NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held before the Goshen Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Goshen, Indiana, on the 25th day of October, 2016, in the Council Chambers, Police and Courts Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana. The public hearings will begin at 4:00 pm and will proceed in the order listed. DEVELOPMENTAL & USE VARIANCES A. Petitioner: Capstone II, LLC and Itzia Salas Petition: Use variances to allow a restaurant (not including drive-ins) in a Residential R-2 zoning district where the use is permitted in the Commercial B-2, B-3, B-4, Industrial M-1 and M-2 zoning districts and to allow two wall signs (east and west elevations) and a developmental variance to allow approximately 7 onsite parking spaces where 9 spaces are required. Location: 100 N 8th Street and zoned Residential R-2 District B. Petitioner: The City of Goshen Department of Redevelopment and LaCasa, Inc. Petition: Developmental variances to allow a rear (east) yard setback of 13 where 25 is required, to allow 39% lot coverage where a maximum of 35% is permitted, and to allow the variance to be valid for 18 months, for the development of a new single-family home. Location: 224 S 7th Street and zoned Residential R-1 District. C. Petitioner: Goshen Community Schools and Lehman & Lehman, Inc. Petition: Use variance to allow the expansion of a non-conforming use (secondary high school bus parking lot) in an Industrial M-1 zoning district where the use is conditional in the Agricultural A-1, Residential R-1, R-1S, R-2, R-3, R-4 and PUD zoning districts and developmental variances to allow a front (west) yard setback of 6 along Lincolnway East where 35 is required and to allow a front (south) yard setback of 4 along E Monroe Street where 35 is required for the expansion of the bus parking lot. Location: 444 Lincolnway East and zoned Industrial M-1 District D. Petitioner: Blue Diamond Communities, LLC, and Interface Architecture & Design Petition: Use variance to allow four assisted living, twelve-unit buildings (classified as nursing home per Goshen Zoning Ordinance), on three sites, to be located less than the required 1,000 feet from each other, and developmental variances as follows: - Site A: Rear (south) yard primary building setback of 6' where 25' is required; one parking space per dwelling unit where 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit are required; and an alternate landscape plan in lieu of required partial landscaping adjacent to single-family land use; - Site B: Rear (south) yard primary building setback of 6' where 25' is required; one parking space per dwelling unit where 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit are required; 12 dwelling units, where 11 are permitted per the density maximum of 20 per acre; and an alternate landscape plan in lieu of required partial landscaping adjacent to single-family land use. - Site C: Rear (north) yard primary building setback of 6' where 25' is required; and one parking space per dwelling unit where 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit are required. Location: Site A: Lot 21 in Maplewood Estates; Site B: Lots 16B, 17A, 17B, 18A, and 18B in The Replat of Lots 2 through 8 inclusive, Lots 10 through 13 inclusive, Lots 15 through 19 inclusive, and Lots 22 through 36 inclusive in Maplewood Estates; Site C: Lots 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B, 34A, and 34B in The Replat of Lots 2 through 8 inclusive, Lots 10 through 13 inclusive, Lots 15 through 19 inclusive, and Lots 22 through 36 inclusive in Maplewood Estates; and Generally located west of Northstone Road, south of Clover Creek Lane, with all lots zoned Residential R-3 District. Lori Lipscomb, Recording Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals 204 E. Jefferson Street, Suite 4 Goshen, IN 46528 October 15 hspaxlp