050 2805 Halford St 481901053 48-11-23-200-032.000-003 $363.47 Vaught Terry D & Glenda Antonio Hector Cto BELMONT L 051 2807 Halford St 48-11-23-200-034.000-003,48-11-23-200-032.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-033.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901054 48-11-23-200-033.000-003 $1,569.67 Vaught Terry D & Glenda Antonio Hector Cto BELMONT L 052 0 Halford St 48-11-23-200-034.000-003,48-11-23-200-032.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-033.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901055 48-11-23-200-034.000-003 $1,547.14 Vaught Terry D & Glenda Antonio Hector Cto BELMONT L 053 0 Halford St 48-11-23-200-034.000-003,48-11-23-200-032.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-033.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901056 48-11-23-200-058.000-003 $879.02 Gray Robert L & Dorothy BELMONT L 077 1907 W 27th St 481901057 48-11-23-200-060.000-003 $697.31 Alec Cay LLC BELMONT L 079 1807 W 27th St 481901058 48-11-23-200-062.000-003 $1,285.55 Moy Amanda BELMONT L 081 1801 W 27th St 481901059 48-11-23-200-072.000-003 $810.18 Ford Robin BELMONT L 090 2514 Dewey St 481901061 48-11-23-200-087.000-003 $667.03 Gray Robert W L BELMONT L 105 2633 Halford St 481901062 48-11-23-200-108.000-003 $1,878.79 Addison James & Penny BELMONT L 126 2519 Louise St 48-11-23-200-108.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-109.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901063 48-11-23-200-109.000-003 $455.18 Addison James & Penny BELMONT L 127 0 Louise St 48-11-23-200-108.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-109.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901064 48-11-23-200-129.000-003 $216.97 Leveque W Scott Martinez Manuela Oralina (CTO) BELMONT L 145 0 W 25th St 481901065 48-11-23-200-138.000-003 $235.30 Coffman Delmar G Jr & Debra K Imel J/T R/S BELMONT EXC S PT EXC W PT L 153 1709 W 25th St 481901066 48-11-23-200-145.000-003 $24,364.08 Etchison John E Sr & Gladys M BELMONT L 159 0 Arrow Ave 481901068 48-11-23-200-174.000-003 $610.62 Gray Brandon DEFENDERFERS L 009 2238 W 26th St 481901069 48-11-23-200-207.000-003 $976.11 Harness James Edward BELMONT L 185 2718 Walton St 481901072 48-11-23-200-218.000-003 $1,790.76 Swallows Paris J & Dale L BELMONT L 196 2605 Walton St 481901073 48-11-23-200-219.000-003 $2,938.40 Swallows Paris J & Dale L BELMONT L 197 2205 W 26th St 481901074 48-11-23-200-230.000-003 $1,463.87 Hunt John L BELMONT 66.5' N END LOT 207-1 0 W 26th St 481901075 48-11-23-200-231.000-003 $826.45 Delaplane Don BELMONT EXC 66.5' N END L 208 0 W 26th St 481901076 48-11-23-200-232.000-003 $1,108.13 Delaplane Donald BELMONT 66.5' N END LOT 208- 0 W 26th St 481901077 48-11-23-200-238. 000-003 $695.80 Buston Michael D BELMONT L 214 2419 W 26th St 481901078 48-11-23-200-242.000-003 $2,753.48 York Mary BELMONT L 218 0 Raible Ave 481901081 48-11-23-200-251. 000-003 $190.47 Eshelman Phillip A BELMONT L 226 0 W 27th St 481901082 48-11-23-200-261.000-003 $15,101.52 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay BELMONT L 235 2218 W 27th St 48-11-23-200-261.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-262.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901083 48-11-23-200-262.000-003 $2,859.68 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay BELMONT L 236 0 W 27th St 48-11-23-200-261.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-262.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901084 48-11-23-200-268.000-003 $247.02 Lightle Charles S BELMONT L 242 0 W 27th St 48-11-23-200-268.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-269.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901085 48-11-23-200-269.000-003 $1,154.71 Lightle Charles S BELMONT L 243 2221 W 27th St 48-11-23-200-268.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-269.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901086 48-11-23-200-291.000-003 $569.40 Holland Mark R BELMONT L 261 0 Raible Ave 481901088 48-11-23-200-295.000-003 $19,894.64 Slinker John & Amy BELMONT L 265 2414 W 28th St 481901089 48-11-23-200-302.000-003 $2,784.53 Robinett Deborah J & Gilbert L BELMONT L 272 0 W 28th St 481901090 48-11-23-200-304.000-003 $1,322.06 Coffman Connie S BELMONT L 274 0 W 28th St 481901091 48-11-23-200-308.000-003 $934.41 Harding Jason BELMONT L 278 2220 W 28th St 481901092 48-11-23-200-331.000-003 $6,515.80 Van Horn Samuel & Vickie Mc Kinney BELMONT 69' N END L 298 0 W 28th St 48-11-23-200-333.000-003,48-11-23-200-331.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-332.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901093 48-11-23-200-332.000-003 $2,144.65 Van Horn Samuel & Vickie Mc Kinney BELMONT 69' S END L 298 0 W 28th St 48-11-23-200-333.000-003,48-11-23-200-331.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-332.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901094 48-11-23-200-333.000-003 $358.79 Van Horn Samuel & Mc Kinney Vicky BELMONT L 299 2407 W 28th St 48-11-23-200-333.000-003,48-11-23-200-331.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-332.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901095 48-11-23-200-336.000-003 $1,225.26 Smith Everett L & Lela M Carr Ruth A * Cto Carr Ruth A BELMONT L 302 2415 W 28th St 481901096 48-11-23-200-342.000-003 $395.82 Schwab Kayden Thomas BELMONT L 308 2418 W 29th St 481901097 48-11-23-200-357.000-003 $2,949.79 Crabtree Richard BELMONT L 323 0 W 29th St 48-11-23-200-357.000-003,48-11-23-200-358.000-003,48-11-23-200-359.000-003,48-11-23-200-360.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901098 48-11-23-200-358.000-003 $2,983.84 Crabtree Richard BELMONT L 324 0 W 29th St 48-11-23-200-357.000-003,48-11-23-200-358.000-003,48-11-23-200-359.000-003,48-11-23-200-360.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901099 48-11-23-200-359.000-003 $2,983.86 Crabtree Richard BELMONT L 325 0 29th St 48-11-23-200-357.000-003,48-11-23-200-358.000-003,48-11-23-200-359.000-003,48-11-23-200-360.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901100 48-11-23-200-360.000-003 $2,983.84 Crabtree Richard BELMONT L 326 0 29th St 48-11-23-200-357.000-003,48-11-23-200-358.000-003,48-11-23-200-359.000-003,48-11-23-200-360.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901101 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 $3,086.07 Crabtree Richard BELMONT L 327 0 W 29th St 48-11-23-200-357.000-003,48-11-23-200-358.000-003,48-11-23-200-359.000-003,48-11-23-200-360.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-361.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901102 48-11-23-200-366.000-003 $342.03 Ripberger Mark OAKLAND L 004 0 Raible Ave 481901103 48-11-23-200-372.000-003 $868.54 Rouse Jerry Dean OAKLAND L 010 2409 W 29th St 481901104 48-11-23-200-391.000-003 $1,039.79 DSV SPV3 LLC OAKLAND L 030 2402 W 30th St 481901105 48-11-23-200-393.000-003 $540.58 Reagan Gary R & Rosemary L OAKLAND 73.75' S END L 031 2330 W 30th St 48-11-23-200-393.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-395.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901106 48-11-23-200-395.000-003 $236.73 Reagan Gary R & Rosemary L OAKLAND 73.75' S END L 032 0 W 30th St 48-11-23-200-393.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-395.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901107 48-11-23-200-414.000-003 $328.92 Vaught Michael C Fisher Tommy D & Larry Joe (cto) OAKLAND L 051 0 Dewey St 481901108 48-11-23-200-416.000-003 $2,860.94 Edgell Kevin D & Angela C OAKLAND L 053 0 Dewey St 48-11-23-200-416.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-417.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901109 48-11-23-200-417.000-003 $2,860.94 Edgell Kevin D & Angela C OAKLAND L 054 0 Dewey St 48-11-23-200-416.000-003 and 48-11-23-200-417.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901110 48-11-23-200-418.000-003 $328.90 Vaught Michael C OAKLAND L 055 0 Dewey St 481901112 48-11-23-300-045.000-003 $1,624.09 Hamel Benjamin C & Grace B PT SW 23-19-7 PL 18 00000.2200A 0 Raible Ave 481901115 48-11-24-101-004.000-003 $1,935.73 Milburn Patricia L/E Ruby E Breece PT NE 24-19-7 PL 07 00000.1900A 2603 Central Ave 481901116 48-11-24-101-060.000-003 $1,063.48 Payne Monnie S DARRAGHS 1' S SD L 053 0 Pearl St 481901117 48-11-24-101-066.000-003 $1,307.75 Bush V Ray Sr DARRAGHS 2.5' S END L 056 0 Pearl St 481901120 48-11-24-101-149.000-003 $12,839.13 Bullard Bruce D & Gladys M DARRAGHS PL 62 L 126 2728 Central Ave 481901121 48-11-24-101-174.000-003 $176.19 Runyan Alan DARRAGHS 1.8' N PL 71 L 149 0 Central Ave Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 6 481901122 48-1...

Tax Sale Page 6 481901122 48-11-24-101-176.000-003 $707.95 2713 Central Ave Land Trust Funk Patrick L (cto) DARRAGHS PL 73 L 151 2713 Central Ave 481901123 48-11-24-102-007.000-003 $902.17 Kirby Donna PT NW 24-19-7 PL 01 00000.1050A 0 Jackson St 481901124 48-11-24-102-016.000-003 $2,402.98 TWR As CST For Ebury Fund 1 In LLC PT W2 NE 24-19-7 PL 14 00000.1500A 2630 Meridian St 481901125 48-11-24-102-031.000-003 $9,927.10 ATCF REO Holdings LLC PT W2 NE 24-19-7 0.13A 2635 Jackson St 481901126 48-11-24-102-032.000-003 $526.52 Stigers Krista PT NW NE 24-19-7 PL 25 00000.1200A 0 Jackson St 481901128 48-11-24-102-066.000-003 $2,475.24 Smith Larry & Roberta J M DONNELLYS 1ST L 008 0 Jackson St 481901129 48-11-24-102-067.000-003 $1,406.89 Smith David C J M DONNELLYS 1ST PL 64 L 009 2500 Jackson St 481901130 48-11-24-102-068.000-003 $2,013.95 Anderson Belt Railroad J M DONNELLEYS 1ST PL 65 L 010 2500 Jackson St 481901131 48-11-24-102-077.000-003 $17,675.16 O Neill Herb J M DONNELLYS 1ST N2 L 019 2507 Delaware St 48-11-24-102-077.000-003 and 48-11-24-102-078.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901132 48-11-24-102-078.000-003 $3,465.02 O Neill Herbert M J M DONNELLYS 1ST S2 L 019 0 Delaware St 48-11-24-102-077.000-003 and 48-11-24-102-078.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901133 48-11-24-102-079.000-003 $4,514.49 O Neill Herbert M & Louise F J/T-R/S J M DONNELLYS 1ST PL 76 L 020 0 W Delaware St 481901134 48-11-24-102-087.000-003 $6,281.38 Coburn Edna A & David Coburn J/T R/S BURR & TYKLE PL 37 L 002 0 Main St 481901135 48-11-24-102-088.000-003 $3,709.86 Johns Scott E BURR & TYKLE PL 38 L 003 0 Main St 481901136 48-11-24-102-116.000-003 $778.25 Rayford Thomas & Elizabeth ZIONS L 006 2624 Jackson St 481901138 48-11-24-102-143.000-003 $4,664.82 Krebs Frances HARBS PL 59 L 001 0 Main St 481901139 48-11-24-102-164.000-003 $274.12 Williams Tom HARBS PL 80 L 021 0 Jackson St 481901140 48-11-24-102-165.000-003 $1,595.14 Myers David HARBS 33.1/3' S SD PL 81 L 022 0 Jackson St 481901141 48-11-24-102-167.000-003 $214.65 Freestone Eddie R & June A HARBS 33.1/2' N SD PL 84 L 023 0 Jackson St 481901142 48-11-24-102-194.000-003 $1,037.60 Klingler James A KELVIES 3' N SD L 011 0 Meridian St 481901143 48-11-24-103-002.000-003 $415.12 Perez Gildardo PT SW SE 24-19-7 PL 06 00000.2300A 0 Delaware St 481901144 48-11-24-103-005.000-003 $868.72 Carter Coby N PT NE 24-19-7 0.08A 2915 Delaware St 481901145 48-11-24-103-007.000-003 $3,030.49 Perez Gildardo PT NE 24-19-7 0.240A 205 W 29th St 481901146 48-11-24-103-008.000-003 $2,455.52 Perez Gilardo PT NE 24-19-7 0.18A **see Misc Notes re: legal** 253 W 29th St 481901147 48-11-24-104-019.000-003 $1,690.53 M E M Properties Llc T-C REIDS L 021 0 Pearl St 48-11-24-104-019.000-003,48-11-24-104-020.000-003,48-11-24-104-021.000-003 and 48-11-24-104-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901148 48-11-24-104-020.000-003 $1,659.77 M E M Properties Llc T-C REIDS L 022 0 Pearl St 48-11-24-104-019.000-003,48-11-24-104-020.000-003,48-11-24-104-021.000-003 and 48-11-24-104-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901149 48-11-24-104-021.000-003 $1,690.53 M E M Properties Llc T-C REIDS PL 32 L 023 0 Pearl St 48-11-24-104-019.000-003,48-11-24-104-020.000-003,48-11-24-104-021.000-003 and 48-11-24-104-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901150 48-11-24-104-022.000-003 $1,690.53 M E M Properties Llc T-C REIDS L 024 0 Pearl St 48-11-24-104-019.000-003,48-11-24-104-020.000-003,48-11-24-104-021.000-003 and 48-11-24-104-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901151 48-11-24-104-059.000-003 $2,642.88 Powerhouse Holdings LLC & BJA Capital LLC REIDS PL 28 L 061 2921 Central Ave 481901152 48-11-24-104-077.000-003 $927.11 Spillis Todd Michael COLLINGWOOD PL 11 L 008 3004 Pearl St 481901153 48-11-24-104-079.000-003 $819.99 Dearing Mary Alice COLLINGWOOD 6' S SD PL 13 L 009 0 Pearl St 481901154 48-11-24-104-082.000-003 $1,208.04 Holcomb Dulcie L COLLINGWOOD PL 16 L 012 3017 Pearl St 481901156 48-11-24-201-044.000-003 $2,161.17 Stjuste Jean Robert & Magdale ARLINGTON PL 27 L 038 2626 Chase St 481901157 48-11-24-201-055.000-003 $1,113.42 Brummett Sandra K ARLINGTON PL 38 L 049 2503 Chase St 481901158 48-11-24-201-056.000-003 $31,682.19 Collins Bobby G And Becky J ARLINGTON PL 39 L 050 0 Chase St 48-11-24-201-057.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-056.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901159 48-11-24-201-057.000-003 $35,918.12 Collins Bobby G And Becky J ARLINGTON PL 40 L 051 2515 Chase St 48-11-24-201-057.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-056.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901160 48-11-24-201-058.000-003 $33,526.46 Yater David G & Pattee L ARLINGTON PL 41 L 052 2519 Chase St 481901161 48-11-24-201-093.000-003 $193.71 Brown Jeff & David Greene J/T R/S ARLINGTON 3.5' N SD PL 64 L 087 0 Lincoln St 481901162 48-11-24-201-099.000-003 $12,696.72 First Indiana Bank ARLINGTON EXC 53' E END PL 68 L 090 0 Lincoln St 481901164 48-11-24-201-150.000-003 $513.58 P C C & St Louis RR Co RP ARLINGTON ADDN PT LOT 152 0 Morton St 481901165 48-11-24-201-156.000-003 $1,683.29 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 35 L 158 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901166 48-11-24-201-157.000-003 $1,992.51 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 36 L 159 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901167 48-11-24-201-158.000-003 $1,492.90 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 37 L 160 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901168 48-11-24-201-159.000-003 $1,303.77 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 38 L 161 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901169 48-11-24-201-160.000-003 $387.57 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 39 L 162 0 Morton St 48-11-24-201-160.000-003,48-11-24-201-161.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901170 48-11-24-201-161.000-003 $387.41 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 40 L 163 0 Morton St 48-11-24-201-160.000-003,48-11-24-201-161.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901171 48-11-24-201-162.000-003 $387.59 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 41 L 164 0 Morton St 48-11-24-201-160.000-003,48-11-24-201-161.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-162.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901172 48-11-24-201-164.000-003 $403.40 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON PL 43 L 166 0 27th & Morton St 48-11-24-201-164.000-003,48-11-24-201-193.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-194.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901173 48-11-24-201-171.000-003 $1,951.01 Shanks Cathy C ARLINGTON EXC 2' N SD PL 35 L 173 2729 Morton St 481901175 48-11-24-201-193.000-003 $403.22 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 44 L 195 511 W 25th St 48-11-24-201-164.000-003,48-11-24-201-193.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-194.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901176 48-11-24-201-194.000-003 $387.57 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 45 L 196 511 W 25th St 48-11-24-201-164.000-003,48-11-24-201-193.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-194.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901177 48-11-24-201-197.000-003 $440.30 McKenzie Mark A ARLINGTON V/A PL 48 L 199 511 W 25th St 481901178 48-11-24-201-198.000-003 $1,303.77 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 49 L 200 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901179 48-11-24-201-199.000-003 $1,503.52 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 50 L 201 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901180 48-11-24-201-200.000-003 $1,921.92 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 51 L 202 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901181 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 $1,683.29 Green Tire Reclamation Inc ARLINGTON V/A PL 52 L 203 2506 Fairview St 48-11-24-201-156.000-003,48-11-24-201-157.000-003,48-11-24-201-158.000-003,48-11-24-201-159.000-003,48-11-24-201-198.000-003,48-11-24-201-199.000-003,48-11-24-201-200.000-003 and 48-11-24-201-201.