Newspaper Advertisement Notice is hereby given, pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1-2, that the Town of Brownsburg Advisory Plan Commission (the Plan Commission) will conduct a public hearing regarding an application for Case No. PSDP-10-16-1455, a Development Plan to be known as St. James Place, containing two lots, situated on 1.25 acres of real estate. The application was filed by Fred Arkanoff for the purpose of building two multifamily residential structures. The real estate subject to this application is generally described as follows: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 16 North, Range 1 East, Hendricks County, Indiana, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: From a corner stone marking the Southeast corner of said Quarter Quarter Section run thence North on and along the East line thereof a distance of 411.5 feet and to the place of beginning From said beginning point run thence West parallel to the South line of said Quarter Quarter Section 220.0 feet; thence North parallel to said East line 248.43 feet, to an old line said to be 40 rods North of the said South line, this old line is also the South line of Southtown, an addition to the Town of Brownsburg, Indiana; thence East on and along said South line 220.0 feet to the East line of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence South on and along said East line 248.65 feet and to the place of beginning. And more commonly known as: 616 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN Parcel ID 32-07-15-240-001.000-016 The public hearing will be held at 6:00 pm. on the 28th day of November, 2016 at the Town Hall, Council Meeting Room, 61 N. Green Street, Brownsburg, Indiana 46112 where all interested parties will be given an opportunity to testify regarding the proposal. The application and file on this matter is available for examination at the Department of Development Services, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, at the above address. Written objections must be filed with the Department of Development Services by the date of the hearing to be considered by the Plan Commission. HCF-897 Nov. 12 hspaxlp