ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PRE-ENGINEERED MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND ASSOCIATED SITE WORK LOGANSPORT/CASS COUNTY AIRPORT LOGANSPORT, INDIANA Sealed proposals will be received by the Logansport/Cass County Airport Authority, Owner, at the Office of the Airport Manager, Logansport/Cass County Airport, 3735 S. Airport Rd., Logansport, IN 46947, until 12:00 p.m. (local time), on September 23, 2019 and then will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than 2:00 p.m. will be returned unopened. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Work for which proposals are to be received is for an 80-foot by 60-foot contractor designed and provided pre-engineer maintenance building (timber pole frame or metal) and associated site work. The project should be a turn key project including all required permitting, the building supplied to the site, erection, site work and all necessary incidentals to provide a fully functioning building that meets all federal, state and local code requirements. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and material necessary to complete the work. All work is located at the Logansport/Cass County Airport. BID DOCUMENTS: Copies of the Specifications and Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the Office of the Airport Manager, Logansport/Cass County Airport, 3735 S. Airport Rd., Logansport, IN 46947, Telephone: (574) 735-3082. Copies of the bid documents will be made available through one of the following methods: as digital files only free of charge Bidders are required to be a plan holder of record having obtained the contract documents through the office of the Airport Manager. Bids not meeting this requirement will be deemed non-responsive. Bids shall be properly executed and addressed to the address shown above where bids are to be received together with the documents required by the bid forms, specifications, and related legal documents contained in the Contract Documents. No Bidder may withdraw their proposal within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for the receiving of bids. The Owner reserves the right to retain any and all bids for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, and said bid shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The Owner further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the Contract to any Bidder all to the advantage of the Owner or to reject all bids. PRE-BID Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at the office of the Office of the Airport Manager, Logansport/Cass County Airport, 3735 S. Airport Rd., Logansport, IN 46947, ON September 11, 2019 at 9:00 AM. BID SECURITY: A bid bond with good and sufficient surety issued by a company licensed to do business in the State of Indiana or a certified check on a solvent bank equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid insuring that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performance of its proposal secured. BONDS: A Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price will be required. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS: The Owner, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. 1.The proposed contract is under and subject to Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, equal opportunity clause, and to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 2.The Bidder must supply all the information required by the bid or proposal form. INDIANA REQUIREMENTS: Each bid shall be accompanied by bidder's financial statement, a statement of experience, a proposed plan or plans for performing the public work, and the equipment that bidder has available for the performance of the public work. Such statements shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, including Bid Forms 96, together with the required non-collusion affidavit. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any formalities in the bidding procedure. LOGANSPORT/CASS COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, LOGANSPORT, IN L-276 9/6, 13 hspaxlp 1582288
NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE DLC#:Z280-143 By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Floyd County, Indiana, in Cause No. 22D01-1803-MF-000430, wherein U.S. Bank National Association was Plaintiff, and Anthony W. Williams, Larry Brown, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority and New Albany Municipal Utilities, were the Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 17th day of Octobe 2019, at 10:00 A.M. of said day, at the 3rd Floor, City County Building,, 311 W.1st Street, NEW ALBANY IN, IN 47150, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Floyd County, Indiana: The East One-Half of Lot Sixty-Five (65) on Beechwood Avenue (North Second Street) in Plat Number Twenty-Six (26) of the Floyd County, Indiana records. AND; The West half of Lot No. 65 on Beechwood Avenue, formerly North Second Street in Plat No. 26 of Floyd County, Indiana records. 22-05-04-200-266.000-008 and commonly known as: 1403-1405 Beechwood Ave, New Albany, IN 47150. Subject to all liens, encumbrances, rights of redemption, easements and restrictions of record not otherwise foreclosed and extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause # 22D01-1803-MF-000430 in the Superior Court of the County of Floyd Indiana, and subject to all real estate taxes, and assessments currently due, delinquent or which are to become a lien. Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Doyle & Foutty, P.C. 41 E Washington St, STE 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 /s/ Frank Loop Frank A. Loop Floyd County Sheriff New Albany Township 1403-1405 Beechwood Ave, New Albany, IN 4715 Street Address The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein SHERIFF PLEASE SERVE: MANNER OF SERVICE: Anthony W. Williams 1403 -1405 Beechwood Ave New Albany, IN 47150 Sheriff Shane L. Gibson 311 Hauss Square, Rm 316 New Albany, IN 4715 Certified DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. IS A DEBT COLLECTOR hspaxlp
ALIAS SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION CAUSE NO. 75C01-1908-GU-000027 IN THE STARKE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF STARKE: IN RE THE GUARDIANSHIP OF: MICHAEL CONSENTINO, JR. NICOLE MEKOLA and CHRISTOPHER MEKOLA, Petitioner v. RENEE RADER, Respondent and MICHAEL CONSENTINO, SR., Respondent On August 6, 2019, a Petition was filed in the Starke Superior Court by Nicole and Christopher Mekola for Emergency Temporary Guardianship and Permanent Guardianship. All interested parties are hereby notified that said Petition for Guardianship was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Starke County Circuit Court, 53 East Washington Street, Knox, IN 46534. If any person seeks to contest the Guardianship, they must file a motion to contest the Guardianship in Starke County Circuit Court no later than thirty(30) days after service of this Notice. If any person does not file a motion to contest the Guardianship within thirty (30) days after service of this Notice, the above named Court will hear and determine the Petition for Guardianship. A Final Hearing on Permanent Guardianship is set in this matter to be heard on October 28, 2019 at 2:00 PM CST in the Starke County Circuit Court at 53 East Washington St., Knox, IN 46534. Dated August 22, 2019 Bernadette Manuel, Clerk Starke Circuit Court August 30 September 6, 13 hspaxlp
LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING GREENSBURG PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that The City of Greensburg Municipal Water Company has filed an application for rezoning from the City of Greensburg Plan Commission. Said request is to rezone property from I-1 Light Industrial to R-2 One- and Two-Family Dwellings with a waiver to allow said water plan as a permitted exception under the Greensburg Code of Ordinances Section 155.018 (B) (1). Said property is described as follows: Legal description of premises: All of Lots Numbered Twelve (12) through Twenty-two (22) and Forty-six (46) through Forty-eight (48) in the Commercial Club Addition; ALSO the vacated streets and part of the vacated alleys per Ordinance 2019-5 recorded in Instrument 201900702; ALSO Part of the Northeast and Northwest Quarters of Section 2, Township 10 North, Range 9 East of the Second Principal Meridian located in the City of Greensburg, Decatur County, Indiana, being that 5.413 acre tract of land shown on the plat of the Greensburg Water Treatment Plant Administrative Subdivision certified by Andrew P. Scholle, PS #LS20400051 on August 28, 2019 as the Scholle's Land Surveying, Inc.'s project number 2019-0094 (all references to monuments and courses herein are shown on said plat of survey) described as follows: BEGINNING at a mag spike found at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 88 degrees 36 minutes 09 seconds West along the South line of said Quarter a distance of 16.51 feet to a mag nail set; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 1059.00 feet to a railroad spike set; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 167.18 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set with yellow cap stamped AP SCHOLLE LS20400051 (hereinafter referred to as a capped rebar set) in the center of the vacated railroad per Instrument 200500469; thence along the center of said vacated railroad and a curve to the left having a radius of 5732.15 feet, an arc length of 704.13 feet, a chord bearing of North 05 degrees 36 minutes 13 seconds East and a chord distance of 703.69 feet to a point; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 116.03 feet to the East line of said Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 12 seconds East along the East line of said Quarter a distance of 1.61 feet to the Northwest corner of the Commercial Club Addition (from which a 3/8 inch rebar found bears South 89 degrees 02 minutes 12 seconds West a distance of 1.16 feet); thence North 89 degrees 02 minutes 12 seconds East along the North line of said Addition a distance of 220.39 feet to a capped rebar set; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 32 seconds East