Channel: The Indiana Exchange Marketplace: Public Notices
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE TOWN OF ZIONSVILLE PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held by the Town of Zionsville Plan Commission on Monday, September 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Zionsville Town Hall, 1100 West Oak Street Zionsville, Indiana 46077 to consider the following: PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL for a Modification of a Development Plan to allow for the addition of an Interactive Teller Machine (ITM) kiosk. The property involved commonly known as: 800 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN 46077 and is currently zoned to the SU-I zoning district, and is legally described as: A part of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 2 East in Boone County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: From a point on the south line of the aforesaid quarter section which is 90.60 feet eastwardly from the southwest corner of said quarter section, run north on a line, having a bearing of North 0 degrees 39 minutes West a measured distance of 1721.15 feet to the place of beginning of the within described tract, said place of beginning being also the northwest corner of Hypes Addition; thence on a bearing of east along the north line of said Hypes Addition 152.16 feet; thence North 0 degrees 59 minutes West 686.49 feet to a point in the Whitestown-Zionsville Road; thence north 81 degrees 14 minutes West along said road 152.65 feet; thence continue on a bearing of North 81 degrees 09 minutes West along said road 64.15 feet; thence South 1 degree 07 minutes East 719.66 feet; thence East 60.00 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3.4242 acres, more or less, but subject to legal highways, rights-of-way and easements. Located in Eagle Township, Boone County, Indiana. Excepting: A part of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 2 East, situated in the Town of Zionsville, Boone County, Indiana, particularly described as follows: Begin at the northwest corner of Hype's Addition, as physically located (said corner being described in the Plat as 88.44 feet East and 1,715.67 feet North of the southwest corner of the aforesaid southeast quarter), and proceed thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 28 seconds West (the bearing determined from the west line of Pine Meadows Subdivision shown in Plat Book #6, page 26), 60.00 feet; thence North 01 degree 07 minutes 00 seconds West, 94.77 feet; thence North 61 degrees 41 minutes 09 seconds East, 239.02 feet to the west right-of-way of a platted street; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds East, 208.73 feet; thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 38 seconds West, 152.16 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.7395 acres; subject to a 15 foot drainage and utility easement on and along the entire southernmost and easternmost boundaries; and also subject to a 25 foot set-back line, as measured from a dedicated street shown in Plat Book #6, page 26. Also excepting: A part of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 2 Eat, situated in the Town of Zionsville, Boone County, Indiana, particularly described as follows: From the northwest corner of Hype's Addition, as physically located (said corner being described in the Plat as 88.44 feet East and 1,715.67 feet North of the southwest corner of the aforesaid southeast quarter), and proceed thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 38 seconds West (the bearing determined from the west line of Pine Meadows Subdivision shown in Plat Book #6, page 26), 60.00 feet; thence North 01 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds West 94.76 feet; thence North 81 degrees 46 minutes 57 seconds East, 214.26 feet; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds East, 12.00 feet along the west right-of-way of a platted street; thence South 61 degrees 41 minutes 09 seconds West, 239.02 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.2605 acres; subject to a 15 foot drainage and utility easement on and along the entire easternmost boundary, and also subject to a 25 foot setback line from a dedicated street, as shown on Plat #6, page 26. A copy of the Petitions for Primary Plat approval and all plans pertaining thereto are on file and may be examined prior to the Public Hearing from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays, in the Office of Planning at the Town Hall, 1100 West Oak Street, Zionsville, Indiana 46077. Written comments in support of or in opposition to the Petition for Plan Commission Approval are filed with the Secretary of the Town of Zionsville Plan Commission prior to the Public Hearing will be considered. The Public Hearing is open to the public. Oral comments to the Petition for Plan Commission Approval will be heard at the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. Upon request, the Town of Zionsville will provide auxiliary aids and services. Please provide advance notification to Joe Rust at #317-873-1577 to ensure the proper accommodations are made prior to the meeting. President: David Franz Secretary: Wayne DeLong Z-148 9/4 hspaxlp #1580333

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