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901182 48-11-24-203-022.000-003 $14,910.49 Woods Maynard R & Thelma H BYRUMS 29TH STREET L 018 3112 Sheridan St 481901183 48-11-24-204-019.000-003 $1,358.34 Parks Lauri K W P HARTER & SONS 1ST TRI PT N PL 06 L 015 0 Morton Dr 481901185 48-11-24-301-010.000-003 $4,291.80 Warrum Scott K SOUTH DOWNS L 027 0 Andover Rd 48-11-24-301-010.000-003 and 48-11-24-301-011.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901186 48-11-24-301-011.000-003 $3,658.21 Warrum Scott K SOUTH DOWNS L 028 0 Andover Rd 48-11-24-301-010.000-003 and 48-11-24-301-011.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901187 48-11-24-301-018.000-003 $530.29 Fellows Allen Eugene & Joyce Ann SOUTH DOWNS L 034 0 Andover Rd 48-11-24-301-018.000-003 and 48-11-24-301-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901188 48-11-24-301-019.000-003 $1,734.48 Fellows Allen Eugene & Joyce Ann SOUTH DOWNS PL 04 L 035 236 Andover Rd 48-11-24-301-018.000-003 and 48-11-24-301-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901189 48-11-24-301-104.000-003 $997.97 Smith Courtney Golday Terry & Paula J * Cto Golday Terry & Paula J MEADOWBROOK RP EXC 60' S SD L 510 241 S Parkway Dr 481901191 48-11-24-302-076.000-003 $392.57 Ruiz Joseph SOUTH DOWNS L 107 0 W 34th St 48-11-24-302-077.000-003 and 48-11-24-302-076.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901192 48-11-24-302-077.000-003 $1,993.45 Ruiz Joseph SOUTH DOWNS L 108 508 W 34th St 48-11-24-302-077.000-003 and 48-11-24-302-076.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901193 48-11-24-302-085.000-003 $1,394.95 Mc Clain Peggy A & Michael SOUTH DOWNS L 116 610 W 34th St 481901195 48-11-24-302-109.000-003 $303.87 Parker Trenton P SOUTH DOWNS L 140 1st lot West and joining 501 W 34th St 481901196 48-11-24-302-120.000-003 $2,337.12 Patterson Gary L MEADOWBROOK L 008 806 Lonsvale Dr 481901197 48-11-24-303-006.000-003 $1,736.64 Fabre Joseph MEADOWBROOK L 039 817 Lonsvale Dr 481901198 48-11-24-303-022.000-003 $1,713.40 Thompson Larry R & Sue A MEADOWBROOK L 055 604 N Parkway Dr 481901201 48-11-24-304-090.000-003 $1,913.59 Kluesner Ivo W Ii MEADOWBROOK PL 02 L 233 3630 Brown St 481901202 48-11-24-401-043.000-003 $5,003.05 Kolde R 1/3 Kenneth 2/9 Roy 2/9 Robert Cox 2/27 T/R MAIN STREET ADDN L 040 0 E 34th St 481901203 48-11-24-401-058.000-003 $1,441.82 320 E 35th Street Land Trust BELVIDERE L 232 320 E 35th St 481901204 48-11-24-402-009.000-003 $32,767.22 Dwg Enterprises Inc Pt W2 SE 24-19-7 PL 07 (5.04ac) 0 Main St 481901205 48-11-24-404-112.000-003 $9,864.24 Fuller Eugene Jr BELVIDERE L 105 325 Elva St 481901207 48-11-25-102-116.000-003 $397.99 Wilson Travis CRESTLAWN L 118 0 Haverhill Dr 48-11-25-102-117.000-003 and 48-11-25-102-116.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901208 48-11-25-102-117.000-003 $1,685.90 Wilson Travis CRESTLAWN L 119 4008 Haverhill Dr 48-11-25-102-117.000-003 and 48-11-25-102-116.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901209 48-11-25-102-119.000-003 $1,125.06 Sheets Casey Alan CRESTLAWN L 121 0 Haverhill Dr 481901210 48-11-25-102-232.000-003 $2,023.21 DYG Anderson Properties LLC BELVIDERE EXT L 310 19 W 40th St 481901211 48-11-25-102-256.000-003 $2,883.83 Mc Haffey William & Mary BELVIDERE EXT L 334 0 W 41st St 48-11-25-102-257.000-003 and 48-11-25-102-256.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901212 48-11-25-102-257.000-003 $2,032.19 Mc Haffey William & Mary BELVIDERE EXT L 335 0 W 41st St 48-11-25-102-257.000-003 and 48-11-25-102-256.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901213 48-11-25-102-263.000-003 $467.29 Peterson Kevin J & Peggy J BELVIDERE EXT L 341 0 W 41st St 481901214 48-11-25-104-100.000-003 $1,671.66 Burtron Gene and Linda BOCK BLOCK 04 L 025 633 Federal Dr 481901215 48-11-25-201-033.000-003 $2,552.49 Hagerman Herbert H & Ruth CRESTLAWN L 174 0 Delaware St 481901216 48-11-25-201-040.000-003 $1,020.53 Ricci Deborah S CRESTLAWN 10' N SD L 180 0 Delaware St 48-11-25-201-041.000-003 and 48-11-25-201-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901217 48-11-25-201-041.000-003 $2,167.70 Ricci Deborah S CRESTLAWN L 181 3922 Delaware St 48-11-25-201-041.000-003 and 48-11-25-201-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901218 48-11-25-201-069.000-003 $1,232.23 Baker Lee H CRESTLAWN L 206 4105 Delaware St 481901219 48-11-25-201-090.000-003 $2,574.97 DSV SPV3 LLC CRESTLAWN L 231 4012 Brown St 481901222 48-11-25-204-026.000-003 $1,671.42 DYG Anderson Properties LLC PT SE NW 25-19-7 0.147A 4229 Brown St 481901223 48-11-25-401-027.000-003 $1,036.87 Davis Shirley A SOUTHMAIN VILLAGE L 3B 131 E 48th St 481901224 48-11-25-404-065.000-003 $2,774.98 Bragg Mark Sink Heather (CTO) RABOURNS L 031 5027 Pearl St 481901227 48-11-26-100-092.000-003 $2,776.77 Goodman Carole Gaw PT W2 NE PLAT 15-9 26-19-7 00000.3500A 0 W 44th St 481901232 48-11-27-200-001.000-003 $2,443.90 Nixon Donald E2 NW 27-19-7 PL 02 00005.0000A 2735 W 38th St 481901233 48-11-27-300-021.000-003 $1,259.46 Galliher James LAKE FOREST EST L 018 3116 W 53rd St 481901234 48-11-27-400-025.000-003 $16,575.27 Kirkpatrick Jerry Lee EVERGREEN VALLEY L 042 0 Rhus St 48-11-27-400-025.000-003 and 48-11-27-400-034.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901235 48-11-27-400-034.000-003 $15,389.56 Kirkpatrick Jerry Lee EVERGREEN VALLEY L 051 0 Acer St 48-11-27-400-025.000-003 and 48-11-27-400-034.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901239 48-11-27-400-079.000-003 $1,549.17 Schneider Herb EVERGREEN VALLEY L 097 0 Malus Blvd 48-11-27-400-079.000-003,48-11-27-400-080.000-003 and 48-11-27-400-081.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901240 48-11-27-400-080.000-003 $1,549.17 Schneider Herb EVERGREEN VALLEY L 098 0 Malus Blvd 48-11-27-400-079.000-003,48-11-27-400-080.000-003 and 48-11-27-400-081.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901241 48-11-27-400-081.000-003 $1,521.70 Schneider Herb EVERGREEN VALLEY L 099 0 Malus Blvd 48-11-27-400-079.000-003,48-11-27-400-080.000-003 and 48-11-27-400-081.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901242 48-11-27-400-083.000-003 $4,329.48 Harvey Randall T & Susan C EVERGREEN VALLEY Lots 100,101,102 & 111 (1.220ac) 4811 Malus Blvd 481901243 48-11-27-400-094.000-003 $7,524.12 Kirkpatrick Jerry Lee EVERGREEN VALLEY L 112 0 Malus Blvd 481901245 48-11-27-400-106.000-003 $1,696.02 Carr Robert EVERGREEN VALLEY L 127 4718 Malus Blvd 481901246 48-11-27-400-145.000-003 $11,995.06 Kirkpatrick Jerry Lee EVERGREEN VALLEY L 019 0 Malus Blvd 481901247 48-11-27-400-148.000-003 $3,127.98 Kirkpatrick Jerry Lee EVERGREEN VALLEY EXC 200' W EN L 022 0 Picea Blvd 481901248 48-11-27-400-164.000-003 $3,424.49 Beach Floyd R & Marion G EVERGREEN VALLEY EXC 26' E END L 037 0 Rhus St 481901249 48-11-27-400-170.000-003 $6,965.48 Beeman William J EVERGREEN VALLEY L 119 0 Malus Blvd 481901250 48-11-34-300-013.000-003 $4,247.74 Payne Monnie S & Carl B DAYSON REPLAT L 022 EXC 10' E SD & VAC. ST. 3001 Dayson Dr 481901253 48-11-36-100-139.000-003 $2,933.28 Hometime Property Solutions LLC E2 NE & .024A 36-19-7 PL 15 00000.3300A 5902 S Oak Ln 481901254 48-11-36-200-004.000-003 $279.31 Walker R J & Charlene R PT NE NW PLAT 11-8 36-19-7 00000.2200A 5331 Leclair Dr 481901255 48-11-36-200-029.000-003 $4,690.10 Five Three Realty LLC PT N2 W2 NW PLAT 1-2 36-19-7 00001.0000A 825 W 53rd St 481901256 48-11-36-200-036.000-003 $438.82 Brown Mandy HARMESON HTS PL 01 L 003 923 Hattie Dr 481901257 48-12-05-100-038.000-003 $2,424.28 Senior Citizens Community Center E PT E2 NE 05-19-8 3.00A 1405 Rangeline Rd 481901259 48-12-05-400-023.000-003 $836.23 Stucker Michael T PAMELA HEIGHTS L 002 0 Lindberg Rd 481901260 48-12-05-400-024.000-003 $225.08 Hart Michael J & Pamela R SE SE 5-19-8 0.116A 0 Lindberg Rd 481901262 48-12-06-300-007.000-003 $437.37 Newberry Arthur S & Sherron L PT W2 & PT W2 SW PLAT 2-1 06-19-8 00000.3940A 917 Alex Pkwy 481901263 48-12-06-300-047.000-003 $2,185.46 Dexter Group Trust The Roberts Edwin D (cto) PT SW 06-19-8 0.306AC 728 Alex Pkwy 481901264 48-12-06-300-125.000-003 $6,059.55 Jackson Harrison & Cynthia ROLLING HILLS PL 01 L 052 0 Kingsmill Dr 481901265 48-12-06-400-089.000-003 $3,348.41 McClain Melissa L HEMPLEMAN ADD PL 03 L 003 718 Ranike Dr 481901266 48-12-06-400-140.000-003 $100,459.21 Munitax Fund Llc PT SE SE 06-19-8 PL 08 00002.0000A 1820 Lindberg Rd 481901267 48-12-06-400-147.000-003 $4,238.81 Travis Dale E & Vicky D TOLL GATE MANOR L 001 0 N Nursery Rd 481901268 48-12-06-400-149.000-003 $1,340.75 Robillard Investments LLC TOLL GATE MANOR 29' S END L 002 0 N Nursery Rd 481901269 48-12-06-400-169.000-003 $2,419.36 Ebury Re LLC TOLL GATE MANOR L 095 110 Trent Dr 481901279 48-12-07-303-040.000-003 $3,016.34 Triple Jay Inc DELAWTERS 1ST PL 14 L 007 505 E 8th St 481901280 48-12-07-303-102.000-003 $183.89 Seal Jerry Allen & Olivia C K MC CULLOUGHS PK L 036 810 Cottage Ave 481901284 48-12-07-303-137.000-003 $754.52 Payne Alex L C K McCULLOUGH'S to PARK PLACE PT LOTS 070 & 071 (0.08A) 0 Park Ave 481901286 48-12-07-303-182.000-003 $213.63 Martin Clarence J III J M RUDDELLS 1ST 10' PL 08 L 007 0 Central Ave 481901287 48-12-07-303-220.000-003 $2,038.93 Baker John M & Mary Lee Baker J/T R/S J M RUDDELLS 4TH PL 67 L 122 624 Milton Ave 481901289 48-12-07-304-079.000-003 $1,642.16 Simpson Mary Jane FREES PARK PLACE PL 01 L 006 901 Chestnut St 481901290 48-12-07-304-103.000-003 $771.79 Perks Enterprises Lp FREES PARK PLACE EXC 22' S L 026 815 Walnut St 481901291 48-12-07-304-167.000-003 $604.77 Swallows Paris J & Teresa L C K MC CULLOUGHS PK L 012 922 E 8th St 48-12-07-304-167.000-003 and 48-12-07-304-168.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901292 48-12-07-304-168.000-003 $604.79 Swallows Paris J & Teresa L C K MC CULLOUGHS PK L 013 922 E 8th St 48-12-07-304-167.000-003 and 48-12-07-304-168.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901293 48-12-07-401-002.000-003 $1,668.50 Justice Properties LLC PT E2 SE PLAT 1-1 07-19-8 00000.3900A 522 Nursery Rd 481901294 48-12-07-401-005.000-003 $329.91 M D M Properties Smith David M & Cylinda L PT E2 SE PLAT 1-4 07-19-8 00000.1000A 0 E 6th St 481901295 48-12-07-403-064.000-003 $2,347.25 Weeks Lisa J HILLCREST V/A L 021 1420 E 7th St 481901297 48-12-07-403-087.000-003 $2,363.35 Morris Marshall HILLCREST L 043 1520 E 8th St 481901300 48-12-07-403-119.000-003 $3,729.73 Shoot Pamela Kay & Roger Loren HILLCREST PL 28 L 074 820 Myers Ave 481901301 48-12-07-404-011.000-003 $1,089.10 Mosley Michael PT E2 SE PLAT 6-1 07-19-8 00000.1330A 0 E 6th St 481901302 48-12-07-404-022.000-003 $3,232.45 Talbot Robert C & Jennifer PT E2 SE PLAT 9-4 07-19-8 00000.1100A 0 Alhambra Dr 481901303 48-12-07-404-024.000-003 $800.62 Timmons Robin L As Scr Trustee Under Naomi R Vickers Irrevoc T/R PT E2 SE PLAT 10-2 07-19-8 00000.024 1930 E 7th St 481901304 48-12-07-404-030.000-003 $1,908.62 O'Neal William Walker Kevin Wayne & Ramona Denise (cto) PT E2 SE 07-19-8 PL 12 00000.2900A 724 Nursery Rd 481901305 48-12-07-404-036.000-003 $2,611.89 Arbor Group Llc 12/5% Fort Wayne Limited P/H 87.590% T-C E2 SE PLAT 15-1 07-19-8 00000.1570A 0 E 8th St 48-12-07-404-037.000-003 and 48-12-07-404-036.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901306 48-12-07-404-037.000-003 $2,611.91 Arbor Group Llc 12.5% Fort Wayne Limited P/H 87.590% T-C E2 SE PLAT 15-2 07-19-8 00000.1580A 0 E 8th St 48-12-07-404-037.000-003 and 48-12-07-404-036.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901307 48-12-07-404-084.000-003 $2,114.74 Loughridge Jeffrey M EASTERN HTS L 012 1923 E 8th St 481901308 48-12-08-204-027.000-003 $3,488.45 Watson John R & Dorothy M MUSTIN MANOR SEC 6 L 116 119 S Roby Dr 481901311 48-12-08-301-066.000-003 $1,874.49 Helms Terry Ray & Patricia A L/E Phyllis Ayers HOMEWOOD L 378 2608 Fowler St 481901312 48-12-08-302-025.000-003 $3,353.09 Baker Jerry A & Jeremy A J/T R/S HOMEWOOD L 271 2416 E 6th St 481901313 48-12-08-302-160.000-003 $1,185.66 Nordgren John HOMEWOOD L 543 2316 E 4th St 481901314 48-12-08-302-164.000-003 $507.19 Young Patricia Sue HOMEWOOD L 547 2408 E 4th St 481901315 48-12-08-303-048.000-003 $4,639.30 Warren Susan VICKERS 1ST L 008 2329 E 9th St 481901316 48-12-08-304-206.000-003 $464.59 Haynes Lisa and David Davidsen Jr J/T R/S HOMEWOOD L 241 0 6th St 481901317 48-12-08-403-038.000-003 $1,546.89 Reck Chris C & Mary W GLEN ELLYN L 020 915 Coventry Dr 481901318 48-12-08-403-054.000-003 $1,080.71 Milburn Bradley S & Carrie L GLEN ELLYN L 036 0 Coventry Dr 481901319 48-12-08-403-072.000-003 $429.37 Johnson Brian D GLEN ELLYN L 075 0 S Coventry Dr 48-12-08-403-073.000-003 and 48-12-08-403-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901320 48-12-08-403-073.000-003 $1,460.71 Johnson Brian D GLEN ELLYN L 076 820 Coventry Dr 48-12-08-403-073.000-003 and 48-12-08-403-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901321 48-12-08-403-102.000-003 $2,180.12 Richardson Pamela J GLEN ELLYN L 127 608 Ellenhurst Dr 481901322 48-12-08-403-144.000-003 $1,183.06 Ashton James A GLEN ELLYN L 165 611 Woodlawn Dr 481901324 48-12-17-200-007.000-003 $1,479.12 Bryan John A PT E2 NW 17-19-8 PL 01 00000.5000A 2707 E 10th St 481901325 48-12-17-200-125.000-003 $643.19 Bridlewood Farms Homeownersassoc Inc BRIDLEWOOD FARMS SEC 3 L 82 0 Daleville Ave 481901328 48-12-17-200-286.000-003 $399.66 DSV SPV2 LLC FAIRFAX L 188 0 Brookline Dr 48-12-17-200-286.000-003 and 48-12-17-200-287.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901329 48-12-17-200-287.000-003 $1,582.53 DSV SPV2 llc FAIRFAX L 189 1115 Brookline Dr 48-12-17-200-286.000-003 and 48-12-17-200-287.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901330 48-12-17-200-337.000-003 $1,468.23 DYG Anderson Properties LLC FAIRFAX W2 L 49-1 2422 White St 481901331 48-12-17-200-449.000-003 $2,980.39 Bermudez Estevan Ray PANORA HTS L 038 2604 Chesterfield Pl 481901332 48-12-17-300-028.000-003 $1,121.30 Chandler & Chandler Financial LLC SW SW 17-19-8 (0.64A) & NW NW 20-19-8 (0.36A) TOTAL 1.0 2225 Mounds Rd 481901333 48-12-17-400-015.000-003 $4,684.14 Hodson Eric Flynn & Kelly Jean PT W2 SE PLAT 1-2 17-19-8 00001.8400A 229 Gilmore Rd 481901335 48-12-18-101-001.000-003 $2,695.22 Samuel S Glazier Investments LLC NE NE 18-19-8 PL 12 00000.8940A Triangular parcel to the North and joining 1040 Alhambra and 2022 Hillcrest 481901336 48-12-18-103-018.000-003 $21,386.12 Sekulic Jana & Sasa RIVERVIEW S2 PL 35 L 008 1230 E 18th St 481901337 48-12-18-103-027.000-003 $447.79 Johnson Jonita M L IRONDALE 45' W SD L 192 1608 E 18th St 481901338 48-12-18-104-022.000-003 $896.44 Parkhurst Timothy L IRONDALE L 215 1814 E 18th St 481901339 48-12-18-201-001.000-003 $5,981.60 Simpson James H & Sibyl G PT E2 NW 18-19-8 PL 03 00002.0000A 0 Chestnut St 481901340 48-12-18-201-015.000-003 $425.73 Shively Paul NW 18-19-8 0.077A 0 E 10th St 481901341 48-12-18-201-035.000-003 $627.72 Songer Nancy P SPAULDINGS L 029 0 Prospect St 48-12-18-201-035.000-003,48-12-18-202-001.000-003 and 48-12-18-202-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901342 48-12-18-201-075.000-003 $1,060.38 Simpson Mary Jane MYERS S2 PL 53 L 012 1017 Chestnut St 481901343 48-12-18-202-001.000-003 $1,543.36 Songer Nancy P SPAULDINGS L 028 841 Prospect St 48-12-18-201-035.000-003,48-12-18-202-001.000-003 and 48-12-18-202-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901344 48-12-18-202-028.000-003 $312.72 Dutch LLC SPAULDINGS NE PT L 004 708 Prospect 481901345 48-12-18-202-042.000-003 $8,429.78 RioProp Holdings LLC SPAULDINGS L 018 809 Prospect St 481901346 48-12-18-202-047.000-003 $3,260.17 L R B Holdings SPAULDINGS L 023 0 Prospect St 481901347 48-12-18-202-051.000-003 $531.98 Songer Nancy P SPAULDINGS L 027 0 Prospect St 48-12-18-201-035.000-003,48-12-18-202-001.000-003 and 48-12-18-202-051.