Notice of Public Hearing This is to inform you that the Boone County Area Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on September 25th, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Boone County Annex Building 116 W Washington Street, Lebanon, Indiana. Call (765) 482-3821 for the exact location should a conflict occur. The application submitted by Chris Bossinger requests a Special Exception to 6.4 acres of property located in Marion Township at 10600 E. C.R. 300 North; Sheridan, IN 46069, and which is more specifically described in the following legal description. The request is for the purpose of: Special Exception: The applicant seeks Special Exception Approval to build (1) Single Family Home. Information regarding this application can be viewed at the Boone County Area Plan Commission Office, 116 Washington Street, Lebanon, Indiana on or before such hearing. Written suggestions or objections relevant to the application may be filed up to five days prior to the hearing. Interested persons desiring to present their views verbally will be given the opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Applicant:/s/ Chris Bossinger Property description: A part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 19 North, Range 2 East, Boone County, Indiana more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said half Quarter section; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West (assumed basis of bearings), 795.00 feet along the South line of said half quarter section; thence North 00 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds East, 357.29 feet; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East, 794.96 feet to the east line of said half quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 35 minutes 21 seconds West, 351.69 feet along said East line to the point of beginning, containing 6.469 acres, more or less, located in Marion Township, Boone County, Indiana, TLR-490 9/7 hspaxlp 1582605
Notice of Special Board of Aviation Commission Meeting Notice is hereby given that the BOAC will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday September 11th, 2019 @ 8:15 A.M. in City Hall Council Chambers, located at 314 W. Washington St. Greensburg, IN 47240. GDN-292 9/7 hspaxlp 1583030
Rush STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HOWARD IN THE HOWARD COUNTY COURT CAUSE NO. 34C01-1908-MI-002472 IN RE THE NAME CHANGE OF: Theodore Garland Rush Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Theodore Garland Rush, whose mailing address is 4462 East 100 North, Kokomo, Indiana 46901, of Howard County Indiana has filed a petition in the Howard County Court requesting his name be changed to Garland Theodore Rush. /s/ Theodore Garland Rush, Petitioner /s/ Debbie Stewart Howard County Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned attorney certifies that a copy of this pleading has been served on all attorneys/parties of record by placing it in the United States Postal Service certified mail if applicable. /s/ William Paul Huff, Attorney at Law HUFF LAW OFFICE P.O. Box 5062 Kokomo, IN 46904 Phone: 765-450-6048 Bar No. 20174-98 K-773 8/31 9/7 9/14 hspaxlp
Stillabower Cause No. 16C01-1908-EU-000052 NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION In the Circuit Court of Decatur County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Duane A. Stillabower was on the 22nd day of August, 2019, appointed personal representative of the estate of Donald O. Stillabower, deceased, who died on the 20th day of July, 2019. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the Office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Greensburg, Indiana this 26 day of August, 2019. /s/ Adina Roberts Clerk of the Circuit Court for Decatur County BLAKE C. REED Attorney at Law VOELZ, REED & MOUNT, LLC 2751 Brentwood Drive Columbus, IN 47203 Telephone: (812) 372-1303 GDN-288 9/7 9/14 hspaxlp
Wilson STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE BOONE CIRCUIT COURT CAUSE NO 06C01-1908-MI-1238 IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER TO BMV TO ISSUE A REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Daniel Wilson, Petitioner PETITION TO ISSUE A REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 1. The above-named Petitioner, Daniel Wilson, has filed a verified petition for an order to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles to issue a Replacement Certificate of Title. 2. The allegations and statements of fact set forth in the petition are true and accurate. 3. The Petitioner is the legal owner of an automobile described and identified as follows: 2007 ROKW 230 VIN: 4X4CPRY147D270744 4. The Petitioner acquired legal title to the automobile on or about 8-10-19. 5. The original Certificate of Title issued to the Petitioner has been destroyed and no duplicate Certificate of Title exists. 6. I know of no reason why a Replacement Certificate of Title should not be issued to me as the owner of said vehicle. I AFFIRM THE FOREGOING UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY. Date: 8-21-2019 /s/ Daniel Wilson 820 Jean Ct Lebanon, IN 46052 DOB 2/20/19xx Telephone # 765-891-1606 Driver's License #: xxxx-xx-6731 This Petition is assigned for hearing on October 25, 2019 at 8:15 a.m. TLR-475 8/31 9/7 9/14 hspaxlp
Zimpleman STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF HOWARD IN THE HOWARD COURT CAUSE NO. 34D02-1908-EU-000163 IN THE MATTER OF THE UNSUPERVISED ESTATE OF BETTY JO ZIMPLEMAN, DECEASED NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on the 24 day of August, 2019, Gary L. Zimpleman was appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Betty Jo Zimpleman, deceased, who died on the 5th day of May, 2019. All persons having claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Kokomo, Indiana, this 28 day of August, 2019. /s/ Debbie Stewart CLERK, HOWARD COURT WILLIAM E. BECK II - #2637-34 Attorney at Law 401 West Walnut P.O. Box 868 Kokomo, IN 46903-0868 Telephone: (765) 456-1318 K-784 9/7, 14 hspaxlp 1582119
