Legal Notice- Public Hearing New Albany Redevelopment Commission is seeking the input of citizens, organizations, and agencies as it formulates the Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) One-Year Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which is a requirement for participation in the US Department of Housing and Urban Development=s CDBG Program. A Public Hearing will be conducted on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 2:30 p.m., in the Assembly Room, Room 331, City-County Building to receive public input on the Plan at which time citizens, organizations, and agencies may make comments on the proposed activities in the Plan. The Redevelopment Commission will consider the comments and suggestions made during the Public Hearing as it adopts the Plan. A DRAFT version of the Plan is available now on the City's website, in Room, 325 City-County Building and at the New Albany Library (Reference Desk). A 30-day comment period commenced on March 12, 2016, and will conclude at the end of the Public Hearing. The Redevelopment Commission will consider the Plan for adoption at the Commission=s April 12, 2016, meeting at 2:30 p.m., in the Assembly Room, Room 331, City-County Building. Citizens may submit written comments to the following: Director of Redevelopment New Albany Redevelopment Commission Room 325, City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square New Albany, Indiana 47150 All letters received by the Commission will receive a written response from the Redevelopment Commission and will become a copy of the official record of the planning process. Three HUD-identified National Objectives guide the CDBG program and the use of CDBG funds: 1. The use must primarily benefit persons and/or areas of low- to moderate-income 2. May be used to prevent or eliminate slums or blight 3. May be used to meet needs having particular urgency In New Albany, CDBG funds have previously been used to assist first-time home-buyers; rehabilitate/repair low-and moderate income owner-occupied housing, to replace deteriorated sidewalks, curb-and-gutter, drainage improvements, the acquisition and construction of neighborhood parks, construction of neighborhood co-location centers, public services; and, for other economic development activities. Any citizen that may need reasonable accommodation to attend any Redevelopment Commission meeting may make such known by contacting the Redevelopment Commission within a reasonable time frame prior to any regular or special meeting at 812.948.5333 or via the Indiana Statewide Relay at 1.800.743.3333. David C. Duggins, Jr., Director New Albany Redevelopment Commission hspaxlp