along the extension of the East line of Lot Numbered Twelve (12) passing through a capped rebar set at 175.76 feet at the Southeast corner of said Lot, a total distance of 225.76 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar found at the Northwest corner of Lot Numbered Twenty-two (22); thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds East along the North line of said Lot a distance of 40.00 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar found at the Northeast corner of Lot Numbered Twenty-two (22); thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 12 seconds East along the East line of said Lot and its extension thereof a distance of 167.92 feet to a capped rebar set in the center of a vacated alley; thence South 89 degrees 18 minutes 53 seconds West along the center of a vacated alley a distance of 120.00 feet to a capped rebar set; thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 14 seconds East along the extension of the East line of Lot Numbered Forty-six (46) a distance of 168.10 feet to a capped rebar set at the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence South 89 degrees 13 minutes 43 seconds West along the South lines of Lots Numbered 46, 47 and 48 passing through a capped rebar set at a distance of 122.00 feet at the Southwest corner of Lot Numbered Forty-eight (48), a total distance of 144.89 feet to a mag nail set on the East line of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 12 seconds West along the East line of said Quarter a distance of 1199.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 5.413 acres, more or less. Subject to any and all easements, agreements, liens and restrictions of record. The owner and address of said real estate is commonly known as The City of Greensburg Municipal Water, 1105 N. Ireland Street, Greensburg, IN. The file on this matter is available for public inspection at least 10 days prior to the hearing, during the regular working hours at the Greensburg Plan Commission office in City Hall, Greensburg, Indiana. The Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 during a meeting commencing after the Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the petition. This notice is being published to notify persons affected by this petition by order of the Plan Commission. Written comment regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. The meeting will be held in the Plan Commission meeting room of City Hall, Greensburg, Indiana. Kathryn Reynolds, Building/Planning Official GDN-278 9/6,13 hspaxlp 1581172
Newton SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF RUSH IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF RUSH COUNTY RUSHVILLE, INDIANA CAUSE NO. 70D01-1908-MF-000345 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. PLAINTIFF vs MICHAEL J. NEWTON A/K/A MICHAEL J. NEWTON, SR., DECEASED; MICHAEL J. NEWTON, JR., HEIR AND/OR DEVISEE OF MICHAEL J. NEWTON, SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR DEVISEES OF MICHAEL J. NEWTON, SR., DECEASED; MICHAEL J. NEWTON, JR., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. NEWTON, SR., DECEASED; ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. NEWTON, SR., DECEASED DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SUIT To the defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property legally described as follows: The following described Real Estate in Rush County, in the State of Indiana, to-wit: A part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section twenty (20) Township fifteen (15) North, Range ten (10) East, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a Harrison Marker at the southeast corner of said quarter section; thence on an assumed bearing of south ninety (90) deg. zero (00) min. zero (00) sec. west a distance of four hundred sixty-six (466.00) feet along the south line of said quarter section to a P.K. Nail at the point of beginning of this description; thence south ninety (90) deg. zero (00) min. zero (00) sec. west a distance of two hundred thirty (230.00) feet along the south line of said quarter section to a P.K. Nail; thence north zero (00) deg. zero (00) min. zero (00) sec. west a distance of two hundred thirty (230.00) feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence north ninety (90) deg. zero (00) min. zero (00) sec. east a distance of two hundred thirty (230.00) feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence south zero (00) deg. zero (00) min. zero (00) sec. east a distance of two hundred thirty (230.00) feet to the point of beginning. Commonly known as: 784 East 800 North Rushville, IN 46173-9079 This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following defendant(s) whose whereabouts are unknown. Michael J. Newton, Jr., Heir and/or Devisee of Michael J. Newton, Sr., deceased Unknown Heirs and/or Devisees of Michael J. Newton, Sr., deceased In addition to the above-named defendants being served by this summons, there may be other defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. An answer or other appropriate response in writing to the Complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney with the Clerk of the Court for Rush County at: Clerk of Rush County 101 East 2nd Street Rushville, IN 46173 on or before the 20th day of October, 2019, (the same being thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so a judgment may be entered against you for what the plaintiff has demanded. Codilis Law, LLC By: Brian C. Berger 19753-45 ATTEST: Angela M. Buckley Clerk, Rush Superior Court Brian C. Berger 19753-45 Attorney for Plaintiff Codilis Law, LLC 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Atty File: 1033255 This firm is deemed to be a debt collector. RR-274 9/6, 13, 20 hspaxlp 1582282
NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Pursuant to Indiana Code^^ 6-1.1-20-5, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of the Fairfield Community Schools has preliminarily determined to issue bonds in the aggregate amount not to exceed $3,145,000 to fund the proposed renovation of and improvements to school facilities, including real estate purchase, site improvements and the purchase of equipment and technology (the Project). Dated: September 13, 2019 /s/ Greg Kitson Secretary, Board of School Trustees Fairfield Community Schools September 13, 20 hspaxlp
NOTICE OF SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Whitestown Surplus Vehicles The Town of Whitestown (Whitestown) has determined to sell certain surplus vehicles at auction. A general description of the surplus property to be sold is as follows: Approx. Vehicle Year Make VIN Mileage WFD Black Expedition 2008 Ford 1FMFU16508LA63550 143,980 WFD Brown Explorer 2006 Ford 1FMEU73816UA49242 84,560 WPD Black Explorer 2005 Ford 1FMZU73W55UA77947 150,400 WMU White Tahoe 2002 Chevy 1GNEK13V32J182018 202,871 The auction will be conducted on Friday, September 27, 2019 (or at a subsequent auction thereafter if unsold) at the Indianapolis Car Exchange, 5161 South Indianapolis Road, Whitestown, Indiana 46075, or online at Whitestown reserves the right to reject any bids and to stop a sale. All sales are subject to full Disclaimer of Warranties, which bidder accepts in submitting any bid. The winning bidder is responsible for delivery of the surplus property. Pursuant to I.C. ^ 5-22-22-9, a law enforcement vehicle painted in a color scheme of more than one color must be repainted by a person before the vehicle is operated on a public highway or resold for operation on a public highway by someone other than another governmental body. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: The winning bidder accepts the surplus property and the surplus property is provided AS IS. THE TOWN OF WHITESTOWN AND ITS AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SURPLUS PROPERTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For further information, including to schedule an inspection of the surplus property, please contact Indianapolis Car Exchange at (317) 769-7777, or Dennis Anderson, Whitestown Police Chief, at (317) 732-4546. TLR-507 9/13, 20 hspaxlp 1584378
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Howard County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the Howard County Council, at their regular meeting place, at the Howard County Administration Center, 220 N. Main St., Room 338 (third floor), Kokomo, Indiana, at 4:00 p.m., Sept. 24, 2019, will consider the following additional appropriations or reductions involved in changing the established budgets for the current year 2019. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUESTS: HOWARD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND: Personal Services $ 48,071.04 TOTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND: $ 48,071.04 HOWARD COUNTY CASA FUND: Personal Services $ 5,850.00 Other Services & Charges $ 15,000.00 TOTAL CASA FUND: $ 20,850.00 HOWARD COUNTY DRUG COURT USER FEES FUND: Other Services & Charges $ 23,528.00 TOTAL DRUG COURT USER FEES FUND: $ 23,528.00 HOWARD COUNTY RE-ENTRY COURT USER FEES FUND: Other Services & Charges $ 78,368.00 TOTAL RE-ENTRY COURT USER FEE FUND: $ 78,368.00 HOWARD COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH COURT GRANT FUND: Other Services & Charges $ 4,020.00 TOTAL MENTAL HEALTH COURT GRANT FUND: $ 4,020.00 HOWARD COUNTY VETERANS' COURT GRANT FUND: Other Services & Charges $ 2,576.95 TOTAL VETERANS' COURT GRANT FUND: $ 2,576.95 HOWARD COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION GRANT FUND: Other Services & Charges $ 8,000.00 TOTAL JUVENILE PROBATION GRANT FUND: $ 8,000.00 HOWARD COUNTY PROSECUTOR GRANT FUND: Personal Services $ 9,200.00 TOTAL PROSECUTOR GRANT FUND: $ 9,200.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS ALL FUND: $194,613.99 Taxpayers attending the meeting will have a right to be heard. The Additional Appropriations and/or Appropriation Reductions as finally made will be referred to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. The Department will make written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation additions/reductions within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a certified copy of the action taken. Martha Lake, Auditor, Howard County K-800 9/13 hspaxlp 1583824
ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF UNSAFE BUILDING ORDER TO COMPLY Issued to Douglas A. Daniels and Canthelia S. Daniels This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following persons who may be owners or claim a substantial property interest in the within described real estate and whose whereabouts are unknown: Douglas A. Daniels; Canthelia S. Daniels; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.; Trustcorp Mortgage Co.; and Keybank National Association The legal description and address of the unsafe premises that are subject to the Order To Comply, as evidenced by the tax records of the Elkhart County Recorder, is property tax code number 20-13-27-300-003.000-020, commonly known as 71679 County Road 100, Nappanee, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 4 East, Locke Township, Elkhart County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 27; thence due South along the North South centerline of said Section 27 (being also the centerline of County Road # 100), a distance of 901.04 feet to the place of beginning of this description; thence continuing due South, a distance of 175.0 feet; thence due West, a distance of 175.0 feet; thence due North, a distance of 175.0 feet; thence due East, a distance 175.0 feet to the place of beginning. You are hereby notified that the action required by the Order To Comply and the period of time in which the action is to be accomplished is: Demolish the unsafe building at the within described unsafe premises and remove all demolition remains, trash and debris on the unsafe premises and return the site to natural grade, all of said work to be completed on or before November 15, 2019, and all in accordance with the provisions of Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that failure to comply with the Order To Comply may result in the work being accomplished by the Elkhart County Building Department with a lien against all persons having a fee interest being recorded in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of performance of the work plus reasonable administrative and legal costs incurred, all in accordance with Indiana Code 36-7-9-11 and the Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that this matter has been scheduled for a public hearing before the hearing authority on October 16, 2019, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. (local time) in Room A, Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, for the purpose of reviewing the Order To Comply. You, and the persons to whom the Order To Comply was issued, have the right to appear at this hearing with or without counsel to present evidence, cross-examine opposing witnesses and to present arguments. Should you fail to appear at the time set for the hearing, the hearing will be conducted in your absence. The hearing authority will have the right to affirm, rescind or modify the Order To Comply. The Order To Comply is issued by the Building Commissioner of the Elkhart County Building Department in accordance with Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. The address of the Building Commissioner is Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, and the telephone number is (574) 971-4597. The exact terms of the Order To Comply may be obtained from the Building Commissioner at the Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building. Dated this 9th day of September, 2019. ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: Kevin Williams, Building Commissioner September 13, 20 hspaxlp
ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF UNSAFE BUILDING ORDER TO COMPLY Issued to Jeraldine Myrick This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following persons who may be owners or claim a substantial property interest in the within described real estate and whose whereabouts are unknown: Jeraldine Myrick; SCS Credit Corp.; Radiology, Inc.; and Firstsource Advantage, LLC The legal description and address of the unsafe premises that are subject to the Order To Comply, as evidenced by the tax records of the Elkhart County Recorder, is property tax code numbers 20-02-33-231-007.000-026 and 20-02-33-231-008.000-026, commonly known as 54013 Wilson Street, Elkhart, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: A part of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1/4) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township Thirty-eight (38) North, Range Five (5) East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Wilson Street in Hastings Park, an addition to the City of Elkhart, at a point that is Eight Hundred Fifty (850) feet West and Four Hundred Ninety (490) feet South from the Northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South along the West line of said Wilson Street, Fifty (50) feet; thence West at right angles to said street One Hundred Twenty-seven (127) feet; thence North parallel with said Wilson Street Fifty (50) feet; thence East at right angles with said Wilson Street to the place of beginning. Conveying by this description the tract of land that is designated in the unrecorded Plat of HASTINGS PARK ADDITION, as said Lot Numbered Two-Hundred Seventeen (217). ALSO: Commencing at a point Eight Hundred Forty-seven and Seven Tenths (847.7) feet West of a point Five Hundred Ninety-three (593) feet South of the Northeast corner of Section Thirty-three (33), Township Thirty-eight (38) North Range Five (5) East; thence West One Hundred Twenty-seven (127) feet; thence South Fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning, being Lot Numbered Two Hundred Eighteen (218) in a proposed plat of HASTINGS PARK ADDITION. You are hereby notified that the action required by the Order To Comply and the period of time in which the action is to be accomplished is: Demolish the unsafe building at the within described unsafe premises and remove all demolition remains, trash and debris on the unsafe premises and return the site to natural grade, all of said work to be completed on or before November 15, 2019, and all in accordance with the provisions of Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that failure to comply with the Order To Comply may result in the work being accomplished by the Elkhart County Building Department with a lien against all persons having a fee interest being recorded in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of performance of the work plus reasonable administrative and legal costs incurred, all in accordance with Indiana Code 36-7-9-11 and the Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that this matter has been scheduled for a public hearing before the hearing authority on October 16, 2019, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. (local time) in Room A, Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, for the purpose of reviewing the Order To Comply. You, and the persons to whom the Order To Comply was issued, have the right to appear at this hearing with or without counsel to present evidence, cross-examine opposing witnesses and to present arguments. Should you fail to appear at the time set for the hearing, the hearing will be conducted in your absence. The hearing authority will have the right to affirm, rescind or modify the Order To Comply. The Order To Comply is issued by the Building Commissioner of the Elkhart County Building Department in accordance with Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. The address of the Building Commissioner is Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, and the telephone number is (574) 971-4597. The exact terms of the Order To Comply may be obtained from the Building Commissioner at the Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building. Dated this 9th day of September, 2019. ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: Kevin Williams, Building Commissioner September 13, 20 hspaxlp
ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF UNSAFE BUILDING ORDER TO COMPLY Issued to Katrina Spurlock This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following persons who may be owners or claim a substantial property interest in the within described real estate and whose whereabouts are unknown: Katrina Spurlock The legal description and address of the unsafe premises that are subject to the Order To Comply, as evidenced by the tax records of the Elkhart County Recorder, is property tax code number 20-05-12-305-013.000-001, commonly known as 56598 Miller Drive, Elkhart, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Lot Numbered One Hundred Eighteen (118) as shown on the recorded Plat of ELPACO MANOR SECOND, a Subdivision in Baugo Township, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 22, in the Office of the Recorder of Elkhart County, Indiana. You are hereby notified that the action required by the Order To Comply and the period of time in which the action is to be accomplished is: Demolish the unsafe building at the within described unsafe premises and remove all demolition remains, trash and debris on the unsafe premises and return the site to natural grade, all of said work to be completed on or before November 15, 2019, and all in accordance with the provisions of Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that failure to comply with the Order To Comply may result in the work being accomplished by the Elkhart County Building Department with a lien against all persons having a fee interest being recorded in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of performance of the work plus reasonable administrative and legal costs incurred, all in accordance with Indiana Code 36-7-9-11 and the Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. You are hereby notified that this matter has been scheduled for a public hearing before the hearing authority on October 16, 2019, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. (local time) in Room A, Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, for the purpose of reviewing the Order To Comply. You, and the persons to whom the Order To Comply was issued, have the right to appear at this hearing with or without counsel to present evidence, cross-examine opposing witnesses and to present arguments. Should you fail to appear at the time set for the hearing, the hearing will be conducted in your absence. The hearing authority will have the right to affirm, rescind or modify the Order To Comply. The Order To Comply is issued by the Building Commissioner of the Elkhart County Building Department in accordance with Elkhart County Unsafe Building Ordinance. The address of the Building Commissioner is Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building, 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, Indiana, 46526, and the telephone number is (574) 971-4597. The exact terms of the Order To Comply may be obtained from the Building Commissioner at the Elkhart County Department of Public Services Building. Dated this 9th day of September, 2019. ELKHART COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT By: Kevin Williams, Building Commissioner September 13, 20 hspaxlp
