NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Boone County, Indiana, that the Clinton Township Trustee of said County will meet in 3445 E 425 N, Lebanon, Indiana, on Thursday September 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm to consider the following Additional Appropriations. ADDITIONAL REQUESTS REQUESTED Township General Fund Misc Expenses $3,500.00 Taxpayers appearing at such hearing shall have a right to be heard. The Additional Appropriations, as finally made, will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance, which will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation made, within 15 days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. TLR-494 9/11 hspaxlp 1583368
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Boone County, Indiana, that the Clinton Township Trustee of said County will meet in 3445 E 425 N, Lebanon, Indiana, on Thursday September 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm to consider the following Additional Appropriations. ADDITIONAL REQUESTS REQUESTED Township General Fund Misc Expenses $3,500.00 Taxpayers appearing at such hearing shall have a right to be heard. The Additional Appropriations, as finally made, will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance, which will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation made, within 15 days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. Z-162 9/11 hspaxlp 1583369
Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Red Dot Storage 64- located at 8511 Commerce Park, Sellersburg, IN 47172 intends to hold a sale to sell the property stored at the facility by the below occupant who is in default at an auction. The sale will occur or otherwise disposed as an online auction via on 9/17/19 at 9:00 am. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Amanda Sturgill Unit #E177; Brittany Mason Unit #C111; Amanda Sturgill Unit #B044; Scott Wampler Unit #H290; Rhonda Stroud Unit #D145; Susan Greenwell Unit #C108. All property is being stored at the above self-storage facility. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. See manager for details. hspaxlp
Smith NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF BOONE COUNTY, INDIANA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIAN E. SMITH, deceased Cause No. 06D01-1908-EU-000122 Notice is hereby given that Gary L. Smith was, on the 27th day of August, 2019, appointed personal representative of the Estate of Marian E. Smith, deceased, who died on the 30th day of July, 2019. All person having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the Office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lebanon, Indiana, this August 29, 2019. /s/ Jessica Fouts Clerk of the Superior Court I For Boone County, Indiana Attorney for the Estate: Roger L. Burrus Atty. # 3986-06 BURRUS & SEASE LLP 410 W. Oak Street Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 873-2150 Z-155 9/11, 18 hspaxlp 1582571
STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE BOONE CIRCUIT COURT CAUSE NO 06C01-1908-MI-1276 IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER TO BMV TO ISSUE A REPLACE-MENT CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Jason Vinson, Petitioner PETITION TO ISSUE A REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 1. The above-named Petitioner Jason Vinson, has filed a verified petition for an order to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles to issue a Replacement Certificate of Title. 2. The allegations and statements of fact set forth in the petition are true and accurate. 3. The Petitioner is the legal owner of an automobile described and identified as follows: 2002 EZ Loader 3-EZWV 1100NB VIN 1ZEABLDA43A002994 4. The Petitioner acquired legal title to the automobile on or about 6/1/2019. 5. The original Certificate of Title issued to the Petitioner has been destroyed and no duplicate Certificate of Title exists. 6. I know of no reason why a Replacement Certificate of Title should not be issued to me as the owner of said vehicle. I AFFIRM THE FOREGOING UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY. Date: 28 AUG 2019 /s/ Jason Vinson 6188 Ringtail Circle Zionsville, IN 46077 DOB 3/28/19xx Telephone # 513-300-9819 Driver's License #: xxxx-xx-0561 This Petition is assigned for hearing on October 28, 2019 at 8:15 a.m. Z-158 9/11, 18, 25 hspaxlp
To Sendrell M. Yowe, whose whereabouts are unknown: You are being sued for declaratory judgment in Boone County Circuit Court 1 under the caption Avis Rent A Car System, LLC v. Sendrell M. Yowe, et al. Cause No.: 06C01-1902-CT-000218. Plaintiff's attorney is Kevin Tyra, Tyra Law Firm, P.C., 9100 Purdue Rd., Ste. 119, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Phone, 317-636-1304. Sendrell M. Yowe must respond within 30 days after the last notice of this action is published. If he fails to do so, judgment by default may be entered against him for the relief demanded in the complaint. Z-159 9/11, 18, 25 hspaxlp
Zimpleman STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF HOWARD IN THE HOWARD COURT CAUSE NO. 34D02-1908-EU-000163 IN THE MATTER OF THE UNSUPERVISED ESTATE OF BETTY JO ZIMPLEMAN, DECEASED NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Notice is hereby given that on the 24 day of August, 2019, Gary L. Zimpleman was appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Betty Jo Zimpleman, deceased, who died on the 5th day of May, 2019. All persons having claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Kokomo, Indiana, this 28 day of August, 2019. /s/ Debbie Stewart CLERK, HOWARD COURT WILLIAM E. BECK II - #2637-34 Attorney at Law 401 West Walnut P.O. Box 868 Kokomo, IN 46903-0868 Telephone: (765) 456-1318 K-784 9/11, 18 hspaxlp
Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Daviess County, Indiana that proper legal officers of the Daviess County Council at their regular meeting place in the Commissioners' Room of the Daviess County Courthouse, Washington, IN at 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, September 26, 2019 will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year. COUNTY GENERAL COMMISSIONERS-LEGAL SERVICES $30,000.00 DCSW-EDUCATION COORDINATOR $6,920.59 TOTAL $36,920.59 AVIATION TAXIWAY REPAIR $150,000.00 TOTAL $150,000.00 JAIL TREATMENT MISC. $14,838.53 TOTAL $14,838.53 HEALTH REIMBURSE FOR VACCINES $71,809.43 TOTAL $71,809.43 AUDITOR'S INELIGIBLE HSD TRAINING $198.00 TOTAL $198.00 E-911 EQUIPMENT $34,597.20 TOTAL $34,597.20 GPC TIF TIF GPC EXPENSE $10,000.00 TOTAL $10,000.00 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT EQUIPMENT $9,448.87 TOTAL $9,448.87 LOCAL ROAD & BRIDGE COMMUNITY CROSSINGS GRANT $970,567.07 TOTAL $970,567.07 GRAND TOTAL $1,298,379.69 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard The additional appropriation as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of of receipt of a Certified Funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of Certified Copy of action taken. 9/4/19 Patricia K. Ball, Auditor of Daviess County hspaxlp September 11, 2019
STATE OF INDIANA) IN THE FLOYD CIRCUIT COURT ) SS: COUNTY OF FLOYD) CAUSE NUMBER: 22C01-1905-JC-000357 IN THE MATTER OF: ALG - DOB 12/13/2011 A CHILD ALLEGED TO BE A CHILD IN NEED OF SERVICES AND TAPANGA R. CRAWFORD (BIOLOGICAL MOTHER) ANDREW F. GREENE (BIOLOGICAL FATHER) SUMMONS FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION & NOTICE OF CHILD IN NEED OF SERVICES HEARING TO: Andrew F. Greene Whereabouts unknown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above noted parent whose whereabouts are unknown, that the Indiana Department of Child Services has filed its Verified Petition Alleging the child to be in Need of Services, in accordance with I.C. 31-34-9-3, and that an adjudication hearing has been scheduled with the Court. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the Judge of the Floyd Circuit Court, 311 Hauss Square, Room 413, New Albany, IN 47150 - 812-948-5455 for a(n) Initial Hearing on 11/22/2019 at 9:00 AM. At said hearing, the Court will consider the Petition and evidence thereon and will render its decision as to whether the above named minor child is child in need of services and shall enter adjudication accordingly. Your failure to appear after lawful notice will be deemed as your default and waiver to be present at said hearing. UPON ENTRY OF SAID ADJUDICATION, A DISPOSITIONAL HEARING will be held in which the Court will consider (1) Alternatives for the care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; (2) The necessity, nature, and extent of your participation in the program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; and (3) Your financial responsibility for any services provided for the parent, guardian or custodian of the child including child support. YOU MUST RESPOND by appearing in person or by an attorney within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice, and in the event you fail to do so, an adjudication on said petition, judgment by default may be entered against you, or the court may proceed in your absence, without further notice. /s/ Danita Burks Danita Burks Clerk D. Christopher Carroll, 32819-88 Attorney, Indiana Department of Child Services 824 University Woods Dr. #10 New Albany, IN 47150 hspaxlp
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF MOTION TO LIQUIDATE DEFENDANT'S PROPERTY AND APPLY PROCEEDS TO DAMAGES CAUSE NO. 20D06-1907-PL-192 IN THE ELKHART SUPERIOR COURT NO. 6 FOR THE COUNTY OF ELKHART, STATE OF INDIANA DEXTER DRIVE PROPERTIES, LLC; Plaintiff vs. SPECTRUM RV LLC; Defendant TO THE DEFENDANT: SPECTRUM RV LLC; David Thorley, CEO, 2801 Dexter Drive, Elkhart, IN 16514 and Mike Spencer, Resident Agent, 28064 County Road 42, Wakarusa, IN 46573 You have been sued by the person named Plaintiff, in the Court stated above. The nature of the suit against you is for unpaid rent and damages as a result of a written Lease Agreement between the parties. Defendant has vacated the leased premises and has left personal property therein. A Motion to Liquidate Tenant's Property and Apply the Proceeds to Damages has been filed by the Plaintiff. You must answer the complaint and motion in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days from the date of last publication, or judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. Date: August 28, 2019 Christopher Anderson, Clerk, Elkhasrt Superior Court No. 6 315 S. Second Street Elkhart, IN 46516 BUTLER POWER LAW P.C. Rebecca Butler Power (4093-20-A_ Attorneys for Plaintiff 221 W. Lexington Avenue Elkhart, IN 46516 Telephone: 574-522-0724 September 4, 11, 18 hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF PROPOSED 2020 BUDGET Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Elkhart County, Elkhart County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers will consider the following 1st reading of the Budget for the 2020 year at their regular meeting place at Room 104,117 N. 2nd St. Goshen, Indiana at 8:30 o'clock a.m. on Friday, September 13th,2019. 1st Budget Reading: Friday,September 13th, 2019 at 8:30 am for the following: Elkhart County Elkhart County Solid Waste District 2nd Reading and Adoption of 2020 Budget Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at the regular County Council meeting on Saturday 14th, 2019 at 8:00 am for the following: Elkhart County Elkhart County Solid Waste District Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The Budget as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. Dated: September 11th, 2019. Patricia A. Pickens, Elkhart County Auditor September 11 hspaxlp
STATE OF INDIANA IN THE CLARK CIRCUIT COURT 1 SS: 2019 TERM COUNTY OF CLARK CAUSE NO. 10C01-1907-MF-000152 VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, INC. PLAINTIFF v. MARTY S. JENKINS AND TREASURER OF CLARK COUNTY DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the above-named defendant, Marty S. Jenkins. You are notified that you have been sued in the above-named court. The nature of the suit against you is: Complaint to Foreclose on Real Estate Mortgage on the following described real estate in Clark County: A part of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, and also being part of the land described in (Houchens 10-4648), described as follows: Beginning at a Stone Found at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a point in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, S. 39 deg. 00' 00 E. 1733.52 feet from an Iron Pin Found at the West Corner of Letter C of Survey #257; Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E., a distance of 802.05 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set, THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Thence N. 37 deg. 44' 23 E., a distance of 123.62 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set; Thence N. 44 deg. 03' 08 E., a distance of 145.49 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set; Thence N. 53 deg. 11' 52 E., a distance of 192.87 feet along said centerline to a Spike Found in the centerline of Heil Road; Thence N. 40 deg. 02' 44 W., a distance of 212.48 feet along Heil Road to a Nail Set; Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W., a distance of 472.00 feet along (Houchens 24-7379) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence N. 40 deg. 02' 31 W., a distance of 184.67 feet along (Houchens 24-7379) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W., a distance of 562.48 feet along (Heil 221-495) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 40 deg. 03' 25 E., a distance of 241.11 feet along (Hill 16-11399) and along a fence to an Iron Pin Set; Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E., a distance of 576.07 feet to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 40 deg. 03' 25 E., a distance of 171.68 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, Containing 5.299 Acres. Subject to the county road right-of-way and any easements of record. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A part of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, also being part of lands described in Houchens DD 32-16198, described as follows: Beginning at a stone at the South corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E. a distance of 212.05 feet to a masonry nail; Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W., a distance of 282.25 feet along a fence line to a 5/8 rebar the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E. a distance of 163.50 feet to a 5/8 rebar. Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W, a distance of 163.50 feet along a fence line to a 5/8 rebar, Thence S. 40 deg. 08' 25 E. a distance of 241.11 feet along a fence line to the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.9045 acres. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0.918 A part of Grant #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, also being part of lands described in Houchens DD-10-4848, described as follows: Beginning at a Stone at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E., a distance of 212.05 feet to a masonry nail, Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W. a distance of 282.25 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E., a distance of 183.50 feet to a 5/8 rebar, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence North 48 deg. 07' 59 East, a distance of 185.90 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence North 40 deg. 03' 25 West, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence South 48 deg. 08' 00 West, a distance of 165.90 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.9180 acres. Also a 60' driveway easement described as follows: Beginning at a Stone at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant; Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey 256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E. a distance of 502.05 feet to a masonry nail, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence North 37 deg. 44' 22 East, a distance of 51.16 feet to a point, Thence North 40 deg. 03' 25 West, a distance of 212.47 feet to a point, Thence South 48 deg. 07' 58 West, a distance of 295.59 feet to a point, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 50.02 feet to a point Thence North 48 deg. 07' 59 East, a distance of 246.67 feet to a point, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 171.68 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 3.48 acres, more or less. Also known as 5511 Henryville-Otisco Road, Henryville, IN 47126 Parcel #10-06-25-700-028.000-027 Also includes a 2013 Clayton Mobile Home, VIN #CWP023987TNAB This Summons by publication is specifically directed to the following named defendant whose whereabouts is unknown: Marty S. Jenkins. In addition to the above-named defendants being served by this summons there may be other defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before thirty (30) days after the third notice is published, and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the plaintiff has demanded. This the __15th_____day of August, 2019. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Angela L.Thompson Hon. Angela L. Thompson IN Atty. #24458-82 ANGELA L. THOMPSON, PLLC 401 Frederica Street Building D, Suite 101 Owensboro, Ky. 42301 270) 215-1112 Attorney for Plaintiff ATTEST: 8/15/2019 /s/ Susan Popp Clerk of the Clark Circuit Court 1 This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. hpaxlp
PUBLIC NOTICE Mission 1 Communications proposes to build a 190-foot Monopole Communications Tower. Anticipated lighting application is medium intensity dual red/white strobes. The Site is approximately located at Eugene Drive, Middlebury, Elkhart County, IN 46540, Lat: 41-40-7.79, Long: -85-42-3.9. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Antenna Structure Registration (ASR, Form 854) filing number is A1142618. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS - Interested persons may review the application ( by entering the filing number. Environmental concerns may be raised by filing a Request for Environmental Review ( and online filings are strongly encouraged. The mailing address to file a paper copy is: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. HISTORIC PROPERTIES EFFECTS - Public comments regarding potential effects on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Anna Farrell,, 1821 Walden Office Square, Schaumburg, IL 60173, 630-227-0202. September 11 hspaxlp
MDK # 19-015117 STATE OF INDI...
