NOTICE OF PROPOSED RATE CHANGE BY ANDERSON MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER Notice is hereby given to ratepayers of the municipally-owned electric utility and other interested persons that the Board of Public Works of the City of Anderson, Indiana has adopted Resolution No. 10-16 authorizing the following incremental changes in Rate Adjustment Factors: RS Residential Service $ 0.009798 per KWH GS10 General Service - Single Phase $ 0.010590 per KWH GS 30 General Service - Three Phase $ 0.009907 per KWH SP Small Power Service $ 5.944 per KW $ (0.003436) per KWH LP Large Power Service $ 6.245 per kVA $ (0.003457) per KWH LP Off-Peak Large Power Off-Peak Service $ 4.170 per kVA $ (0.003495) per KWH IP Industrial Power Service $ 7.214 per KW $ (0.003454) per KWH CL Constant Load $ 0.006108 per KWH SL Municipal Street Lighting $ 0.004608 per KWH OL Security (Outdoor) Lighting $ 0.004718 per KWH Rate adjustment changes are listed below by Rate Schedule: RS decrease (0.003661) per KWH GS 10 decrease (0.001726) per KWH GS 30 decrease (0.001774) per KWH SP increase 1.517 per KW decrease (0.003079) per KWH LP increase 1.622 per kVA decrease (0.003128) per KWH LP Off-Peak decrease (0.222) per kVA decrease (0.003234) per KWH IP increase 1.445 per KW decrease (0.003111) per KWH CL decrease (0.000311) per KWH SL decrease (0.001318) per KWH OL decrease (0.001363) per KWH This rate change is based solely upon changes of purchased power and energy purchased by the utility from its supplier Indiana Municipal Power Agency and is computed in accordance with Indiana Regulatory Commission Order in Cause No. 36835-S3, dated December 13,1989. The Utility has made a filing with the Indiana Regulatory Commission for approval of the Rate Change. If approved, the change of rate will take effect for bills to be rendered beginning with the January, 2017 billing cycle. Any objection to the following should be directed to either of the following: Indiana Utility Office of Regulatory Commission Utility Consumer Counselor PNC Center PNC Center 101 W. Washington Street, 115 W. Washington Street Suite 1500 East Suite 1500 South Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 HB-869 Nov 4 hspaxlp #1258969