NOTICE OF 30 DAYS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Preliminary Findings Regarding an Air Permit for Superior Oil Company, Inc. in Marion County, No.: M 097-36777-00756. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has received an application from Superior Oil Company, Inc. at 560 Dorman Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202. The application and IDEM's preliminary findings are available at: Indianapolis Marion County Central LIbrary 40 East St. Clair Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 The preliminary findings are available on the Internet at: You may comment during the Public Notice. You may request that IDEM hold a public hearing. If a public hearing or meeting is held, IDEM will make a separate announcement of the date, time, and location of that hearing or meeting. Comments and supporting documentation, or a request for a public hearing should be sent in writing to IDEM at the address below. If you comment via e-mail, please include your full U.S. mailing address so that you can be added to IDEM's mailing list to receive notice of future action related to this permit. If you do not want to comment at this time, but would like to receive notice of future action related to this permit application, please contact IDEM at the address below. Please refer to permit number M 097-36777-00756 in all correspondence. Comments should be sent to: Vasantha Palakurti IDEM, Office of Air Quality 100 North Senate Avenue MC 61-53 IGCN 1003 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251 (800) 451-6027, ask for extension 4-4907 Or dial directly: (317) 234-4907 Fax: (317) 232-6749 attn: Vasantha Palakurti E-mail: For additional information please see the preliminary findings. HCF-198 03/16 #1165269 hspaxlp