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901348 48-12-18-202-090.000-003 $19,357.23 Surface Bryce & Anne E JACKSONS OL 021 PL 41 L 020 0 Ohio Ave 481901349 48-12-18-202-099.000-003 $1,934.63 Reagan Dalton Levi WELCHES L 012 1232 Home Ave 481901350 48-12-18-202-108.000-003 $987.23 Walker Jamie F BRONNENBERG PT PL 23 L 007 1407 Home Ave 481901351 48-12-18-202-110.000-003 $1,289.45 Shelton Roger L F BRONNENBERG TRI PT PLAT 24 L 008 0 Home Ave 48-12-18-202-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-202-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901352 48-12-18-202-111.000-003 $32,565.52 Shelton Roger L F BRONNENBERG PT PL 25 L 009 1415 Sherman Ave 48-12-18-202-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-202-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901353 48-12-18-203-005.000-003 $21,029.76 Elmore Carroll & David G JACKSONS OL 021 PL 42 L 020 0 Ohio Ave 481901354 48-12-18-203-015.000-003 $4,224.94 Gregg Shawn A ORR & MC MAHANS L 001 1552 Ohio Ave 481901355 48-12-18-203-021.000-003 $231.56 Rinker Anthony Scott & Kimberly Gayle J W BOLANDS L 014 0 Cincinnati Ave 48-12-18-203-021.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901356 48-12-18-203-022.000-003 $2,016.05 Rinker Anthony Scott & Kimberly Gayle J W BOLANDS L 015 1530 Cincinnati Ave 48-12-18-203-021.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-022.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901357 48-12-18-203-029.000-003 $865.58 Cox Willow Mae GODWINS PL 31 L 006 0 Ohio Ave 48-12-18-203-029.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901358 48-12-18-203-030.000-003 $865.58 Cox Willow Mae GODWINS PL 32 L 007 0 Ohio Ave 48-12-18-203-029.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901359 48-12-18-203-039.000-003 $1,318.80 Reeves Lois E JACKSONS OL PT-3 PL 09 L 006 0 Cincinnati Ave 481901360 48-12-18-203-069.000-003 $1,419.26 Perez Gildardo S HUGHELS 1ST PL 22 L 015 1533 Noble St 481901361 48-12-18-203-082.000-003 $9,304.01 Mc Kinley Freddie J & Marsha A WM BROWNS PL 02 L 002 1616 Walnut St 481901362 48-12-18-203-108.000-003 $5,270.52 Travis Dale E & Vicky D KILGORE PL 17 L 012 0 Home Ave 48-12-18-203-108.000-003,48-12-18-203-109.000-003,48-12-18-203-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901363 48-12-18-203-109.000-003 $3,991.22 Travis Dale E & Vicky D KILGORE PL 18 L 013 0 Home Ave 48-12-18-203-108.000-003,48-12-18-203-109.000-003,48-12-18-203-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901364 48-12-18-203-110.000-003 $3,424.50 Travis Dale E & Vicky D R KILGORE PL 19 L 014 0 Home Ave 48-12-18-203-108.000-003,48-12-18-203-109.000-003,48-12-18-203-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901365 48-12-18-203-111.000-003 $2,201.63 Travis Dale E & Vicky D KILGORE L 015 0 Home Ave 48-12-18-203-108.000-003,48-12-18-203-109.000-003,48-12-18-203-110.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-111.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901366 48-12-18-203-132.000-003 $361.19 Arellano Maria Azueena ORR & MC CLURES AVENUE 50' S PL 36 L 002 0 Noble St 481901367 48-12-18-203-133.000-003 $1,121.92 Arellano Maria ORR & MC CLURES AVENUE PL 37 L 003 1508 Noble St 481901369 48-12-18-203-190.000-003 $6,069.57 Central Indiana Rr Co A JACKSONS OL ADDN PL 24 L 039 0 Jefferson St 48-12-18-203-190.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-191.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901370 48-12-18-203-191.000-003 $9,788.00 Central Indiana Rr Co A JACKSONS OL ADDN OL 40 SBRR PL 25 0 Columbus Ave 48-12-18-203-190.000-003 and 48-12-18-203-191.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901371 48-12-18-203-197.000-003 $1,819.68 Rinker Anthony Scott & Kimberly Gayle J W BOLANDS L 013 1532 Cincinnati Ave 48-12-18-203-197.000-003 and 48-12-18-204-058.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901372 48-12-18-204-020.000-003 $2,067.92 Vickers Robert R & Naomi R JACKSONS OL -1 PL 28 L 002 0 E Lynn St 481901373 48-12-18-204-032.000-003 $243.51 Brown Anthony & Julie JACKSONS OL Pt Lot 8 PL 36 (0.11ac0 0 Cincinnati Ave 481901374 48-12-18-204-058.000-003 $224.00 Rinker Anthony Scott & Kimberly Gayle J W BOLANDS N2 L 012 1532 1/2 Cincinnati Ave 48-12-18-203-197.000-003 and 48-12-18-204-058.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901375 48-12-18-204-059.000-003 $3,854.58 Cage Michael D J W BOLANDS S2 L 012 0 Cincinnati Ave 481901376 48-12-18-204-115.000-003 $664.34 Mudd Paul A RIVERSIDE L 077 1561 Miller Ave 481901377 48-12-18-204-120.000-003 $1,128.10 Whitson Robert E & Elsie M RIVERSIDE L 082 0 Miller 481901378 48-12-18-204-122.000-003 $1,559.44 Whitson Robert RIVERSIDE L 084 0 Miller Ave 481901379 48-12-18-204-123.000-003 $3,289.60 Romine Bill A RIVERSIDE L 085 0 Miller 48-12-18-204-123.000-003 and 48-12-18-204-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901380 48-12-18-204-124.000-003 $3,238.39 Romine Bill A RIVERSIDE L 086 0 Miller Ave 48-12-18-204-123.000-003 and 48-12-18-204-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901381 48-12-18-204-137.000-003 $2,100.05 Amos Zachary RIVERSIDE L 099 1568 Johnson Ave 481901382 48-12-18-204-152.000-003 $6,850.30 Stephenson William E & Mary A RIVERSIDE L 114 0 Johnson Ave 481901383 48-12-18-301-009.000-003 $2,844.25 Central Indiana Rr Co SCOTTS ADDN OL PL 03 L 008 0 Pitt St 481901384 48-12-18-301-061.000-003 $408.48 Victorias Properties LLC C P MC CLELLANDS 2ND PL 18 L 015 1224 E 22nd St 481901385 48-12-18-301-062.000-003 $293.55 Swallows Paris J C P MC CLELLANDS 2ND PL 19 L 016 0 E 22nd St 48-12-18-301-062.000-003 and 48-12-18-301-063.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901386 48-12-18-301-063.000-003 $1,560.54 Swallows Paris J C P MC CLELLANDS 2ND PL 20 L 017 1232 E 22nd St 48-12-18-301-062.000-003 and 48-12-18-301-063.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 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TAX SALE PAGE 7 481901387 48-1...

Tax Sale Page 7 481901387 48-12-18-301-066. 000-003 $346.19 P C C & St Louis Rr Co C P MC CLELLANDS 2ND ADDN PT-1 PL 22 L 019 0 E 22nd St 481901388 48-12-18-301-068.001-003 $439.64 Sprague Oil Co C P MC CLELLANDS 2ND L 022 0 E 22nd St 481901389 48-12-18-301-072.000-003 $128.52 Hernandez Leobrado GARVEYS L 004 0 Columbus Ave 481901390 48-12-18-301-073.000-003 $1,824.11 Stjuste Magdala & Jean Robert Stjuste GARVEYS L 005 2017 Columbus Ave 481901392 48-12-18-301-109.000-003 $4,824.05 Home Solutions Partners Iii Reo Llc B W SCOTTS E2 PL 15-1 PL 15 L 007 0 Ohio Ave 481901394 48-12-18-302-009.000-003 $335.99 Ruffner Sherry D & Angela R J/T-R/S J THOMAS L 005 0 E 20th St 481901395 48-12-18-302-012.000-003 $979.99 Hill Derrall Deon Sr J THOMAS L 008 E 20th St 481901396 48-12-18-302-042.000-003 $42.40 Davis Mitchell COUGHLINS M3 PL 27 L 013 0 E 21st St 48-12-18-302-042.000-003 and 48-12-18-302-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901397 48-12-18-302-043.000-003 $1,262.79 Davis Mitchell COUGHLINS M3 L 014 819 E 21st St 48-12-18-302-042.000-003 and 48-12-18-302-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901398 48-12-18-302-061.000-003 $1,379.84 Perez Gildardo COUGHLINS W 1/3 PL 49 L 024 803 E 21st St 481901399 48-12-18-302-069.000-003 $320.28 Magallanes Mireya Guillermina GARVEYS 4' S SD L 014 0 Mckinley St 481901404 48-12-18-302-111. 000-003 $1,483.05 Allied Indiana Investments LLC EASTMANS PL 48 L 002 2114 Noble St 481901405 48-12-18-302-127.000-003 $3,733.64 Hawkey David Wayne Vick Teresa Elizabeth GROVES 1ST L 009 GROVES 1ST LOTS 9 & 10 GROVES 1ST W2 9 & 10 625 E 21st St 481901406 48-12-18-302-153.000-003 $3,189.01 Wiles Scott OWENS PL 08 L 010 2012 Jefferson St 481901407 48-12-18-302-165.000-003 $5,083.59 Turner Teressa L WALNUT STREET PL 69 L 004 0 Noble St 481901408 48-12-18-302-171.000-003 $1,568.65 Briscoe Tami Lynn WALNUT STREET PL 75 L 010 0 Noble St 481901409 48-12-18-302-188.000-003 $1,204.85 M E M Properties Llc T-C RIFES 33.1/3' S SD PL 33 L 002 0 Noble St 48-12-18-302-188.000-003 and 48-12-18-302-190.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901410 48-12-18-302-190.000-003 $1,500.23 M E M Properties Llc T-C RIFES PL 34 L 003 0 Noble St 48-12-18-302-188.000-003 and 48-12-18-302-190.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901411 48-12-18-302-210.000-003 $1,695.81 Sheets Bill RIFES PL 12 L 021 2019 Noble St 481901412 48-12-18-302-221.000-003 $27,651.36 Boyd Dennis & Tina RIFES PL 59 L 032 1833 Noble St 481901414 48-12-18-302-241. 000-003 $17,254.83 Legg Wilma JACKSONS OL PL 09 L 073 0 E 19th St 481901415 48-12-18-302-243. 000-003 $2,724.14 Wire Theodore L MORAN PT PL 24 L 001 0 Noble St 481901416 48-12-18-303-051.000-003 $11,188.61 Henson Brian A WM ROWLANDS PL 73 L 006 2332 Walnut St 481901417 48-12-18-303-059.000-003 $1,703.12 Michaels Leroy JACKSONS OL 079 PL 11 L 078 0 Noble St 481901418 48-12-18-303-064.000-003 $18,414.52 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay JACKSONS OL PL 04 L 079 0 Walnut St 481901419 48-12-18-303-082.000-003 $452.50 Brown Richard BYRUMS 1ST EXC 80' E END PL 17 L 013 0 Walnut St 481901420 48-12-18-303-110.000-003 $557.50 Brown Richard MATHES EXC 80'E PL 34 L 017 0 Walnut St 481901421 48-12-18-304-007.000-003 $379,879.55 Meagher Brian Evans PT SE SW 18-19-8 PL 01 00002.5300A 0 24th & Charles 481901422 48-12-18-304-044.000-003 $226.19 K M I T Llc ROACHES PL 30 L 001 2301 Columbus Ave 48-12-18-304-044.000-003,48-12-18-304-045.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901423 48-12-18-304-045.000-003 $226.19 K M I T Llc ROACHES PL 04 L 002 2302 Columbus Ave 48-12-18-304-044.000-003,48-12-18-304-045.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901424 48-12-18-304-046.000-003 $1,048.59 K M I T Llc ROACHES PL 07 L 003 2301 Columbus Ave 48-12-18-304-044.000-003,48-12-18-304-045.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901425 48-12-18-304-050.000-003 $2,665.52 Rehabilitation Management LLC CHITTENDENS EAST LYNN L 005 2446 East Lynn St 481901426 48-12-18-304-052.000-003 $1,077.95 Rudicil Howard J D/B/A Howards Plumbing & Heating CHITTENDENS EAST LYNN 1' S SD L 006 0 East Lynn St 481901427 48-12-18-304-096.000-003 $3,725.68 Nunemaker Debbra FRANKLINS PL 05 L 005 0 E 23rd St 48-12-18-304-096.000-003,48-12-18-304-097.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-098.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901428 48-12-18-304-097.000-003 $328.47 Nunemaker Debbra FRANKLINS PL 06 L 006 0 E 23rd St 48-12-18-304-096.000-003,48-12-18-304-097.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-098.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901429 48-12-18-304-098.000-003 $511.94 Nunemaker Debbra FRANKLINS PL 07 L 007 1211 E 23rd St 48-12-18-304-096.000-003,48-12-18-304-097.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-098.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901430 48-12-18-304-107.000-003 $1,772.08 2218 Franklin Street Land Trust Guadarrama Enrique & Alicia Garduno-Garcia (cto) FRANKLINS PL 16 L 016 2218 Franklin St 48-12-18-304-109.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901431 48-12-18-304-108.000-003 $2,296.13 Campbell Ronald Lee FRANKLINS N2 PL 18 L 017 0 Franklin St 481901432 48-12-18-304-109.000-003 $449.00 2218 Franklin Street Land Trust Guadarrama Enrique & Alicia Garduno-Garcia (cto) FRANKLINS S2 PL 17 L 017 0 Franklin St 48-12-18-304-109.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901433 48-12-18-304-111.000-003 $3,362.39 Campbell Dicky FRANKLINS PL 20 L 019 0 Franklin St 48-12-18-304-111.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-112.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901434 48-12-18-304-112.000-003 $3,552.43 Campbell Dicky FRANKLINS PL 21 L 020 0 Franklin St 48-12-18-304-111.000-003 and 48-12-18-304-112.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901435 48-12-18-304-116.000-003 $2,847.95 Campbell Ronald Lee FRANKLINS E2 PL 25 L 022 0 Franklin St 481901436 48-12-18-304-126.000-003 $1,612.48 Kuklenski Joseph P FRANKLINS PL 35 L 031 1208 E 23rd St 481901437 48-12-18-304-127.000-003 $28,415.18 Landes Cup Investments Inc FRANKLINS PL 36 L 032 2234 St Charles St 481901438 48-12-18-304-129.000-003 $40,104.56 Miner Kevin FRANKLINS PL 38 L 034 2228 St Charles St 481901439 48-12-18-304-133.000-003 $2,756.47 Gibson Toby And Sherri FRANKLINS 60.5' E END PL 44 L 038 0 E St Charles 481901440 48-12-18-304-156.000-003 $6,679.82 Coburn Terrie L C P MC CLELLANDS 1ST L 006 2225 St Charles St 481901441 48-12-18-304-167.000-003 $526.89 Kissane Dennis Edward C P MC CLELLANDS 1ST L 017 0 E Lynn St 481901442 48-12-18-304-173.000-003 $1,723.20 Berry Brian C P MC CLELLANDS 1ST L 035 2213 East Lynn St 481901443 48-12-18-304-175.000-003 $1,245.38 Banta Brenda C P MC CLELLANDS 1ST L 037 2221 East Lynn St 481901444 48-12-18-304-177.000-003 $387.96 Cordova Rafael Alberto Garza C P MC CLELLANDS 1ST L 039 2229 East Lynn St 481901445 48-12-18-402-043.000-003 $2,433.33 Operation Move-in LLC GEO W HUGHELS 1ST PL 11 L 004 2027 Ohio Ave 481901447 48-12-18-402-090.000-003 $188.28 Berry Thomas Edward IRONDALE 3' W SD V/A L 073 0 E 19th St 481901448 48-12-18-403-021.000-003 $5,290.96 Yost Gay S HUGHELS 2ND L 001 0 Pitt St 481901449 48-12-18-403-044.000-003 $5,184.72 Bush V Ray Sr & Ruth E S HUGHELS 2ND L 024 0 E 25th St 481901450 48-12-18-403-064.000-003 $320.28 St Louis Rr Co CRAIGS ADDN 350' PL 52 L 1-1 0 E 22nd St 481901451 48-12-18-403-071.000-003 $203.54 Tinch Melvin J 2/6 Tinch Melvin J 2/6 Dixon Bonnie 1/6 & Harris Betty Ruth 1/6 & Tinch Michael 1/24 & Tinch Sarah 1/6 & Woods Frances CRAIGS EXC 40' S SD PL 58 L 007 0 Pitt St 481901452 48-12-18-403-081.000-003 $203.54 Tinch Melvin J 2/6Tinch Melvin J 2/6 Dixon Bonnie 1/6 & Harris Betty Ruth 1/6 & Tinch Michael 1/24 & Tinch Sarah 1/6 & Woods Frances 1 CRAIGS 10' S SD L 005 0 Pitt St 481901454 48-12-18-700-001.000-003 $7,083.52 Campbell John W NE SW SCOTTS PLAT 27-1 18-19-8 00001.8400A 2100 Pitt St 481901455 48-12-19-102-004.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 001 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901456 48-12-19-102-005.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 002 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901457 48-12-19-102-006.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 003 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901458 48-12-19-102-007.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 004 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901459 48-12-19-102-008.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 005 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901460 48-12-19-102-009.000-003 $3,155.86 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 006 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901461 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 $2,965.17 Phillips Industries Inc WM PITTSFORDS 3RD 92' E END L 007 2616 Pitt St 48-12-19-102-004.000-003,48-12-19-102-005.000-003,48-12-19-102-006.000-003,48-12-19-102-007.000-003,48-12-19-102-008.000-003,48-12-19-102-009.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-010.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901462 48-12-19-102-017.000-003 $2,117.39 Sayers Billie Jo & Nancy E Wasson WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 014 2702 Pitt St 481901463 48-12-19-102-029.000-003 $788.58 Sellers Joe WM PITTSFORDS 3RD E2 L 055 2627 Monroe St 481901464 48-12-19-102-030.000-003 $9,467.64 T-Lupe LLC WM PITTSFORD'S 3rd LOTS 056-061, W2 055 & PT V/A (0.8120A) 2627 Monroe 481901465 48-12-19-102-031.000-003 $4,497.19 Barnes Robert L Sr & Robert Jr WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 062 0 Monroe 481901466 48-12-19-102-032.000-003 $310.12 Shea Tom WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 064 0 Monroe St - 3rd parcel North on the corner of East 26th St and Monroe St 48-12-19-102-032.000-003,48-12-19-102-033.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-034.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901467 48-12-19-102-033.000-003 $310.14 Shea Tom WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 065 0 Monroe 48-12-19-102-032.000-003,48-12-19-102-033.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-034.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901468 48-12-19-102-034.000-003 $310.12 Shea Tom WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 066 0 Monroe 48-12-19-102-032.000-003,48-12-19-102-033.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-034.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901469 48-12-19-102-035.000-003 $295.65 Nunemaker Debbra J WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 067 0 Monroe St - 2nd parcel South on the corner of East 25th St and Monroe St 48-12-19-102-035.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-036.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901470 48-12-19-102-036.000-003 $295.65 Nunemaker Debbra J WM PITTSFORDS 3RD L 068 0 E 25th St 48-12-19-102-035.