MDK # 19-015117 STATE OF INDIANA ) IN THE FLOYD CIRCUIT COURT ) SS: COUNTY OF FLOYD ) CAUSE NO. 22C01-1906-MF-000908 Reverse Mortgage Funding, LLC Plaintiff, vs. The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr. and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr., et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION TO: The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr. and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr.: BE IT KNOWN, that Reverse Mortgage Funding, LLC, the above-named Plaintiff, by its attorney, Nicholas M. Smith, has filed in the office of the Clerk of the Floyd Circuit Court its Complaint against Defendants The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr. and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr., and the said Plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk's office the affidavit of a competent person showing that the residence and whereabouts of the Defendants, The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Nancy K. Beavin, AKA Nancy Beavin and The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr. and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Bernard L. Beavin Jr. AKA Bernard Beavin Jr., upon diligent inquiry are unknown, and that said cause of action is for default on the promissory note and to foreclose a mortgage on the following described real estate in Floyd County, State of Indiana, to wit: Lot No. Fifty-Four (54), Glenview Heights Subdivision, Section Two, Plat No. 799 of the Floyd County, Indiana records. commonly known as 320 Redbud Drive, New Albany, IN 47150. NOW, THEREFORE, said Defendants are hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said Complaint against them and that unless they appear and answer or otherwise defend thereto within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published, judgment by default may be entered against said Defendants for the relief demanded in the Complaint. ______________________ Dated Clerk, Floyd Circuit Court _____________________________ Nicholas M. Smith (31800-15) Stephanie A. Reinhart (25071-06) Sarah E. Barngrover (28840-64) Chris Wiley (26936-10) J. Dustin Smith (29493-06) Amanda L. Krenson (28999-61) Elyssa M. Meade (25352-64) Attorneys for Plaintiff MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI LLC P.O. Box 441039 Indianapolis, IN 46244 Telephone: 614-220-5611 Facsimile: 614-220-5613 Email: hspaxlp
PUBLIC NOTICE FOR FIRST PUBLIC HEARING On or about November 22, 2019, the Town of Lapel intends to apply to the Indiana Office of Community Rural Affairs for a grant from the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Water program. This program is funded by Title I of the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. These funds are to be used for a community development project that will include the following activities: water improvements. The total amount of CDBG funds to be requested is $500,000. The amount of CDBG funds proposed to be used for activities that will benefit low- and moderate-income persons is $255,000. The Applicant also proposes to expend an estimated $160,000 in non-CDBG funds on the project. These non-CDBG funds will be derived from the following sources: $54,000 Water Operating Fund, $53,000 Water Improvement Fund, and $53,000 Water Improvement Savings Fund. The Town of Lapel will hold a public hearing on September 26, 2019 at 6:30 pm, at the Lapel Eagles Lodge, 110 E. 9th Street, Lapel, IN 46051 to provide interested parties an opportunity to express their views on the proposed federally funded CDBG project. Persons with disabilities or non-English speaking persons who wish to attend the public hearing and need assistance should contact Kleinpeter Consulting Group, LLC at P.O. Box 37, Whiteland, IN 46184 or 812-525-7080 not later than September 20, 2019. Every effort will be made to make reasonable accommodations for these persons. Ciudad de Lapel tendr^ una audiencia p^blica el 26 de Septiembre de 2019 a las 6:30 pm, en el Lapel Eagles Lodge, 110 E. 9th Street, Lapel, IN 46051, para brindar a las partes interesadas la oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones sobre la propuesta federal. Proyecto CDBG financiado por el gobierno federal. Las personas con discapacidades o personas que no hablan ingl^s y que deseen asistir a la audiencia p^blica y necesiten asistencia deben comunicarse con David Kieser al (317) 610-6496 a m^s tardar el 20 de Septiembre de 2019. Se har^n todos los esfuerzos posibles para realizar adaptaciones razonables para estas personas. Information related to this project will be available for review prior to the public hearing as of September 20, 2019. To review the documents prior to the public hearing please contact Dennis Molina, Clerk Treasurer at 765-534-3157 or Interested citizens are invited to provide comments regarding these issues either at the public hearing or by prior written statement. Written comments should be submitted to Kleinpeter Consulting Group, LLC at P.O. Box 37, Whiteland, IN 46184 no later than September 24, 2019 in order to ensure placement of such comments in the official record of the public hearing proceedings. A plan to minimize displacement and provide assistance to those displaced has been prepared by the Town of Lapel and is also available to the public. This project will not result in the displacement of any persons or businesses. For additional information concerning the proposed project, please contact Mike Kleinpeter at (812) 525-7080 during normal business hours Monday through Friday 9am-5pm or write to Kleinpeter Consulting Group, LLC, P.O. Box 37, Whiteland, IN 46184. HB-648 9/11 hspaxlp 1583596
NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE DLC#:Z280-588 By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Clark County, Indiana, in Cause No. 10C01-1711-MF-000269, wherein U.S. Bank National Association was Plaintiff and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) is Judgment Assignee and Thomas J. Shears and Misty D. Shears, were the Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 24th day of October, 2019, at 10 AM. of said day, at the City-County Bldg., 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Clark County, Indiana: Lot Number Fifty-three (53) in Blackiston View as shown on the Plat of Record in Plat Book 6, Page 238 in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. 10/24/03/100/288.000-013 and commonly known as: 1704 Lynch Lane, Clarksville, IN 47129. Subject to all liens, encumbrances, rights of redemption, easements and restrictions of record not otherwise foreclosed and extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause # 10C01-1711-MF-000269 in the Circuit Court of the County of Clark Indiana, and subject to all real estate taxes, and assessments currently due, delinquent or which are to become a lien. Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Doyle & Foutty, P.C. 41 E Washington St, STE 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 /s/ Jamey J. Noel Jamey J. Noel Clark County Sheriff Jeffersonville Township 1704 Lynch Lane, Clarksville, IN Street Address The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein SHERIFF PLEASE SERVE: MANNER OF SERVICE: Thomas J. Shears Sheriff 1704 Lynch Lane Clarksville, IN 47129 Misty D. Shears 1704 Lynch Lane Clarksville, IN 47129 Sheriff DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. IS A DEBT COLLECTOR hspaxlp
COUNTY OF ELKHART, INDIANA NOTICE OF SALE Because of condition and the acquisition of other vehicles, the County of Elkhart, Indiana no longer has a need for the following listed vehicles. The County of Elkhart, Indiana intends to sell the listed vehicles for the highest bid offered in accordance with this Notice of Sale. The sale will be final and in as is condition with all faults and excluding any and all warranties, express or implied, and specifically excluding the implied warranty of merchantability and any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. The vehicles are identified and described as follows: 1. CATERPILLAR 2013 Model 930K with 2056+ hours; Serial No.: CAT0930KCRHN02257 2. CATERPILLAR 2013 Model 930K with 1165+ hours; Serial No.: CAT0930KCRHN02310 Interested persons are invited to submit their sealed bids on or before 9:00 AM on September 30, 2019 to the Elkhart County Administrator, Elkhart County Administration Building, 117 N. Second Street, Goshen, DsT 46526. Bids received after such hour may be rejected. The vehicles and accompanying equipment may be seen at the Elkhart County Highway Department at 610 Steury Avenue, Goshen, IN 46528 by appointment with the Elkhart County Highway Manager who can be contacted at 574-533-0538. All bids will be opened and publicly read on September 30, 2019 at 9:00 AM during the regular meeting of the Elkhart County Commissioners. The County of Elkhart, Indiana may award the vehicles to the highest bidders for the two (2) vehicles, if the highest bidder does not desire to purchase all of the vehicles available. The County of Elkhart, Indiana reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities and technicalities of the bidding process. Bidders whose bids are accepted will be contacted and will be given five (5) business days to pay the offered price in cash or cash equivalents. Successful bidders will be responsible for removal and transportation of the purchased vehicles and accompanying equipment on the date of payment. If payment is not made by the successful bidder by October 7, 2019, the County of Elkhart, Indiana may terminate the award and cancel the bid and make a new award to the bidder with the next highest bid offered. Dated this 9th day of September,2019. Charles McKenzie, Manager Elkhart County Highway Department September 11 hspaxlp
NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SALE Howard County Indiana Beginning 10:00 AM, 10/16/2019 Commissioners Room #338 At 220 North Main Street Local Time Howard County Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following described property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 09/27/2019 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Howard County Circuit Court and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 09/27/2019. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment. Such sale will be held on 10/16/2019 at the Commissioners Room #338 At 220 North Main Street and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale. Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of: (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of: (1) twenty-five dollars ($25) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(c) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney's fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Friday, October 16, 2020 for certificates sold in the tax sale. For certificates struck to the county, the period of redemption may expire Thursday, February 13, 2020. If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 10/16/2019 or during the duration of the sale. This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale. Minimum bid amounts are prescribed by law and are subject to change prior to the auction date. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-3(e), property descriptions may be omitted for properties appearing on the certified list in consecutive years. A complete property list may be obtained at or in an alternative form upon request. Dated: 09/11/2019 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for an Indiana county, you may register online at This registration is good for all counties that SRI services. You need to register only once for all counties. Make sure to bring the completed form with you to each sale. This will speed up the registration process for you the morning of the sale. If you do not have access to a computer with internet service you may register the morning of the sale. Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured you will receive your bid number before the start of the sale. Please bring your registration form and W9 form with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be able to print these forms from the registration web site. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-5.1 a business entity that seeks to register to bid at the Howard County Tax Sale must provide a certificate of good standing or proof of registration in accordance with IC 5-23 from the Secretary of State to the Howard County Treasurer. 341900003 34-10-05-202-007.000-001 $3,287.46 Brown, Jeff & Dickens, Jim JT W/R/S 1040 S Emery St 341900005 34-10-05-208-029.000-001 $2,748.57 Moore, Diane Rochelle BELLAIRE GARDENS LOTS 147 148 149 1120 S Clark St 341900007 34-00-00-700-001.000-002 $402.50 Central Railroad of Indianapolis RR ROW 341900008 34-00-00-700-002.000-002 $367.00 Central Railroad of Indianapolis RR ROW 341900009 34-00-00-700-004.000-002 $499.50 Toledo St Louis & Western R R RR ROW 341900010 34-03-24-251-024.000-002 $6,159.22 Stout, Joe R PT NE4 24-24-3 0.87 AC 2717 N Washington St 341900012 34-03-24-404-002.000-002 $1,787.50 Hood-Fitchpatrick, Catherine CHARLES M STEELE'S S/D LOT 174 2548 N Buckeye St 341900013 34-03-24-404-006.000-002 $1,812.85 Vineyard Investments LLC 2536-2538 N Buckeye St 341900014 34-03-24-404-008.000-002 $35,449.50 Dewitt, Mark A & Kathy S 2512 N Buckeye St 341900015 34-03-24-404-009.000-002 $52,644.90 Dewitt, Mark A & Kathy S 2510 N Buckeye St 341900016 34-03-24-407-012.000-002 $1,267.19 Wade, Robert W CHARLES M STEELE'S S/D LOT 140 2451 N Buckeye St 341900017 34-03-24-451-007.000-002 $2,664.56 Ryan, Earnest D SPRAKER'S 2ND ADDN LOT 8 2210 N Webster St 341900018 34-03-24-451-008.000-002 $843.01 Russell, Penny Elane SPRAKER'S 2ND ADDN LOT 9 2204 N Webster St 341900019 34-03-24-458-005.000-002 $2,106.83 Lucas, Makayla HOMELAWN ADDN LOT 5 2122 N Washington St 341900020 34-03-24-480-014.000-002 $848.70 Esslinger, Michael Allen & Nancy Jane ANGES ADDN LOT 1 2100 N Market St 341900021 34-03-25-103-015.000-002 $1,892.20 Lynch, Robin A WESTERN HEIGHTS LOT 44 1815 N Lindsay St 341900025 34-03-25-131-001.000-002 $4,398.77 ADR Homes LLC SAMUEL BARD'S S/D OF LOT 134 IN KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN LOTS 10 & 11 1924 N Indiana Ave 341900026 34-03-25-131-021.000-002 $2,093.31 Stone, Willie R & Heflin, Brett L SAMUEL BARD'S S/D OF LOT 134 IN KIRKPARTICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDNLOTS 16 17 & 18 45' E END 720 W Spraker St 341900027 34-03-25-132-004.000-002 $17,529.81 Investor's One Corporation 1910 N Morrison St 341900028 34-03-25-134-011.000-002 $1,974.76 HGM Holdings LLC SCOTT S/D OF 132 & K & S LOTS 1 & 4 91' ENT E END EXC 48' S SD 1819 N Indiana Ave 341900030 34-03-25-138-003.000-002 $1,775.37 Jackson, Steven W Sr KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN LOT 129 53'X150' 1722 N Wabash Ave 341900031 34-03-25-138-013.000-002 $1,658.24 Barsoda, Richard KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN PT LOT 129 100'X 150' 1704 N Wabash Ave 341900032 34-03-25-140-008.000-002 $1,312.10 Vogel, Jason KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN LOT 87 44 FT OFF ENT S SD 1717 N Courtland Ave & 1/2 341900033 34-03-25-152-010.000-002 $691.40 Warren, Marcia A CONRADT LOT 232 1512 N Lindsay St 341900035 34-03-25-152-019.000-002 $1,782.60 Addison, Christopher CONRADT LOTS 181 & 182 1525 N Leeds St 341900039 34-03-25-158-022.000-002 $1,656.72 Kinzie, Alvin Jr & Linda CONRADT LOT 3 1307 N Wabash Ave 341900040 34-03-25-178-002.000-002 $1,942.61 Hinshaw, David R KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN NW COR LOT 102 1618 N Morrison St 341900041 34-03-25-178-003.000-002 $1,498.70 Hinshaw, David R KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN LOT 102 EX 1618 N Morrison St 341900043 34-03-25-183-010.000-002 $40,021.80 Goble, Lisa N Indiana Ave 341900045 34-03-25-187-011.000-002 $2,704.28 Martinez, Baltazar KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 2ND ADDN LOT 125 50' X 132' ON N ST 826 W North St 341900046 34-03-25-187-017.000-002 $10,443.89 Pollett, Richard A 800 W North St 341900047 34-03-25-187-026.000-002 $2,028.78 Craft, Michael W & Tina A KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 1ST ADDN LOT 65 EXC 30 FT ENT W END OF 49 FT S SD 1301 N Morrison St 341900048 34-03-25-189-004.000-002 $2,629.67 Miller, Joseph Edwin KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 1ST ADDN LOT 46 S2 & N2 VAC ALLEY 7 X 123.5' 1312 N Courtland Ave 341900049 34-03-25-189-005.000-002 $322.60 Miller, Joseph Edwin KIRKPATRICK & SCOTT'S 1ST ADDN LOT 47 24' ENT N SD & S2 VAC ALLY 7X123.5' N Courtland Ave 341900053 34-03-25-229-010.000-002 $2,629.93 Hinshaw, David R PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 42 1923 N Apperson Way 341900054 34-03-25-230-016.000-002 $4,219.05 Tru Cut Tree Services Inc JONES & SHIRK LOTS 21 THRU 24 AND 1/2 VAC ANN ST ADJ 101 W Butler St 341900055 34-03-25-234-016.000-002 $2,952.80 Kokomo Indoor Golf Simulators LLC PARK VIEW ADDN LOTS 31 & 32 EXC 12' S SD LOT 31 1805 N Apperson Way 341900057 34-03-25-251-026.000-002 $1,696.78 Norris, Bonnalyn I OUT LOT 160 EX 60 FT W SD 406 W North St 341900058 34-03-25-251-028.000-002 $2,412.15 Magers, Sharon Kay OUT LOT 158 326 W North St 341900059 34-03-25-278-022.000-002 $1,778.30 Groves, Richard PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 109 1501 N Lafountain St 341900060 34-03-25-283-001.000-002 $9,015.65 H & H Partnership Inc PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 193 W 2 UNION ST VAC & PARK ST VAC 174 E North ST 341900062 34-03-25-285-011.000-002 $1,904.83 Straitgate Ministries Inc PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 96 EXC 48' E END 1302 N Lafountain St 341900063 34-03-25-285-014.000-002 $2,482.58 Blaisdell, Patricia & Brumfiel, John T Jr PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 11 1417 N Apperson Way 341900064 34-03-25-285-021.000-002 $2,118.27 Cunningham, Gregory L PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 4 1317 N Apperson Way 341900065 34-03-25-285-023.000-002 $620.60 ADR Homes LLC PARK VIEW