NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO INCUR INDEBTEDNESS TO TAXPAYERS OF GREEN TOWNSHIP, MADISON COUNTY Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Green Township, Madison County that on October 18, 2016, the Trustee and Township Advisory Board of Green Township, Madison County determined to incur a loan in an amount not to exceed $200,000. Said loan will be repaid in (2) years. Repayment will begin with taxes payable year 2017. Ten (10) or more taxpayers objecting to this loan may file petitions within (30) days of this notice with the Madison County Auditor stating their objections to the loan and the reasons why the loan is unnecessary or unwise. If an objecting petition is filed, the County Auditor shall certify the petition to the Department of Local Government Finance who shall hold a hearing on the matter in the county not less than (5) five nor more than (30) days after receipt of the certified petition from the County Auditor. Notice of hearing shall be provided by mail to the township and the first (10) taxpayers listed on the petition. Taxpayers shall have the right to be heard. GREEN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Greg Valentine HB-836 11/1 hspaxlp 1256175