Personal property for the following listed storage units will be offered for lien sale Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019, at Anderson Lock-Up, 1809 W. 38th Street, Anderson, Indiana. Each unit will be offered for sale as a whole. Closed bids will be accepted at 10:00 a.m. #105 & #106 Christine Campbell, 5711 Applecreek Way H, Anderson, IN 46013 #149 Chad Clegg, 3248 Greenbriar Rd., Anderson, IN 46011 #100 Stephen Humes, 4225 Delaware St., Anderson, IN 46014 #26 Orlando Johnson, 2604 W 23rd, Anderson, IN 46011 #240 Kevin Kuhns, 7385 N 575 W. Frankton, IN 46044 #226 Ashley McGuire, 914 E 27th, Anderson, IN 46016 #166 Brandy Mathis, 1801 N Madison, Anderson, IN 46011 HB-654 9/13 hspaxlp 1584453
REQUEST FOR APPLICATION In accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, 42 U.S. Code 3002, ET SEQ., P.L. 39-73, the Area 2 Agency on Aging is soliciting proposals which describe utilization of Title III funding from the State of Indiana for service delivery to meet the needs of the elderly population in Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaPorte, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties. Proposals are to cover service delivery from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Programs which will be considered for funding are: Outreach Counseling and Assistance, In-Home Services, Advocacy Services, Nutrition, Preventative Health, Transportation and Legal Services. To receive an application packet, or for more information contact: Area 2 Agency on Aging Attn: K. Wilson P. O. Box 1835 South Bend, IN 46634 Closing date for requests for application is September 26, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) September 6, 13 hspaxlp
NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE DLC#:A338-204 By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Clark County, Indiana, in Cause No. 10C01-1904-MF-000092, wherein Quicken Loans Inc. was Plaintiff, and Sharion A. Clapp a/k/a Sharion Ann Clapp-Lang, Carrie Lynn Casper a/k/a Carrie Lynn Barnes and Daniel Lang, were the Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 17th day of October, 2019, at 10:00 A.M. of said day, at the City-County Bldg., 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Clark County, Indiana: That part of Survey Number 248 of the Illinois Grant, Clark County, Indiana being further described as follows: Beginning at a Berntsen Duranail marking the western most corner of Lot 28, of the Plat of Marysville (Plat Book 3, Page 58), which is in the survey line dividing Surveys 247 and 248, said point also being in the centerline of Marysville Road; Thence along said survey line and centerline, North 38 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds West, 190.75 feet to a Mag Spike; Thence North 44 degrees 12 minutes 59 seconds East, 139.9 feet to a steel pin and cap; Thence North 22 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds East, (passing a steel pin cap at 29.97 feet) a total distance of 144.1 feet to a steel pin and cap; Thence South 67 degrees 44 minutes 37 seconds East, 68.21 feet to a steel pin and cap; Thence South 22 degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds West, 136.85 feet to a steel pin and cap; Thence South 67 degrees 02 minutes 09 seconds East, 48 feet to a steel pin and cap at the north corner of Lot 31 of the Town of Marysville; Thence along the northwest line of Lots 28 through 31, South 22 degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds West, 230.84 feet to the True Point of Beginning. The above-described tract contains 0.836 acres, which is subject to all rights-of-ways and easements, whether of record or not. 10-07-24-800-006.000-028 and commonly known as: 22716 Marysville Rd, Marysville, IN 47141. Subject to all liens, encumbrances, rights of redemption, easements and restrictions of record not otherwise foreclosed and extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause # 10C01-1904-MF-000092 in the Circuit Court of the County of Clark Indiana, and subject to all real estate taxes, and assessments currently due, delinquent or which are to become a lien. Said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Doyle & Foutty, P.C. 41 E Washington St, STE 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 /s/ Jamey J. Noel Jamey J. Noel Clark County Sheriff OregonTownship 22716 Marysville Rd, Marysville, IN 47141 Street Address The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein SHERIFF PLEASE SERVE MANNER OF SERVICE: Certified Carrie Lynn Casper a/k/a Carrie Lynn Barnes 7455 Locust Lake West Dr Spencer, IN 47460 DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. IS A DEBT COLLECTOR hspaxlp
STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF CLARK )SS: IN THE CLARK CIRCUIT COURT 4 JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA A CHILD ALLEGED TO BE ) Cause No.:10C04-1907-JC-000083 A CHILD IN NEED OF SERVICES: ) SUMMONS FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION & NOTICE OF CHILD IN DP - DOB 02/26/2004 NEED OF SERVICES HEARING And TARA N. PINAIRE (MOTHER) KENNETH W. KERN (FATHER) TO: TARA N. PINAIRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above noted parent whose whereabouts are unknown, that the Indiana Department of Child Services has filed its Verified Petition Alleging the child to be in Need of Services, in accordance with I.C. 31-34-9-3, and that an adjudication hearing has been scheduled with the Court. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the Judge of the Clark Circuit Court 4, 501 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-6294 for an Initial Hearing on October 22, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. and Review Hearing on November 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. At said hearing, the Court will consider the Petition and evidence thereon and will render its decision as to whether the above named minor child is child in need of services and shall enter adjudication accordingly. Your failure to appear after lawful notice will be deemed as your default and waiver to be present at said hearing. UPON ENTRY OF SAID ADJUDICATION, A DISPOSITIONAL HEARING will be held in which the Court will consider (1) Alternatives for the care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; (2) The necessity, nature, and extent of your participation in the program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child; and (3) Your financial responsibility for any services provided for the parent, guardian or custodian of the child including child support. YOU MUST RESPOND by appearing in the case in person or by attorney within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice, and in the event you fail to do so, an adjudication on said petition, judgment by default may be entered against you, or the court may proceed in your absence, without further notice. THE ATTORNEY REPRESENTING THE INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SERVICES, is Andrew Kitchel, 1421 E. Tenth Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130; telephone (812) 288-5444. Date this 3rd day of September, 2019 Susan Popp, Clerk of Clark County hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 29125 County Road 22 West Elkhart, IN 46517. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Baugo Community School Corporation, Elkhart County, Indiana that the proper officers of Baugo Community Schools will conduct a public hearing on the year 2020 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Baugo Community Schools not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Baugo Community Schools shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Baugo Community Schools will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing Monday, September 23 2019 Date of Adoption Meeting Monday, October 14 2019 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 PM Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 PM Public Hearing Place 29125 County Road 22 West Adoption Meeting Place 29125 County Road 22 West Elkhart, IN 46517 Elkhart, IN 46517 September 13 hspaxlp