ADDN LOT 2 1309 N Apperson Way 341900066 34-03-25-305-006.000-002 $5,416.66 Poole, Michelle OAK GROVE LOT 127 1114 N Philips St 341900068 34-03-25-327-012.000-002 $872.70 Young, Ellen M W S ARMSTRONG AND OTHERS ADDN LOT 51 1233 N Morrison St 341900071 34-03-25-354-017.000-002 $793.80 Bowlin, David MILLER & HARBAUGH'S WOODROW ADDN LOT 3 925 N McCann St 341900072 34-03-25-358-005.000-002 $2,773.43 Bowlin, James R G SMITH'S 5TH ADDN LOT 122 1014 W Monroe St 341900073 34-03-25-359-004.000-002 $601.40 Reid, Jeffrey R & Heather R G SMITH'S 5TH ADDN LOT 148 909 W Madison St 341900074 34-03-25-361-002.000-002 $807.91 Schoeppner, Albert J & Barbi R R G SMITH'S 5TH ADDN LOT 113 PT NW COR & LOT 112 3' E SD N OF RR 1117 W Monroe St 341900075 34-03-25-362-005.000-002 $6,351.13 Owens, Myrandi R G SMITH'S 5TH ADDN LOT 98 1100 W Jefferson St 341900077 34-03-25-363-013.000-002 $604.74 Sallee, Stephen W HUSTON S/D LOT 94 R G S 5TH LOT 3 EX 7' N ED 1000 W Jefferson St 341900078 34-03-25-364-007.000-002 $1,604.88 HGM Holdings LLC R G SMITH'S 3RD ADDN LOT 43 EXC 49' S END 901 W Monroe St 341900079 34-03-25-378-008.000-002 $3,148.24 Reynolds, April R G SMITH'S 4TH ADDN LOT 74 33' S SD 911 N Courtland Ave 341900080 34-03-25-379-002.000-002 $7,239.30 O'Hearn, Warren E W Havens St 341900081 34-03-25-379-004.000-002 $843.04 O'Hearn, Warren E 511 W Havens St 341900082 34-03-25-379-010.000-002 $4,445.04 Gehrmann, Pauline R G SMITH'S 1ST ADDN LOT 2 S2 913 N Webster St 341900085 34-03-25-404-003.000-002 $839.66 Kilcline, Steven G & Maria A CORYDON RICHMONDS ADDN LOT 97 48.4'X90' & 19' BROADWAY ST ADJ 423 W Broadway St 341900086 34-03-25-428-028.000-002 $982.00 Swisher, Jeffrey PETER HEGNER ADDN LOT 4 10' MARKET ST VAC 1237 N Lafountain St 341900087 34-03-25-428-039.000-002 $2,369.20 Wettstein Contractors LLC SHARP & ALBRIGHT LOT 32 2' N SD & LOT 33 1242 N Union St 341900088 34-03-25-429-002.000-002 $2,886.42 Corbin, George Walter & Odelia CRIPE ADDN LOT 4 407 E North St 341900089 34-03-25-432-003.000-002 $676.27 Pate, Karolina MCGREGOR'S ADDN W2 LOTS 50 THRU 52 303 E Broadway St 341900090 34-03-25-433-001.000-002 $16,337.31 Affiliated Collections Associates Inc 405 E Broadway St 341900091 34-03-25-433-028.000-002 $4,616.58 Smith, James P Jr 1023 N Apperson Way 341900092 34-03-25-433-029.000-002 $1,089.25 Smith, James P Jr 1019 N Apperson Way 341900093 34-03-25-433-031.000-002 $19,064.29 Beard, Robert L 1007 N Apperson Way 341900094 34-03-25-433-034.000-002 $3,544.40 Khoon, Lim Say BARDS LOTS 14 & 15 EXC 16' ENT S SD LOT 15 1025 N Apperson Way 341900095 34-03-25-451-006.000-002 $2,688.90 Taylor, Larry J & Janet L WELSH & RISINGER LOT 6 902 N Webster St 341900097 34-03-25-453-013.000-002 $36,693.80 Hodson, Melody R 315 W Havens St 341900098 34-03-25-453-024.000-002 $5,807.72 Pulverenti, Kenneth J OUT LOT 140 W 1/2 & PT SW4 SE4 25-24-3 810 N Armstrong St 341900099 34-03-25-455-008.000-002 $25,906.52 Schofield, Clifford 410 W Monroe St 341900100 34-03-25-456-002.000-002 $24,733.09 D J Contracting LLC 714 N Armstrong St 341900101 34-03-25-456-003.000-002 $66,666.29 D J Contracting LLC 324 W Monroe St 341900102 34-03-25-456-004.000-002 $34,609.63 D J Contracting LLC 320 W Monroe St 341900103 34-03-25-479-001.000-002 $35,338.21 Woodard, Jack L & Cole, Cassandra 401 E Havens St 341900104 34-03-25-479-002.000-002 $32,563.49 Woodard, Jack L & Cole, Cassandra 405 E Havens St 341900105 34-03-25-479-003.000-002 $8,534.39 Woodard, Jack L & Cole, Cassandra E Havens St 341900106 34-03-25-479-012.000-002 $610.15 Tri-State Council of Ind, Ohio & Kentucky Inc 410 E Richmond St 341900107 34-03-25-482-002.000-002 $795.50 Chavez, Carlos A A KENNEDY'S 2ND ADDN LOT 23 24.5' W SD 307 E Richmond St 341900108 34-03-25-482-006.000-002 $13,911.91 Cameron, Evelyn F 323 E Richmond St 341900109 34-03-25-486-002.000-002 $3,404.25 Parker, Ervin J 211 E Madison St 341900111 34-03-26-255-006.000-002 $677.62 Clemens, Jordan BERKLEY NORTHWEST PHASE ONE BLDG 2 UNIT 2 & UND % INT IN CA 1820 Sussex On Berkley 341900113 34-03-26-282-003.000-002 $2,577.61 Newman, Alfred L & Geneva M CONWELL'S S/D SEC 3 LOT 41 EXC 2' W SD & 2' W SD LOT 42 1411 Schuler Dr 341900115 34-03-26-330-010.000-002 $968.61 Whipp, Jennifer Lee FOREST PARK ESTATES SEC 15 LOT 288 1905 Windsor Dr 341900116 34-03-26-353-004.000-002 $3,334.96 Westside Storage of Kokomo LLC 606 St Joseph Dr 341900117 34-03-26-353-010.000-002 $8,750.75 Harrold, Thomas L & Ferguson, James F 610 St Joseph Dr 341900118 34-03-26-426-003.000-002 $596.43 Jackson, Dawn LAFAYETTE S/D SEC 3 OF LAFAYETTE PLACE LOT 5 132 Lafayette Cir 341900119 34-03-26-426-004.000-002 $3,531.66 Hoosier Home Team Inc LAFAYETTE S/D SEC 3 OF LAFAYETTE PLACE LOT 3 1220 Columbus Blvd 341900121 34-03-26-432-003.000-002 $812.23 Acord, Eric D & Lori A LAFAYETTE PLACE (MILLER & HARBAUGH'S) BLK 11 LOT 24 4' S OF 56' W ED 56' W SD LOT 25 56' W ED LOT 26 & VAC ST 1124 Columbus Blvd 341900122 34-03-26-432-005.000-002 $2,742.15 HGM Holdings LLC LAFAYETTE PLACE (MILLER & HARBAUGH'S) BLK 11 LOT 27-28 & 4' NS 29 & VAC ST ADJ W SD & COLUMBUS PARK 1118 Columbus Blvd 341900126 34-03-26-482-007.000-002 $2,520.60 Chavez, Carlos PT LOT 1 SE4 26-24-3 120'X94.215' 0.26 AC 1313 W Madison St 341900127 34-03-34-280-017.000-002 $2,311.08 Rash, Emily Kay SYCAMORE VILLAGE SEC 4 LOT 104 2514 Walker Ave 341900128 34-03-35-154-019.000-002 $2,752.77 Dupay, Amanda GREENBRIAR S/D LOT 19 409 Devonshire Dr 341900129 34-03-35-231-002.000-002 $453.70 Augustine, Jeffery R W Taylor St 341900130 34-03-35-231-019.000-002 $2,755.73 Gaston, Robin M SUNSET ADDN LOT 77 1404 W Mulberry St 341900131 34-03-35-238-001.000-002 $290.70 Turner, William H & Cook Leslie & Josephine 1417 W Walnut St 341900132 34-03-35-238-002.000-002 $400.20 Turner, William H & Cook, Leslie & Josephine 1415 W Walnut St 341900133 34-03-35-254-006.000-002 $3,440.00 Craig, Jean Ann FOREST HILLS S/D PT LOT 1 162 S Forest Dr 341900135 34-03-35-328-002.000-002 $847.25 Pate, Hans S WEST BERKLEY PLACE SEC 1 LOT 1 413 S Berkley Rd 341900137 34-03-36-105-002.000-002 $997.95 McVay, Ledford G G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN LOT 8 915 W Jefferson St 341900138 34-03-36-108-002.000-002 $1,345.40 Martin, Jennifer E G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN 20'10X92' NE COR LOT 61 27.5'X92' NW COR & STP 12'X56.5' MID PT S 1117 W Jackson St 341900140 34-03-36-110-005.000-002 $1,579.00 HGM Holdings LLC G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN LOT 50 EXC 50'X66' S SD & 12' E END EXC 50' S END LOT 51 903 W Jackson St 341900141 34-03-36-110-008.000-002 $7,194.58 King, Larry A & Jane M G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN LOT 82 EX 58.5' N SD & EX 20' S END 920 W Taylor St 341900142 34-03-36-110-011.000-002 $3,113.22 Visio Limited G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN LOT 85 36' OFF ENT N END 411 N Wabash Ave 341900143 34-03-36-126-014.000-002 $1,461.11 Warwick, Terris L & Cannon, Delmar G W HOCKERS 1ST ADDN LOT 5 EXC 30' OFF ENT E SD 823 W Jefferson St 341900144 34-03-36-127-028.000-002 $831.00 McCrumb, Cathy L J M LEEDS LOT 8 EXC 37.25' W SD & OUT LOT 161 16.5'X33.75' 604 W Jackson St 341900145 34-03-36-129-007.000-002 $3,257.56 Cavazos, Henry ROBBINS' 1ST ADDN LOT 6 619 W Jackson St 341900146 34-03-36-133-004.000-002 $3,674.90 Redstar Investments LLC W B SMITH LOT 12 8' S SD FOR ALLEY W B SMITH EX 35-1/3' W SD 709 W Mulberry St & 1/2 341900149 34-03-36-202-004.000-002 $7,541.69 Hale, Cassandra & Chandler, Carl D C METSKER'S 2ND ADDN LOTS 21 & 22 2ND ADDN W2 OF EA 409 W Jefferson St 341900150 34-03-36-202-011.000-002 $1,399.15 McGinty, Douglas D C METSKER'S 2ND ADDN LOT 19 EX 52' ENT W SD 80' E SD 501 N Armstrong St 341900151 34-03-36-204-004.000-002 $9,240.51 Kipcor 519 LLC MILLS & RICHMONDS (RAIL ROAD) ADDN LOT 17 & PT LOTS 16 & 18 0.28 AC 519 N Buckeye St 341900153 34-03-36-209-002.000-002 $2,617.10 Veal, Anthony WESTERN ADDN BY MILLS & JONES ET AL LOTS 7 & 8 16' E SD LOT 7 & 25' W SD LOT 8 417 W Taylor St 341900154 34-03-36-230-004.000-002 $3,632.16 Koh, Danny & Roeung, Sothol LEVIN BIRTS (EASTERN) ADDN LOT 11 27' S SD & LOT 12 6' N SD 506 N Market St 341900155 34-03-36-237-006.000-002 $2,041.10 Home Banc Center Inc DAVID FOSTER'S EAST ADDN LOT 76 321 E Taylor St 341900156 34-03-36-240-002.000-002 $24,007.21 Kipcor 219 LLC ORIGINAL PLAT LOTS 38 & 39 219 N Union St 341900157 34-03-36-242-007.000-002 $5,535.95 Vogel, James Jr DAVID FOSTER'S EAST ADDN LOT 47 40 X 87 FT 308 E Walnut St 341900159 34-03-36-281-008.003-002 $1,367.90 Home Banc Center Inc SYCAMORE STREET CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 2B & UND 17% COMMON AREA OF OP LOT 14 MID 1/3 (22'X132') 109-B W Sycamore St 341900162 34-03-36-305-020.000-002 $447.62 Lawson, Timothy E A F ARMSTRONG'S SUNNYSIDE ADDN LOT 129 719 S Brandon St 341900163 34-03-36-305-022.000-002 $1,758.95 Matheny, Robert A F ARMSTRONG'S SUNNYSIDE ADDN LOT 127 727 S Brandon St 341900164 34-03-36-306-026.000-002 $844.63 Ozenbaugh, Chadlee A & Robin E M BLOOMFIELD'S ADDN LOT 107 625 S McCann St 341900165 34-03-36-327-002.000-002 $1,452.34 