VERIFIED PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME CAUSE NO. 20C01-1908-MI-327 IN THE ELKHART CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ELKHART, SS: IN RE THE NAME CHANGE OF: Bobbie Eugene Hurst, PETITIONER Petitioner, Bobbie Eugene Hurst, pro se, respectfully petitions the Court to change his name. In support of this Petition, Petitioner states as follows: 1.That my current name is Bobbie Eugene Hurst 2.That my date of birth is April 10, 1942 3.That I will bring my Indiana driver's license or identification card to my Change of Name Hearing for verification. 4.That my mailing address is 21023 River Blvd., Goshen, IN 46528. 5.The following is a list of all of my previous names: Bobbie Eugene Hurst 6.That I do not hold a valid United States passport. My proof that I am a United States citizen is birth certificate. I will bring this document to my Change of Name Hearing for verification. 7.The following judgments of criminal conviction of a felony under the law of any state or the United States have been entered against me, or I have stated immediately below that I have no felony convictions: I have no felony convictions 8.That I am not seeking to defraud creditors by changing my name. 9.That I have published notice of my request for Change of Name in a local publication as required by law, and will bring proof of publication to the hearing. 10.That I am not a sex or violent offender who is required to register under Indiana Code 11-8-8. 11.That I wish to change my name to Bobby Gene Hurst. 12.That I request that the name on my birth certificate be changed to my new, changed name. Specifically, Bobby Gene Hurst WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that this Court grant my Petition for Name Change, and for all other just and proper relief. I affirm under penalties for perjury that the foregoing representations are true. Bobbie Eugene Hurst August 24, 31 September 7 hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of the Bus Replacement plan may be seen by visiting the website of this unit of government at the following address: Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Clarksville Community School Corporation that the proper officers of Clarksville Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2020 proposed Bus Replacement Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of Clarksville Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions. Public Hearing Date: October 1, 2019 Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM Public Hearing Place: Renaissance Academy, 806 Eastern Blvd, Clarksville, IN Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, the resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance as per IC 20-40-18-9(d). hspaxlp
TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1 FOR CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CASE NO. 10C01-1904-MF-000086 PLAINTIFF vs CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; NOKOMIS DUNCAN, DECEASED; CATHY EDWARDS, HEIR AND/OR DEVISEE OF CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; ANGIE ROSS, HEIR AND/OR DEVISEE OF CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; NOKOMIS DUNCAN, JR., HEIR AND/OR DEVISEE OF CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR DEVISEES OF CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; ESTATE OF CAROL JUNE DUNCAN A/K/A CAROL DUNCAN, DECEASED; THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an Order of Sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the Clark Circuit Court and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on August 2, 2019, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the office of the Sheriff of Clark County, in Clark County, Indiana, located at City-County Bldg., 501 E. Court Ave., Jeffersonville, IN 47130 on October 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM Local Time, the fee simple title together with the rents, profits, issues and income or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, interest, costs and accruing costs of the following described real estate located in Clark County, Indiana, to-wit: Lot No. One Hundred Sixty-six (166) of the Fields of Lancassange, as the same appears of record in Plat Book 12, page 5, in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana. Commonly known as: 523 Old Creek Lane, Jeffersonville, IN 47130-8573 State Parcel Number: 10-20-01-301-036.000-009 This sale is to be made in all respects pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved March 7, 1931, and entitled An act concerning proceedings in actions to foreclose real estate mortgages, providing for the sale and custody of the mortgaged premises and repealing all laws conflicting therewith (see Indiana Code). It is further provided by law that there shall be no redemption from such sale, and the purchaser at such sale, upon complying with the terms of his purchase, shall be entitled to immediately receive from the undersigned, Sheriff of Clark County, a deed conveying to him, the purchaser, the fee simple title in and to said real estate. Taken as the property of the Defendant(s) stated above at the suit of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.. Said sale to be without relief from valuation and/or appraisement laws. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OF THE STREET ADDRESS PUBLISHED HEREIN. Attorney for Plaintiff Codilis Law, LLC 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Atty File: 1032503 Jamey Noel, Sheriff of Clark County This firm is deemed to be a debt collector.
