Case 17-Z-16 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Kokomo City Plan Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 21, at 7:00 p.m. in the Neil Council Chamber of Kokomo City Hall, 100 South Union Street, Kokomo, Indiana. The hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. A portion of the Agenda is as follows: Case 17-Z-16: The petition at issue is from the Kokomo City Plan Commission and requests and recommends to the Kokomo Common Council to amending the text of the Kokomo Zoning Ordinance, No. 6279 as amended. The Amendment proposes changes to the following sections of the existing ordinance: The following text shall be amended in Article Three, Zoning Districts, as follows: 3.16: M1 District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.22: NC District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.24: IS District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.26: OC District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.30: C1 District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback:10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.32: C2 District Development Standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 10 feet for Primary Structures and 20 feet for Accessory Structures; 3.24.2 Regional Center (RC-OL) District Development Standards: Floor Area Standards: Minimum Main Floor Area -Primary Structure to 1,000 square feet, Minimum Main Floor Area per Dwelling Unit to 800 square feet, Minimum sleeping rooms per hotel/motel to 60; Height Standards: Minimum Structure Height: 24 feet and 2 stories; retail outlot 1 story; hotels/motels 3 stories, Maximum Structure Height -Primary Structure to 75 feet, Maximum Structure Height - Accessory Structure to 25 feet; 3.25.2 Community Center (CC-OL) District Development Standards: Floor Area Standards: Minimum Main Floor Area -Primary Structure to 1,000 square feet, Minimum Main Floor Area per Dwelling Unit to 800 square feet, Minimum sleeping rooms per hotel/motel to 60, Height Standards: Minimum Structure Height to 24 feet and 2 stories, retail outlot 1 story, hotels/motels 3 stories, Maximum Structure Height -Primary Structure to 45 feet, Maximum Structure Height - Accessory Structure to 15 feet; 3.27.2 Health/Office Center (HOC-OL) District Development Standards: Floor Area Standards: Minimum Main Floor Area -Primary Structure to 1,000 square feet, Minimum Main Floor Area per Dwelling Unit to n/a, Minimum sleeping rooms per hotel/motel to 60, Height Standards: Minimum Structure Height: 24 feet and 2 stories, hotels/motels 3 stories, Maximum Structure Height -Primary Structure to 55 feet, Maximum Structure Height - Accessory Structure to 25 feet. The following text shall be added and/or amended to Article Six, Development Standards, as follows:6.16: FW-01: This Fence and Wall Standards section applies to the following districts: AG, PR, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, M1, M2, MP; The following fence and wall standards apply: A. All fences and walls: Must present the non-structural face outward (e.g. the finished side outward), Are permitted up to the property line. However, a fence must not be closer than 2 feet from any public right-of-way. In addition, fence and wall footers shall not cross the property line, Must not be greater than 6 feet in height in the side yard and rear yard or greater than 4 feet in height in the front yard, Must not exceed 70% opacity when used in the front yard (e.g. cannot be a solid screen), Must abide by the vision clearance regulations, and Must not incorporate security wire, barbed wire, or sharpened top spikes; 6.17: FW-02: This Fence and Wall Standards section applies to the following districts: NC, IS, OC, C1, C2, LI, MI, HI: The following fence and wall standards apply: A. All fences and walls must present the non-structural face outward (the most aesthetically pleasing side toward neighboring properties), B. The maximum heights of a fence or wall is as follows: a. 6 feet in a side yard, b. 6 feet in a rear yard, c. 5 feet in a front yard, C. Structural posts and columns between fence sections may extend up as much as 5% higher than the maximums stated above, D. Fences and walls are permitted up to the property line. However, a fence must not be closer than 2 feet from any public right-of-way. In addition, fence and wall footers shall not cross the property line, E. Fences and walls must abide by the vision clearance regulations, F. Must not incorporate security wire, barbed wire, or sharpened top spikes; 6.28: LA-06 [Parking Lot Planting Standards]: This Landscaping Standards section applies to all newly constructed, reconstructed, or resurfaced off-street parking areas containing 20 parking spaces or more, regardless of whether the improvements of the parking lot or increase of parking spaces occurs at 1 time or in successive stages: The following landscaping standards apply: A. Parking lot plantings are required for any parking lot with at least 20 spaces. Parking lots with at least 20 spaces must provide perimeter landscaping as follows: a. One (1) tree or shrub per 20 parking spaces must be planted. It is strongly recommended to not plant ornamental trees or trees with surface root growth, b. Trees and shrubs may be spaced irregularly in informal groupings, c. The trunk of any tree or shrub must not be planted within 4 feet of the parking lot edge or impervious surface, d. The petitioner may plant the required tree and shrub plantings around the