McClain, Kyle C MILLER & HARBAUGH'S CENTRAL ADDN LOT 7 TO 9 40' MID PT OF EA 316 S Courtland Ave 341900166 34-03-36-328-017.000-002 $1,522.00 Murray, George & Edith S McCann St 341900167 34-03-36-330-003.000-002 $1,772.60 Montgomery, James Earl & Hostetler, Jeffrey Allen E M BLOOMFIELD'S ADDN LOT 22 500 S Indiana Ave 341900168 34-03-36-332-022.000-002 $1,561.52 Partlow, Klent E & Jemael L KENNEDY & STUBBINS LOT 33 749 S Webster St 341900169 34-03-36-377-015.000-002 $2,422.92 Boughton, Thomas R LONGVIEW ADDN LOT 3 W2 EXC 36' W ED ALSO 6' W SD E2 LOT 3 505 W Harrison St 341900170 34-03-36-377-021.000-002 $19,069.68 Hall, Jason L & Jill E 827 S Webster St 341900171 34-03-36-402-030.000-002 $3,097.94 Hoosier Home Team Inc ELLIOTT KIRKPATRICK & BLACKLIDGE LOT 2 509 S Armstrong St 341900172 34-03-36-402-039.000-002 $1,045.80 Matnic Properties LLC ELLIOTT KIRKPATRICK & BLACKLIDGE LOT 11 619 S Armstrong St 341900173 34-03-36-402-041.000-002 $2,485.84 Orr, William 515 S Armstrong St 341900177 34-03-36-403-041.000-002 $3,272.52 Vogel, Jason A MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ADDN LOT 24 527 S Washington St 341900178 34-03-36-404-008.000-002 $3,714.98 Gerhart, Julianna MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ADDN LOT 30 & PT KING VAC 5'X127' 620 S Washington St 341900179 34-03-36-432-006.000-002 $741.93 Harrison, Phyllis J OAKLAND ADDN LOT 11 401 E Vaile Ave 341900181 34-03-36-453-019.000-002 $2,654.70 ADR Homes LLC MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ADDN LOT 37 723 S Buckeye St 341900182 34-03-36-455-010.000-002 $6,921.70 Sturgell, Stephen S & Shirley A MANSFIELD LOT 7 904 S Armstrong St 341900183 34-03-36-455-022.000-002 $2,597.02 Velvet Clover LLC MANSFIELD LOT 32 815 S Washington St 341900184 34-03-36-478-012.000-002 $3,641.72 HGM Holdings LLC OAKLAND ADDN LOTS 26 & 27 40' OFF ENT E END BOTH LOTS 212 E Harrison St 341900185 34-03-36-479-004.000-002 $1,745.47 Kiser, Jenny A OAKLAND ADDN LOT 56 716 S Market St 341900188 34-03-36-483-017.000-002 $33,907.77 Ingle, Teresa M 815 S Market St 341900189 34-03-36-484-029.000-002 $1,124.95 Satya Ventures Inc PT W SD LOT 3 IN SE4 36-24-3 0.118 AC 300 E Markland Ave 341900191 34-04-19-179-010.000-002 $2,723.55 Bagwell, Ashley BON AIR SCHOOL S/D LOT 72 2802 N Waugh St 341900192 34-04-19-181-001.000-002 $693.31 Fouch, Frank J & Joy E BON AIR SCHOOL S/D LOT 111 3002 N Delphos St 341900193 34-04-19-308-012.000-002 $8,173.98 Lee, Clarence E & Susie T 2410 N Apperson Way 341900194 34-04-19-309-017.000-002 $2,963.40 Sisneros, Sabrina L BON AIR PARK LOT 104 2431 N Purdum St 341900195 34-04-19-310-014.000-002 $3,945.39 Eads, Robert N Purdum St 341900197 34-04-19-327-012.000-002 $1,439.69 Moore, Pamela S BON AIR CREST S/D SEC 2 LOT 192 (OF BON AIR CREST ADDN) 1116 E Gerhart St 341900199 34-04-19-331-001.000-002 $1,700.73 Francis, John R & Cecelia M BON AIR CREST S/D SEC 1 LOT 71 (OF BON AIR CREST ADDN) 825 E Fischer St 341900200 34-04-19-332-021.000-002 $3,719.47 Francis, John R & Cecelia M BON AIR CREST S/D SEC 1 LOT 91 (OF BON AIR CREST ADDN) 2431 N Ohio Ave 341900201 34-04-19-333-012.000-002 $1,508.31 Groves, Richard K BON AIR CREST S/D SEC 1 LOT 37 (OF BON AIR CREST ADDN) 1025 Brentwood Dr 341900203 34-04-19-377-010.000-002 $2,152.14 Glaze, Amy BON AIR VISTA ADDN LOT 239 2218 N Locke St 341900204 34-04-19-379-028.000-002 $995.83 Groves, Melody BON AIR VISTA ADDN LOTS 388 & 389 2203 N Ohio Ave 341900206 34-04-19-381-007.000-002 $278.00 Forkner, Abigail M BON AIR VISTA ADDN LOT 307 N Waugh St 341900207 34-04-19-381-008.000-002 $2,710.10 Forkner, Abigail M BON AIR VISTA ADDN LOT 308 2128 N Waugh St 341900210 34-04-19-452-005.000-002 $1,382.00 Meacham, Doris FARMERS TRUST ADDN LOT 107 N Diamond St 341900212 34-04-30-105-005.000-002 $2,144.30 Mooney, Paul ENGLEWOOD PARK LOT 3 N2 & KENNEDY ST VAC & TRACTION R/W ADJ EX 20' UNION TRACTION R/W 1724 N Apperson Way 341900213 34-04-30-105-012.000-002 $4,937.70 Cannon, Delmar S ENGLEWOOD PARK LOT 23 N2 1817 N Bell St 341900214 34-04-30-127-004.000-002 $30,097.96 Tinder, William A Sr & Tammy K 1938 N Waugh St 341900219 34-04-30-131-012.000-002 $2,457.73 Smith, Diana EAST ENGLEWOOD ADDN LOT 85 EXC 45' S SD & 55' NW COR 1119 E Spraker St 341900220 34-04-30-152-014.000-002 $1,396.53 HGM Holdings LLC TUXEDO ADDN LOTS 102 & 103 20.5' ENT S SD LOT 102 13' ENT N END LOT 103 1619 N Purdum St 341900221 34-04-30-152-019.000-002 $611.76 Barr, Chris A II TUXEDO ADDN LOT 108 1521 N Purdum St 341900222 34-04-30-153-009.000-002 $2,323.93 Warren, James L & Carolyn S TUXEDO ADDN LOT 116 1520 N Purdum St 341900223 34-04-30-153-010.000-002 $1,789.00 Warren, Carolyn S TUXEDO ADDN LOT 115 1510 N Purdum St 341900224 34-04-30-153-017.000-002 $24,751.76 Dempsey, Randy L 1605 N Jay St 341900225 34-04-30-178-004.000-002 $1,050.40 Holmes, Rickey A Jr GARDEN PLACE LOT 63 EXC 250' W SD & 75' E SD 1121 E Lordeman St 341900226 34-04-30-178-014.000-002 $1,438.42 Beard, Devona R GARDEN PLACE LOT 56 W2 EXC 25' OF ENT S SD & 12.5' ENT S SD LOT 57 1412 N Delphos St 341900227 34-04-30-178-021.000-002 $2,235.30 Gaillard, Teal & Mazzie E GARDEN PLACE LOT 60 E2 1519 N Ohio Ave 341900228 34-04-30-301-015.000-002 $923.62 Bellamy, Carolyn F MOTZ & GRETHERS ADDN LOT 24 1211 N Bell St 341900229 34-04-30-303-010.000-002 $1,178.00 Green, Kim E DRAPER & JOHNSTON'S 1ST ADDN LOT 2 & N2 VAC ALLEY 819 E North St 341900230 34-04-30-303-014.000-002 $16,717.51 Orndorff, Jacqueline A 706 E Dixon St 341900231 34-04-30-305-014.000-002 $1,348.91 Minor, Michu MOTZ & GRETHERS ADDN LOT 48 1119 N Bell St 341900232 34-04-30-306-011.000-002 $6,889.10 McCray, Anthony & Sylvia MOTZ & GRETHERS ADDN LOT 43 1123 N Purdum St 341900234 34-04-30-307-023.000-002 $2,491.71 Mills, Tresa MILLER & HARBAUGH'S GLOBE ADDN LOT 67 812 E Elm St 341900235 34-04-30-308-016.000-002 $1,794.49 Fields, Steve MOTZ & GRETHERS ADDN LOT 93 1003 N Bell St 341900237 34-04-30-309-013.000-002 $4,822.90 Boucher, Jeff 1007 N Purdum St 341900238 34-04-30-326-001.000-002 $23,258.07 1983 Finance Company LC 901 E North St 341900239 34-04-30-326-021.000-002 $1,577.38 Gaillard, Teal J MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 42 944 E Dixon St 341900240 34-04-30-327-026.000-002 $1,499.98 Gill, Shawn MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOTS 27 & 28 1054 E Dixon St 341900241 34-04-30-328-011.000-002 $3,055.60 Furze, Nona C MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 63 945 E Dixon St 341900242 34-04-30-328-026.000-002 $2,538.80 Abdul-Ali, Hassan & Ahmad MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOTS 59 & 60 931 E Dixon St 341900243 34-04-30-328-028.000-002 $965.05 951 East Dixon Street Land Trust MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOTS 64 & 65 951 E Dixon St 341900244 34-04-30-329-009.000-002 $1,599.20 HGM Holdings LLC MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 75 1043 E Dixon St 341900248 34-04-30-332-005.000-002 $1,255.42 Brown, Leigh Ann MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 161 917 E Elm St 341900250 34-04-30-332-020.000-002 $865.51 Douglas, Demetrius Darnell MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 202 932 E Havens St 341900251 34-04-30-332-026.000-002 $3,178.25 Beard, Adrienne 948 E Havens St 341900252 34-04-30-333-001.000-002 $3,031.17 Ealy, Fannie M MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 170 1001 E Elm St 341900253 34-04-30-351-010.000-002 $5,676.51 CM Enterprize Inc MOTZ & GRETHERS ADDN LOT 96 W2 515 E Havens St 341900254 34-04-30-352-015.000-002 $873.55 Gilead House 901 N Purdum St 341900256 34-04-30-355-005.000-002 $307.25 ADR Homes LLC HEATON ALBRIGHT & JAMES LOT 9 W2 33' N END 710 N Apperson Way 341900257 34-04-30-357-004.000-002 $787.20 Whitfield, John T & Alberta J O HEATON'S 2ND ADDN LOT 22 700 N Purdum St 341900258 34-04-30-358-005.000-002 $1,643.16 ADR Homes LLC J O HEATON'S 2ND ADDN LOT 25 S2 S2 706 N Jay St 341900259 34-04-30-359-002.000-002 $2,061.03 ADR Homes LLC HEATON ALBRIGHT & JAMES LOT 16 EX 10' & 50' NE COR 620 N Apperson Way 341900260 34-04-30-360-005.000-002 $19,365.66 McCoy, Darryl E E Jefferson St 341900261 34-04-30-360-009.000-002 $27,945.21 Allgood, Jackie E & William E Jr E Jefferson St 341900262 34-04-30-376-011.000-002 $270.70 Whitfield, Willie A & Mary E MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 220 E Havens St 341900263 34-04-30-376-012.000-002 $2,149.64 Whitfield, Willie A & Mary MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 221 955 E Havens St 341900264 34-04-30-376-014.000-002 $1,447.09 Boundey, James & Trudibeth MILLER & HARBAUGH'S ARGO ADDN LOT 259 904 E Richmond St 341900267 34-04-30-380-009.000-002 $45,045.90 Campbell, Ronald E 910 E Monroe St 341900268 34-04-30-380-011.000-002 $2,795.77 Griggs, Stacey PT E2 SW4 30-24-4 0.15 AC 920 E Monroe St 341900269 34-04-30-381-003.000-002 $2,778.86 Smith, Anita Durham 1006 E Monroe St 341900270 34-04-30-382-005.000-002 $2,463.87 Woodard, John T BROOKSIDE ADDN LOT 48 1102 E Monroe St 341900271 34-04-30-384-004.000-002 $1,875.22 Cannon, Veronica BROOKSIDE ADDN LOT 36 1015 E Monroe St 341900272 