NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Clarksville Community School Corporation that the proper officers of Clarksville Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2020 proposed Capital Projects Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18-6. Following the public hearing,the proper officers of Clarksville Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions Complete details of the Capital Projects plan may be seen by visiting the website of this unit of government at the following address: Public Hearing Date: October 1, 2019 Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM Public Hearing Place: Renaissance Academy, 806 Eastern Blvd, Clarksville, IN Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, the resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance as per IC 20-40-18-6(d). hspaclp