Floyd County Plan Commission LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT The regular meeting of the Floyd County Plan Commission will be held on Monday, May 16, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room, Suite 104 of the Pine View Government Center, New Albany, IN to consider the following: Roll Call Minutes NEW BUSINESS: Docket FC-08-14-21-- Modification to development known as Knob Hill Subdivision located between Oakes Road and State Road 64. Georgetown Township, Section 35, Township 2 South, Range 5 East. OTHER BUSINESS: Written responses to an Application and/or docket item may be filed with the Staff of the Floyd County Plan Commission, 2524 Corydon Pike Suite 203, New Albany. Any written response must include: 1) author's name; 2) author's address; 3) applicable docket number; 4) location of the author's property in reference to the property subject to the application; and 5) author's comment concerning the Application or docket item. Any written response must be properly authenticated or verified. Authentication/Verification may be achieved by: 1) Author's signature before a notary; or 2) Author's signature following the statement: "I affirm under the penalties for perjury that the aforementioned statements are true to the best of my ability." Any written response that is not properly verified will not be presented to the Board for consideration. The original and fifteen (15) copies of the written responses must be submitted to the Office of the Floyd County Plan Commission no later than noon (12:00 p.m.) of the day of the Board Meeting when the Application or docket item will be heard. Written responses that are received by the Staff at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled Board meeting will be distributed to the members in advance of the meeting. All other written responses meeting the noon deadline will be distributed to the members at the meeting. Any person that may require reasonable accommodations to attend the meeting or to comment upon the above listed docket may make their wishes known in writing, or by contacting the Commission at (812)948-5440 (Voice) or Indiana Statewide Relay (Hearing Impaired). Linda Barksdale, Executive Plan Director, Floyd County Plan Commission. 5-6 hspaxlp