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-036.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901471 48-12-19-102-038.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 019 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-102-038.000-003,48-12-19-102-039.000-003,48-12-19-102-040.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-041.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901472 48-12-19-102-039.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 020 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-102-038.000-003,48-12-19-102-039.000-003,48-12-19-102-040.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-041.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901473 48-12-19-102-040.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 021 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-102-038.000-003,48-12-19-102-039.000-003,48-12-19-102-040.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-041.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901474 48-12-19-102-041.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 022 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-102-038.000-003,48-12-19-102-039.000-003,48-12-19-102-040.000-003 and 48-12-19-102-041.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901475 48-12-19-102-042.000-003 $3,199.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS PL 01 L 023 0 E 26th St 481901476 48-12-19-103-048.000-003 $961.57 Felipe Pacheco Luis OAKDALE L 012 1502 E 30th St 481901477 48-12-19-103-067.000-003 $917.98 Stewart Lance OAKDALE L 030 1511 E 30th St 481901478 48-12-19-201-004.000-003 $886.40 Hill Derrall Deon Sr PT E2 SW 19-19-8 PL 04 00000.1000A 0 Columbus Ave 48-12-19-201-004.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-133.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901479 48-12-19-201-006.000-003 $2,132.52 Skrhak James NE NW 19-19-8 (0.15ac) Wambachs Lot 7 2512 Columbus 481901480 48-12-19-201-008.000-003 $237.07 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 001 1200 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901481 48-12-19-201-009.000-003 $237.07 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 002 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901482 48-12-19-201-010.000-003 $237.07 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 003 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901483 48-12-19-201-011.000-003 $237.07 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 004 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901484 48-12-19-201-012. 000-003 $237.07 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 005 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008. 000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003, 48-12-19-201-010.000-003, 48-12-19-201-011.000-003, 48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003, 48-12-19-201-014.000-003, 48-12-19-201-015.000-003, 48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017. 000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 & 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901485 48-12-19-201-013.000-003 $3,777.54 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 006 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003, 48-12-19-201-010.000-003, 48-12-19-201-011.000-003, 48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013. 000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003, 48-12-19-201-015.000-003, 48-12-19-201-016.000-003, 48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 & 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901486 48-12-19-201-014.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 007 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901487 48-12-19-201-015.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 008 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901488 48-12-19-201-016.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 009 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901489 48-12-19-201-017.000-003 $3,412.16 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 010 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901490 48-12-19-201-018.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 011 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901491 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 $3,190.79 Phillips Industry Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 012 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-008.000-003,48-12-19-201-009.000-003,48-12-19-201-010.000-003,48-12-19-201-011.000-003,48-12-19-201-012.000-003,48-12-19-201-013.000-003,48-12-19-201-014.000-003,48-12-19-201-015.000-003,48-12-19-201-016.000-003,48-12-19-201-017.000-003,48-12-19-201-018.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-019.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901492 48-12-19-201-020.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 013 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901493 48-12-19-201-021.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 014 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901494 48-12-19-201-022.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 015 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901495 48-12-19-201-023.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 016 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901496 48-12-19-201-024.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 017 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901497 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 $3,075.79 Phillips Industries Inc COMMONS EXC 21' S END L 018 0 E 26th St 48-12-19-201-020.000-003,48-12-19-201-021.000-003,48-12-19-201-022.000-003,48-12-19-201-023.000-003,48-12-19-201-024.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-025.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901498 48-12-19-201-035.000-003 $1,107.64 Arnold David L COMMONS 53.5' X 1' L 031 0 E 26th St 481901500 48-12-19-201-133.000-003 $1,156.52 Hill Derrall Deon Sr NATIONAL TILE CO ADDN L 003 0 Columbus Ave 48-12-19-201-004.000-003 and 48-12-19-201-133.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901502 48-12-19-201-170.000-003 $18,402.60 Duffy Gladys & G King J/T R/S PENCES E LYNN PL 50 L 009 0 East Lynn St 481901503 48-12-19-201-200.000-003 $2,575.85 Collins Jazzelyn PENCES E LYNN L 044 1116 E 29th St 481901504 48-12-19-201-201. 000-003 $2,185.11 Bragg David L PENCES E LYNN L 045 1108 E 29th St 481901505 48-12-19-201-204.000-003 $3,065.58 Parker Janice WAMBAUGHS PL 12 Lots 1 & 2 2500 Columbus Ave 481901506 48-12-19-201-205.000-003 $968.74 Skrhak James WAMBAUGHS PL 13 L 003 2512 Columbus Ave 481901507 48-12-19-202-014.000-003 $1,429.76 Agee Michael & James H & Nannie Mae Agee J/T R/S COLONIAL L 098 910 Washington Blvd 481901508 48-12-19-202-032.000-003 $3,399.86 Harrison Daniel & Abrina COLONIAL L 115 1st lot West of 817 E 27th St - part of the driveway to 817 E 27th St 481901509 48-12-19-202-045.000-003 $2,476.46 DYG Anderson Properties LLC COLONIAL 37' E SD PL 02 L 136 718 E 27th St 481901510 48-12-19-202-079.000-003 $2,372.88 Sanford Bettie Ruth COLONIAL PL 36 L 202 706 E 27th St 481901512 48-12-19-203-009.000-003 $2,875.20 DSV SPV3 LLC COLONIAL L 053 817 E 29th St 481901513 48-12-19-203-106.000-003 $1,188.14 Pfleeger Melissa D COLONIAL PL 27 L 273 3006 Noble St 481901514 48-12-19-203-125.000-003 $208,912.60 Omega Realty Inc LINCOLN PARK L 008 505 E 31st St 481901515 48-12-19-203-151.000-003 $3,112.11 Princeton Legacy LLC LINCOLN PARK & VAC ALLEY L 033 629 E 32nd St 481901517 48-12-19-204-016.000-003 $21,861.14 Clark David D PT SE NW 19-19-8 PL 06 00000.2700A 0 E 29th St 481901518 48-12-19-204-073.000-003 $4,396.57 Keith Pierce Builders Llc PENCES GROVE L 005 2920 Columbus Ave 481901519 48-12-19-204-075.000-003 $1,725.42 Weygandt Chandra PENCES GROVE L 007 2928 Columbus Ave 481901520 48-12-19-204-077.000-003 $1,113.78 Pattengale Nachia PENCES GROVE EXC 96.5' W END L 008 1008 E 30th St 481901521 48-12-19-204-078.000-003 $2,579.31 Girt Anthony & Malinda PENCES GROVE EXC 36' E END L 009 3002 Columbus Ave 481901522 48-12-19-204-081.000-003 $236.73 Monreal Rodriguez Yadira Jocabeth & Velasquez Esteban Gracia PENCES GROVE 36'X16' NE COR L 010 0 Columbus Ave 481901523 48-12-19-204-090.000-003 $889.15 Stewart Lance PENCES GROVE L 020 3126 Columbus Ave 481901526 48-12-19-204-121.000-003 $678.97 Willoughby Ralph W & Shirley A Youngblood Misty Dawn (Cto) PENCES GROVE L 047 2904 East Lynn St 481901527 48-12-19-204-123.000-003 $828.67 2908 East Lynn Street Land Trust PENCES GROVE L 049 0 East Lynn St 481901528 48-12-19-204-125.000-003 $4,492.47 Fairchild Larry F PENCES GROVE L 051 0 E Lynn St 481901529 48-12-19-204-127.000-003 $5,009.08 Haynes Kevin A PENCES GROVE L 053 2928 East Lynn St 481901530 48-12-19-204-131.000-003 $1,374.62 Harvey Andrew A PENCES GROVE N2 L 056 3009 Pimlico Dr 481901531 48-12-19-204-140.000-003 $2,714.13 Thomas Edward PENCES GROVE L 064 0 East Lynn St 481901532 48-12-19-204-150.000-003 $986.35 Shanafelt David A & Brenda S ISENHOURS 1ST L 004 1132 Manor Ct 481901533 48-12-19-204-151.000-003 $959.81 Baugh Joshua ISENHOURS 1ST L 005 1136 Manor Ct 481901534 48-12-19-204-152.000-003 $7,644.22 Blanton William P ISENHOURS 1ST L 006 1142 Manor Ct 48-12-19-204-152.000-003 and 48-12-19-204-153.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901535 48-12-19-204-153.000-003 $2,653.07 Blanton William P ISENHOURS 1ST L 007 0 Manor Ct 48-12-19-204-152.000-003 and 48-12-19-204-153.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901537 48-12-19-204-175.000-003 $1,614.65 Biddle Robert L Jr & Rebecca J E J MANGERS 1ST L 011 1205 E 31st St 481901540 48-12-19-304-124.000-003 $1,751.10 Reger Floyd L & Betty L ARCADE L 070 0 St Charles St 48-12-19-304-125.000-003 and 48-12-19-304-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901541 48-12-19-304-125.000-003 $3,124.39 Reger Floyd L & Betty L ARCADE L 071 0 St Charles St 48-12-19-304-125.000-003 and 48-12-19-304-124.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901542 48-12-19-304-127.000-003 $1,105.90 White Michael B & Debra J ARCADE L 073 3621 St Charles St 481901543 48-12-19-402-104.000-003 $1,965.90 Caldwell James D LOWMANDALE L 117 3420 Forrest Terrace 481901545 48-12-19-402-164.000-003 $2,250.01 Mathis Billy Ray & Winnie B J/T R/S LOWMANS 50' N PT L 021 3338 Burton Pl 481901546 48-12-19-403-010.000-003 $188.18 Stephen Noland W INDIANOLA E2 L 028 1st lot North behind 1314 E 36th St 481901547 48-12-19-403-042.000-003 $3,779.27 Harness James Edward Sr LOWMANDALE L 040 3702 Hamilton Pl 48-12-19-403-042.000-003 and 48-12-19-403-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901548 48-12-19-403-043.000-003 $493.58 Harness James Edward Sr LOWMANDALE L 041 0 Hamilton Pl 48-12-19-403-042.000-003 and 48-12-19-403-043.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901550 48-12-19-403-116.000-003 $931.33 Mc Callister Timothy LOWMANDALE N PT L 158 0 Forest Terrace 481901551 48-12-19-403-166.000-003 $421.14 Watters William E & Mary A G A HOPPES L 003 0 E 36th St 481901552 48-12-19-403-175.000-003 $944.40 Wilcox Alice M G A HOPPES 50' W END L 022 1703 E 37th St 481901553 48-12-19-403-177.000-003 $2,234.24 Harrington Kimberly G A HOPPES L 023 0 Douglas Dr 481901554 48-12-19-403-180. 000-003 $456.24 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES L 026 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180.000-003,48-12-19-403-181.000-003, 48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003,48-12-19-403-184. 000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901555 48-12-19-403-181.000-003 $1,300.28 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES L 027 3719 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180.000-003,48-12-19-403-181.000-003,48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003, 48-12-19-403-184.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901556 48-12-19-403-182. 000-003 $2,476.04 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES L 028 3723 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180.000-003,48-12-19-403-181.000-003, 48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003,48-12-19-403-184. 000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901557 48-12-19-403-183. 000-003 $1,354.56 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES L 029 1st lot South of 3723 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180.000-003,48-12-19-403-181. 000-003,48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003, 48-12-19-403-184.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901558 48-12-19-403-184. 000-003 $449.17 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES L 030 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180.000-003,48-12-19-403-181.000-003, 48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003,48-12-19-403-184. 000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901559 48-12-19-404-004. 000-003 $1,675.09 Watters William E & Mary Ann E2 SE 19-19-8 PL 07 00001.9600A 0 36th St 481901560 48-12-19-404-027.000-003 $410.32 Jett Nathan E E PT E2 SE PLAT 8-1 19-19-8 00001.2480A 0 E 37th St 481901562 48-12-19-404-044.000-003 $544.48 Watters William G A HOPPES L 007 1751 E 36th St 481901563 48-12-19-404-045.000-003 $1,386.53 Watters William E & Mary Ann G A HOPPES L 008 1753 E 36th St 481901564 48-12-19-404-049. 000-003 $10,555.89 Cox Richard G A HOPPES EXC 42' E END L 012 0 Well St 48-12-19-404-049.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-050.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901565 48-12-19-404-050.000-003 $1,195.28 Cox Richard G A HOPPES 42' E END L 012 0 Well St 48-12-19-404-049.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-050.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901566 48-12-19-404-053.000-003 $1,637.18 Watters William & Mary G A HOPPES L 014 1890 E 37th St 481901567 48-12-19-404-061.000-003 $768.82 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 041 0 Grace St 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901568 48-12-19-404-062.000-003 $741.07 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 042 0 Grace St 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901569 48-12-19-404-063.000-003 $741.05 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 043 0 Grace St 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901570 48-12-19-404-064. 000-003 $741.07 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 044 0 Grace St 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003, 48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003, 48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003, 48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069. 000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901571 48-12-19-404-065. 000-003 $1,948.75 Mahaffey Cory E G A HOPPES L 045 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003, 48-12-19-404-062.000-003, 48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003, 48-12-19-404-066.000-003, 48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069. 000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901572 48-12-19-404-066.000-003 $1,640.74 Mahaffey Cory E G A HOPPES L 046 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003, 48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003, 48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065. 000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003, 48-12-19-404-068.000-003, 48-12-19-404-069.000-003, 48-12-19-404-083.000-003,48-12-19-404-084.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-085. 000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901573 48-12-19-404-067. 000-003 $590.64 Johnson William H Revoc T/Rudt L/E William H Johnson G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 047 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-403-180. 000-003,48-12-19-403-181.000-003, 48-12-19-403-182.000-003, 48-12-19-403-183.000-003, 48-12-19-403-184.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-067. 000-003 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901574 48-12-19-404-068.000-003 $2,200.93 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 048 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901575 48-12-19-404-069.000-003 $1,397.97 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES L 049 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 & 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 8 481901576 48-...

