The Clark County Commissioners and the Clark County Highway Department are planning to replace the existing bridge Clark County Bridge Number 15, located approximately 1.2 miles north of the Salem Noble Road/Hwy 62 intersection on Salem Noble Road. During Rain events the existing structure may become flooded and create a potential safety concern for the residents of Clark County. Clark County will receive bids for the installation of the truss structure to be used at this location. The truss structure has been preordered and purchased by the Clark County Highway Department. Construction bids for this project shall include removal of the existing structure; reconstruction of existing piers; constructing new piers; erecting and installing the new truss; installation of the bridge deck; reconstructing the approaches leading to the bridge structure. Other incidental items may be necessary for the installation of the bridge. Construction plans and specifications may be picked up at the County Engineer's office, Room 407 of the County Building located at 501 E. Court Ave, Jeffersonville, IN, 47130, (812) 285-6286. All bids are due to the Clark County Auditor's Office by 4:00 p.m. October 20, 2016. The Clark County Auditor's Office is located at 501 E. Court Ave., Jeffersonville, IN 47130, Room 118. All bids will be opened at the Clark County Commissioners meeting at 5:00 p.m. October 20, 2016 Room 404. hspaxlp