Notice of Request For Proposals for Guaranteed Savings Contract Notice is hereby given that the Baugo Community Schools, Elkhart County, Indiana (the School Corporation), shall receive proposals for a Guaranteed Savings Contract with respect to renovating, improving and upgrading any or all of the facilities operated by the School Corporation. All such proposals shall be received until 1:00 p.m. local time on October 7, 2019, at the Administration Office of the School Corporation located at 29125 County Road 22, Elkhart, IN 46517. Each proposal must be in accordance with I.C. 36- 1-12.5, as amended, and the Request for Proposals for Guaranteed Savings Contract by the Baugo Community Schools, Elkhart County, Indiana, dated August 29, 2019 (the RFP), and must be submitted by a person or entity satisfying the definition of a qualified provider under I.C. 36-1-12.5, as amended (each, a Qualified Respondent). For a copy of the RFP and/or more information contact Mr. David Wolford, Director of Technology and Facility Operations, at (574) 293-8583. All proposals must contain the content and be in the format described within the RFP. The School Corporation reserves the right to terminate for any reason and for no reason at all any of the projects prior to the guaranteed savings contract being executed by the School Corporation, to reject for any reason and for no reason at all any and all proposals and to be the sole judge of the value and merit of the proposals offered. The School Corporation further reserves the right to waive any and all informalities or any defects in any of the proposals offered. August 29 September 7 hspaxlp
SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION DLC#:A306-67 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1 FOR CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA U.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE ACQUISITION TRUST 2006-NC1 ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-NC1, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF LAVERNE C. JUDAY, DECEASED A/K/A LAVERNE CHARLES JUDAY AND DIANE J. JUDAY A/K/A DIANA JUDAY A/K/A DIANA JEAN JUDAY A/K/A DIANA J. JUDAY, Defendants. CASE NO.: 10C01-1907-MF-000149 NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned: You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is a Complaint on Note and for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described real estate: Lot No. Four Hundred Thirty-Two (4632) Parkwood Addition, tenth section, being a part of Survey No. Forty-Six (46) of the Illinois Grant, as the same appears of record in Plat Book No. 7, page 46 in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. Being the same real estate conveyed to the Grantor herein by Deed dated December 9, 1985, and recorded in Deed Drawer 17, as Instrument No. 13018, in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. And Commonly known as: 1028 Redwood Dr, Clarksville, IN 47129 This Summons by Publication is specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are known to me: Diane J. Juday a/k/a Diana Juday a/k/a Diana Jean Juday a/k/a Diana J. Juday This Summons by Publication is also specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown to me: The Unknown Heirs at Law of LaVerne C. Juday a/k/a LaVerne Charles Juday In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this Summons, there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before the day of , 2019 (the same being within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so, a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. By Alan W. McEwan S. Brent Potter (10900-49) Tina M. Caylor (30994-49) David M. Johnson (30354-45) Alan W. McEwan (24051-49) Matthew L. Foutty (20886-49) Maura E. Binder (34314-22) Craig D. Doyle (4783-49) Jessica S. Owens (26533-49) DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. 41 E Washington St., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317-264-5000 Fax: 317-264-5400 ATTEST: Clerk of the Clark County Circuit Court 1 hspaxlp
TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF FLOYD SS: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FLOYD COUNTY NEW ALBANY, INDIANA WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. CAUSE NO. 22C01-1905-MF-000723 PLAINTIFF vs MARY K. HINTON DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an Order of Sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the Floyd Circuit Court and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on June 24, 2019, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the office of the Sheriff of Floyd County, in Floyd County, Indiana, located at City-County Bldg, 3rd Floor, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany, IN 47150 on October 17, 2019 at 10:00 AM Local Time, the fee simple title together with the rents, profits, issues