Tax Sale Page 8 481901576 48-12-19-404-070.000-003 $1,639.30 Mahaffey Cory Edward Charles G A HOPPES L 050 0 Douglas Dr 481901577 48-12-19-404-083.000-003 $747.12 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 058 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901578 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 $768.82 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 059 0 Grace St 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901579 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 $1,127.61 Mahaffey Cory G A HOPPES & VAC ST L 060 0 Douglas Dr 48-12-19-404-061.000-003,48-12-19-404-062.000-003,48-12-19-404-063.000-003,48-12-19-404-064.000-003,48-12-19-404-065.000-003,48-12-19-404-066.000-003,48-12-19-404-068.000-003,48-12-19-404-069.000-003,48-12-19-404-083.000-003, 48-12-19-404-084.000-003 and 48-12-19-404-085.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901580 48-12-19-700-001.000-003 $7,081.58 Lay Joseph Stanley & Teresa R VETERANS INDUSTRIAL PARK L 3 00006.6880A E 32nd St 481901581 48-12-19-700-002.000-003 $13,420.09 Lay Joseph Stanley & Teresa R VETERANS INDUSTRIAL PARK L 4 00009.3710A E 32nd St 481901582 48-12-20-100-004.000-003 $1,287.95 Hunnicut John R & Norma E PT W2 NE 20-19-8 PL 46 00000.0800A 0 Mounds Rd 481901583 48-12-20-100-026.000-003 $1,580.03 Cox Howard K PT E2 NE PLAT 20-1 20-19-8 00000.2880A 3028 Mounds Rd 481901584 48-12-20-100-032.000-003 $1,166.74 P & M & Corp Highway Place E2 NE STREET PLAT 21-3 20-19-8 00000.1850A 0 Mounds Rd 481901585 48-12-20-100-118.000-003 $1,805.72 Jones Linda J PT W2 NE PLAT 8-2 20-19-8 00000.1300A 3008 Mounds Rd 481901586 48-12-20-100-178.000-003 $399.63 Filbrun Thaddeus NE 20-19-8 (1.940ac) 0 Rangeline Rd 481901588 48-12-20-200-018.000-003 $743.66 Hart Tyler T PT E2 NW 20-19-8 PL 21 00002.5500A 2603 Mounds Rd 481901589 48-12-20-200-063.003-003 $67,575.34 Hy-Tech Machining Systems Llc ANDERSON REDEV INDUST PARK III LOT 009 2900 S Scatterfield Rd 481901590 48-12-20-200-076.000-003 $5,851.73 D M I Consulting Inc SUNSET GARDENS L 012 2410 Sunset Blvd 481901591 48-12-20-300-034.000-003 $1,644.48 Thompson Tina L SUNSET GARDENS L 046 3337 Canaday Dr 481901592 48-12-20-300-132.000-003 $4,727.42 Coy Christina KENNETH SLOANS RP L 001 3432 S Scatterfield Rd 48-12-20-300-132.000-003 and 48-12-20-300-133.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901593 48-12-20-300-133.000-003 $2,811.71 Coy Christina KENNETH SLOANS RP EXC 95' N EN L 002 3432 S Scatterfield Rd 48-12-20-300-132.000-003 and 48-12-20-300-133.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901594 48-12-20-300-145.000-003 $746.26 Osselaer Douglas R KENNETH SLOANS 1ST EXC 8' E SD L 018 0 E 35th St 481901596 48-12-20-300-168.000-003 $3,677.50 Coy Christina and Kris Coy KENNETH SLOANS 1ST L 037 3510 S Scatterfield Rd 48-12-20-300-168.000-003 and 48-12-20-300-169.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901597 48-12-20-300-169.000-003 $435.00 Coy Christina and Kris Coy KENNETH SLOANS 1ST L 038 0 Scatterfield Rd 48-12-20-300-168.000-003 and 48-12-20-300-169.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901598 48-12-20-400-019.000-003 $509.17 Blackwell George W Inc CARPENTERS E 38TH ST L 015 0 Church Dr 481901599 48-12-20-400-025.000-003 $1,726.49 Abel Joseph H & Delores M CARPENTERS E 38TH ST 1ST L 021 3517 Church Dr 481901600 48-12-29-200-087.000-003 $1,873.32 Wright James Neil & Et Al L/E Linda A Wright SCATTERFIELD HTS L 056 3830 S Scatterfield Rd 481901602 48-12-30-103-001.000-003 $205.67 Jarvis Jack Keith LENOX L 003 4213 Pitt St 481901604 48-12-30-104-036.000-003 $3,730.44 Jackson Thomas L SCATTERFIELD VILLAGE 2ND L 096 1912 E 45th St 481901606 48-12-30-201-067.000-003 $1,048.72 Estes Carson Ray COLUMBUS PARK L 068 3924 St Charles St 48-12-30-201-067.000-003 and 48-12-30-201-068.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901607 48-12-30-201-068.000-003 $360.33 Estes Carson Ray COLUMBUS PARK L 069 Lot of the South 3924 St Charles St 48-12-30-201-067.000-003 and 48-12-30-201-068.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901608 48-12-30-202-023.000-003 $4,493.01 Hughes Brian HILLTOP HTS SEC 7 L 155 4021 Mellen Dr 481901609 48-12-30-203-045.000-003 $1,109.68 Hobbs Betty HILLTOP HTS SEC 2 L 039 4209 Mckinley Ave 481901610 48-12-30-203-047.000-003 $1,711.12 Huffman Ryan & Adela HILLTOP HTS SEC 2 L 036 4323 Mckinley Ave 481901611 48-12-30-204-049. 000-003 $772.30 4305 Clark Street Land Trust LENOX L 055 0 Clark St 481901614 48-12-30-204-129.000-003 $864.00 Allison Julie LENOX L 145 4201 East Lynn St 481901615 48-12-30-301-002.000-003 $2,050.34 Martinez Alberto PT NW SW 30-19-8 PL 23 00000.6890A 4621 Columbus Ave 481901616 48-12-30-301-058.000-003 $653.80 4808 Columbus Ave Land Trust RURAL PLACE L 4-1 Lot South of 4808 Columbus Ave 481901617 48-12-30-301-059.000-003 $406.84 4808 Columbus Ave Land Trust RURAL PLACE 11' N SD L 004 Lot North of 4808 Columbus Ave 481901618 48-12-30-301-085.000-003 $2,474.77 Boulware Vonka As Trustee Of The Maresha Mccloud Trust SCARLET LAKES SEC 5 L 123 4803 Plantation St 481901619 48-12-30-301-096.000-003 $908.70 Chiccine Russell J & Melanie J SCARLET LAKES SEC 5 L 139 0 Dietzen Blvd 481901620 48-12-30-301-098.000-003 $7,142.87 Clymer Caleb D SCARLET LAKES SEC 5 L 141 0 Plantation St 481901622 48-12-30-402-034.000-003 $2,540.17 Colip Steven L CLEARVIEW 7TH L 146 1627 Lora St 481901625 48-12-31-200-055.000-003 $28,618.44 Holloway Jerry NW PLAT 13-15 31-19-8 00000.1800A 0 Columbus Ave 481901626 48-12-32-300-003.000-003 $308.64 Deutsche Bank National Trust Co S2 SW PLAT 2-5 32-19-8 00000.0510A 0 Little John 481901627 48-12-32-300-017.000-003 $972.09 Huffman Mary Luella as Trustee or her Successors in Trust TWELVE OAKS OF SHERWOOD FOREST L 2 6628 Twelve Oaks Dr 481901628 48-12-32-300-024.000-003 $320.28 Twelve Oaks Of Anderson Llc TWELVE OAKS OF SHERWOOD FOREST L 10 0 Twelve Oaks Dr 481901640 48-11-09-400-199.000-005 $4,928.75 Harrison David J & Kimberly H co-Trustee Of David J T/R EDGEWOOD 2ND CONT L 276 512 Pershing Dr 481901642 48-11-16-100-369.000-005 $215.60 McGraw Megan I SO EDGEWOOD 29' N SD L 040 0 Edgewood Dr 481901643 48-11-16-200-099.000-005 $2,908.48 Buentello Guadalupe EDGEWOOD OP S 2/3 & V/WW L 093 3940 Nichol Ave 481901646 48-11-16-200-129.000-005 $1,614.34 Dearborn Denis & Michelle EDGEWOOD OP EXC 5' E SD L 117 43 S Park Dr 481901654 48-02-29-100-002.000-008 $6,229.42 Stowers Byron SE NE 29-22-7 00014.0900A 4018 W 1550 N 481901655 48-02-29-100-007.000-008 $218.69 Chambers Larry Layton & Joyce Ann MINI PLAT #313 L 001 0 1550 N 481901656 48-02-29-100-009.000-008 $204.63 Chambers Larry L & Joyce Ann MINI PLAT #313 L 003 0 1550 N 481901657 48-03-15-200-006.000-009 $2,698.26 Hobbs Gary NW NW 15-22-6 00000.5000A 17950 N Sr 13 481901658 48-03-33-100-004.000-009 $1,222.35 Ricks Brandon K NE NE 33-22-6 00000.5850A 0 W 1500n 481901659 48-14-01-100-020.000-012 $1,979.20 Gale-Gonzalez Bonnie SHOCKS 2ND ADDN L 004 38 Western Blvd 48-14-01-100-126.000-012 and 48-14-01-100-020.000-012 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901660 48-14-01-100-030.000-012 $229.56 Vice David W & Lisa L FALL CREEK HTS 5' S SD PL 04 L 142 0 Jackson St 481901661 48-14-01-100-111.000-012 $938.84 Keeley Kyle M SHOCK L 016 324 E 66th St 481901662 48-14-01-100-126.000-012 $530.38 Gale-Gonzalez Bonnie SHOCKS 2ND ADDN L 005 38 Western Blvd 48-14-01-100-126.000-012 and 48-14-01-100-020.000-012 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901663 48-14-01-400-156.000-012 $706.70 Green Hills Properties LLC STOTTLEMYER L 007 0 W 500 S 481901664 48-14-03-200-006.000-012 $4,647.85 Hineman Mark D NW NW 03-18-7 00002.0800A 3145 W 67 Th St 481901666 48-14-10-300-166.000-012 $1,459.10 Hernandez Leanne WOODED RIDGE 4TH CONT TRI PT L 052 0 W Ridge Ln 481901667 48-14-11-100-031.000-012 $3,492.28 Cassidy James S & Sue J SE NE 11-18-7 00001.4500A 1090 W 550 S 481901668 48-14-13-300-103.000-012 $1,299.11 Christian Richard E & Delores FIDDLERS GREEN SEC 2 L 042 0 Surrey Dr 481901671 48-14-14-400-081.000-012 $570.55 Ashby James Walter & Sara Elaine PT E2 SE 14-18-7 00000.0530A 0 100 W 481901672 48-14-15-300-106.000-012 $2,027.51 Huffman Justin and Amanda HUNTSVILLE LUPTONS PT 15 & 16 (0.53ac) 2800 W Huntsville Rd 481901675 48-14-29-400-009.000-012 $1,905.55 Connor William D S SW SE 29-18-7 00000.9060A 0 S Mcgray Dr 481901677 48-14-29-400-041.000-012 $196.86 Burke Lewis E PT SW SE 29-18-7 00000.1280A Lot West of 8847 S McGray Dr 481901678 48-14-32-100-012.000-012 $1,750.89 Alvey Jacklyn Sue MINI PLAT #442 L 001 4011 W 900 S 481901679 48-14-33-400-030. 000-012 $1,189.53 Kern Richard Winfield & Patricia Mari E2 SE 33-18-7 00000.5050A 9867 S 300 W 481901681 48-17-03-400-008.000-012 $1,140.40 Gorski Lillian Marie MINI PLAT #022 L 001 2130 W 1100 S 48-17-03-400-008.000-012 and 48-17-03-400-009.000-012 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901682 48-17-03-400-009.000-012 $746.46 Gorski Lillian Marie MINI PLAT #022 154' W SD L 002 0 W 1100 S 48-17-03-400-008.000-012 and 48-17-03-400-009.000-012 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901683 48-14-08-300-003.000-013 $223.63 Gaus Charles F & Mary 1/2 T/E Gerald E & Helen 1/2 T/E NW NW 17-18-7 00000.2500A Parcel number will be changed to 48-14-17-200-006.000-013 during 19 pay 20 cycle. 0 Sr 132 481901685 48-14-16-500-002.000-013 $3,637.22 Odom Donald R & Dennis L T-C NE NW 16-18-7 00000.5650A 684 N Pendleton Ave 481901687 48-14-19-900-001.000-013 $56,031.99 Pine Lake Indy LLC 1/2 & Julie M Malt 1/2 T-C SW SE 18-18-7 00032.6490A 5435 W Sr 38 481901689 48-14-20-100-054.000-013 $4,666.87 Mourfield Linda HARDEN & SLACKS L 044 130 Adams St 481901691 48-14-20-100-174.000-013 $4,154.77 CPJ Construction LLC PT SE NE 20-18-7 00000.3300A 319 Franklin St 481901692 48-14-20-100-209.000-013 $2,089.20 Brown Ted James & Sally A WHITES 2ND L 004 312 Laurel 481901693 48-14-20-100-210.000-013 $2,663.16 Brown Ted James & Sally A WHITES 2ND E PT 40'X136' L 5 0 Laurel St 481901695 48-14-21-202-139.000-013 $449.31 Union Traction Co COOKS PT LT 2 00000.0060A 0 S Pendleton Ave 481901696 48-14-21-202-140.000-013 $748.67 Union Traction Co COOKS PT LT 2 00000.0130A 0 S Pendleton Ave 481901697 48-14-21-204-101.000-013 $981.11 Savage Amanda LM CRAVENS 1ST L 003 0 Madison 481901699 48-14-21-303-056.000-013 $666.79 Zhuo Tao & Larry Coffey B OF T 1ST PT V BLOCK 04 L 004 Lot North of 928 S Broadway 481901700 48-14-29-500-002.000-013 $505.05 Pendleton Land Co Llcste 120 HUNTZINGER FARMS COMMON AREA A 28-18-7 00001.3850A 0 Sr 67 481901701 48-15-13-100-044.000-014 $762.75 Eddy Steven W SE NE 13-18-6 00000.0530A 0 S Fox Chase 481901702 48-15-13-100-047.000-014 $755.62 Eddy Steven W SE NE 13-18-6 00000.0760A 0 625 W 481901703 48-15-26-400-005.000-014 $8,163.39 Shanks Kursten SE SE 26-18-6 00001.6500A 7143 W Fall Creek Dr 481901704 48-15-27-300-003.000-014 $1,338.40 Serious Pondage LLC NW SW 27-18-6 00013.4540A 0 Sr 13 481901707 48-15-34-400-019.000-014 $2,906.07 Harrison Frank & Nadis NW SE 34-18-6 00002.0000A 8516 W 1000 S 481901708 48-16-02-100-017.000-014 $398.27 Molenkamp Jonathon ALFONT L 006 0 San Marco Dr 48-16-02-100-018.000-014 and 48-16-02-100-017.000-014 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901709 48-16-02-100-018.000-014 $1,652.20 Molenkamp Jonathon ALFONT L 007 7444 San Marco Dr 48-16-02-100-018.000-014 and 48-16-02-100-017.000-014 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901714 48-15-35-400-113.000-015 $1,002.25 DSV SPV3 LLC OP L 131 0 N Alfonte St 48-15-35-400-113.000-015 and 48-15-35-400-114.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901715 48-15-35-400-114.000-015 $671.50 DSV SPV3 LLC OP L 132 518 N Alfonte St 48-15-35-400-113.000-015 and 48-15-35-400-114.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901718 48-15-36-300-221.000-015 $254.50 Talbot Larry OP E2 15' S END L 920 0 6th Ave 481901719 48-15-36-300-223.000-015 $287.35 Talbot Larry OP 20' E SD L 921 0 6th Ave 481901724 48-15-36-300-436.000-015 $435.25 Wood Shaun D & Nikol Hutnik I L & G CO 1ST L 162 0 Jones St 48-15-36-300-436.000-015 and 48-15-36-300-437.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901725 48-15-36-300-437.000-015 $818.42 Wood Shaun D & Nikol Hutnik I L & G CO 1ST L 163 701 Jones St 48-15-36-300-436.000-015 and 48-15-36-300-437.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901730 48-15-36-300-466.000-015 $2,435.25 Martinez Frances I L & G CO 1ST L 191 614 East St 48-15-36-300-466.000-015 and 48-15-36-300-467.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901731 48-15-36-300-467.000-015 $398.39 Martinez Frances I L & G CO 1ST L 192 0 East St 48-15-36-300-466.000-015 and 48-15-36-300-467.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901732 48-16-01-200-023.000-015 $211.60 Coffey Roger L Fannon Connie & Jimenez Kim T/C O P 6' N L 310 0 N Meridian St 481901733 48-16-01-200-116.000-015 $243.55 Caudell James OP L 409 N Meridian St 481901734 48-16-01-200-166.000-015 $1,179.13 Hilt Kristine E OP L 529 340 N Randall St 481901735 48-16-01-200-167.000-015 $305.88 Hilt Kristine E OP L 530 0 Randall St 481901736 48-16-02-100-042.000-015 $2,763.40 Estes John A NE 2-17-6 0.313A, OP INGALLS L 949, PT 49 & 50 TOTAL approx 0.53A 201 W Broadway 481901737 48-16-02-100-080.000-015 $1,309.96 Baker Loretta M OP L 055 126 S Huston St 481901740 48-16-02-100-254.000-015 $463.60 Smith Nicole I L & G CO 2ND L 072 0 S Alfonte St 48-16-02-100-254.000-015 and 48-16-02-100-255.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901741 48-16-02-100-255.000-015 $209.25 Smith Nicole I L & G CO 2ND L 073 0 Alfonte St 48-16-02-100-254.000-015 and 48-16-02-100-255.000-015 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901742 48-16-02-300-096.000-015 $1,652.89 Ross Heather D PRAIRIE HOLLOW SEC 1 L 74 10803 August Dr 481901743 48-16-02-400-035.000-015 $230.20 Romine Donnell J I L & G CO 2ND V/A L 061 0 S Alfonte St 481901744 48-09-28-100-003.000-016 $1,755.40 Stafford Robert E NE 28-20-6 00000.3800A 3731 N 900 W 481901745 48-09-33-200-085.000-016 $1,674.54 Smith Brian C PERK BLOCK 06 L 001 9850 Center St 48-09-33-200-085.000-016 and 48-09-33-200-086.000-016 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901746 48-09-33-200-086. 000-016 $1,207.77 Smith Brian C PERK BLOCK 06 L 002 9850 Center St 48-09-33-200-085.000-016 and 48-09-33-200-086.000-016 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901747 48-09-36-400-020.000-016 $2,766.26 Cottle Chad & Melanie MINI PLAT #151 L 001 6184 W 210 N 481901748 48-10-01-300-008.000-016 $2,430.59 Wisner Ronald C Jr W2 SW 01-19-6 00001.6000A 6937 W 8th St 481901749 48-10-01-400-001.000-016 $4,591.83 Dick Walter H & Maria D NE SE 01-19-6 00005.0000A 1463 N 600 W 481901751 48-11-05-200-035.000-016 $4,847.80 Wood Dennis ROSE HILL PL 02 L 025 5106 Knollwood Ln 481901755 48-08-01-400-005. 