IN THE CLARK CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF INDIANA IN RE THE ESTATE OF MARY AGNES TWIGG, Deceased CAUSE NO 10C01-1109-ES-59 PAMELA COLE, Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTING AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION Notice is given that Pamela Cole, Administratrix of the estate of Mary Agnes Twigg, deceased, has filed the final accounting relating to the estate as well as Petition for leave to make the final distribution of the estate to all persons believed to be entitled to distribution. The final accounting in the Petition for leave to make final distribution will be examined and acted upon at the Circuit Court No. 1 of Clark County on the 18th day of January, 2017 at 2:30 o'clock p. m., unless written objections showing cause as to why the Court should not act on them are filed with the Court on or before the aforementioned date; or unless proof of heirship or claim to any part of the estate is made by the date of hearing. Susan Popp, Clerk, Clark Circuit Court No. 1 hspaxlp