perimeter or in parking lot landscape islands or bumpouts. No landscape island or bumpout may be less than 150 square feet in area. All islands must be mulched or use a hardy ground cover (i.e. plant material);6.46: PK-04:(A) Two paved off-street parking spaces are required per dwelling unit, except at assisted living homes, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes where only one off-street parking space per two (2) dwelling units is required; 6.48: PK-06 : This Parking Standards section applies to all off-site parking lots and the following districts: PR, NC, IS, OC, C1, C2, LI, MI, HI: The following parking regulations apply: E. No more than 25% of all parking shall be in front of the primary structure; 6.58: SX-02: (A)(b) and (B)(b): The business shall not locate within 1,000 feet of the right-of-way of any state or federal highway or other designated community gateway streets as measured from the nearest property line. The following streets are designated community gateway streets: 1. Davis Road from the intersection with Washington Street to the north city limits, 2. Washington Street from north city limits to the intersection with South Lafountain Street, 3. South Lafountain Street from the intersection with Washington Street to the intersection with S.R. 931 or Reed Road, 4. Alto Road from the east city limits to the west city limits, 5. Dixon Road from the north city limits to the south city limits, 6. Sycamore Street from the east city limits to the west city limits, 7. Markland Avenue from the east city limits to the west city limits, 8. S.R. 931 or Reed Road, and 9. Center Road from east city limits to the west city limits;6.63: MC-04: This Miscellaneous Standards section applies to the following districts: M1, M2, MP, NC, IS, OC, DC, C1, C2, LI, MI, HI: The following miscellaneous standards apply: A. Dumpsters, trash and recycle containers/receptacles, compactors, and similar containers must be screened on all sides by a fence or wall. Glass or similar translucent and breakable materials shall not be used, B. The height of the enclosure must be at least 6 feet so as to completely block the view of the dumpsters, trash and recycle containers/receptacles, compactors, and similar containers;6.64: MC-05: This Miscellaneous Standards section applies to the following districts: LI, MI, HI: The following miscellaneous standards apply: A. Temporary or long-term Outdoor storage of construction and recycling materials and byproducts, palettes and like materials must be completely shielded from view with at least a 6 foot privacy fence on all sides. The stacked materials may not exceed the fence line in height, B. Outdoor storage of products or materials for sale must be approved by the Planning Director;6.66 MC-06: This Miscellaneous Standards section applies to the following districts: AG, PR, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5: The following miscellaneous standards apply: Dumpsters, trash and recycle containers/receptacles, compactors, and similar containers must not be stored so as to be visible from the roadway. This standard does not apply on days of regular trash/recycle pick-up; The following text shall be added in Article Eight, Nonconforming Structures, Lots, and Uses, as follows: 8.8: Nonconforming Pole Signs in the State Road 931 Overlay District: A. Pole signs are not a permitted use in the SR 931 Overlay District. See Zoning Ordinance ^^ 4.24.2 to 4.24.8. Any lawfully nonconforming pole sign existing in the SR 931 Overlay District on or after November 1, 2016 shall be discontinued over a reasonable period of time, and by no later than January 1, 2022, all lawfully nonconforming pole signs in the SR 931 Overlay District shall be brought into compliance with the Kokomo Zoning Ordinance. After January 1, 2022, all lawfully nonconforming pole signs in the SR 931 Overlay District shall lose their lawful nonconforming status; This section does not apply to multi-tenant structure signs or lawfully nonconforming signs greater than 100 square feet; The following text shall be amended in Article Ten, Enforcement and Penalties, as follows:10.8: Procedure for Violations: B. Fine Imposition: 1. If the violation stated in the notice of violation is not corrected within the time allowed, and no extension having been granted, the fine shall be imposed. Except as hereinafter provided, the person(s) in violation shall pay the fine and correct the violation within 10 days of the violation or face additional fines. In the case of a violation of section 9.5 of this ordinance, should the violation not be corrected within 5 business days of the notice of violation, the person(s) in violation shall be subject to being cited for additional violations and fines, 2. The Planning Director may extend the time period to correct the violation if, in the judgment of the Planning Director, the violator has made substantial progress to correct the violation. The proposal would apply to the territory within the corporate boundaries of the City of Kokomo. Copies of the proposed amendments are available from the Kokomo - Howard County Plan Commission at 120 E. Mulberry St., Suite 114, Kokomo, Indiana, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Written objections to the proposal that are filed with the Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. At said time and place, all interested persons may be heard. Monday, November 21, 2016 7:00 P.M. KOKOMO CITY PLAN COMMISSION, KOKOMO, INDIANA K-881 Nov. 11 hspaxlp