000-017 $9,789.49 Swindell Marc L SE 01-20-7 (53.374A) 310 W 700 N 481901759 48-08-12-300-009.000-017 $3,051.01 Johnson Vanessa SW SW 12-20-7 00005.0000A 786 W 600 N 481901760 48-08-13-400-039.000-017 $539.92 Farm Credit Services Of Mid America A C A SE SE 13-20-7 00000.1600A 0 W 500 N 481901762 48-08-23-200-003.000-017 $4,246.61 Mc Kibben Chad Hill Joseph & Jamie (CTO) NW NW 23-20-7 00000.9370A 4882 N 200 W 481901764 48-08-24-300-001.000-017 $3,671.04 Cripe Kenneth A & Mary M NE SW 24-20-7 00000.3720A 4423 N 50 W 48-08-24-300-004.000-017 and 48-08-24-300-001.000-017 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901765 48-08-24-300-004.000-017 $5,784.07 Cripe Kenneth A & Mary M NE SW 24-20-7 3.25ac 4365 N 50 W 48-08-24-300-004.000-017 and 48-08-24-300-001.000-017 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901766 48-08-24-400-034.000-017 $2,930.50 Haines Jack L & Barbara J VICTORY GARDENS L 014 102 Willow Ln 481901767 48-08-24-400-129.000-017 $199.48 Rowe Mark PT E2 SE 24-20-7 00000.5000A 133 Davis Ln 481901768 48-08-25-300-033.000-017 $1,410.94 Granger Mira M BLAIRS GREEN ACRES L 022 721 Belzer Dr 481901770 48-08-25-300-076.000-017 $426.10 Martz Paul & Ronda BLAIRS GREEN ACRES L 065 806 Valley Dr 481901771 48-08-25-300-122.000-017 $1,356.09 Comer Jeffrey A & Melissa A SE SW 25-20-7 00000.7370A 728 W 300 N 48-08-25-300-132.000-017 and 48-08-25-300-122.000-017 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901772 48-08-25-300-132.000-017 $199.48 Comer Jeffrey A & Melissa A SE SW 25-20-7 00000.5000A 0 W 300 N 48-08-25-300-132.000-017 and 48-08-25-300-122.000-017 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901773 48-08-25-400-044.000-017 $1,151.53 Norris Robert V & Betty 25-20-7 00000.0300A 224 W Hartman Rd 481901774 48-08-26-400-015.000-017 $832.68 Julian Jeremy Lee PT SE TR 2 26-20-7 00000.7960A 1076 W 300 N 481901775 48-08-27-100-010.000-017 $374.63 Bernard Michael J PT E2 NE 27-20-7 00000.5000A 3897 N 200 W 481901776 48-08-27-100-029.000-017 $745.24 Carr David PT SE NE 27-20-7 00000.2500A 3629 N 200 W 481901779 48-08-31-400-002.000-017 $2,005.30 Rich Joseph William PT E2 SE 31-20-7 00020.1560A 0 500 W 481901780 48-08-32-300-003.000-017 $2,287.63 Rich Joseph W W2 SW 32-20-7 15.24A 2416 N 500 W 481901782 48-08-34-200-004.000-017 $361.58 Workman William J & Anna L E2 NW 34-20-7 00001.0000A 0 300 N 481901784 48-08-35-300-017.000-017 $1,381.37 Haney Robert J & Lorene S 35-20-7 00000.0900A 0 Bittersweet Dr 481901786 48-08-36-200-004.000-018 $839.36 Hanshew Kevin PT NE NW 36-20-7 00016.6260A 9.345AC parcel surrounding 655 W 300 N 481901787 48-08-36-100-031.000-019 $12,616.17 Hanshew Kevin PT SE NE 36-20-7 00000.3880A 2720 N Broadway 481901788 48-08-36-100-039.000-019 $1,922.06 Rowe Mark INDIAN MEADOWS L 008 302 E Mohawk 481901789 48-08-36-100-151.000-019 $1,403.61 Waymire Raymond Jr INDIAN MEADOWS L 120 2604 Crystal 481901790 48-08-36-400-032.000-019 $1,154.24 Etsler Lavonne O WM ROWLANDS Pt lots 9 & 10 2419 1/2 Crystal 481901791 48-08-36-400-038.000-019 $2,042.94 Etsler Lavonne O WM ROWLANDS Pt Lots 11 & 12 2419 1/2 Crystal St 481901792 48-08-36-400-070.000-019 $374.34 Etsler Lavonne O BROADWAY L 043 lot s of 2418 Poplar 48-08-36-400-072.000-019,48-08-36-400-071.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-070.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901793 48-08-36-400-071.000-019 $1,904.54 Etsler Lavonne O BROADWAY L 044 2418 Poplar 48-08-36-400-072.000-019,48-08-36-400-071.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-070.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901794 48-08-36-400-072.000-019 $374.34 Etsler Lavonne O BROADWAY L 045 lot n of 2418 Poplar 48-08-36-400-072.000-019,48-08-36-400-071.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-070.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901795 48-08-36-400-073.000-019 $190,384.89 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON L 002 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901796 48-08-36-400-074.000-019 $13,506.97 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON 113.05' PT LOT 3 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901797 48-08-36-400-075.000-019 $8,496.01 Mc Clain Museum PT E2 SE 36-20-7 2.753A 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901798 48-08-36-400-076.000-019 $2,430.27 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON L 006 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901799 48-08-36-400-077.000-019 $1,141.49 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON L 007 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901800 48-08-36-400-092.000-019 $1,548.43 Lum Glen W & Sally A NORTH ANDERSON 4' E SD & V/A L 549 small side lot w of 130 E School 481901801 48-08-36-400-095.000-019 $5,234.92 Lum Glen W & Sally A NORTH ANDERSON V/A L 551 side lot e of 130 E School 481901802 48-08-36-400-098.000-019 $885.99 Dickerson Chad D NORTH ANDERSON S2 L 554 2423 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-100.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-098.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901803 48-08-36-400-100.000-019 $439.22 Dickerson Chad D NORTH ANDERSON S2 L 555 house on 2 lots 2423 Crystal 48-08-36-400-100.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-098.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901804 48-08-36-400-106.000-019 $988.25 Stephens Brandon Rigsby Kiera NORTH ANDERSON L 560 119 E School St 481901807 48-08-36-400-275.000-019 $846.05 Byway Investments LLC NORTH ANDERSON L 484 & V/S 229 W Willow St 481901808 48-08-36-400-276.000-019 $5,029.85 Byway Investments LLC NORTH ANDERSON L 485 & V/S 235 W Willow St 481901809 48-08-36-400-466.000-019 $5,927.67 Mc Clain Museum SE 36-20-7 1.34A 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901811 48-08-36-400-514.000-019 $674.01 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON L 008 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901812 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 $621.91 Mc Clain Museum NORTH ANDERSON L 009 2304 Crystal St 48-08-36-400-075.000-019,48-08-36-400-074.000-019,48-08-36-400-073.000-019,48-08-36-400-076.000-019,48-08-36-400-077.000-019,48-08-36-400-466.000-019,48-08-36-400-514.000-019 and 48-08-36-400-515.000-019 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901813 48-08-36-400-534.000-019 $1,498.44 Pruett Evan D NORTH ANDERSON L 024 2040 Crystal St 481901816 48-08-36-400-569.000-019 $364.27 Busby Judy F NORTH ANDERSON 30' S SD L 080 2234 Poplar St 481901817 48-08-36-400-571.000-019 $328.90 Busby Judy F NORTH ANDERSON ADJ L 81 side lot of 2234 Poplar 481901818 48-08-36-400-608.000-019 $1,429.83 Fleet Kevin E & Janet A NORTH ANDERSON L 144 2125 Poplar St 481901820 48-08-06-100-220.000-020 $379.25 Summers Julia A SHARPS L 197 lot w of 711 Jefferson 481901821 48-08-06-100-221.000-020 $424.00 Summers Julia A SHARPS L 198 801 Jefferson St 481901822 48-08-06-100-234.000-020 $642.50 Rox LLC SHARPS L 211 706 Madison St 481901823 48-08-06-100-295.000-020 $624.25 Elsten Daniel R & Charity D MCCORD RP L 027 lot e of 1007 Sherman 481901825 48-05-12-100-002.000-021 $284.82 Thurber Shelby NE 12-21-7 00001.6690A s w parcel 12753 N St RD 9 481901826 48-05-12-100-023.000-021 $858.65 Martin Tina M MINI PLAT #235 L 001 12721 N Sr 9 48-05-12-100-024.000-021 and 48-05-12-100-023.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901827 48-05-12-100-024.000-021 $1,656.44 Martin Tina M MINI PLAT #235 L 002 0 N Sr 9 48-05-12-100-024.000-021 and 48-05-12-100-023.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901828 48-05-14-300-018.000-021 $290.70 Teague Susan D PLATE GLASS L 101 w lot of 1552 W van Buren 48-05-14-300-018.000-021,48-05-14-300-019.000-021 and 48-05-14-300-020.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901829 48-05-14-300-019.000-021 $264.59 Teague Susan D PLATE GLASS L 102 house on 2 lots 1552 W Van Buren 48-05-14-300-018.000-021,48-05-14-300-019.000-021 and 48-05-14-300-020.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901830 48-05-14-300-020.000-021 $911.26 Teague Susan D PLATE GLASS L 103 1552 W Van Buren 48-05-14-300-018.000-021,48-05-14-300-019.000-021 and 48-05-14-300-020.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901831 48-05-14-400-027.000-021 $693.77 Mack Gary W & Deborah PLATE GLASS L 132 11443 N Massachusetts 481901832 48-05-14-400-105.000-021 $320.63 Sayre Nancy E PLATE GLASS L 356 1126 w Monroe 48-05-14-400-105.000-021 and 48-05-14-400-106.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901833 48-05-14-400-106.000-021 $320.63 Sayre Nancy E PLATE GLASS L 357 1126 w Monroe 48-05-14-400-105.000-021 and 48-05-14-400-106.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901834 48-05-14-400-188.000-021 $431.31 Hill Robert PLATE GLASS L 449 1388 W Monroe St 481901835 48-05-23-100-023.000-021 $700.00 Allen Jane MARY INNIS 2ND Lots 77 & 78 (0.388ac0 1306 2nd St 481901838 48-05-24-203-021.000-021 $929.09 Coubert Megan MARY INNIS 2ND L 170 803 W Mill St 481901839 48-05-27-400-002.000-021 $514.24 Hines Devona Arthur Donna L & Dale K (cto) M PT SE 27-21-7 00005.0000A 2274 W 900 N 481901840 48-05-35-300-002.000-021 $1,449.10 Theiss Jessica Marie PT W2 SW TR 15 35-21-7 00000.9920A 8306 N 200 W 481901841 48-05-36-200-012.000-021 $234.18 Oliver Larry K Ii PT NW NW 36-21-7 00000.9950A w lot of 869 w 900 n 481901842 48-05-36-200-013.000-021 $4,109.35 Oliver Kevin L PT NW NW 36-21-7 00002.9850A 905 W 900 N 481901843 48-06-03-400-011.000-021 $2,829.48 Rowland Michael B Administrative Plat 2013-p-025 Lot 001 (4.057ac) 3636 E 1300 N 481901844 48-06-09-400-062.000-021 $545.69 Searcy Joseph & Sheryl ROLLING ACRES L 032 house on 2 lots 2844 E St Rd 28 48-06-09-400-062.000-021 and 48-06-09-400-063.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901845 48-06-09-400-063.000-021 $2,945.92 Searcy Joseph & Sheryl ROLLING ACRES L 033 2844 E Sr 28 48-06-09-400-062.000-021 and 48-06-09-400-063.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901846 48-06-16-300-006.000-021 $300.16 Wilson Shawn W2 SW 16-21-8 00008.0770A parcel surrounding 2199 E 1150 N 481901848 48-06-18-300-023.000-021 $861.02 Mark Cheryl A RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 012 304 E 1100 N 481901849 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 $4,261.50 Gullion Jeffrey C & Dawnetta M RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 022 184 E 1100 N 48-06-18-300-038.000-021,48-06-18-300-037.000-021,48-06-18-300-036.000-021,48-06-18-300-035.000-021 and 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901850 48-06-18-300-035.000-021 $331.90 Gullion Jeffrey C & Dawnetta M RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 023 house sits on 2 lots 184 E 1100 N 48-06-18-300-038.000-021,48-06-18-300-037.000-021,48-06-18-300-036.000-021,48-06-18-300-035.000-021 and 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901851 48-06-18-300-036.000-021 $304.67 Gullion Jeffrey C & Dawnetta M RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 024 side lot w of 184 E 1100 N 48-06-18-300-038.000-021,48-06-18-300-037.000-021,48-06-18-300-036.000-021,48-06-18-300-035.000-021 and 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901852 48-06-18-300-037.000-021 $331.90 Gullion Jeffrey C & Dawnetta M RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 025 lot n of 184 E 1100 N 48-06-18-300-038.000-021,48-06-18-300-037.000-021,48-06-18-300-036.000-021,48-06-18-300-035.000-021 and 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901853 48-06-18-300-038.000-021 $312.41 Gullion Jeffrey C & Dawnetta M RIVERSIDE SCOTTS 1ST L 026 lot n of 184 E 1100 N 48-06-18-300-038.000-021,48-06-18-300-037.000-021,48-06-18-300-036.000-021,48-06-18-300-035.000-021 and 48-06-18-300-034.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901856 48-06-19-200-005.000-021 $2,507.46 Dickinson Andrew D & Lisa MINI PLAT #278 L 001 165 E Washington 481901857 48-06-19-200-026.000-021 $2,671.87 Johnson Carla Jo RIVERSIDE S END L 036 s e corner lot of E 1st and S Pugh 481901858 48-06-19-300-135.000-021 $1,273.04 Hinkle Brandon L P L & G CO 2ND BLOCK D L 033 710 E 6th St 48-06-19-300-136.000-021 and 48-06-19-300-135.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901859 48-06-19-300-136.000-021 $254.60 Hinkle Brandon L P L & G CO 2ND BLOCK D L 034 house on 2 lots 48-06-19-300-136.000-021 and 48-06-19-300-135.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901860 48-06-19-300-143.000-021 $827.97 Martin Eual W P L & G CO 3RD BLOCK 1 L 002 lot e of 807 E 4th 48-06-19-300-143.000-021 and 48-06-19-300-144.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901861 48-06-19-300-144.000-021 $827.97 Martin Eual W P L & G CO 3RD BLOCK 1 L 003 lot e of 807 E 4th 48-06-19-300-143.000-021 and 48-06-19-300-144.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901862 48-06-19-300-156.000-021 $314.93 Pratt Bart & Dennis T-C P L & G CO 1ST L 005 1104 Clinton Ave 481901865 48-06-19-300-258.000-021 $1,030.04 Blankenship Keven J PHILLIP'S LAND & GAS CO'S 1ST 10' N END L 043 & V/A (0.03A) side lot s of 1313 Clinton 481901867 48-06-19-400-134.000-021 $6,616.02 2828 Group / Clayton L Clark P L & G CO 1ST L 452 1106 S Shelby St 481901868 48-06-19-400-137.000-021 $88.17 West Katlyn Danielle P L & G CO 1ST L 455 1204 S Shelby Ave 48-06-19-400-137.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-138.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901869 48-06-19-400-138.000-021 $88.17 West Katlyn Danielle P L & G CO 1ST L 456 lot n of 1204 Shelby 48-06-19-400-137.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-138.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901870 48-06-19-400-139.000-021 $188.17 West Katlyn Danielle P L & G CO 1ST L 457 house sits on 2 lots 1204 Shelby 481901872 48-06-19-400-147.000-021 $7,098.96 Kane Barbara L & Robert D P L & G CO 1ST L 513 1101 Shelby 481901873 48-06-19-400-148.000-021 $99.06 Hamilton Donnie & Louisa P L & G CO 1ST L 514 0 Shelby 48-06-19-400-157.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-148.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901874 48-06-19-400-157.000-021 $2,467.14 Hamilton Donnie & Louisa P L & G CO 1ST L 523 wooded lots on Wabash behind 1101 Shelby 48-06-19-400-157.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-148.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901875 48-06-19-400-158.000-021 $2,066.14 Kane Barbara L & Robert D P L & G CO 1ST L 524 wooded lots on Wabash behind 1101 Shelby 481901876 48-06-19-400-173.000-021 $1,241.14 Kane Barbara L & Robert D P L & G CO 1ST L 587 1101 Shelby 481901877 48-06-19-400-174.000-021 $1,155.00 Tulowitz Todd David P L & G CO 1ST L 588 wooded lots 481901878 48-06-19-400-211.000-021 $202.79 West Katlyn Danielle P L & G CO 1ST L 459 lot s of 1204 Shelby 48-06-19-400-211.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-212.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901879 48-06-19-400-212.000-021 $88.17 West Katlyn Danielle P L & G CO 1ST L 460 lot s of 1204 Shelby 48-06-19-400-211.000-021 and 48-06-19-400-212.000-021 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901882 48-06-21-400-002.000-021 $4,418.82 Collis Shirell E & Flora Cynthia Collis Revoc Trust Agreement 1/2 int each Pierce Christopher & Cynthia (cto) N2 SE 21-21-8 00077.7630A farm ground and wooded area surrounding 10387 N 300 e Cont. next page hspaxlp

TAX SALE PAGE 9 481901883 48-...