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Boone County Area Plan Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Connie Lamar Room of the Boone County Government Building, 116 West Washington Street, Lebanon, Indiana, on an Application for a Minor Residential Subdivision Plat, File Number 19JA-22-169, filed by Michael J. Andreoli, Attorney for Petitioners. Petitioners are seeking a Two Lot and Two Parcel Administrative Plat. Petitioner Stewart's property consists of 59.12 acres, more or less (Lot 1); Petitioner Mitchell's property consist of 10 acres, more or less (Lot 2); The Endres property consists of 6 acres, more or less (Parcel 3); and 4 acres, more or less (Parcel 4), all located in Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, the address of which is 5624 S. SR 75 and 5512 S. SR 75, Jamestown, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Legal Description LOT 1 LAND DESCRIPTION: (INSTR. # 200900007927) A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 2 West, Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, being that 59.12 acre parcel surveyed by Jonathan E. Hause, P.S. 20600040 and shown on a plat of survey certified on August 5, 2019 as Hause Surveying and Engineering Job Number 19P512 (all monuments herein referenced are as set or found on the aforesaid Hause Survey), being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Type C Monument marking the apparent location of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 327.63 feet along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 to a point being witnessed by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with blue plastic cap stamped HAUSE PLS20600040 (hereafter called capped rebar) bearing South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 40.00 feet, said point on the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34, also being the Point of Beginning of this Description; thence continuing South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 726.13 feet along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 to the Northeast described corner of the Stewart Parcel recorded in Deed Record 193, Pages 124-125, in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County Indiana, said point also being witnessed by a capped rebar bearing South 89 degrees 43 minutes 07 seconds West 40.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 07 seconds West 266.00 feet along the North described line of said Stewart Parcel to the Northwest corner thereof and a capped rebar; thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 266.00 feet along the West described line of said Stewart Parcel to the Southwest corner thereof and a capped rebar; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 07 seconds West 2394.58 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped Anderson 0083; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 996.98 feet to a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped Anderson 0083; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds East 2659.44 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 59.12 acres, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way and easements of record. LOT 2 LAND DESCRIPTION: (INSTR. # 2018010447) A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 2 West, Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, being a 10.00 acre parcel surveyed by Jonathan E. Hause, P.S. 20600040 and shown on a plat of survey certified on August 5, 2019 as Hause Surveying and Engineering Job Number 19S512 (all monuments herein referenced are as set or found on the aforesaid Hause Survey), being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a Type C Monument marking the apparent location of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 327.63 feet along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 to a point being witnessed by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with blue plastic cap stamped HAUSE PLS20600040 (hereafter called capped rebar) bearing South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 40.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 1329.88 feet to a capped rebar; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 327.63 feet to the North line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 and a capped rebar; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 24 seconds East 1329.50 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.00 acres, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way and easements of record. PARCEL 3 LAND DESCRIPTION: (INSTR. # 201600008702 & INSTR. # 201600008703) 2017004083) A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 2 West, Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Type C Monument marking the apparent location of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 24 seconds West 1861.33 feet along the North line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 to a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with blue plastic cap stamped HAUSE PLS20600040 (Hereafter called capped rebar), said point being the Point of Beginning of this description; thence South 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds East 327.63 feet to a capped rebar; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 797.73 to the West line of said Southeast Quarter and a 5/8-inch rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped Anderson 0083; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 327.63 feet along said West line to a Head Post marking the apparent location of the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 4 seconds East 797.73 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter to the Point of Beginning. Containing 6.00 acres, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way and easements of record. Together with a 20'easement for ingress and egress described as follows: A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 2 West, Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Type C Monument marking the apparent location of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 307.63 feet along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing South 00 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds East 20.00 feet to a point being witnessed by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with blue plastic cap stamped HAUSE PLS20600040 (hereafter called capped rebar) bearing South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 40.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 1861.71 feet to a capped rebar; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds East 1861.80 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.85 acres, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way and easements of record. PARCEL 4 LAND DESCRIPTION: (INSTR. # 2017004083) A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 18 North, Range 2 West, Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Type C Monument marking the apparent location of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34: thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 24 seconds West 1329.50 feet along the North line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34 to a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with blue plastic cap stamped HAUSE PLS20600040 (hereafter called capped rebar), said point being the Point of Beginning of this description: thence South 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds East 327.63 feet to a capped rebar; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West 531.83 feet to a capped rebar; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 327.63 feet to a capped rebar; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 24 seconds East 531.83 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter to the Point of Beginning. Containing 4.00 acres, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way and easements of records. [FOR REFERENCE ONLY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION PURSUANT TO A SURVEY PREPARED BY JONATHAN E. HAUSE. PROJECT NO. 178124 AND DATED 425/2017]. Subject to any and all easements, agreements, and restrictions of record. The address of such real estate is commonly known as 5512 S SR 75, Jamestown, IN 46147. Information regarding this Application can be viewed at the Boone County Area Plan Commission Office located in the Boone County Government Building, 116 West Washington Street, Lebanon, Indiana, on or before such Hearing, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Written suggestions or objections relevant to the Application may be filed up to five (5) days prior to the Hearing. Interested persons desiring to present their views verbally will be given the opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Secretary, Boone County Area Plan Commission TLR-504 9/13 hspaxlp 1584190
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 330 N Main Suite 200. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of RUSHVILLE CIVIL CITY, Rush County, Indiana that the proper officers of RUSHVILLE CIVIL CITY will conduct a public hearing on the year 2020 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of RUSHVILLE CIVIL CITY not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, RUSHVILLE CIVIL CITY shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of RUSHVILLE CIVIL CITY will meet to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date: Tuesday October 1, 2019 Adoption Meeting Date: Tuesday October 15, 2019 Public Hearing Time: 6:00 PM Adoption Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Public Hearing Location: 330 N Main Suite 200 Adoption Meeting Location: 330 N Main Suite 200 Estimated Civil Max Levy: $4,935,784 Property Tax Cap Credit Estimate: $1,979,457 Fund Name Budget Estimate Maximum Estimated Excessive Current Tax Levy Funds to be Raised Levy Appeals Levy Percentage including appeals and Difference levies exempt from (Column 3/ maximum levy limitations Column 5) 0061-RAINY DAY $60,000 $0 $0 $0 0101-GENERAL $5,828,477 $4,312,000 $0 $4,145,578 4.01% 0181-DEBT PAYMENT $97,913 $90,429 $0 $92,082 -1.80% 0341-FIRE PENSION $148,710 $0 $0 $0 0342-POLICE PENSION $222,440 $0 $0 $0 0706-LOCAL ROAD $35,000 $0 $0 $0 & STREET 0708-MOTOR VEHICLE $1,001,120 $550,000 $0 $546,811 0.58% HIGHWAY 2391-CUMULATIVE CAPITAL $63,000 $79,001 $0 $79,001 0.00% DEVELOPMENT 9500-PARK AND REC $62,250 $0 $0 $0 NON REVERTING 9501-UNSAFE BUILDING $38,750 $0 $0 $0 9502-RUSHVILLE FD NR $15,000 $0 $0 $0 9503-EMS NON REVERTING $178,300 $0 $0 $0 9504-ABANDONED VEHICLES$500 $0 $0 $0 9505-SANITATION NON $40,000 $0 $0 $0 REVERTING 9506-BOOKER T $14,150 $0 $0 $0 9507-LECE $9,200 $0 $0 $0 9508-FORFEITURE $5,000 $0 $0 $0 9509-K-9 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 9510-CEDIT $383,250 $0 $0 $0 9511-TIF $328,000 $0 $0 $0 9512-21ST CENTURY $445,000 $0 $0 $0 9513-PUBLIC SAFETY LOIT $138,000 $0 $0 $0 9514-COUNTY EMS NR $469,000 $0 $0 $0 9515-SPECIAL LOIT ROADS $42,000 $0 $0 $0 9516-ANIMAL CONTROL NR $30,000 $0 $0 $0 9517-911 NON REVERTING $75,000 $0 $0 $0 9518-PILOT NON-REVERTING$100,000 $0 $0 $0 Totals $9,434,260 $5,031,430 $0 $4,863,472 RR-278 9/13 hspaxlp 1583705
OFFICIAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL BONDS $1,895,000 (Preliminary, Subject to Change) CHARLES A. BEARD MEMORIAL SCHOOL CORPORATION, RUSH/HENRY COUNTIES, INDIANA GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2019 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that upon not less than twenty-four (24) hours notice given by telephone, electronically or otherwise on behalf of the Charles A. Beard Memorial School Corporation, Rush/Henry Counties, Indiana, an Indiana public school corporation (the School Corporation), prior to ninety (90) days from the date of the second publication of this notice, bids will be received on behalf of the School Corporation in care of the School Corporations municipal advisor, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC (the Municipal Advisor), 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (317) 465-1500 (telephone), (e-mail), in the manner as set forth herein for the purchase of the general obligation bonds of the School Corporation designated as Charles A. Beard Memorial School Corporation, Rush/Henry Counties, Indiana, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019 (the Bonds) in the aggregate principal amount of One Million Eight Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($1,895,000) (preliminary, subject to change), bearing interest at a coupon rate not exceeding five percent (5.00%) per annum, to be issued by the School Corporation pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation on August 20, 2019 (the Resolution). Upon completion of the bidding procedures described herein, the results of the non-electronic bids received shall be compared to the electronic bids received by the Municipal Advisor on behalf of the School Corporation. TYPES OF BIDS ALLOWED. Bidders may submit a bid for the Bonds as set forth in this Notice. Bids may be submitted via the PARITY^ web site (PARITY^). Bidders may access the sale at the PARITY^ website via the sale link at Internet Address until 11:00 a.m. (applicable Eastern Time) on the date identified in the notice given by, or on behalf of the School Corporation, not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the sale of the Bonds. To bid via PARITY^, bidders must have both (1) completed the registration form on PARITY^, if not previously registered, and (2) requested and received admission to the School Corporations sale, as described in the Registration and Admission to Bid and details set forth below. As an alternative to PARITY^, bidders may submit a bid to the Municipal Advisor at the applicable address described above until 11:00 a.m. (applicable Eastern Time) on the date identified in the notice given by, or on behalf of the School Corporation, twenty-four (24) hours prior to the sale of the Bonds. It is currently anticipated that bids will be requested to be submitted on September 24, 2019. POTENTIAL BIDDER QUESTIONS. If a potential bidder has questions related to the School Corporation, the financing or the submission of bids, questions should be submitted by electronic mail to the Municipal Advisor at the addresses set forth in this notice no later than 11:00 a.m. (applicable Eastern Time) on September 23, 2019. Any question submitted after such date and time or not submitted via electronic mail to the Municipal Advisor at the address set forth above will not receive any response. To the best of the School Corporations ability, all questions submitted on or before such date and time and submitted via electronic mail to the Municipal Advisor at the addresses set forth in this notice will be addressed by the School Corporation and sent to all potential bidders, including all bidders requesting the 24 hours notice of sale, no later than 5:00 p.m. (applicable Eastern Time) on September 23, 2019. Additionally, upon request, the written responses of the School Corporation will be sent via electronic mail to any other interested person or entity requesting such written responses. Potential bidders should review the information in this notice as well as the Preliminary Official Statement (as hereinafter defined) for information regarding the School Corporation, the financing and the submission of bids prior to submitting any questions. FORM, MATURITY AND PAYMENT OF BONDS. Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated on the basis of twelve (12) thirty (30)-day months for a three hundred and sixty (360)-day year and shall be payable semiannually on January 15 and July 15 in each year, commencing no earlier than July 15, 2020. The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in either certificated form or in book-entry-only form (as selected by the successful bidder) in denominations of $5,000 each or any integral multiples thereof, not exceeding the aggregate principal amount of such Bonds maturing in any one year, or in minimum denominations of $100,000 and denominations of $1,000 or any integral multiple thereof above such minimum denomination, not exceeding the aggregate principal amount of such Bonds maturing in any one year, and when issued, will be registered in the name of the successful bidder or if the successful bidder determines to have such Bonds issued in book-entry-only form, then in the name of CEDE & Co., as nominee for The Depository Trust Company (DTC), New York, New York. If book-entry-only form is selected by the successful bidder, the purchasers of beneficial interests in the Bonds will not receive physical delivery of bond certificates and ownership by the Beneficial Owners of the Bonds will be evidenced by book-entry only. As long as Cede & Co. is the registered owner of the Bonds as nominee of DTC, payments of principal and interest will be made directly to such registered owner, which will in turn, remit such payments to the DTC Participants for subsequent disbursement to the Beneficial Owners. Neither the School Corporation nor the financial institution to be selected by the School Corporation as the registrar and paying agent (the Registrar and the Paying Agent), shall have any liability for the failure of DTC or any DTC Participant to remit the payment or provide any notice to any Beneficial Owner of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 2019R-1 upward, shall bear an original issue date which shall be the date the Bonds are issued and shall mature on January 15 and July 15 in the years and amounts as follows: Maturity Date* Principal Amount* January 15, 2021 $40,000 July 15, 2021 50,000 January 15, 2022 55,000 July 15, 2022 65,000 January 15, 2023 70,000 July 15, 2023 165,000 January 15, 2024 170,000 July 15, 2024 635,000 January 15, 2025 645,000 *estimated, subject to change The School Corporation reserves the right to adjust principal amounts within maturities of the Bonds to achieve the financial objectives of the School Corporation based upon the rates bid by the successful bidder, the School Corporations current debt service levy and the School Corporations anticipated debt service levy during the term of the Bonds. The School Corporation also reserves the right to reduce the principal amount of the Bonds to be issued in order to receive no more than $2,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of the Bonds, and in the event of such principal amount reduction to adjust principal amounts within maturities of the Bonds. All payments of interest on the Bonds will be paid by check or draft mailed one business day prior to each interest payment date, to the registered owners of the Bonds as of the first (1st) day of the month in which such interest is payable at the address as it appears on the registration books kept by the Registrar and Paying Agent as of the first (1st) day of the month of the interest payment date or at such other address as is provided to the Registrar and Paying Agent in writing by such registered owner. Principal on the Bonds will be payable at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) so long as DTC or its nominee is the registered owner of the Bonds, principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid directly by the Paying Agent to DTC by wire transfer on the interest payment dates and principal payment dates in accordance with the procedures required by DTC, and (b) so long as all of the outstanding Bonds are held by one accredited investor, principal of and interest on the Bonds may be paid directly by the Paying Agent to DTC by wire transfer on the interest payment dates and principal payment dates without presentment of the Bonds. The Bonds may be transferred or exchanged at the office of the Registrar, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. The School Corporation has designated the Bonds as qualified tax-exempt obligations pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. REDEMPTION PROVISIONS. The Bonds are not subject to optional redemption prior to maturity. Upon the election of the successful bidder with respect to the Bonds, any of the Bonds may be issued as term bonds subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption on January 15 and July 15 of the year set forth above at 100% of the face value in accordance with the schedule set forth above. If any of the Bonds are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption, the Registrar and Paying Agent shall credit against the mandatory sinking fund requirement for any term bonds and corresponding mandatory sinking fund redemption obligation, in the order determined by the School Corporation, any term bonds maturing on the same date which have previously been redeemed (otherwise than as a result of a previous mandatory redemption requirement) or delivered to the Registrar and Paying Agent for cancellation or purchased for cancellation by the Registrar and Paying Agent and not theretofore applied as a credit against any redemption obligation. Each term bond so delivered or canceled shall be credited by the Registrar and Paying Agent at 100% of the principal amount thereof against the mandatory sinking fund obligation on such mandatory obligations and the principal amount of that term bond to be redeemed by operation of the mandatory sinking fund requirement shall be accordingly reduced; provided, however, the Registrar and Paying Agent shall credit such term bonds only to the extent