34-04-30-385-017.000-002 $1,932.55 Affiliated Collection Association Inc N Ohio Ave 341900273 34-04-30-451-003.000-002 $1,087.10 Tolle, Rodney Eric & Rodney Jason T S ARMSTRONG LOT 5 N Ohio Ave 341900274 34-04-30-451-004.000-002 $992.30 Tolle, Rodney Eric & Rodney Jason T S ARMSTRONG LOT 4 N Ohio Ave 341900275 34-04-30-451-006.000-002 $1,142.76 Tolle, Rodney Eric & Rodney Jason T S ARMSTRONG LOT 2 810 N Ohio Ave 341900276 34-04-30-451-007.000-002 $1,142.76 Tolle, Rodney Eric & Rodney Jason T S ARMSTRONG LOT 1 N Ohio Ave 341900277 34-04-30-452-003.000-002 $8,096.05 Tolle, Rodney Eric & Rodney Jason PT LOTS 2 & 3 SE4 30-24-4 6.13 AC 800 N Ohio Ave 341900278 34-04-30-455-005.000-002 $1,946.56 Tribue, Roy T E Madison St 341900279 34-04-30-455-015.000-002 $3,863.47 Eyapaha Solutions LLC COOPER & KENNEDY LOTS 14 &15 1432 E Monroe St 341900280 34-04-30-457-008.000-002 $460.71 Fox, Erick COOPER & KENNEDY LOT 12 1441 E Monroe St 341900281 34-04-30-477-004.000-002 $892.22 Sulaica, Lou Anne PT LOT 7 SE4 30-24-4 0.36 AC 640 N Cooper St 341900282 34-04-30-477-008.000-002 $1,130.42 Talbert, Brian R E Jefferson St 341900284 34-04-30-477-014.000-002 $4,549.25 Gaillard, Teal PT LOT 7 SE4 30-24-4 (340'X165') 1.09 AC 1470 E Jefferson St 341900285 34-04-31-101-010.000-002 $22,330.05 St Clair, Aaron A 615 E Jefferson St 341900286 34-04-31-101-012.000-002 $1,894.46 Foster, Clarence W & Jimmie E Jefferson St 341900287 34-04-31-101-039.000-002 $8,214.41 Nix, Harvey Lee & Barbara 702 E Jackson St 341900288 34-04-31-103-011.000-002 $8,980.28 Wellington Investments LLC 614 E Taylor St 341900289 34-04-31-104-012.000-002 $1,533.21 Burbank, Chester O E Taylor St Cont. on next page hspaxlp
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Tax Sale Page 2 341900290 34-04-31-105-005.000-002 $2,619.22 Stinson, Shannon JOHN FRAZIERS ADDN LOT 7 815 E Jackson St 341900291 34-04-31-105-006.000-002 $372.80 Wettstein Contractors LLC JOHN FRAZIERS ADDN LOT 8 823 E Jackson St 341900292 34-04-31-105-007.000-002 $20,837.97 McCord Investments LLC 800 E Taylor St 341900293 34-04-31-107-008.000-002 $1,450.36 Burks, Perry MORRIS S/D OF O L 179 LOT 16 613 E Taylor St 341900294 34-04-31-107-012.000-002 $697.46 Allied Indiana Investments LLC MORRIS S/D 42.56' S ED N OF ALLEY LOT 14 & 4.3' EW X 42.56' NS SE COR LOT 15 & H A BROUSE'S ADDN PT LOT 18 315 N Purdum St 341900295 34-04-31-107-020.000-002 $1,808.35 Mundell, Robert M & Elizabeth K MORRIS S/D O L 179 PT LOT 13 40' BACK & 40' FRONT & H A BROUSE PT LOT 18 614 E Mulberry St 341900296 34-04-31-108-006.000-002 $2,144.10 ADR Homes LLC H A BROUSE LOT 12 & E2 VAC JAY ST 801 E Taylor St 341900297 34-04-31-108-011.000-002 $59,748.97 Duncan, Lila L 302 N Purdum St 341900298 34-04-31-108-013.000-002 $1,390.55 Duncan, Lila E Mulberry St 341900300 34-04-31-110-009.000-002 $3,175.57 Van Cameron, Ricardo 627 E Mulberry St 341900301 34-04-31-111-004.000-002 $986.36 Mallory, Melissa & Rush, Matthew Allen A R BOWKERS LOT 15 713 E Mulberry St 341900304 34-04-31-126-002.000-002 $1,072.48 Kennedy, Shelley V PT LOT 4 NW4 31-24-4 0.11 AC 917 E Jefferson St 341900305 34-04-31-126-003.000-002 $18,188.99 Hillman, Jesse 903 E Jackson St 341900306 34-04-31-126-004.000-002 $17,306.12 Fitzpatrick, Daniel 907 E Jackson St 341900307 34-04-31-126-006.000-002 $1,644.80 Fort, Gwendolyn B W T CHAMBER'S 1ST ADDN LOT 4 EX 3 FT W SD ALSO VAC ALLEY ADJ N SD 824 E Taylor St 341900308 34-04-31-127-002.000-002 $1,351.75 HGM Holdings LLC EMMA SOMERS ADDN LOT 1 1105 E Jefferson St 341900309 34-04-31-127-011.000-002 $889.40 Brown, Jeff & Greene, David EMMA SOMERS ADDN LOT 3 502 N Delphos St 341900311 34-04-31-128-003.000-002 $9,780.94 Allen, Robert L Jr & William & Lillian & Larry 825 E Taylor St 341900312 34-04-31-130-013.000-002 $62,130.46 LaGrone, Angelo 902 E Walnut St 341900313 34-04-31-152-002.000-002 $1,382.93 Fussner, Kathy PT LOT 6 NW4 31-24-4 68X138' 0.22 AC 619 E Walnut St 341900314 34-04-31-157-012.000-002 $1,743.35 Moody, Mark A & Moody, Marlys H T J FAULKNER LOT 49 S PT 0.24 AC 300 S Purdum St 341900315 34-04-31-157-014.000-002 $4,081.56 Moody, Mark A T J FAULKNER PT LOT 49 0.73 AC 330 S Purdum St 341900316 34-04-31-159-001.000-002 $27,733.91 Lunsford, Virgil J E Superior St 341900317 34-04-31-159-002.000-002 $365.76 ADR Homes LLC T J FAULKNER'S ADDN LOT 20 E2 803 E Superior St 341900318 34-04-31-159-004.000-002 $41,549.06 Coleman, Alberta E Superior St 341900319 34-04-31-159-011.000-002 $577.00 Newby, Kenneth 218 S Jay St 341900320 34-04-31-159-013.000-002 $26,975.67 Lunsford, Virgil J 806 E Maple St 341900322 34-04-31-177-010.000-002 $13,492.25 Turfdogs LLC W T CHAMBER'S 2ND ADDN LOTS 25 THRU 28 1020 E Sycamore St 341900323 34-04-31-178-010.000-002 $1,989.46 Lamberson, R E E Walnut St 341900325 34-04-31-179-011.000-002 $1,135.25 Conwell, Phillip G & Jeanne T J FAULKNER'S ADDN LOT 12 914 E Superior St 341900326 34-04-31-181-006.000-002 $31,772.30 Morris, Leslie & Betty Lou & Robert 921 E Superior St 341900327 34-04-31-201-014.000-002 $1,575.96 WLL & Co LLC MCCLURE'S ROSE FARM ADDN LOT 1 1317 E Jefferson St 341900328 34-04-31-201-015.000-002 $789.48 WLL & Co LLC MCCLURE'S ROSE FARM ADDN LOT 2 E Jefferson St 341900329 34-04-31-201-032.000-002 $2,071.38 Tolle, Rodney Eric COLES HEIGHTS LOT 23 1240 E Taylor St 341900330 34-04-31-202-010.000-002 $2,902.09 Hardimon, Orval C & Marian F MCCLURE'S ROSE FARM ADDN LOTS 28 29 & 30 N3 408 N Calumet St 341900332 34-04-31-203-004.000-002 $11,231.31 Stewart, Loren & Glenda S 1215 E Taylor St 341900333 34-04-31-203-021.000-002 $1,768.70 Kokomo Properties LLC COLES HEIGHTS LOT 38 1333 E Taylor St 341900334 34-04-31-203-038.000-002 $14,091.61 Downhour, Calvin L & Toni A 1232 E Mulberry St 341900336 34-04-31-203-048.000-002 $3,275.36 Cuttriss, Jack J & Dorothy E & Alan L & Kathryn L E Mulberry St 341900338 34-04-31-205-001.000-002 $3,770.70 Whitfield, Magaline PT LOT 2 NE4 31-24-4 0.18 AC 1207 E Mulberry St 341900339 34-04-31-205-026.000-002 $1,131.19 Harris, Mary M PT LOT 2 NE4 31-24-4 0.14 AC 1407 E Mulberry St 341900340 34-04-31-208-001.000-002 $1,318.50 Boucher, Larry A PT LOT 2 NE4 31-24-4 0.11 AC 100 S Elizabeth St 341900341 34-04-31-208-016.000-002 $5,988.73 Cressley, Willard M & Churchill Lessie C 109 S Cooper St 341900343 34-04-31-253-006.000-002 $18,792.71 Transhire Holding Group LLC 111 S Cooper St 341900344 34-04-31-254-004.000-002 $2,594.46 Nix, Billy PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS ADDN LOT 104 210 S Elizabeth St 341900345 34-04-31-255-010.000-002 $6,889.70 Floyd, Steven E PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS LOT 52 207 S Cooper St 341900346 34-04-31-301-017.000-002 $6,263.23 Lewis, Sharon L E S HOCKETT'S 1ST ADDN LOT 4 702 E Vaile Ave 341900347 34-04-31-301-020.000-002 $1,569.20 Groves, Marc E S HOCKETT'S 1ST ADDN LOT 7 712 E Vaile Ave 341900348 34-04-31-301-025.000-002 $2,147.80 Clingaman, Glean & Nicole PT LOT 3 SW4 31-24-4 0.62 AC 820 E Vaile Ave 341900351 34-04-31-326-024.000-002 $4,006.63 Carpenter, Larry E PT SW 4 31-24-4 EXC VAILE AVE OPEN 0.27 AC 635 S Ohio Ave 341900352 34-04-31-352-022.000-002 $1,858.46 Velvet Clover LLC OAKLAND LOT 107 743 S Purdum St 341900353 34-04-31-354-028.000-002 $15,796.93 Drees, Adeline N 725 S Locke St 341900354 34-04-31-354-030.000-002 $1,059.10 ADR Homes LLC C A JAY'S DIAMOND ADDN LOT 14 735 S Locke St 341900355 34-04-31-355-025.000-002 $1,267.30 ADR Homes LLC J B CARTER'S 2ND ADDN 35' S SD LOT 44 & & 5' N SD LOT 45 915 S Bell St 341900356 34-04-31-356-036.000-002 $3,106.75 May, Dan J PT LOT 2 SW4 31-24-4 0.24 AC CALC 608 E Markland Ave 341900357 34-04-31-376-007.000-002 $20,752.67 Crull, Robert E Sr & Judy K 624 S Locke St 341900358 34-04-31-376-008.000-002 $2,032.25 Fewell, Roberta L C A JAY'S DIAMOND ADDN LOT 53 630 S Locke St 341900359 34-04-31-377-025.000-002 $1,555.40 ADR Homes LLC FISSE'S ADDN LOT 15 725 S Waugh St 341900360 34-04-31-377-026.000-002 $12,690.20 Browning, Kyle 918 E Harrison St 341900361 34-04-31-402-009.000-002 $1,333.80 ADR Homes LLC DIAMOND PLATE GLASS LOT 13 1230 E Murden St 341900362 34-04-31-454-014.000-002 $2,807.20 Cox, Leslie E BLYTHE'S RIVERSIDE ADDN LOT 12 820 S Elizabeth St 341900363 34-04-31-454-026.000-002 $3,352.10 Willsey, Brock BLYTHE'S RIVERSIDE ADDN LOT 33 719 S Calumet St 341900364 34-04-31-454-027.000-002 $865.10 Holt, Connie C BLYTHE'S RIVERSIDE ADDN LOT 32 721 S Calumet St 341900365 34-04-32-326-023.000-002 $1,133.65 Corn, Jason PT N2 SW4 32-24-4 1 AC 2212 E Vaile Ave 341900366 34-09-01-102-007.000-002 $3,195.40 Cole, Rhonda W A RUSSELL'S 1ST ADDN LOT 5 1018 S Leeds St 341900368 34-09-01-128-013.000-002 $1,764.76 Silva, Amanda W A RUSSELL'S 2ND ADDN LOT 38 65.4 FT W ED 624 W Foster St 341900369 34-09-01-128-014.000-002 $1,674.75 ADR Homes LLC W A RUSSELL'S 2ND ADDN PT LOT 38 EXC 65.4 W SD & PT LOT 39 5' 6 STRIP S SD 616 W Foster St 341900370 34-09-01-128-017.000-002 $2,178.71 Lawrence, Mary J W A RUSSELL'S 2ND ADDN LOT 28 1011 S Courtland Ave 341900371 34-09-01-128-026.000-002 $1,542.30 USA Regrowth Fund LLC W A RUSSELL'S 2ND ADDN EXC 72 FT OFF ENT E SD LOT 37 610 W Foster St 341900372 34-09-01-129-019.000-002 $19,575.60 Boyll, Alena C & Peggy A 1029 S Webster St 341900373 34-09-01-129-040.000-002 $1,187.00 Umbarger, Harry W & Lulu D Virginia Ave 341900374 34-09-01-154-017.000-002 $4,601.07 Lopez, Abigail Guzman HALLS HIGHLAND PARK ADDN LOT 191 EXC 30 FT W SD 1419 S Wabash Ave 341900375 34-09-01-178-003.000-002 $3,700.76 HGM Holdings LLC HALLS HIGHLAND PARK ADDN LOT 102 711 W State St 341900377 34-09-01-180-003.000-002 $4,183.28 Michael, Tammy 719 W Woodland Ave 341900378 34-09-01-181-002.000-002 $1,761.91 REI Properties LLC HALLS HIGHLAND PARK ADDN LOT 163 50' E SD 515 W Woodland Ave 341900379 34-09-01-201-003.000-002 $14,570.00 Ovation Reo 1 LLC M M MARKLAND 2ND LOT 71 419 W Markland Ave 341900380 34-09-01-201-010.000-002 $5,524.81 Sparlin, Ashlee M FKA Francis, Ashlee M PT LOT 3 NE4 1-23-3 0.21 AC 1036 S Webster St 341900381 34-09-01-203-004.000-002 $2,574.07 Ogle, Dustin M GARAH MARKLAND'S ADDN LOT 5 50' ENT S SD & 15'X50' SE COR LOT 4 1015 S Buckeye St 341900382 34-09-01-205-010.000-002 $3,364.42 Wade, Britney L J B WHITACRE LOT 7 1136 S Armstrong St 341900383 34-09-01-206-011.000-002 $4,641.50 Hinkle, Glenn R Sr HARDEBECK 37.5' E SD LOTS 7 & 8 218 W Virginia Ave 341900384 34-09-01-259-012.000-002 $3,288.90 HGM Holdings LLC HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 121 1415 S Buckeye St 341900387 34-09-01-281-020.000-002 $899.62 Hatfield, Milburn E HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 77 1333 S Main St 341900389 34-09-01-327-002.000-002 $3,772.87 Hoosier Home Team Inc MAROTT'S PARK ADDN LOT 11 623 W Defenbaugh St 341900390 34-09-01-426-006.000-002 $1,686.78 Swain, Nathan & Dora FRANKLIN ADDN LOT 116 1518 S Buckeye St 341900391 34-09-01-429-006.000-002 $14,916.75 IBAT LC Properties LLC HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOTS 484-488 EXC TR PC NE COR LOT 488 & 1/2 VAC ALLEY 1/12/99 ORD#6109 309 E Defenbaugh St 341900392 34-09-01-431-005.000-002 $5,903.60 Salyers, William H & Mary E HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 325 1624 S Main St 341900393 34-09-01-432-016.000-002 $1,244.40 Indianapolis Northern Traction Co Union St 341900394 34-09-01-433-002.000-002 $1,120.50 ADR Homes LLC HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 480 1606 S Market St 341900395 34-09-01-479-002.000-002 $2,001.10 Foudray, Ronald Eugene HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 466 EXC 82' W SD & EXC 36' E SD 311 E Hoffer St 341900396 34-09-01-479-018.000-002 $1,076.70 ADR Homes LLC HAMLIN HIGHLAND LOT 508 1819 S Lafountain St 341900397 34-09-02-156-005.000-002 $2,742.21 Belzer, Mark A & Vicky M BELMONT PARK LOTS 11 12 & 13 1312 S Belmont St 341900401 34-09-10-130-010.000-002 $793.92 Shuck, Gary L & Pamela D ORLEANS SOUTHWEST S/D 2ND ADD SEC 12 LOT 356 2403 Rouge Dr 341900402 34-09-10-202-001.000-002 $2,994.66 Jacobs, Hurshel J & Elva 100 S 250 W 341900403 34-09-10-203-008.000-002 $197.31 Jump, Thomas Burton II ORLEANS SOUTHWEST S/D 2ND ADDN SEC 6 LOT 153 3006 Baton Rouge Dr 341900404 34-09-10-206-014.000-002 $1,255.89 Cheek, Suzanne G ORLEANS SOUTHWEST S/D 2ND ADDN SEC 11 LOT 332 3006 Elva Dr 341900406 34-09-10-228-006.000-002 $1,395.23 Wohlford, Albert E & Judith D ORLEANS SOUTHWEST S/D 2ND ADDN SEC 8 LOT 225 2710 St Dennis Ct 341900407 34-09-11-230-009.000-002 $4,848.77 Hoosier Home Team Inc AVALON PARK S/D LOT 5 2215 S Park Rd 341900408 34-09-11-253-035.000-002 $4,564.01 McIntire, Victoria Louise COUNTRY CLUB HILLS S/D SEC 8 LOT 224 1508 Boca Raton Blvd 341900409 34-09-11-254-015.000-002 $3,564.18 Burns, Ryan J COUNTRY CLUB HILLS S/D SEC 8 LOT 214 1525 Boca Raton Blvd 341900410 34-09-12-201-018.000-002 $4,620.38 Shacklee, David J & Michelle R EDGEWATER HEIGHTS ADDN LOT 6 2227 S Washington St 341900412 34-10-05-153-002.000-002 $1,714.83 Keckevoet, Madeline & Nielander, Jennifer CEDAR CREST S/D SEC 1 LOT 59 1228 Belvedere Dr 341900413 34-10-05-302-019.000-002 $1,479.68 S&S Real Estate Investments Inc CEDAR CREST S/D SEC 1 LOT 72 EXC 5' S SD & LOT 71 15' S SD 1416 Belvedere Dr 341900415 34-10-05-451-003.000-002 $9,422.28 Johnson, Neal PT N END W2 SE4 5-23-4 0.54 AC 1826 S Goyer Rd 341900416 34-10-06-106-015.000-002 $14,999.89 Osborn, Geraldine L 1109 S Purdum St 341900418 34-10-06-107-013.000-002 $2,293.99 Slater, Mark A BRUNERS LORETTO ADDN LOT 26 1105 S Jay St 341900421 34-10-06-155-007.000-002 $363.91 Stahl, Zachary FAIRLAWN EXTENSION OF FAIRLAWN ADDN LOT 351 1322 S Jay St 341900422 34-10-06-155-015.000-002 $768.10 1301 South Locke Street Land Trust FAIRLAWN EXTENSION OF FAIRLAWN ADDN LOT 376 1301 S Locke St 341900423 34-10-06-178-008.000-002 $1,302.18 Walker, Seth T FAIRLAWN EXTENSION OF FAIRLAWN ADDN LOT 308 1230 S Delphos St 341900424 34-10-06-178-022.000-002 $1,035.65 Weirauch, Samuel A 1221 S Ohio Ave 341900425 34-10-06-180-027.000-002 $2,575.47 ADR Homes LLC FAIRLAWN EXTENSION OF FAIRLAWN ADDN LOT 398 1341 S Waugh St 341900428 34-10-06-201-010.000-002 $1,010.89 HGM Holdings LLC PT NE4 6-23-4 150' X 100' 0.34 AC 1202 E Foster St 341900429 34-10-06-202-024.000-002 $2,891.56 Collins, Nancy L PT NE4 6-23-4 0.45 AC 1032 S Plate St 341900430 34-10-06-207-004.000-002 $1,795.33 Holt, William C & Connie C MARKLAND HEIGHTS LOT 265 1209 S Elizabeth St 341900431 34-10-06-207-005.000-002 $959.98 Holt, Connie C MARKLAND HEIGHTS LOT 266 1213 S Elizabeth St 341900432 34-10-06-228-016.000-002 $2,752.31 Salinas, Raynaldo & Jacquelyn R MARKLAND HEIGHTS LOT 123 1109 S Cooper St 341900434 34-10-06-255-001.000-002 $3,266.43 HGM Holdings LLC COUNTRYSIDE LOT 27 60.83' X 163.75' NW COR 1300 S Plate St 341900435 34-10-06-276-020.000-002 $1,410.00 Cardwell, Daniel G MARKLAND HEIGHTS LOT 133 1215 S Cooper St 341900436 34-10-06-280-003.000-002 $1,396.50 Holt, Connie C MARKLAND HEIGHTS LOT 72 1306 S Cooper St 341900437 34-10-06-304-002.000-002 $2,176.29 Chapel, Franklin G & Catherine K HAMLIN'S HIGHLAND ADDN PT LOTS 533 & 534 1511 S Home Ave 341900438 34-10-06-308-011.000-002 $7,809.75 Grim, Shawn S 1725 S Purdum St 341900439 34-10-06-327-017.000-002 $509.39 Townsend, Keith D HAYNES LOTS 18 & 19 1022 E Laguna St 341900440 34-10-06-332-011.000-002 $5,717.64 Archer, James GATEWAY ADDN LOT 160 1716 S Delphos St 341900441 34-10-06-352-009.000-002 $1,368.45 Prater, Raymond SUPERIOR ADDN LOT 49 1801 S Purdum St 341900442 34-10-06-352-015.000-002 $3,527.92 Penny Foreclosures III LLC SUPERIOR ADDN LOT 43 1825 S Purdum St 341900443 34-10-06-402-007.000-002 $1,206.75 Johnson, Neal GATEWAY ADDN LOT 230 1227 E Laguna St 341900444 34-10-06-429-013.000-002 $13,475.97 Myers, Claude & Carolyn Jane 1721 E Dodge St 341900445 34-10-06-434-001.000-002 $704.59 Bass, Randolph L & Leigh LENOX ADDN LOT 123 1700 S Cooper St 341900446 34-10-06-435-012.000-002 $6,903.74 Collins, Glenn E & Ruth A LENOX ADDN LOT 143 1732 E Hoffer St 341900447 34-10-06-451-012.005-002 $2,495.26 Krzeminski, Keith E & Wendy K APPLETREE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 6A & 1/7 INT IN CA OF GALLERY S/D SEC 1 1214 Appletree Ln 341900448 34-10-06-451-012.006-002 $2,763.31 Krzeminski, Keith E & Wendy K APPLETREE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 6B & 1/7 INT IN CA OF GALLERY S/D SEC 1 1216 Appletree Ln 341900449 34-10-06-451-012.007-002 $1,230.61 Krzeminski, Keith E & Wendy K APPLETREE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 3 & 1/7 INT IN CA OF GALLERY S/D SEC 1 1218 Appletree Ln 341900450 34-10-07-377-015.000-002 $1,221.04 Johnson, Denise M TERRACE GARDENS SEC 2 LOT 40 3236 Terrace Dr 341900451 34-10-08-200-007.000-002 $4,691.77 Davis, Kenneth WILLIAMS MINOR S/D LOT 1 & PT W2 NE4 8-23-4 2216 S Goyer Rd 341900452 34-10-08-301-003.000-002 $2,391.00 Harris, David J Sr PT SW4 8-23-4 SUBJ TO EASE 0.55 AC (CORR BY SURVEY 11/19/04) 2604 S Albright Rd 341900453 34-10-18-101-034.000-002 $3,560.53 Standard Life Insurance Co of Indiana S Lafountain St 341900454 34-10-18-128-004.000-002 $2,562.60 Southway Utility Corp Melody Ct 341900455 34-03-13-454-004.000-003 $5,507.05 Grziwok, Paul J ABBY PLACE S/D SEC 1 LOT 28 0.17 AC NET 413 Ariel Dr 341900457 34-09-13-206-001.000-006 $3,185.68 Shelton, Danny E & Pennie J VINTON WOODS S/D SEC 1 LOT 9 308 Cypress Ct 341900458 34-09-13-400-016.000-006 $52,451.44 White Lotus Hospitality LLP HAYNES MALL S/D LOT 9 SEC 2 4021 S Lafountain St 341900459 34-09-14-303-009.000-006 $18,003.50 FORE IP Inc MARTIN MINOR S/D SEC 2 LOT 5 & PT SW4 14-23-3 1.46 AC TOTAL Liberty St 341900460 34-09-14-304-001.000-006 $14,206.85 FORE IP Inc PT W SD SW4 14-23-3 4.84 AC 200 W 265 S 341900462 34-09-15-180-010.000-006 $2,747.54 Miller, Scott A HOLIDAY PARK S/D SEC 1 LOT 8 3105 Oxford St 341900463 34-09-23-276-004.000-006 $4,443.55 Smith, Roger A WALNUT ESTATES S/D SEC 2 LOT 12 5109 S Park Rd 341900470 34-05-02-200-002.000-010 $2,017.32 Heizer, Sally J & Dunn, Jill E PT NE4 2-24-5 1.71 AC 5875 N 1100 E 341900471 34-05-26-479-001.000-010 $1,962.07 Owen, Dawn M HOLLINGSWORTH O P 2ND ADDN LOT 35 1179 N 1094 E 341900472 34-05-26-479-002.000-010 $345.99 Owen, Dawn M HOLLINGSWORTH O P 2ND ADDN LOT 36 1179 N 1094 E 341900475 34-06-08-100-022.000-010 $1,296.83 Weaver, Andrew A APPLE LAND S/D