NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS REGARDING PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION TO ISSUE BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BROWNSBURG, INDIANA The taxpayers of the Town of Brownsburg, Indiana (the Town) are hereby given notice that the Town Council of the Town preliminarily determined, at its meeting held October 27, 2016, to issue general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $2,000,000 to pay the costs of certain sewage works improvement projects located within the Town (the 2016 Bonds). The proceeds of the 2016 Bonds will also be used to pay incidental expenses in connection with the 2016 Bonds, including all expenses incurred in connection with or on account of the issuance of the 2016 Bonds. The proposed 2016 Bonds will have a final maturity no later than January 1, 2027. The 2016 Bonds will bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 5.00% per annum, the exact rate or rates to be determined by bidding. The 2016 Bonds will be payable from ad valorem property taxes levied and collected on all taxable property within the Town. Dated this 31st day of October, 2016. TOWN OF BROWNSBURG, INDIANA HCF-882 11/2 11/9 hspaxlp