Channel: The Indiana Exchange Marketplace: Public Notices
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PUBLIC NOTICE Date: November 9, 2016 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program Categorical Exclusion (CE): City of Rushville, Rush County, Rushville Township; Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) Implementation Phase 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Improvements Project. SRF Project WW 16 15 70 02. To all interested parties: this is notification that Rushville's LTCP Implementation Phase 3 WWTP Improvements Project is categorically excluded from substantive environmental review. The proposed improvements include making upgrades to the existing facilities in order to treat all dry weather secondary effluent flows and wet weather combined sewer overflow (CSO) flows from CSO101. Also, the city is not currently required to meet a phosphorus limit, but will in the next National Permit Discharge Elimination System permit renewal cycle. The currently bypassed tertiary sand filters will provide an excellent facility for phosphorus treatment. The selected alternative includes: replacing the four tertiary sand filter media cells with two cloth media filter trains each with a peak capacity of 6.0 MGD to filter both the dry weather secondary effluent flows and wet weather flows; connect the existing CSO bypass pipe to the tertiary filters to drain the filter backwash upstream of the grit removal structure; installing two ultra-violet (UV) disinfection trains in the existing chlorine contact tank where each will have a capacity of 6.0 MGD; and installing an alum feed facility in the existing Chlorination Building where the alum will be fed upstream of the tertiary filters to both the wet weather and dry weather flow streams. The No Action alternative was rejected since the city would be in violation of its Agreed Order and not treating CSO events prior to discharging into the Flatrock River. Estimated cost for this project is $4,601,000, which the city will borrow from the State Revolving Fund Loan Program through a 20-year loan at a fixed interest rate to be determined at the time of loan closing. The project will not affect wetlands, wooded areas, streams, the 100-year flood plain, historic properties or other sensitive environmental resources and will not convert prime farmland. The documentation supporting this CE is available for review at the following locations: City of Rushville, 133 West First Street, and Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, SRF Loan Programs, Room 1275, Indianapolis, Indiana, Weekdays, 9am-3:30 pm and at www.srf.in.gov. If you have questions, please contact April Douglas, 317-234-7294 or adouglas@ifa.in.gov. RR-361 Nov. 11 hspaxlp

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