LOT 7 4823 N 1350 E 341900476 34-05-09-300-016.000-011 $759.02 Weisenaur, Henry Jacob 400 N 341900477 34-05-18-200-024.000-011 $2,056.66 Miller, Eugene T PT SE4 NE4 18-24-5 22.88 AC 700 E 341900478 34-05-28-300-003.000-011 $1,423.03 Mercer, Troy BUCKALEW MINOR S/D LOT 3 1406 N 800 E 341900479 34-05-29-300-017.000-011 $2,379.34 Steward, James D & Childress, Myrna PT E2 SE4 SW4 29-24-5 5 AC 1207 N 750 E 341900481 34-05-34-100-009.000-011 $4,055.32 Copp, Crystal G PT N2 NW4 34-24-5 2.44 AC 9341 E 100 N 341900482 34-05-34-400-015.000-011 $1,320.08 Lucas, Timothy A EASTERN MEADOWS S/D LOT 8 2.21 AC 9638 E 00 NS 341900483 34-11-03-200-012.000-011 $2,134.44 Hunt, Violet V PT N SD NE4 3-23-5 2.04 AC 9679 E 00 NS 341900486 34-05-33-377-013.000-012 $1,606.20 Nelson, Avery PAYTON 1ST ADDN LOT 16 419 N Green St 341900487 34-05-33-458-008.000-012 $2,282.40 Santee, Spencer A & Amy I COLESCOTTS ADDN LOT 5 225 N Indiana St 341900488 34-11-04-129-008.000-012 $1,043.12 Hughes, E Donald B III FRY O P PT N END 17.6' X 32.4' LOT 10 111 S Meridian St 341900489 34-11-04-202-018.000-012 $953.70 Shutters, Jerry M & Jennifer R FRY OP LOT 2 & 34x18.10 CENT PT E SD LOT 3 209 E Main St 341900490 34-11-04-228-004.000-012 $3,506.00 Billings, Dale & Anita M R COVALT ADDN LOT 109 719 E Main St 341900491 34-11-04-230-004.000-012 $2,217.20 Barton, Daniel J COVALT ADDN LOT 151 617 E Walnut St 341900492 34-11-05-200-012.000-012 $870.90 Smith, Roger 800 E 20 S 341900494 34-10-17-400-015.000-015 $1,825.07 Baer, John E & Lois A PT E2 SE4 17-23-4 0.99 AC 2891 S 200 E 341900495 34-10-18-401-014.000-015 $570.70 Zielinski, Lisa PLANTATION ADDN LOT 19 E Alto Rd 341900496 34-10-19-105-007.000-015 $4,227.63 Lamberson, Brent Edward & Brian Keith INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 5 LOT 7 5104 Arrowhead Blvd 341900498 34-10-19-106-043.000-015 $2,353.36 5203 Ojibway Land Trust INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 6 LOT 32 5203 Ojibway Dr 341900499 34-10-19-128-017.000-015 $4,293.32 Rayn, Debra A INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 8 LOT 17 5402 Algonquin Trl 341900501 34-10-19-179-016.000-015 $2,617.74 Marks, Mary I INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 15 LOT 16 706 Menomonee Ct 341900502 34-10-19-202-007.000-015 $3,114.06 Fowler, Joshua A HIGHLAND SPRINGS S/D SEC 2 LOT 74 0.18 AC 710 Springwater Rd 341900503 34-10-19-255-015.000-015 $6,977.56 Arnett, James W & Andrew J INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 19 LOT 32 1006 Tepee Dr 341900504 34-10-19-255-029.000-015 $2,199.40 Francis, John R & Cecelia M INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 19 LOT 18 1210 Tepee Dr 341900506 34-10-19-278-011.000-015 $4,506.36 Nibert, Paul R & Angela M HIGHLAND SPRINGS S/D SEC 5 LOT 230 0.17 AC NET 4213 Springmill Dr 341900507 34-10-19-306-009.000-015 $2,442.51 Tate, Frances Lucille INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 35 LOT 19 REPLAT 5708 Peshewa Ct 341900508 34-10-19-307-003.000-015 $3,222.32 Harner, Jack R INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 34 LOT 3 5714 Arrowhead Blvd 341900512 34-10-19-333-003.000-015 $3,422.20 Bogue, Blake A & Carly M INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 28 LOT 19 906 Tomahawk Blvd 341900513 34-10-19-377-028.000-015 $2,022.53 Prunty, Donald & Patricia E INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 30 LOT 14 5911 Council Ring Blvd 341900514 34-10-19-404-005.000-015 $2,315.02 Baxter, Jon INDIAN HEIGHTS S/D BLK 26 LOT 21 5604 Treaty Ln 341900516 34-10-30-100-031.000-015 $169.40 Clarke, Jeffrey Allen PT NW4 30-23-4 0.17 AC 50 E 420 S 341900517 34-10-30-100-032.000-015 $7,782.35 Clarke, Jeffrey Allen PT NW4 30-23-4 2.43 AC 4175 S 50 E 341900519 34-11-24-300-004.000-016 $1,037.02 Hollingsworth, Gregory S SW4 SW4 24-23-5 0.87 AC 3948 S 1100 E 341900520 34-11-25-200-004.000-016 $3,224.77 Long, Nicholas D & Marckel M PT N2 NE4 25-23-5 44.45 AC CLASSIFIED WILDLIFE HABITAT 37.20 AC 400 S 341900521 34-11-25-200-005.000-016 $4,792.34 Long, Nicholas D & Marckel M N & M FARMS S/D LOT 1 11541 E 400 S 341900525 34-03-01-200-024.000-017 $1,001.44 Name, Timothy J & Alderfer, Ginger A & Beyer, Samantha PT E2 FRL NE4 1-24-3 300X309 2.13 AC 226 W 550 N 341900526 34-03-01-200-032.000-017 $1,949.75 Houchens, Travis PT NE4 1-24-3 2.58 AC 67 W 600 N 341900532 34-03-28-329-015.000-017 $2,024.57 Groome, Sarah E & Bowman, Travis J WESTPOINT S/D SEC 3 LOT 83 1007 Birchwood Dr 341900533 34-03-31-200-003.000-017 $1,352.68 Brinker, George H Jr & Monaghan, Linda L PT NE4 31-24-3 1.15 AC 5367 W 100 N 341900534 34-03-31-352-004.000-017 $1,104.12 Eikenberry, Mike Venetian Way 341900536 34-03-33-377-013.000-017 $1,412.83 Fenton, Duane & Sandy DEVON WOODS S/D SEC 2 LOT 34 909 Bellevue Pl 341900537 34-03-33-451-018.000-017 $408.91 Baer, Christopher & Kelley Ginger Ct 341900541 34-02-11-400-010.000-018 $3,332.61 Smith, Jerry Lee PT E2 SE4 11-24-2 4.90 AC 4015 N 700 W 341900542 34-02-20-200-008.000-018 $2,830.18 Ford, Anthony & Angela PT E2 NE4 20-24-2 2 AC 2791 N 1000 W 341900547 34-08-03-153-003.000-018 $1,921.41 Huston, Charles R GREEN ACRES S/D SEC 1 LOT 124 11409 Lakeview Ct 341900548 34-08-03-177-004.000-018 $2,641.90 Maschino, Dale C & Emily J GREEN ACRES S/D SEC 6 LOT 165 11106 Par Ct 341900549 34-09-16-226-014.000-019 $734.74 Edwards, Walter C 325 W 250 S 341900550 34-09-17-151-002.000-019 $5,696.68 Holmes, Eleanor Wallace & Rickey Alan PT NW4 17-23-3 5.39 AC 2373 S 480 W 341900552 34-09-17-200-016.000-019 $1,001.00 Humble, Richard & Carla PT NE4 17-23-3 0.50 AC 4438 W 250 S 341900553 34-09-17-200-034.000-019 $3,158.88 Embry, Vernon & Ruth A PT NE4 17-23-3 0.75 AC 2471 S 410 W 341900555 34-09-21-300-015.000-019 $1,999.45 Timberman, Marcietta PT SE4 SW4 21-23-3 1.56 AC 3518 W 400 S 341900557 34-08-24-100-024.000-020 $321.23 Hill, Donna Ilene 320 S 685 W 341900560 34-08-23-402-002.000-021 $1,414.37 Brown, Jerald W PT SE4 23-23-2 0.31 AC 436 N Union St 341900561 34-08-23-404-003.000-021 $4,791.82 Davis, Jeffrey W & William E WESTERN HEIGHTS S/D SEC 2 LOT 24 0.39 AC NET 310 Pueblo Dr 341900563 34-08-23-458-027.000-021 $3,340.93 Fivecoate, John C & Nancy C FLOYD'S ADDN PT LOT 3 340 E Main St 341900566 34-04-07-351-006.000-022 $10,399.20 Cambron, Lessie C 518 Naphew Ln 341900568 34-04-27-351-012.000-022 $1,132.01 Carpenter, Renee L HILLSDALE S/D SEC 4 LOT 71 & E SD LOT 72 409 Ridge Ct 341900571 34-04-28-200-008.000-022 $1,404.48 Loer, Bernard D LOER LANE LOT 1 1.25 AC NET 1861 N 300 E 341900572 34-04-28-351-021.000-022 $977.19 Hill, Tammie D & Harold Ray PT SW4 28-24-4 4.46 AC 2103 E 100 N 341900573 34-04-33-100-018.000-022 $248.04 Hill, Tammie D & Harold Ray PT NW4 33-24-4 0.25 AC E Sycamore Rd 341900575 34-01-36-400-011.000-023 $529.80 Keesee, Kenneth W2 SE4 36-24-1 4.48 AC 1270 W 00 NS 341900576 34-08-09-100-003.000-023 $3,767.61 Bennett-Tripp, Pamela Sue PT E2 NW4 9-23-2 1.17 AC 1199 S 950 W 341900577 34-08-09-200-005.000-023 $2,638.67 McCormick, Louise M E SD NE4 9-23-2 25 AC 870 W 150 S 341900579 34-10-01-100-006.000-024 $1,143.26 Moore, Joyce A HOCHSTEDLER S/D LOT 6 5393 E 00 NS 341900582 34-10-15-351-007.000-024 $430.84 Dunham, Gary T PT SW4 15-23-4 0.17 AC 300 S 320 E 341900583 34-10-15-378-002.000-024 $5,128.59 Cox, Michelle R ELLABARGER 4TH ADDN LOT 38 2801 S 337 E 341900584 34-10-15-378-003.000-024 $419.44 Cox, Michelle R ELLABARGER 4TH ADDN LOT 39 2801 S 337 E 341900585 34-10-15-386-003.000-024 $543.07 Stiner, Brent ELLABARGER 1ST ADDN LOT 3 2433 S 350 E 341900586 34-10-15-386-004.000-024 $2,226.66 Phillips, Tina Fay ELLABARGER 1ST ADDN LOT 4 2923 S 350 E 341900587 34-10-15-476-007.000-024 $925.77 Lanham, Jon D WINDING BROOK PUD LOT 2 Justin Ct 341900590 34-10-22-128-007.000-024 $483.74 Atwood, Paul TAMPICO O P N2 LOT 2 3041 S 350 E 341900591 34-10-22-128-008.000-024 $989.36 Atwood, Paul TAMPICO O P N2 LOT 1 3041 S 350 E 341900592 34-10-23-200-003.000-024 $2,210.56 Weasner, Daniel L RAYMONDS MINOR S/D LOT 2 4795 E 300 S Total Properties: 437 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpayment of taxes and special assessments for the time periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, current taxes and costs due thereon and the same are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with which they are charged on said list. Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of September, 2019. Martha J. Lake, Auditor, Howard County Indiana. K-787 9/11 hspaxlp 1582691
Rynearson Pamela K. Koehler, Attorney (#20211-49) KOEHLER LAW, LLC 12805 E. New Market Street, Suite 200 Carmel, Indiana 46032 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Boone County Superior Court In the Matter of the Estate of Max D. Rynearson, deceased. Estate Docket 06D01-1908-EU-000118 Notice is hereby given that Anna Rynearson was on August 20, 2019, appointed Personal Representative of the ESTATE OF MAX D. RYNEARSON, deceased (DOD: October 25, 2018). All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Lebanon, Indiana this August 20, 2019. /s/ Jessica Fouts Clerk, Boone County Superior Court I TLR-495 9/12, 19 hspaxlp