and income or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, interest, costs and accruing costs of the following described real estate located in Floyd County, Indiana, to-wit: Lot No. Thirteen (13), in Block No. Fifteen (15), Fairmont Park, Plat No. Four Hundred Ninety (490), of the Floyd County, Indiana Records. Commonly known as: 1921 Indiana Avenue, New Albany, IN 47150-3750 State Parcel Number: 22-05-04-301-028.000-008 This sale is to be made in all respects pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved March 7, 1931, and entitled An act concerning proceedings in actions to foreclose real estate mortgages, providing for the sale and custody of the mortgaged premises and repealing all laws conflicting therewith (see Indiana Code). It is further provided by law that there shall be no redemption from such sale, and the purchaser at such sale, upon complying with the terms of his purchase, shall be entitled to immediately receive from the undersigned, Sheriff of Floyd County, a deed conveying to him, the purchaser, the fee simple title in and to said real estate. Taken as the property of the Defendant(s) stated above at the suit of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Successor by Merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.. Said sale to be without relief from valuation and/or appraisement laws. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OF THE STREET ADDRESS PUBLISHED HEREIN. Attorney for Plaintiff Codilis Law, LLC 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Atty File: 1032695 Frank Loop, Sheriff of Floyd County This firm is deemed to be a debt collector. hspaxlp
NOTICE FOR COMPLIANCE Notice is hereby given that the property located at 235 Adams Street, Pendleton, Indiana, (the Property) owned by Katherine L. Wisehart, is in violation of Ordinance No. 2016-13, An Ordinance Creating an Unsightly Premises Ordinance for the Town of Pendleton (the Ordinance). The following items constitute a violation as stated in Section Two of the Ordinance and are hereby cited as violations existing at the Property: (A)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town to maintain thereon a dangerous, dilapidated or unsafe structure as defined herein. (B)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town, to maintain junk, garbage, noxious or unsightly weeds, or heavy trash, as defined herein, to be deposited on, grown on, or remain on any such lot or parcel of real estate, or permit the existence of any condition on such premises. (C)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town to allow any part of such property, visible from the street or adjoining premises to become unsightly. (D)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, to deposit and/or leave garbage (rubbish, refuse (organic or inorganic), debris or waste) material in a location or condition where it is exposed to, scattered by, and/or otherwise dispersed by the elements; also not located or stored in such a manner where it creates a cloud of particles, unsightly conditions or health hazards. Per Section Three, Paragraph D of the Ordinance, this notice for compliance is being published because the property is not occupied and the current residence of Ms. Wisehart is unknown, though she is believed to be a resident of New Castle. Ms. Wisehart, or anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts, should contact the Town of Pendleton Planning Department. ACTION REQUIRED TO ABATE VIOLATION: (1)Secure the property. a.Secure back door dog door so that raccoons cannot enter house. b.Repair broken windows that are missing glass. (2)Clean up back yard. a.Remove household items (child car seat, toys, furniture, etc.) from yard. b.Remove tires and wood pallets. c.Remove garbage and heavy trash. d.Remove tree limbs. (3)Remove or repair leaning and fallen sections of fence. (4)Mow entire yard to a height of eight inches or less, and do so regularly. The responsible party may appeal this directive to the Town Court in accordance with Section Three, Paragraph E of the Ordinance. Failure to abate the violation will result in the Town Manager abating the violation and all costs incurred being charged to the property owner of record. Should the property owner refuse to pay the costs of abatement, a lien will be placed on the property. Please contact Kayla Hassett, Planning and Zoning Administrator, with any comments regarding this notice at 765-778-8370 or HB-625 8/31 9/7 9/14 hspaxlp
On the 23RD day of September 2019, sale of the following vehicles will take place to satisfy liens: 2003 FORD WINDSTAR 2FMZA51413BB29205 $500 2016 FORD FOCUS 1FADP3E26GL387127 $500 1996 FORD EXPLORER 1FMDU35P1TUC48876 $500 2008 PONTIAC G6 1G2ZG57N884271334 $500 2012 KIA RIO KNADM4A36C6070929 $500 2002 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU77E22UA96887 $500 2009 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WB57KX91183555 $500 Sale will be held at 2PM at 105 Ebenezer Church Rd, Memphis, IN 47143. (812)246-3030 Bids begin at the amount owed, cash only day of the sale, Midnight Towing reserves the right to bid hspaxlp
