NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Floyd Circuit Court of Floyd County, Indiana, in Cause No. 22C01-1604-MF-000665 wherein Federal National Mortgage Association was Plaintiff, and Brittany Haas, solely in the capacity as Personal Representative of the Estate of Loretta Fredericks was a Defendant, required me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 29th day of Sept., 2016, at the hour of 10:00 a.m, or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 1st Floor - City County Building, 311 West 1st Street, New Albany, IN 47150, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Floyd County, Indiana. BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST ^ OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, IN FLOYD COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, THENCE WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, NORTH 88^ 31' 08" EAST, 1157.33 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LOT 1 BEING HEREIN DESCRIBED, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88^ 31' 08" EAST, 220,00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, THENCE WITH SCOTTSVILLE ROAD, SOUTH 01^ 21' 50" WEST, 140.17 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE DEPARTING SCOTTSVILLE ROAD, SOUTH 88^ 31' 08" WEST, 213.04 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NORTH 01^ 28' 52" WEST 140.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.696 ACRE, MORE OR LESS. More commonly known as 8487 Scottsville Rd, Borden, IN 47106-9116 Parcel No. 22-04-02-500-075.000-006; 22-04-02-500-074.000-006 Terms of sale are cash or pre-approved letter of credit - before or at time of sale. Bids will not be accepted without letter of credit. Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. /s/Alan McEwan ALAN W. MCEWAN, Plaintiff Attorney Attorney # 24051-49 FEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. 8415 Allison Pointe Blvd., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (317) 237-2727 /s/Frank Loop Frank Loop, Sheriff Township Lafayette The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. SERVICE DIRECTED TO: Brittany Haas, solely in the capacity as Personal Representative of the Estate of Loretta Fredericks 5185 American Legion Ln. SE Elizabeth, IN 47117 Service Type: Serve By Certified Mail NOTICE FEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. hspaxlp