received on or before forty-five days preceding the applicable mandatory redemption date. Notice of any mandatory sinking fund redemption will be mailed by first class mail by the Registrar and Paying Agent not less than 30 days prior to the date selected for redemption to the registered owners of all term bonds of the Bonds to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books of the Registrar and Paying Agent; provided, however, that failure to give such notice by mailing or a defect in the notice or the mailing as to such Bonds will not affect the validity of any proceedings for redemption as to any other Bonds for which notice is adequately given. Notice having been mailed, such Bonds designated for redemption will, on the date specified in such notice, become due and payable at the then applicable redemption price. On presentation and surrender of such Bonds in accordance with such notice at the place at which the same are expressed in such notice to be redeemable or as otherwise agreed to by the School Corporation and set forth in the Bonds, such Bonds will be redeemed by the Registrar and Paying Agent for that purpose. From and after the date of redemption so designated, unless default is made in the redemption of such Bonds, upon presentation, interest on such Bonds designated for redemption will cease. INTEREST RATES. Each bid submitted must be for all of the Bonds and must state the rate or rates of interest for each maturity of the Bonds, not exceeding the maximum per annum interest rate hereinbefore specified. Such interest rate or rates must be in multiples of one-eighth (1/8) or one-one hundredth (1/100) of one percent (1.00%). Bids specifying more than one interest rate must also specify the amount and maturities of the Bonds bearing each rate. All Bonds maturing on the same date shall bear the same rate of interest. Although not a term of sale, it is requested that each bid show the total dollar cost to final maturity and the net interest cost on the entire issue of the Bonds. BIDDING DETAILS. Any person interested in submitting a bid for the Bonds must furnish written notice of such intent along with such persons name, address and telephone number, on or before 11:00 a.m. (applicable Eastern Time), September 23, 2019, to the Municipal Advisor at the address and contact information set forth above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person or entity registered in PARITY^ will be automatically deemed to have complied with the foregoing requirements for so long as such person or entity is registered in PARITY^. In addition to sending the notice on PARITY^, the School Corporation will cause each person so registered to be notified of the date and time bids will be received for the Bonds, not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the date and time of sale. The notification shall be made electronically if an e-mail address has been furnished. No conditional bid or bids for less than ninety-nine and one-half percent (99.50%) of the par value of the Bonds will be considered. The School Corporation reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in any bid. If no acceptable bid is received on the date fixed for sale of the Bonds, the sale may be continued from day to day thereafter without further advertisement for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, but if so continued, no bid will be accepted which offers an interest cost which is equal to or higher than the best bid received at the time fixed for the sale. A bidder for the Bonds may purchase bond insurance to guarantee the repayment of the debt service of the Bonds from a bond insurance company; provided, however, the payment of any premium for any such bond insurance will be paid by the successful bidder of the Bonds (the Purchaser) from its discount bid, and will not be paid by the School Corporation. Each of the bids for the Bonds not submitted via PARITY^ (i) must be on the form approved by the School Corporation, without additions, alterations or erasures, which form may be obtained from the Municipal Advisor at the address set forth herein; and (ii) delivered to the Municipal Advisor on behalf of the School Corporation at the applicable address or contact information set forth above. While it is not a requirement for the Purchaser, the School Corporation encourages the Purchaser to make a good faith effort to offer the Bonds to be purchased by residents of the School Corporation. INTERNET BIDS. If using PARITY^, bidders must first visit the PARITY^ web site where, if they have never registered with PARITY^, they can register and then request admission to bid on the Bonds. Only NASD registered broker dealers and dealer banks with DTC clearing arrangements will be eligible to bid via PARITY^. Any questions pertaining to the PARITY^ web site may be directed to PARITY^ at (212) 849-5021. RULES OF ELECTRONIC BIDDING. The Rules of PARITY^ can be viewed on its website and are incorporated herein by reference. Bidders must comply with the requirements of PARITY^ in addition to requirements of this Official Notice of Intent to Sell Bonds if the bidder is using PARITY^. To the extent there is a conflict between the Rules of PARITY^ and this Official Notice of Intent to Sell Bonds, this Official Notice of Intent to Sell Bonds shall control. CLOSED AUCTION. Bidders may change and submit bids as many times as they wish during the sale period for the Bonds, but they may not withdraw a submitted bid. The last bid submitted by a bidder prior to the deadline for the receipt of bids will be compared to all other final bids to determine the winning bid. During the sale, no bidder will see any other bidders bid, nor will it see the status of its bid relative to other bids (e.g. whether their bid is a leading bid). AMENDMENTS. The School Corporation reserves the right to amend any information contained in this Official Notice of Intent to Sell Bonds. The School Corporation also reserves the right to postpone, from time to time, the date established for the receipt of bids on the Bonds. Any such amendment or postponement will be announced in the same manner as the notice of the sale from the Municipal Advisor as described in BIDDING DETAILS. If any date fixed for the sale is postponed, any alternative sale date will be announced at least 24 hours prior to such alternative sale date. BASIS FOR AWARD. The sale of the Bonds will be awarded to the bidder making a bid that conforms to the specifications herein and which produces the lowest Net Interest Cost to the School Corporation. The Net Interest Cost is determined by computing the total interest on the Bonds from the date of delivery to the date of maturity or mandatory sinking fund redemption, if applicable, and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the amount of any discount. In the event of a bidders error in interest cost rate calculations, the interest rates and premium, if any, set forth or incorporated by reference in the Official Bid Form will be considered as the intended bid. In the event that the School Corporation fails to receive a bid on the Bonds from at least three Underwriters (as hereinafter defined), the School Corporation shall so advise the Purchaser. If the Purchaser is an Underwriter intending to resell all or any portion of the Bonds to the Public (as hereinafter defined), the Purchaser must, prior to acceptance of its bid by the School Corporation, either (i) agree in writing to neither offer nor sell any of the Bonds to any person at a price that is higher than the initial offering price for each maturity of the Bonds during the Holding Period (as hereinafter defined) for any maturity of the Bonds or (ii) request in writing that the School Corporation treat the first price at which 10% of a maturity of the Bonds (the 10% test) is sold to the Public as the issue price of that maturity, applied on a maturity-by-maturity basis. For purposes of this Notice of Intent to Sell Bonds, (a) the term Public shall mean any person (including an individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation) other than an Underwriter or a related party to an Underwriter, (b) the term related party means any two or more persons who have greater than 50 percent common ownership, directly or indirectly, (c) the term Underwriter means (i) any person that agrees pursuant to a written contract with the School Corporation (or with the lead underwriter to form an underwriting syndicate) to participate in the initial sale of the Bonds to the Public, and (ii) any person that agrees pursuant to a written contract directly or indirectly with a person described in clause (i) of this paragraph to participate in the initial sale of the Bonds to the Public (including a member of a selling group or a party to a retail distribution agreement participating in the initial sale of the Bonds to the Public), (d) the term Underwriters means more than one Underwriter, and (e) the term Holding Period means the period starting on the date the School Corporation awards the Bonds to the Purchaser (the Sale Date) and ending on the earlier of (i) the close of the fifth business day after the Sale Date, or (ii) the date on which the Underwriter has sold at least 10% of each maturity of the Bonds to the Public at prices that are no higher than the initial offering price for such maturity of the Bonds. Any underwriter executing and delivering an Official Bid Form with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its bid is accepted by the School Corporation (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all participating underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt of each such participating underwriter of the Official Statement. The Purchaser shall be responsible for providing (i) in writing the initial reoffering prices and other terms, if any, to the Municipal Advisor as and at the time requested and (ii) a certification verifying information as to the bona fide initial offering prices of the Bonds to the Public and sales of the Bonds appropriate for determination of the issue price of, and the yield on, the Bonds under Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as and at the time