Tax Sale Page 9 481901883 48-06-30-200-006.000-021 $4,568.17 Zapfe Gilbert PT E2 NW 30-21-8 00001.7500A 445 E 1000 N 481901884 48-06-31-200-005.000-021 $1,363.26 Purciful Carol L S PT NW 31-21-8 00016.3290A 8641 N Sr 9 481901885 48-06-31-200-006.000-021 $1,373.10 Purciful Carol L S PT NW 31-21-8 00005.0000A 8641 N Sr 9 481901886 48-05-12-400-064.000-022 $238.24 Mc Carty Zelpha M T/R MC CARTYS 1ST L 025 205 Poplar Dr 481901887 48-05-13-101-127.000-022 $237.38 Carver Jeremy J & Malinda J NORWOOD PARK EXC 25' BLOCK 10 L 002 side lot for 1510 N Harrison 48-05-13-101-127.000-022,48-05-13-101-128.000-022,48-05-13-101-130.000-022 and 48-05-13-101-131.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901888 48-05-13-101-128.000-022 $302.99 Carver Jeremy J & Malinda J NORWOOD PARK BLOCK 10 L 003 ***SEE Misc Note re: legal**** drive way 1510 N Harrison 48-05-13-101-127.000-022,48-05-13-101-128.000-022,48-05-13-101-130.000-022 and 48-05-13-101-131.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901889 48-05-13-101-130.000-022 $1,132.83 Carver Jeremy J & Malinda J NORWOOD PARK BLOCK 10 L 004 1510 N Harrison 48-05-13-101-127.000-022,48-05-13-101-128.000-022,48-05-13-101-130.000-022 and 48-05-13-101-131.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901890 48-05-13-101-131.000-022 $303.55 Carver Jeremy J & Malinda J NORWOOD PARK EXC 10' S SD BLOCK 10 L 005 house sits on 2 parcels 1510 N Harrison 48-05-13-101-127.000-022,48-05-13-101-128.000-022,48-05-13-101-130.000-022 and 48-05-13-101-131.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901893 48-05-13-102-028.000-022 $202.06 Hinton Tyler J & Ajah N HIGHLAND 31X90' M PT N SD L 19 small strip behind 213 W Buchanan 481901894 48-05-13-103-062.000-022 $201.39 Staheli Michael HIGHLAND PARK L 125 wooded lots behind 1016 Roe 48-05-13-103-062.000-022,48-05-13-103-063.000-022 and 48-05-13-103-064.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901895 48-05-13-103-063. 000-022 $648.38 Staheli Michael HIGHLAND PARK L 126 wooded lots behind 1016 Roe 48-05-13-103-062.000-022,48-05-13-103-063.000-022 and 48-05-13-103-064.000-022 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901896 48-05-13-103-064.000-022 $647.83 Staheli Michael HIGHLAND PARK L 127 wooded lots behind 1016 Roe 48-05-13-103-062.000-022,48-05-13-103-063.000-022 and 48-05-13-103-064.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901897 48-05-13-103-065.000-022 $1,160.53 Brobst John HIGHLAND PARK 128 129-130-141-146 1016 Roe Ave 481901901 48-05-13-104-027. 000-022 $2,759.63 Gilman Brett L SULLIVANS 1st L 039 203 E Polk St 481901902 48-05-13-104-029. 000-022 $1,029.32 East Evan R & Sandra K East J/T R/S SULLIVANS 1st L 041 lot n of 903 N Sullivan 481901903 48-05-13-104-047.000-022 $2,455.42 Kean Crystal L SULLIVANS 1ST L 069 105 E Polk St 48-05-13-104-048.000-022 and 48-05-13-104-047.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901904 48-05-13-104-048.000-022 $1,124.87 Kean Crystal L SULLIVANS 1ST L 070 lot w of 105 E Polk 48-05-13-104-048.000-022 and 48-05-13-104-047.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901905 48-05-13-104-108.000-022 $224.89 ThriveSF LLC SULLIVANS 1ST 6' S SD L 126 house sits on 2 lots 1012 N Harrison 481901908 48-05-13-104-163.000-022 $378.49 Black Elmer L & Mary Black PT SE NE 13-21-7 00000.1300A sidewalk 481901909 48-05-13-204-004.000-022 $231.44 May Mark Adam & Jessica SE NW 13-21-7 00000.2760A easement by water tower 481901910 48-05-13-301-066.000-022 $2,065.73 HDMG Investments LLC A L & G CO 1ST L 455 712 W Monroe St 481901911 48-05-13-301-082.000-022 $574.96 Johnson Patrick L A L & G CO 1ST L 497 house sits on 2 parcels 709 W Jackson 48-05-13-301-082.000-022 and 48-05-13-301-083.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901912 48-05-13-301-083.000-022 $2,456.41 Johnson Patrick L A L & G CO 1ST L 498 709 W Jackson St 48-05-13-301-082.000-022 and 48-05-13-301-083.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901913 48-05-13-301-137.000-022 $279.59 Littlefield Mary E A L & G CO 1ST E2 L 669 0 W Van Buren St 481901914 48-05-13-303-021.000-022 $2,199.85 Leach R P & Macil A L & G CO 1ST L 031 905 W Adams St 481901915 48-05-13-303-037.000-022 $2,303.04 Mc Nabb Thomas F A L & G CO 1ST L 085 820 W Adams St 481901916 48-05-13-304-073.000-022 $2,084.63 Kinder Keri Anne A L & G CO 1ST L 120 615 W Jefferson St 48-05-13-304-074.000-022 and 48-05-13-304-073.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901917 48-05-13-304-074.000-022 $302.41 Kinder Keri Anne A L & G CO 1ST L 121 lot e of 615 W Jefferson - garage 48-05-13-304-074.000-022 and 48-05-13-304-073.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901918 48-05-13-401-005. 000-022 $1,531.76 Richard Willard W & Marion M PT NE SE 13-21-7 00000.1500A 120 W Madison St 481901919 48-05-13-401-020.000-022 $7,180.23 ATCF REO Holdings LLC NE SE 13-21-7 00000.2300A 802 N Harrison St 481901920 48-05-13-401-023.000-022 $1,585.23 Montgomery Raymond & Juanita PT NE SE 13-21-7 00000.0300A lot behind 807 N Minnesota 481901922 48-05-13-401-100.000-022 $1,495.47 Wright Thomas James II A L & G CO 2ND L 046 602 N Harrison St 481901923 48-05-13-401-164.000-022 $15,925.04 Parrish Kria CHAPLINS L 004 lot e of 108 Van Buren 481901924 48-05-13-402-012.000-022 $1,521.88 Clark Joseph Darrin EVERGREEN HTS & L 002 & L 003 L 001 215 W Tyler St 481901925 48-05-13-402-014.000-022 $547.52 Lane Warren & Susie Kiser Elizabeth (cto) EVERGREEN HTS L 006 lot n of 805 N West st 48-05-13-402-014.000-022 and 48-05-13-402-015.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901926 48-05-13-402-015.000-022 $1,336.67 Lane Warren & Susie Kiser Elizabeth (cto) EVERGREEN HTS L 007 805 N West 48-05-13-402-014.000-022 and 48-05-13-402-015.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901927 48-05-13-402-031.000-022 $4,033.16 Horn John W & Katherine L A L & G CO 1ST L 314 210 W Madison St 481901928 48-05-13-402-035.000-022 $3,380.54 Comer Jeffrey A & Melissa A A L & G CO 1ST L 318 308 W Madison St 481901929 48-05-13-402-076.000-022 $1,654.88 Etchison Jerry Allen &Arlinda Curts J/T-R/S A L & G CO 1ST L 425 304 W Monroe St 481901932 48-05-13-402-193.000-022 $1,196.41 Roy & Buffkin Canneries Inc Pt SE 13/21/7 0.06ac 0 W Monroe St 481901934 48-05-13-403-098.000-022 $1,952.71 Weaver Claud R HILLSIDE L 017 405 W John St 481901935 48-05-13-403-107.000-022 $481.57 Sandefur Sally Lou Records Heather Marie (Contract) HILLSIDE EXC 5' E SD L 062, 15' vac Broadway NOW Pennsylvania & 35' vac Pickard St 0 Pennsylvania St 481901936 48-05-13-404-019.000-022 $3,828.48 Ruiz Joseph M J HARRIS 2ND & V/A L 012 422 N Canal St 481901937 48-05-13-404-065.000-022 $64,867.71 Gooding Marlin R & Tamra J C & S OP 1/3 24X132' BLOCK 08 L 001 120 N Harrison St 481901938 48-05-13-404-073.000-022 $6,264.88 Johnson Anthony L & Joseph Adonahue T-C C & S OP PT & C & S O P BL 08 BLOCK 08 L 003 115 W Church St 481901939 48-05-13-404-132.000-022 $5,671.16 Johnson Anthon;y L C & S 44X72.5' 22X72.5' L 008 201-203 N Harrison St 481901940 48-05-13-404-160.000-022 $1,949.08 Harris James Kevin C & S 63X77' PAINTERS L 009 47 L 001 215 E Garfield 481901942 48-05-14-400-388. 000-022 $568.71 Carter Aaron PLATE GLASS L 473 lot e of 1103 W Monroe 48-05-14-400-388.000-022 & 48-05-14-400-389.000-022 are to be sold & redeemed together. 481901943 48-05-14-400-389.000-022 $828.32 Carter Aaron PLATE GLASS L 474 lot e of 1103 W Monroe 48-05-14-400-388.000-022 and 48-05-14-400-389.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901945 48-05-24-101-002.000-022 $67,643.90 Gosnell Marcie J PT NE 24-21-7 00001.8650A lot n of 316 S Harrison St (storage units) 481901946 48-05-24-101-026.000-022 $689.07 Alexandria Post #1552 Veteransof Foreign Wars Of The Us Inc C & S OP 22X132' M PT BLOCK 10 L 002 211 W Washington St 481901947 48-05-24-101-039.000-022 $16,359.46 D B S Properties Inc C & S OP W2 BLOCK 03 L 006 123 S Canal St 481901949 48-05-24-101-103.000-022 $820.18 Staheli Michael Gamble Keith & Debbie (cto) KELLYS L 007 121 S Clinton St 481901951 48-05-24-102-033.000-022 $693.07 Wilson Merri L BLACKS 1ST L 006 515 W Washington St 481901952 48-05-24-102-039.000-022 $5,634.10 Davis Robert BLACKS 1ST L 012 lot n of 108 S Pennsyvania 481901953 48-05-24-102-045. 000-022 $40,384.54 Gosnell Marcie J BLACKS 1st L 019 524 W Berry St 481901954 48-05-24-102-059.000-022 $5,645.46 Greer Robert Daniel &Sally Joan MC CLEADS E2 BLOCK 06 L 007 lot behind 412 W Berry 481901955 48-05-24-102-069.000-022 $1,673.85 Martin Krystel M MC CLEADS EXC 60' E SD BLOCK 05 L 002 409 W Berry St 481901957 48-05-24-104-068.000-022 $2,805.64 DSV SPV3 LLC SOUTH SIDE L 043 706 S Wayne St 481901958 48-05-24-104-074.000-022 $657.26 Fisher Larry E & Joyce L SOUTH SIDE L 049 604 S Wayne St 481901959 48-05-24-104-089.000-022 $2,232.45 DSV SPV2 LLC SOUTH SIDE L 067 620 S Harrison St 481901960 48-05-24-201-002.000-022 $1,446.52 A N A M Church NE NW 24-21-7 00000.2200A small wooded lot behind 305 Moulton 481901961 48-05-24-201-017.000-022 $539.72 Semon Paul C RIVERVIEW L 069 parcel behind 407 Miles St 481901962 48-05-24-201-020.000-022 $1,255.69 Mc Knight Thomas R RIVERVIEW L 072 306 Moulton St 481901963 48-05-24-201-069.000-022 $726.21 Qualls Douglas W & Carole J W W BLACKS 1ST L 017 parcel n of 116 S Central 481901964 48-05-24-204-073.000-022 $510.52 Brooks Elizabeth M RIVERVIEW L 045 708 River Rd 481901965 48-05-24-401-019. 000-022 $1,364.20 Ally Lending LLC Phipps Amber D & Michael J (cto) SOUTH SIDE L 081 113 W 4 Th St 481901966 48-05-24-401-064. 000-022 $263.70 Ashcraft Stacy Ann A L & G CO 4TH V/S L 046 house sits on 2 parcels 1102 S Park Ave 481901967 48-05-24-401-066.000-022 $412.84 Ashcraft Stacy Ann A L & G CO 4TH V/S L 048 back lot of 1102 S Park Ave 481901968 48-05-24-401-132.000-022 $934.50 Hand Tracey S & Karen S A L & G CO 4TH L 212 118 E 6 Th St 481901969 48-05-24-401-148.000-022 $1,598.51 Stanley Jack Trueblood Tim & Jackie ( Cto ) A L & G CO 4TH L 227 203 E 5 Th St 481901970 48-05-24-401-161.000-022 $426.93 Ally Lending LLC Phipps Amber D & Michael J (cto) A L & G CO 4TH L 292 parcel behind 816 S Harrison st 481901971 48-05-24-402-024.000-022 $2,014.84 Swegman Kurtis R PT SE 24-21-7 00000.4100A 805 S Black St 481901972 48-05-24-404-031.000-022 $197.84 Bicknell Destiny R M L CO 1ST E2 BLOCK 85 L 015 110 Cook St 481901973 48-05-24-404-035.000-022 $1,075.48 Bicknell Destiny R M L CO 1ST E2 BLOCK 85 L 018 lot behind 110 Cook St 48-05-24-404-035.000-022 and 48-05-24-404-036.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901974 48-05-24-404-036.000-022 $1,415.98 Bicknell Destiny R M L CO 1ST BLOCK 85 L 019 lot behind 110 Cook St 48-05-24-404-035.000-022 and 48-05-24-404-036.000-022 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481901975 48-05-24-404-069.000-022 $444.01 Jimerson Jeffrey A R M L CO 1ST V/A BLOCK 70 L 014 lot n of 1406 S Harrison - driveway 481901976 48-05-24-404-070.000-022 $444.01 Jimerson Jeffrey A R M L CO 1ST BLOCK 70 L 015 house sits on 2 lots 1406 S Harrison 481901977 48-05-25-100-045.000-022 $2,942.12 Schott Roxanna Moore Rachel M (cto) YULE EST SEC 1 L 041 1701 S Harrison St 481901978 48-05-25-100-057.000-022 $1,069.43 Howard Larry & Janet B YULE EST SEC 2 L 063 110 W Chipaway Way 481901979 48-06-18-300-120.000-022 $1,015.17 Phipps Deedra CONT A L & G CO 2ND 10' W SD L 271 lot e of 404 E Monroe 481901981 48-06-18-300-210.000-022 $715.92 Cox Adam Keith A E HARLANS 3RD L 104 204 E Edgeway Dr 481901982 48-06-19-200-190.000-022 $5,500.23 Stafford Robert Ah/O Sharon Stafford CASSELLS 1ST N PT L 006 lot s 118 Chestnut 481901983 48-06-19-300-369.000-022 $3,079.76 Gosnell Marcie J & Matthew A Gosnell W2 SW 19-21-8 4.491A Sr 9 N & 11th St 481901984 48-06-19-300-370.000-022 $177,676.97 Gosnell Lestes A & Marilyn J W2 SW 19-21-8 00002.0000A 1221 S Park Ave 481901987 48-05-16-100-017.000-024 $834.08 Covington Crystalyn SE SE 16-21-7 00000.5400A 74 W Oak St 481901988 48-05-16-100-069.000-024 $7,132.83 Wechsler Lea Anna POWELLS 2ND L 017 70 N Leota St 481901989 48-05-16-400-021.000-024 $3,186.01 Gilberg Andre PT SE 16-21-7 00000.7500A 71 W Oak St 481901990 48-04-12-300-021.000-025 $2,265.58 Fleener Michael & John Fleener PT SW SW 12-21-6 00004.0000A 12242 N 700 W 481901991 48-04-23-600-002.000-025 $2,054.22 Indiana Right Of Way Company NW SW 23-21-6 00001.3360A right of way 481901992 48-04-26-400-005.000-025 $268.45 Closser Jennifer S SE 26-21-6 00001.0600A lot w of 9025 N 700 W 481901993 48-04-36-400-003.000-025 $352.20 Gullion Ronald & Dawn N CENTER LTS 1-6 & N2 VAC PLUM ST 4615 w st rd 28 481901994 48-05-17-200-004.000-025 $280.82 Goins Robert T MINI PLAT # 828 L 1 lot e of 4573 st rd 28 481901995 48-05-21-400-010.000-025 $10,304.84 Bilbrey John & Flatford Carol MINI PLAT #087 RP L 001 3268 W 1000 N 481901996 48-09-02-100-005.001-025 $178.56 Jackson Frank Ray W2 NE 02/20/6 1.000ac parcel w of 7355 st rd 128 481901998 48-04-09-204-002.000-026 $4,302.68 U S Railroad Vest Corp NW 09-21-6 00000.9870A 0 5th St 481901999 48-04-09-204-003.000-026 $7,526.10 Garrison Terry PEARL BLOCK 93 L 010 small lot on w side North 8th st right before curve onto North K 481902001 48-04-14-100-022.000-026 $226.77 Farr Kimberly S SW NE TR 7 14-21-6 00000.5700A lot n of 11616 st rd 37 481902002 48-04-14-300-008.000-026 $5,837.96 Masters Richard P & Donna R PT SW 14-21-6 00000.2380A 11407 N 750 W 481902004 48-04-22-200-130.000-026 $952.03 Wright David S ELWOOD BLOCK 15 L 004 2021 S R St 48-04-22-200-131.000-026 and 48-04-22-200-130.000-026 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902005 48-04-22-200-131.000-026 $1,767.87 Wright David S ELWOOD BLOCK 15 L 005 2021 S R St 48-04-22-200-131.000-026 and 48-04-22-200-130.000-026 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902006 48-04-22-200-134.000-026 $903.42 Sroya London/Rothasy Eshamlech LLC S ELWOOD BLOCK 15 L 008 2003 S R St 481902007 48-04-22-200-232.000-026 $517.55 Adams Cynthia A S ELWOOD BLOCK 10 L 014 1529 S Q 481902008 48-04-22-200-287.000-026 $608.27 Shannon Billy E & Ella B S ELWOOD BLOCK 13 L 016 1825 S Sheridan 481902009 48-04-22-300-034.000-026 $2,832.69 Dough Girl Investments LLC NW COR SW 22-21-6 00002.0000A 10406 N Sr 13 481902010 48-04-28-100-020.000-026 $3,458.73 Parish Dutch Franklin NE NE 28-21-6 00000.2950A 9915 N 900 W 481902014 48-04-09-102-100.000-027 $1,430.20 Saffron Daniel R & Koby Ranae PT NW NE 09-21-6 00000.5200A 1117 N 11th St 481902015 48-04-09-102-101.000-027 $2,449.05 Reese John R & Julie M PEARL V/S BLOCK 111 L 001 1125 N 11th St 481902016 48-04-09-103-143.000-027 $6,056.48 Garcia Fred M & Eric Lee PEARL BLOCK 114 L 001 849 N 11th St 48-04-09-103-143.000-027 and 48-04-09-103-144.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902017 48-04-09-103-144.000-027 $25,619.60 Garcia Fred M & Eric Lee PEARL BLOCK 114 L 002 849 N 11th St 48-04-09-103-143.000-027 and 48-04-09-103-144.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902018 48-04-09-104-006.000-027 $4,092.66 Seward Joseph T Jr NE 9-21-6 0.10A (20'x220' strip E sd L 147 PANHANDLE) side lot e of 1124 N J st 481902019 48-04-09-104-050.000-027 $2,750.00 Murray Larry Russell MAPLETON L 042 lot n of 823 N 14th 481902020 48-04-09-104-051.000-027 $3,568.28 Davis Cecil A & Carolyn S MAPLETON L 043 851 N 14 Th St 481902021 48-04-09-104-062.000-027 $16,044.29 Vehikite Markeke T & Patriciaa T-C MAPLETON L 054 lot n of 1023 N 14th St 481902022 48-04-09-104-086.000-027 $2,078.55 Grose Maxwell G & Grose Michael B J/E R/S MAPLETON L 078 850 N 14th St 481902024 48-04-09-104-167.000-027 $599.28 Deaton Robert MAPLETON L 156 817 12th 481902026 48-04-09-104-195.000-027 $2,542.62 Spath Donna Kay MAPLETON L 184 928 N 12th St 481902027 48-04-09-304-018.000-027 $1,911.80 Maddox Alexis PLATE GLASS L 013 225 N 7 Th St 481902028 48-04-09-304-088.000-027 $2,429.41 Hensley Aaron W ELWOOD V/S BLOCK 006 L 007 420 W Main St 481902029 48-04-09-304-136.000-027 $2,510.73 Payne and Sons LLC ELWOOD V/S BLOCK 014 L 014 201 N 5th St 481902030 48-04-09-401-045.000-027 $537.05 Stansberry Judy & John PANHANDLE L 021 house sits on 2 parcels 522 N 14th 48-04-09-401-045.000-027,48-04-09-401-046.