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS New Albany Redevelopment Commission 624 Vincennes Revitalization In accordance with IC 5-23-5, the New Albany Redevelopment Commission (Commission), on behalf of the City of New Albany, Indiana (City), is seeking proposals from qualified developers for the development of 624 Vincennes St. (Project) on property located within the City. The Commission anticipates entering into a public-private agreement with the Developer to provide some assistance at the site, to construct the Project with the general characteristics described below: The structure and remodeling shall preserve the historical significance and aesthetics of the property. Other characteristics and specifications as may be identified and included in future design documents and agreements The Developer would assume ownership of the site and improvements after agreement is finalized or as outlined by in the Purchase Agreement. Respondent should be willing and prepared to engage in a review period with the Commission without any contractual obligation. During this period, the Commission will require information from the selected developer sufficient to finalize the financing terms, design, scope, and costs of the proposed improvements once determined. Information to be Included in Proposals Proposals should include a written description of the Developer's experience designing, financing, constructing, operating, transferring, and developing projects, as follows: General Information o Developer's general information including company name, principal office location, point of contact, and contact information o Company overview, organization information, and organizational chart Development Experience o Experience working with local economic development organizations or local government units in Indiana o Demonstrated experience developing projects or similar scope and scale Financial Capacity o General financial and credit information o Information indicating financial ability of the developer to complete the project o Credit reference Project Approach o Outline of duties and responsibilities of all parties related to the development project from the scoping period until project completion (including the operating period and transfer of property to the City). This should include a project timeline. The Commission does not require you to submit a certified check or other evidence of financial responsibility with your proposal other than requested above. Anticipated Selection Process The Commission will review all proposals and may enter into discussions with offerors to clarify and assure full understanding of proposals. All offerors will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals. The Commission or its agent will make a recommendation for award of an agreement based upon compliance with the above-requested information, or shall terminate the request for proposal process. Of all evaluation criteria listed in this Request for Proposals, the offeror's focus on revitalization, general project approach and financial capacity will be given the most weight by the Commission. The price offered in a proposal will be considered, but is not the primary determining factor. The Commission reserves the right to modify or cancel this project at any time before a developer enters into formal agreement with the Commission, including at any point during the scoping period. Deadline Due to the scope of the site, the size of the building, and the considerable restoration work to be done on the building. Proposals are due by 2:30 p.m. on September 24, 2019, and six (6) copies of such proposals (plus one [1] unbound copy) should be hand delivered to (and questions should be directed to): Josh Staten, Redevelopment Director 311 Hauss Square, Room 325 New Albany, Indiana 47150 Phone: 812-948-5333 E-mail:
Notice of Mechanic's Lien Sale The following list of vehicles will be sold on Tuesday September 24, 2019, 10:00 AM @ Thompson's Towing & Repair *1407 N. Chicago Ave* Goshen, IN 46528 for unpaid charges to date. All charges must be paid in the form of CASH ONLY and all vehicles SOLD AS IS NO WARRANTY IMPLIED OR STATED. 2012 Ford Escape VIN #1FMCU0D74CKA98429 Unpaid charges to date ($2,359.00) 2007 Chrysler Pacifica VIN #2A8GF78X97R176951 Unpaid charges to date ($2,218.00) 2003 Mercedes-Benz ML500 VIN #4JGAB75E03A377935 Unpaid charges to date ($2,359.00) 2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer VIN #1GNDT13S382180318 Unpaid charges to date ($2,313.00) 1999 Jeep Gr Cherokee VIN #1J4GW58S9XC663070 Unpaid charges to date ($2,296.00) 2002 Honda CBR600 VIN #JH2PC35012M310273 Unpaid charges to date ($2,350.00) 2005 Cadillac Escalade VIN # GYEK63NX5R174892 Unpaid charges to date ($2,037.00) September 7 hspaxlp