requested by the School Corporations bond counsel. GOOD FAITH DEPOSIT. The Purchaser will be required to provide to the School Corporation a good faith deposit in the form of cash, a certified check or a cashiers check or a wire transfer in the amount of one percent (1.00%) of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds to be sold to the Purchaser (the amount of such wire transfer being referred to hereinafter as the Deposit) within twenty-four (24) hours after being notified of being the Purchaser. If the Deposit is not received by the time set forth above, then the bid of the Purchaser shall be rejected. The Deposit will be applied to the purchase price of the Bonds awarded to the Purchaser. In the event the Purchaser fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of the bid and this Notice, such Deposit shall become the property of the School Corporation and shall be taken and considered as liquidated damages of the School Corporation on account of such failure or refusal. The Purchaser will be required to make payment for the Bonds in Federal Reserve or other immediately available funds and accept delivery of the Bonds within five (5) days after being notified that the Bonds are ready for delivery, at a bank designated by the School Corporation. Any premium bid must be paid in cash at the time of delivery as a part of the purchase price of the Bonds. The Bonds will be ready for delivery within sixty (60) days after the date on which the award is made, and if not deliverable within that period, the Purchaser will be entitled to rescind the sale and the Deposit will be returned. Any notice of rescission must be in writing. It is anticipated that CUSIP identification numbers will be printed on the Bonds if the Purchaser is an Underwriter, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bonds nor any error with respect thereto shall constitute cause for a failure or refusal by the Purchaser to accept delivery of and pay for the Bonds in accordance with the terms of its bid. No CUSIP identification number shall be deemed to be a part of any Bond or the contract evidenced thereby and no liability shall hereafter attach to the School Corporation or any of its officers or agents because of or on account of such numbers. All expenses in relation to the printing or typing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds shall be paid by the School Corporation. The Purchaser will also be responsible for any other fees or expenses it incurs in connection with the resale of the Bonds. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE. The Bonds are issued under the provisions of the Indiana Code to provide the School Corporation with funds to pay for the costs of the 2019/2020 Facilities Maintenance/Renovation Project as described and defined in the Resolution, as more fully described in the Preliminary Official Statement, together with the expenses necessarily incurred in connection therewith, including the expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. The principal of and interest on the Bonds are a general obligation of the School Corporation payable from ad valorem property taxes on all taxable property within the School Corporation as described in more detail in the Preliminary Official Statement. BOND DELIVERY. At the time of delivery of the Bonds, the approving opinion of Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Indianapolis, Indiana, Bond Counsel, as to the validity of the Bonds, together with a transcript of the proceedings for the Bonds, the printed Bonds and closing certificates in the customary form showing no litigation, will be furnished to the Purchaser at the expense of the School Corporation. In addition, unless bond counsel is able, on the date of delivery, to render an opinion to the effect that (1) under existing laws, regulations, judicial decisions and rulings, interest on the Bonds is excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for federal income tax purposes, and (2) the interest on the Bonds is exempt from income taxation in the State of Indiana for all purposes except the state financial institutions tax, the Purchaser shall have the right to rescind the sale, and in such event the Deposit will be returned. PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT. A copy of the Preliminary Official Statement prepared at the direction of the School Corporation in connection with the Bonds (the Preliminary Official Statement) may be obtained in limited quantities prior to submission of a bid by request from the Municipal Advisor at the address set forth above. Said Preliminary Official Statement will be in a form deemed final by the School Corporation, pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Rule), subject to completion as permitted by the Rule. The Preliminary Official Statement when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the interest rates of the Bonds, and any other information referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of the Rule, shall constitute a Final Official Statement of the School Corporation with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in the Rule. By awarding the Bonds to the Purchaser, the School Corporation agrees that, no more than seven (7) business days after the date of such award, it shall provide to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded, if applicable, up to ten (10) copies of the Official Statement at the School Corporations expense, any additional copies to be at the expense of the underwriting syndicate. The School Corporation designates the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded, if applicable, as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Official Statement to each participating underwriter. Any underwriter executing and delivering an Official Bid Form with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its bid is accepted by the School Corporation (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all participating underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such participating underwriter of the Final Official Statement. The Purchaser shall be responsible for providing (i) in writing the initial reoffering prices and other terms, if any, to the Municipal Advisor as and at the time requested and (ii) a certification verifying information as to the bona fide initial offering prices of the Bonds to the public and sales of the Bonds appropriate for determination of the issue prices of, and the yields on, the Bonds under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as and at the time requested by the School Corporations bond counsel. Alternatively, if the Purchaser is holding the Bonds for its own account and with no present intent to resell any of the Bonds or the interest therein, then the Purchaser will provide a certification to such effect in form and substance satisfactory to the Municipal Advisor and the School Corporations bond counsel. In order to assist bidders in complying with paragraph (b)(5) of the Rule, if applicable, the School Corporation will undertake if necessary, pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Contract which shall be delivered to the Purchaser at the closing on the Bonds, to provide annual reports and notices of certain events as required by Section (b)(5) of the Rule. A description of this undertaking is set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement. If bids for the Bonds are submitted by mail, they should be addressed to School Corporation in care of the Municipal Advisor at the address listed above. The School Corporation reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and for no reason at all and to waive any and all informalities, defects or requirements set forth in this notice or any bid submitted in response to this notice. Dated this 6th day of September, 2019. CHARLES A. BEARD MEMORIAL SCHOOL CORPORATION, RUSH/HENRY COUNTIES, INDIANA RR-269 9/6, 13 hspaxlp 1581284
IN CIRCUIT COURT 1 OF CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA PARK COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION PLAINTIFF vs. PATTEMA A. PHILPOTT DEFENDANT CASE NO. 10C01-1906-MF-000126 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE The Clerk of the Court in the above-captioned cause of action issued to me a certified copy of a Judgment/Decree of Foreclosure/ Order for Sale entered in the case pending in said Court wherein PARK COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION is Plaintiff and PATTEMA A. PHILPOTT, is the Defendant. By authority of this Judgment/Decree of Foreclosure/Order for Sale, I will, in order to satisfy the Judgment award in the amount of $53,320.13, plus interest and costs, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on October 29, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. at the Clark County Sheriff's Office located at City-County Building, 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, the real property described below: LOT NUMBER TWENTY (20) IN BLOCK NUMBER FIVE (5), INDIAN TERRACE, AS SAME APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK SIX (6), PAGE 87, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA. PARCEL NO. 10-20-00-301-050.000-010 Common Address: 629 Kewanna Drive, Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana 47130 I will then and there offer at public auction to the highest bidder the fee simple title to the above-described real estate in order to satisfy the Judgment entered in the above-captioned cause of action and to carry out the Order for Sale issued in favor of the Plaintiff. This sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws, and without the right of redemption. The Sheriff does not warrant title to this property, nor the accuracy of the address or legal description. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2019. /S/ JAMEY NOEL ___________________ SHERIFF, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA Prepared by: MORGAN POTTINGER MCGARVEY GARRET B. HANNEGAN Attorney for Plaintiff Attorney No. 14571-22 401 South 4th Street, Suite 1200 Louisville, KY 40202 PH: (502) 560-6756 SERVE: Pattema Philpott 629 Kewanna Drive Jeffersonville, IN 47130 hspaxlp