NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Howard County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the Howard County Council, at their regular meeting place, at the Howard County Administration Center, 220 N. Main St., Room 338 (third floor), Kokomo, Indiana, a 4:00 p.m., November 22, 2016, will consider the following additional appropriations and/or reductions involved in changing the established budgets for the current year 2016. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUESTS: HOWARD COUNTY GENERAL FUND: Howard County Recorder's Office: Personal Services $ 129.22 Total Recorder's Office: $ 129.22 Howard County Coroner's Office: Other Services & Charges $ 40,000.00 Total Coroner's Office: $ 40,000.00 Howard County Public Defender's Office: Personal Services $ 4,370.47 Total Public Defender's Office: $ 4,370.47 Howard County Maintenance Dept. Supplies $ 2,575.00 Total Maintenance Dept.: $ 2,575.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $ 47,074.69 HOWARD COUNTY 911 FUND: Other Services and Charges $ 7,500.00 Total County 911 Fund: $ 7,500.00 HOWARD COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM: Personal Services $ 128,000.00 Supplies $ 7,100.00 Other Services & Charges $ 132,914.00 Total Community Corrections Program: $ 268,014.00 HOWARD COUNTY COMMUNITY TRANSITIONS PROGRAM: Personal Services $ 172,000.00 Supplies $ 40,000.00 Total Transitions Program: $ 212,000.00 HOWARD COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS - PROJECT INCOME: Personal Services $ 584.000.00 Supplies $ 20,600.00 Other Services & Charges $ 77,200.00 Capital Outlay $ 23,000.00 Total Project Income: $ 704,800.00 HOWARD COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS - USER FEES -COMMUNITY SERVICE: Personal Services $ 47,132.00 Supplies $ 1,000.00 Other Services & Charges $ 800.00 Capital Outlay $ 1,800.00 Total User Fees - Community Service: $ 50,732.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS - ALL FUNDS: $1,290,120.69 APPROPRIATION REDUCTIONS: HOWARD COUNTY GENERAL FUND: Howard County Surveyor's Office Personal Services -$ 2,575.00 Total Reductions Surveyor's Office: -$ 2,575.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION REDUCTIONS GENERAL & ALL FUND: -$ 2,575.00 Taxpayers attending the meeting will have a right to be heard. The Additional Appropriations and/or Appropriation Reductions as finally made will be referred to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. The Department will make written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation additions/reductions within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified copy of the action taken. Martha Lake Auditor, Howard County K-880 Nov. 11 hspaxlp