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-048.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902031 48-04-09-401-046.000-027 $2,091.00 Stansberry Judy & John PANHANDLE L 022 house sits on 2 parcels 522 N 14th 48-04-09-401-045.000-027,48-04-09-401-046.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-048.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902032 48-04-09-401-048.000-027 $262.70 Stansberry Judy & John PANHANDLE 10' N END L 023 small lot s side of 522 N 14th 48-04-09-401-045.000-027,48-04-09-401-046.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-048.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902033 48-04-09-401-051. 000-027 $635.70 Grace Enterprises Llc PT SE 09-21-6 00000.0200A small lot s side 516 N 14th st 481902034 48-04-09-401-053.000-027 $1,623.65 M D J Llc A Maryland Llc PANHANDLE L 026 lot s of 505 N 13th side yard 481902035 48-04-09-401-066.000-027 $597.50 Curren Chase PANHANDLE M PT LOT 38 & 39 lot e of 1300 N F st 48-04-09-401-072.000-027,48-04-09-401-071.000-027,48-04-09-401-073.000-027,48-04-09-401-066.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902036 48-04-09-401-068.000-027 $298.50 Curren Chase PANHANDLE 40' W END L 039 house sits on 2 lots 1300 N F st 481902037 48-04-09-401-071.000-027 $296.00 Curren Chase PANHANDLE PT M PT L 040 lot n of 1300 N F st 48-04-09-401-072.000-027,48-04-09-401-071.000-027,48-04-09-401-073.000-027,48-04-09-401-066.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902038 48-04-09-401-072.000-027 $415.25 Curren Chase PANHANDLE PT W END L 040 lot n of 1300 N F st 48-04-09-401-072.000-027,48-04-09-401-071.000-027,48-04-09-401-073.000-027,48-04-09-401-066.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902039 48-04-09-401-073.000-027 $413.00 Curren Chase PANHANDLE L 041 lot n of 1300 N F st 48-04-09-401-072.000-027,48-04-09-401-071.000-027,48-04-09-401-073.000-027,48-04-09-401-066.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902040 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 $413.00 Curren Chase PANHANDLE L 042 lot n of 1300 N F st 48-04-09-401-072.000-027,48-04-09-401-071.000-027,48-04-09-401-073.000-027,48-04-09-401-066.000-027 and 48-04-09-401-074.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902041 48-04-09-401-145.000-027 $2,674.98 Widmeyer Mark A PANHANDLE L 118 634 N 12th St 481902042 48-04-09-401-150.000-027 $323.00 Nance Todd A & Shelly R PANHANDLE EXC 6.67' SOUTH SIDE L 122 house sits on 2 lots 702 N 12th St 481902043 48-04-09-402-035.000-027 $311.01 Tucker Donald L & Cheri L SCHRADERS L 053 n lot of 705 N 10th st 481902044 48-04-09-402-071.000-027 $2,253.25 Aldrich Vickie L SCHRADERS E2 L 010 sw lot of 1115 N F st 48-04-09-402-071.000-027 and 48-04-09-402-073.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902045 48-04-09-402-073.000-027 $2,253.25 Aldrich Vickie L SCHRADERS E2 L 011 corner lot w of 1115 N F st 48-04-09-402-071.000-027 and 48-04-09-402-073.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902046 48-04-09-403-031.000-027 $1,315.05 129 North 10th Street Land Trust Warren Tonya M (cto) HIGHLAND L 019 129 N 10 Th St 481902047 48-04-09-403-077.000-027 $4,495.56 Abernathy Karen & David Cotton J/T-C PLATE GLASS L 056 sw corner of North 9th st 481902048 48-04-09-403-094.000-027 $12,303.14 Gwinn Racquel N PLATE GLASS S PT L 072 south lot next to 403 N 9th st 481902049 48-04-09-403-101.000-027 $2,057.35 McCraw Carol J & Tiffany M J/T R/S PLATE GLASS L 078 217 N 9th St 481902051 48-04-09-403-117.000-027 $1,241.15 Payne and Sons LLC PLATE GLASS L 094 424 N 10th St 481902052 48-04-09-403-118.000-027 $2,335.43 Payne and Sons LLC PLATE GLASS L 095 426 N 10 Th St 481902053 48-04-09-404-029.000-027 $262.50 Marion Auto Brokers Inc PT SE NE 0.034A 302 N Anderson St 481902054 48-04-09-404-061.000-027 $2,871.23 Robinette Charles CALLAWAYS 1ST BLOCK 002 L 002 nw corner of 400 N 13th st 481902055 48-04-09-404-078.000-027 $3,324.35 Marion Auto Brokers Inc PT SE NE 09-21-6 00000.2000A eastment 48-04-09-404-078.000-027 and 48-04-09-404-175.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902056 48-04-09-404-104.000-027 $2,997.80 Glotzbach Thomas B CALLAWAYS 2ND 005 N2 N2 V/A 132X BLOCK 002 L 004 211 N 13th St 481902057 48-04-09-404-135.000-027 $4,006.66 Al Czervik LLC PLATE GLASS L 161 421 N 12th St 481902058 48-04-09-404-165.000-027 $236.30 Callaway Vannessa K & Robert D CALLAWAYS 2ND OL 80X20 BLOCK 001 side lot south of 119 N 12th St 481902059 48-04-09-404-175.000-027 $1,080.60 Marion Auto Brokers Inc SE 09-21-6 0.012A 0 N Anderson St 48-04-09-404-078.000-027 and 48-04-09-404-175.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902060 48-04-10-202-069.000-027 $1,956.45 Buttler Cleta L L/E Bonnie Kimmerling Goodnight BEECHLAND 23 1111 N Anderson St 481902061 48-04-10-202-070.000-027 $838.25 Buttler Clela L & L/E Bonnie Kimmerling Goodnight BEECHLAND L 024 0 N Anderson St 481902062 48-04-10-203-022.000-027 $1,498.25 Luecke Joyce A & Ronald J EDGEWOOD L 128 vacant lot south of 1029 N 18th St 481902063 48-04-10-203-025.000-027 $2,336.72 McCorkle Monte Lee Jr EDGEWOOD L 131 1017 N 18th St 481902064 48-04-10-301-014.000-027 $1,511.25 Hahn Ralph L Revoc Living T/R L/E J M DEH 8TH L 357 2116 N E St 48-04-10-301-014.000-027 and 48-04-10-301-015.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902065 48-04-10-301-015.000-027 $433.25 Hahn Ralph L Revoc Living T/R L/E J M DEH 8TH W2 L 358 house sits on 2 parcels 2116 N E st 48-04-10-301-014.000-027 and 48-04-10-301-015.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902066 48-04-10-301-039.000-027 $2,073.25 Teachnor Carl G Jr & Melissa S J M DEH 8TH L 412 2034 N F St 481902067 48-04-10-301-073.000-027 $1,693.20 Garcia Maida Elizaeth J M DEH 6TH L 151 521 N 20 Th St 481902068 48-04-10-302-080.000-027 $4,588.00 Laster Robert Charles J M DEH 4TH L 067 1600 N D St 481902069 48-04-10-302-082.000-027 $1,725.74 Casas Virginia J M DEH 4TH L 073 520 N 16 Th St 481902070 48-04-10-302-113.000-027 $2,388.50 Coons Realty J M DEH 5TH 36' E SD L 103 1508 N D St 481902071 48-04-10-303-011.000-027 $2,232.80 Coble Jordan & Michelle J M DEH 4TH E2 L 054 1618 N C St 481902073 48-04-10-303-091.000-027 $1,241.95 Casas Vriginia J M DEH 3RD PT 44' L 027 220 N 16 Th St 481902075 48-04-10-304-029.000-027 $34,598.08 White Jerry Lee J M DEH 6TH L 053 se corner of North 21st & N C st 481902076 48-04-10-304-072.000-027 $2,430.98 MDA 11 LLC Jordan Amy M (cto) J M DEH 6TH L 120 2100 N C St 481902077 48-04-10-304-073.000-027 $9,631.35 Balser Boyd C & Anna C Harley J M DEH 6TH S2 L 121 nw corner of North 21st & N C st 481902079 48-04-10-304-140.000-027 $3,306.50 PNC Holdings LLC J M DEHORITY'S 1ST CONT BLOCK 002 L 008 & V/A east lot of 2000 Main st 481902080 48-04-10-401-016.000-027 $4,778.49 Jackson Park Baptist Church RODEFERS L 206 vacant lot w of 2736 N D st 481902081 48-04-10-402-002.000-027 $2,357.30 Graham Lee Ann J M DEH 8TH L 416 2120 N F St 481902082 48-04-10-402-017.000-027 $526.80 Reynolds Daniel J M DEH 8TH E2 L 358 2126 N E St 481902084 48-04-10-402-020.000-027 $775.35 Davenport Jerry M J M DEH 8TH L 361 2300 N E St 481902085 48-04-10-402-032.000-027 $1,363.85 Gross Michael Wayne J M DEH 8TH L 373 lot w of 2504 N E st 481902088 48-04-10-403-037.000-027 $1,297.20 Galvan Blanca J M DEH 7TH L 240 2400 N A St 481902090 48-04-10-403-061.000-027 $1,508.70 Brock William A & Cheryl A Mark J/T R/S J M DEH 7TH 1/2 V/A L 261 2312 N B St 481902091 48-04-10-403-071.000-027 $372.75 Sizelove Ida J M DEH 7TH N2 L 270 312 N 25 Th St 481902092 48-04-10-403-111.000-027 $780.66 Beckel Teela L J M DEH 7TH L 309 lot w of 2335 N D st back yard 481902093 48-04-10-404-043.000-027 $1,679.50 Mc Main Augusta Lynn RODEFERS L 047 2519 N A St 481902095 48-04-10-404-049.000-027 $996.95 Mc Elfresh Rex L RODEFERS L 053 2532 N A St 481902096 48-04-10-404-055.000-027 $2,734.40 Ovation REO 1 LLC RODEFERS L 059 2724 N A St 481902100 48-04-10-404-126.000-027 $5,441.74 Schotts Reconstructive Realty Llc RODEFERS E2 L 145 lot w of 2527 N C st 481902101 48-04-10-404-171.000-027 $272.60 Wheeler Russell Tim RODEFERS L 188 lot e of 2705 N D st 48-04-10-404-174.000-027,48-04-10-404-173.000-027,48-04-10-404-172.000-027 and 48-04-10-404-171.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902102 48-04-10-404-172.000-027 $300.90 Wheeler Russell Tim RODEFERS L 189 lot e of 2705 N D st 48-04-10-404-174.000-027,48-04-10-404-173.000-027,48-04-10-404-172.000-027 and 48-04-10-404-171.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902103 48-04-10-404-173.000-027 $361.80 Wheeler Russell Tim RODEFERS L 190 2705 N D St 48-04-10-404-174.000-027,48-04-10-404-173.000-027,48-04-10-404-172.000-027 and 48-04-10-404-171.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902104 48-04-10-404-174.000-027 $285.95 Wheeler Russell Tim RODEFERS L 191 lot w of 2705 N D st 48-04-10-404-174.000-027,48-04-10-404-173.000-027,48-04-10-404-172.000-027 and 48-04-10-404-171.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902105 48-04-14-200-137.000-027 $912.30 Tackett Jennifer Lynn S2 NW 14-21-6 00004.0000A 600 S 33rd St 481902106 48-04-14-300-062.000-027 $1,351.95 Little Barbara L NE SW 14-21-6 00000.0950A 912 Independence Dr 481902107 48-04-14-300-082.000-027 $613.50 Reynolds Daniel M HOLIDAY MANOR SEC 01 L 015 1017 E Independence Dr 481902109 48-04-15-101-026.000-027 $2,042.25 Alfrey Aaron Lee & Brenda Darlien CALLS L 056 2535 S B St 481902110 48-04-15-101-057.000-027 $1,560.30 Casas San Juana CALLANDS MAIN ST L 009 2714 S A St 481902111 48-04-15-101-072.000-027 $2,812.97 Haynes David J CALLANDS MAIN ST L 022 2717 S A St 481902112 48-04-15-101-082. 000-027 $1,208.50 Harris Thomas E CALLANDS MAIN ST PT W SD L 031 side lot 2700 S B st 481902113 48-04-15-101-096.000-027 $406.25 Gross Michael W CALLANDS MAIN ST L 045 house sits on 2 lots 2706 S C st 481902114 48-04-15-101-127.000-027 $1,510.00 Dean Billy Joe Sr NORWOOD 6' E SD L 026 small lot between 2809 & 2811 S A st 481902115 48-04-15-102-009.000-027 $1,562.70 Cole Peggy L ISENHOURS 1ST L 025 2317 S A St 481902116 48-04-15-102-019.000-027 $2,916.04 Rotz Thomas ISENHOURS 1ST EXC 45' W SD L 033 small lot w of 2312 S B st 481902117 48-04-15-102-055.000-027 $1,282.50 Hill Micheal & Rachel Hewitt ISENHOURS 1ST L 007 2311 E Main 481902118 48-04-15-102-058.000-027 $4,682.55 Powerhouse Holdings LLC & Quest Ira Inc FBO Frank James Flore Jr & Quest IRA Inc FBO Lisa De Castro Sep IRA ISENHOURS 1ST L 009 2312 S A St 481902119 48-04-15-102-059.000-027 $2,259.43 Boyle David Wayne ISENHOURS 1ST L 010 2308 S A St 481902120 48-04-15-102-102.000-027 $1,250.85 FSPI EMPL Profit Sharing Plan 401(K) CALLS 30.5' E SD L 033 2406 S A St 481902121 48-04-15-102-123.000-027 $776.00 Watkins Charles E & Glenda K CALLS L 062 2511 S B St 481902122 48-04-15-102-125.000-027 $192.00 Vanskyke Timothy L & Deborah Bixby J/T R/S CALLS L 064 2501 S B St 481902124 48-04-15-102-148.000-027 $514.38 Wilkerson Brandi CALLS L 095 2500 S B St 48-04-15-102-149.000-027 and 48-04-15-102-148.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902125 48-04-15-102-149.000-027 $1,014.25 Wilkerson Brandi CALLS L 096 0 S B St 48-04-15-102-149.000-027 and 48-04-15-102-148.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902126 48-04-15-103-020.000-027 $1,225.31 Huffman Steve TIN PLATE BLOCK 127 L 024 2218 S E St 481902127 48-04-15-103-043.000-027 $970.31 Huffman Steve TIN PLATE BLOCK 126 L 008 lot w of 2305 S E st 481902128 48-04-15-103-048.000-027 $1,877.70 Caldwell Donald C & Nancy Sue TIN PLATE W2 BLOCK 126 L 012 corner lot w of2211 S E st 48-04-15-103-048.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-049.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902129 48-04-15-103-049.000-027 $5,452.20 Caldwell Donald C & Nancy Sue TIN PLATE BLOCK 126 L 013 corner lot w of2211 S E st 48-04-15-103-048.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-049.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902130 48-04-15-103-062.000-027 $516.75 Fleenor Ethel Marie TIN PLATE BLOCK 126 L 026 2224 S F St 481902131 48-04-15-103-078.000-027 $768.48 Harris Telisha & Brandon Glassburn TIN PLATE BLOCK 125 L 008 2221 S F St 481902132 48-04-15-103-084.000-027 $422.00 Poulisse Christina F TIN PLATE BLOCK 125 L 014 705 S 22nd St 48-04-15-103-084.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-085.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902133 48-04-15-103-085.000-027 $1,330.15 Poulisse Christina F TIN PLATE BLOCK 125 L 015 705 S 22nd St 48-04-15-103-084.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-085.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902134 48-04-15-103-122.000-027 $194.50 Burchette Robert & Theresa Burchette Michael R TIN PLATE Lot 32 & E2 Lot 31 (0.182ac) BLOCK 124 2324 S H St 481902135 48-04-15-103-137.000-027 $1,000.05 Castor William M TIN PLATE BLOCK 129 L 001 2435 S D St 48-04-15-103-137.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-138.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902136 48-04-15-103-138.000-027 $636.50 Castor William M TIN PLATE BLOCK 129 L 002 side lot for 2435 S D 48-04-15-103-137.000-027 and 48-04-15-103-138.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902137 48-04-15-103-189.000-027 $4,801.86 Wisler Meredith L TIN PLATE BLOCK 132 L 003 lot w of 2427 S G st 481902144 48-04-15-104-111.000-027 $3,602.39 Bixby Daniel N & Catherine A NORWOOD L 231 0 S G 48-04-15-104-111.000-027 and 48-04-15-104-112.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902145 48-04-15-104-112.000-027 $3,733.39 Bixby Daniel N & Catherine A NORWOOD L 232 lot w of 2535 S G st 48-04-15-104-111.000-027 and 48-04-15-104-112.000-027 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481902146 48-04-15-201-025.000-027 $2,300.25 Fihe Brian E & Lydia E J H DEH 2ND CONT V/A L 045 lot w of 2535 S G st 481902148 48-04-15-201-055.000-027 $1,886.60 Bleckman Amanda PARSON & RUDY L 010 2111 S A St 481902149 48-04-15-201-056.000-027 $1,795.35 Fanning Brian Keith Jr PARSON & RUDY L 011 2105 S A St 481902151 48-04-15-201-085.000-027 $1,447.95 DeLong James M J H DEH 2ND 110X46 NE L 032 1935 S B St 481902153 48-04-15-201-115.000-027 $1,535.55 Beeman Dawn J H DEH 2ND L 025 corner lot east of 1924 S B 481902154 48-04-15-201-117.000-027 $692.10 Flynn Bryan T J H DEH 2ND E2 L 027 1922 S B St 481902155 48-04-15-201-118.000-027 $628.05 Webb Robert & Connie J H DEH 2ND W2 L 027 1920 S B St 481902156 48-04-15-201-122. 000-027 $1,978.48 Peterson Terry L J H DEH 2ND W2 L 034 2007 S B 481902157 48-04-15-202-014.000-027 $4,191.60 Smiley Dana L & Terresa G BARTONS 5TH EXC 30' W SD L 007 1616 S D St 481902158 48-04-15-202-017.000-027 $840.60 Smiley Dana & Terresa BARTONS 5TH W2 L 008 1618 S D St 481902159 48-04-15-202-022.000-027 $562.80 Lindle Douglas & Abby Dean BARTONS 5TH W2 L 011 1712 S D St 481902160 48-04-15-202-091.000-027 $351.90 Kane Patrick NW 15-21-6 00000.0530A 0 S B St 481902161 48-04-15-202-097.000-027 $1,183.00 Tunnell Katelynn BARTONS 3RD 6' W SD BLOCK 003 L 003 house sit on 2 lots1636 S B st Cont. next page hspaxlp


Rush STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HOWARD IN THE HOWARD COUNTY COURT CAUSE NO. 34C01-1908-MI-002472 IN RE THE NAME CHANGE OF: Theodore Garland Rush Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Theodore Garland Rush, whose mailing address is 4462 East 100 North, Kokomo, Indiana 46901, of Howard County Indiana has filed a petition in the Howard County Court requesting his name be changed to Garland Theodore Rush. /s/ Theodore Garland Rush, Petitioner /s/ Debbie Stewart Howard County Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned attorney certifies that a copy of this pleading has been served on all attorneys/parties of record by placing it in the United States Postal Service certified mail if applicable. /s/ William Paul Huff, Attorney at Law HUFF LAW OFFICE P.O. Box 5062 Kokomo, IN 46904 Phone: 765-450-6048 Bar No. 20174-98 K-773 8/31 9/10 9/14 hspaxlp
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