PUBLIC NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Indiana Department of Transportation (100 N. Senate Ave. Indianapolis, In 46204) submitting an NOI letter to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge stormwater from construction activities for the following project: I-65 Added Travel Lanes (Phase 3) in Clark County 1400597. The project will add travel lanes to I-65 from 1.02 miles north of SR60 to 2.8 miles south of SR160 (Old State Route 311) to Memphis Road. The overflow run-off from this project will discharge into Silver Creek, Muddy Fork and UNT to Silver Creek. Questions should be directed to David Duncan of Lochmueller Group, 6200 Vogel Rd, Evansville, IN 47715. hspaxlp