ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Waterworks Improvements Division 3 - Ground Level Water Storage Tank Pendleton, Indiana Sealed bids will be received by Tim McClintick, Town Manager, at P.O. Box 230, 100 West State Street, Pendleton, Indiana 46064 on November 22nd, 2016 at 2:00 PM, local time, and will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than the above time will be returned unopened. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construction of a new 300,000 gallon finished water ground storage tank and all necessary yard piping and appurtenances. BID DOCUMENTS: Copies of the Specifications and Contract Documents may be obtained at Banning Engineering. Copies of the documents are available for examining beginning at 8:30 a.m., local time, November 7th, 2016 at the office of Banning Engineering, 853 Columbia Road, Suite 101, Plainfield, Indiana. Paper copies will be $100.00 and electronic copies will be $50.00. Payments shall be made by check, money order or cash payable to Banning Engineering. INDIANA REQUIREMENTS: Standard Questionnaire Form 96, shall be completely filled out and signed, including attachment of Contractor's Financial Statement as stipulated in Section III. An E-Verify Certification Form is also required. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on Bid Forms and in the order as identified and contained in the Contract Documents obtainable from the offices as stated above. Each bid shall be accompanied by a completely filled out Form No. 96, E-Verify Certification Form and acceptable Bid Security. Any bid not accompanied by the above-required items shall be deemed a non-responsive bid. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within a period of 60 days following the date set for the receiving of bids. The Owner reserves the right to retain any and all bids for a period of not more than 60 days and said bid shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The Owner further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the Contract to any Bidder, all to the advantage of the Owner or to reject all bids. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable certified check made payable to the Mooresville Redevelopment Commission or an acceptable bid bond in the amount equal to five (5%) percent of the total bid price executed by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana and whose name appears on the most current Treasury Department Circular No. 570. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: N/A BONDS: A Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price will be required from the Contractor to whom the work is awarded. Town of Pendleton Pendleton, Indiana HB-839 Nov. 7, 14 hspaxlp