NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES IMPOSING PENALTY OR FORFEITURE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Elkhart County, Indiana has passed the following ordinances, the violation of which are subject to the penalties as provided by Indiana Code and Statue. These Ordinances are effective upon publication once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks, as provided under IC 1971, S-3-1-4. Said Ordinances are as follows: TRAFFIC CONTROL STOP BE ADOPTED AT WINDSONG DRIVE FOR COUNTY ROAD 18 Ordinance No. 2016-520 Dated this: November 21, 2016 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA ATTEST: Pauline E. Graff, Auditor Elkhart County, Indiana Terry J. Rodino Mike Yoder Frank R. Lucchese December 7, 14 hspaxlp