CLARK CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1 Small Claims Division Hearing held in Magistrate Courtroom A, Room 111 Service by: Certified Mail and Publication CASE NO. 10C01-1908-SC-00137 Irvin Banks 710 E. Rail Road St. Otisco, IN 47163 Plaintiff William James Fulkerson 2609 Gutford Rd. Clarksville, IN Defendant ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITIES WHICH MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE VEHICLE/MOBILE HOME, Defendant PETER L. LACEY, COMMISSIONER, BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES INDIANA GOVERNMENT CENTER NORTH 100 NORTH SENATE AVENUE, ROOM 402 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204, Defendant; ALSO SERVE: CURTIS T. HILL, JR., ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 302 W. WASHINGTON ST, IGCS 5TH FLOOR, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 TO THE DEFENDANT(S): You have been sued by the Plaintiff whose name appears above STATEMENT OF CLAIM The Plaintiff is seeking an Indiana Title to the Vehicle/Mobile Home Described as: Year: 1987 Make: Sea Ray Model: Seville Color: White Vehicle Identification No:SERV4104A787 If you have a legal interest in this vehicle/mobile, you must appear at the stated Trial Date. Otherwise, a Title will be issued. /s/Irvin Banks Plaintiff. A TRIAL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 10/17/19 at 1:30 P.M., IN MAGISTRATE COURTROOM A. ROOM 111. The plaintiff asks for judgment in this Court against you for the claim stated above. If you fail to appear in Court on the date and at the time set for trial, the Plaintiff can receive a judgment for the amount claimed, plus court costs. . By filing this small claim, the Plaintiff has waived the right to a trial by jury. You have ten (10) days from receipt of this notice to file a Motion requesting a jury trial and to pay the costs for transferring the case. Your failure to do so waives your right to trial by jury.. You may represent yourself in this Court. You do not need to employ an attorney. You may, however, have an attorney represent you if you wish. If you have questions concerning this matter, or if you are unable to appear at the time designated, you should call the Court Reporter at 812-280-5661 or write to Clark Circuit Court No. 3, County-Government Building, 501 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. hspaxlp
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Hearing Officer for the Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals of the County of Elkhart, Indiana, will hold public hearings in the Meeting Room at the Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, on the 18th day of September 2019. The public hearings will begin at 8:30 A.M. (local time) and the following times have been scheduled for the petitions before the Hearing Officer. All petitions will be heard no earlier than the times designated unless modified prior to the first hearing. 8:30 A.M. JON HARKRIDER & SHONNE HARKRIDER, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a 24 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 120 ft.) to allow for the construction of an accessory structure 96 ft. from the centerline of the right-of-way and for a 4 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 5 ft.) to allow for an existing accessory structure 1 ft. from the west property line located on the North side of Vistula St. (SR 120), 3,905 ft. East of CR 21, common address of 1410 W. Vistula St. in Washington Township, zoned R-1. KERMIT W. FISHER - for a Developmental Variance to allow for the total square footage of accessory structures to exceed that allowed by right and for a 10 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 10 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 0 ft. from the North property line located on the East side of CR 7, 1,325 ft. South of CR 20, common address of 58166 CR 7 in Concord Township, zoned R-1. DAN BREKKE & LEANNE BREKKE, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a 26 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 50 ft.) to allow for the construction of a residence 24 ft. from the centerline of the right-of-way and for a Developmental Variance to allow for lot coverage to exceed that allowed by right on property located on the South side of North Shore Dr., 420 ft. East of Bell Ave., East of SR 19, common address of 25928 North Shore Dr. in Osolo Township, zoned R-2. KOPF PROPERTIES, LLC - for a 624 sq. ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance allows 48 sq. ft.) to allow for a 672 sq. ft. electronic message center on property located on the Southeast corner of SR 15 & US 20, common address of 57040 SR 15 in Jefferson Township, zoned DPUD B-3. GREGORY M. GROCHOWSKI & DONNA J. GROCHOWSKI, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a 10 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 10 ft.) to allow for the construction of an accessory structure 0 ft. from the rear property line and for a Developmental Variance to allow for the total square footage of accessory structures to exceed that allowed by right on property located on the West side of Cornwall Rd., 1,205 ft. North of CR 2, common address of 50786 Cornwall Rd. in Washington Township, zoned R-2. BONNIE J. WHITAKER - for a 7:1 depth-to-width-ratio Developmental Variance and for a 50 ft. lot-width Developmental Variance to allow for the construction of an addition to an existing residence on property located on the South side of CR 34, 1,250 ft. East of CR 43, common address of 10504 CR 34 in Clinton Township, zoned A-1. MGR PROPERTIES, LLC - for a 67 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 120 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 53 ft. from the centerline of the right-of-way of SR 19 on property located on the Southeast corner of CR 36 & SR 19, common address of 27956 CR 36 in Harrison Township, zoned A-1. TIMOTHY P. STREBIN & LINDA L. STREBIN, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a Developmental Variance to allow for the total square footage of accessory structures to exceed that allowed by right on property located on the North side of CR 20, 500 ft. East of CR 23, common address of 19121 CR 20 in Jefferson Township, zoned A-1. WALTER WILSON & VALERIE WORTHMAN, JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP - for a 17 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 50 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 33 ft. from the centerline of the right-of-way, for a 4 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 10 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 6 ft. from the west side property line, and for a 4 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 10 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 6 ft. from the east side property line located on the North side of Walnut St., 145 ft. East of Cook St., common address of 311 W. Walnut St. in Clinton Township, zoned R-1. The files for the petitions are available for public inspection during normal working hours of the Elkhart County Offices, at the Department of Public Services, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana. Written comments filed with the Secretary of the Hearing Officer before the hearing will be considered and oral comments concerning the petitions will be heard in the Meeting Room at the Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana starting at 8:30 A.M. (local time) and corresponding to the above scheduled times and place. In certain circumstances the petitions may be transferred to the full Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals at 8:30 A.M. (local time) on October 17th 2019. This transfer is done at the discretion of the Hearing Officer. All orders, requirements, conditions, decisions or determinations made by the Hearing Officer may be appealed by any interested person. All properly filed appeals will cause any or all of the aforementioned petitions to be considered by the full Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals. Dennis Lyon, Hearing Officer Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals 4230 Elkhart Road Goshen, Indiana 46526 Notice is hereby given that should an Appeal be properly filed, the Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals of the County of Elkhart, Indiana, will hold public hearing(s) for any or all of the aforementioned petitions before the full Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals on the 17th day of October 2019. Written comments filed with the Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals will be considered and oral comments concerning the petitions will be heard in the Meeting Room at the Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana. The Board may find it necessary to continue the hearings from time to time. The files for the petitions are available for public inspection during normal working hours of Elkhart County Offices, at the Department of Public Services, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana. Anthony J. Campanello, Secretary Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals 4230 Elkhart Road Goshen, Indiana 46526 September 7 hspaxlp
