NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TOWN OF JAMESTOWN, INDIANA In order to assure compliance with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) and related requirements regarding competitive negotiation of engineering services, the Town of Jamestown is seeking Statements of Qualifications for the provision of planning technical assistance services relating to the creation of the Town of Jamestown Comprehensive Plan. Description of Services Needed A Comprehensive Plan meeting that meets the following requirements: MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - Title page - Table of contents - Numbered pages - Maps, photographs, and/or drawings sufficient to illustrate the critical elements - A 2-4 page executive summary of the planning document - Clear easily readable illustrations, tables, and maps - Clear concise readable text with a minimum of professional jargon - Sources clearly indicated in tables and/or by footnote in text - Provide one (1) digital copy and five (5) hard copies of the plan (of which one copy will be submitted to the IOCRA) Please see IC 36-7-4 for additional details on Comprehensive Planning under Indiana Code A comprehensive plan shall be approved by resolution in accordance with state code for the promotion of public health, safety, morals, convenience, order, or the general welfare and for the sake of efficiency and economy in the process of development. ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN A. INTRODUCTION/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Objectives of the plan - Scope of the plan - Events that led to the planning process - Who commissioned the plan - Process used in developing the plan - How to use the plan B. PUBLIC INPUT - Community Survey Conclusions o Community Meetings o Survey results/data C. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Maps, plats, charts and descriptive material presenting basic information, locations, extent, and character of the following: - History, population, and physical site conditions. - Public buildings and institutions, including governmental administration and service buildings, hospitals, infirmaries, clinics, penal and correctional institutions, and other civic and social service buildings. - Public facilities including community centers, libraries and neighborhood units. - Education, including location and extent of schools and postsecondary educational institutions. - Sewers, sanitation, and drainage, including handling, treatment, and disposal of excess drainage waters, sewage, garbage, refuse, and other wastes. - Public and private utilities availability, such as water, sewer, electric, gas and broadband communication. - Housing and population densities. - Areas needing redevelopment and conservation. - Economic development and the central business district - Public ways, including bridges, subways, parkways, and other public places. - Air, land, and water pollution - Flood control and irrigation. - Transportation, including rail, bus, truck, air and water transport, and their terminal facilities. Also, local mass transit. - Parks and recreation, including parks, playgrounds, reservations, forests, wildlife refuges, and other public places of a recreational nature. - Land utilization, including agriculture, forests, and other uses. - Conservation of energy, water, soil, and agricultural and mineral resources. - Any other factors that are a part of the physical, economic, or social situation within the jurisdiction. - Policies and objectives for future land use and development. D. IMPLEMENTATION - Incorporate elements of Economic Development Strategy. - A short and long range development program of public works projects, including general recommendations and estimated costs. - A short and long range capital improvements program of governmental expenditures so that the development policies established in the comprehensive plan can be carried out and kept up-to-date for all separate taxing districts within the jurisdiction to assure efficient and economic use of public funds. - A short discussion of plans for maintaining and updating document bases on implementation of projects. E. APPENDICES - Reports, maps, charts, and recommendations setting forth plans and policies - Drafts of proposed ordinances - Details of any elements of the plan Preparing the plan: When the community undertakes the preparation of a comprehensive plan, the commission may request any public or private officials to make available any information, documents, and plans that have been prepared and that provide any information that relates to the comprehensive plan. Adoption: Please see IC 36-7-4-507 for information on notices and hearings before adoption. Also, please follow IOCRA public hearing requirements when planning grant program dollars are utilized. Type of Contract The Town of Jamestown will execute either a firm, fixed-price contract, or a not-to-exceed cost-reimbursement contract for these services that is contingent on the final commitment of grant funding. Federal Requirements Prospective offerors should note the successful proposer must meet the following terms and conditions: 1. 2 CFR Part 200 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 3. Conflict of Interest (24 CFR Part 570). 4. Access to records. 5. Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity 6. Executive Order 12138 - Women Business Enterprise Policy. 7. Architectural Barrier Act of 1968. 8. Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 9. Section 3 Clause - Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. 10. Section 504 - Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 11. Retention and Custodial Requirements (24 CFR Part 85.42). 12. Executive Order 11063. 13. Affirmative Action Program / Plan. 14. Davis Bacon and Related Acts. OCRA has a 10% MBE/WBE goal for all projects funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds. Rate of Qualifications The proposal must include sufficient information regarding qualifications and determine that the respondent is qualified and has relevant experience. Do not include a proposed fee as this is a qualification based selection process. The statement of qualifications should include the following: 1. A description of expertise, experience and resources directly relevant and available for the proposed project. 2. A list of similar projects previously completed. 3. A list of references. 4. Resumes of professional staff members that will work on this project. 5. Name of person to be in charge of project. 6. Description of scope of services as per Description of Services Needed. 7. A project time line. The statement of qualifications shall also provide the following information: name, title, address and telephone number of individuals with authority to negotiate and bind the proposer contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of evaluation. Award of Contract Evaluation criteria shall include: 1. Specialized experience or technical expertise of the organization and its personnel in connection with the scope of services to be provided and complexity of the project (20pts). 2. Evaluation of assigned personnel (20pts) 3. Past record of performance on contracts, including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (20pts). 4. Capacity of the organization to perform the work within time limitations, taking into consideration the current planned workload of the firm (20 pts). 5. Evaluation of references (20pts). If you are interested in providing the required services, please submit four (4) copies of the Statement of Qualification to the Town of Jamestown, Clerk Treasurer's Office, 421 East Main Street, Jamestown, Indiana 46147 no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) local time on October 31, 2016. Each Statement of Qualification will be reviewed for completeness and clarity according to the above criteria. Interviews are expected to be held on November 3, 2016. The Town may or may not negotiate the fee schedule with one or more offers. The Town reserves the right to reject any and/ or all responses. The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The contract is tentatively scheduled to be awarded by the Town on November 4, 2016. Offerors may desire additional information, a site visit or clarification regarding the Statement of Qualification. If so, please contact Katie Conyer between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. local time at (765) 676-6331. TLR-532 Sept. 30 hspaxlp