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals of the County of Elkhart, Indiana, will hold public hearings in the Meeting Room at the Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, on the 19st day of September 2019. The public hearings will begin at 8:30 A.M. (local time) and the following order and times have been scheduled for the petitions before the Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals. All petitions will be heard no earlier than the times designated unless modified prior to the first hearing. 8:30 A.M. A.J. LANE TRUSTEE OF THE A.J. LANE TRUST & GAYLE A. LANE TRUSTEE OF THE GAYLE A. LANE TRUST - for a Special Use for a ground-mounted solar array on property located on the North side of CR 146, 1,765 ft. West of SR 15, common address of 19593 CR 146 in Jackson Township, zoned A-1. SAMUEL L. SHEETS & JACK A. SHEETS - for a Special Use for a ground-mounted solar array on property located on the North side of CR 52, 1,760 ft. East of CR 9, common address of 25673 CR 52 in Union Township, zoned A-1. DEVON R. HOCHSTETLER & WILMA A. HOCHSTETLER, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a Special Use for an agricultural use for the keeping of animals on a tract of land containing less than 3 acres located on the West side of CR 37, 3,845 ft. South of CR 28, common address of 60735 CR 37 in Middlebury Township, zoned A-1. 9:00 A.M. GERALD KNEPP & LISA KNEPP, HUSBAND & WIFE (LESSOR) & PI TOWER DEVELOPMENT, LLC (LESSEE) - for a Special Use for a wireless communications facility on property located on the South end of the easement, South of CR 40, 1,730 ft. West of CR 33, in Clinton Township, zoned A-1. MARY E. A. SWIHART - for a Special Use for resource extraction of sand and gravel on property located on the North side of US 20, 2,200 ft. West of CR 23, common address of 19370 US 20 in Jefferson Township, zoned A-1. SCOTT R. KEMPF & KATHRYN E. FRIESEN, HUSBAND & WIFE - for a Special Use for a home workshop/business for a commercial greenhouse and retail sales on property located on the South side of Elkhart St. (CR 44), 1,075 ft. East of US 33, in Benton Township, zoned R-1. 9:30 A.M. CIVIL TOWN OF WAKARUSA - for a Special Use for a government facility (town police station) on property located on the East side of S. Spring St., 190 ft. South of Waterford St., common address of 102 S. Spring St. in Olive Township, zoned R-1. BASHOR ORPHANAGE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH - for an Amendment to an existing Special Use for a social service establishment to allow for the construction of a residential/activity addition on property located on the Southeast corner of CR 15 & CR 30, common address of 62226 CR 15 in Harrison Township, zoned A-1. WILMER J. YODER, TRUSTEE & ELSIE M. YODER, TRUSTEE OF THE YODER FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST - for a Use Variance to allow for the construction of a second dwelling on a parcel and for a 59 ft. Developmental Variance (Ordinance requires 120 ft.) to allow for an existing residence 61 ft. from the centerline of the right-of-way on property located on the West side of SR 13, 1,275 ft. South of CR 42, common address of 67253 SR 13 in Benton Township, zoned A-1. The files for the petitions are available for public inspection during normal working hours of the Elkhart County Offices, at the Department of Public Services, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana. Written comments filed with the Secretary of the Board before the hearing will be considered and oral comments concerning the petitions will be heard in the Meeting Room at the Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana starting at 8:30 A.M. (local time) and corresponding to the above scheduled times and place. The Board may find it necessary to continue the hearing from time to time. Anthony J. Campanello, Secretary Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals 4230 Elkhart Road Goshen, Indiana 46526 September 7 hspaxlp
Lane NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE HOWARD SUPERIOR/CIRCUIT COURTS OF HOWARD COUNTY, INDIANA In the Matter of the Unsupervised Administration of the Estate of Scott F. Lane, Deceased Sandra R. Lane, the Administrator Cause No. 34D04-1908-EU-000164 Notice is hereby given that SANDRA R. LANE was, on the 21st day of August, 2019 appointed Administrator of the unsupervised estate of SCOTT F. LANE, who died testate on the 31st day of July, 2019, while domiciled in Howard County, Indiana. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the Office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months of the date of the first publication of this Notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claim will be forever barred. Dated at Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana, this 23rd day of August, 2019. /s/ Debbie Stewart Clerk of Superior/Circuit Courts Prepared by: Teri A. Pollett-Hinkle Ind. Atty. No. 22105-18 Attorney for the Decedent's Estate 514 S. Washington St. Marion, IN 46953-1961 Email: Fax: 765.662.7796 Phone: 765.662.7777 K-777 9/2, 9 hspaxlp 1581361