Des. No.: 1400926 Legal Notice of Planned Improvement The Town of Whitestown desires to reconstruct the intersection of Indianapolis Road and Whitestown Parkway, on the west side of the I-65 interchange as a roundabout. Total construction length is anticipated to be 875 feet along Indianapolis Road, 997 feet along Whitestown Parkway. The existing access drive from the Travel Centers of America Truck Stop to Indianapolis Road will be removed and a new drive access will be constructed to connect to Indianapolis Road approximately 450 feet north of the current access. The project is located in Section 1, Township 17 North, Range 1 East in Perry Township, Boone County, Indiana. The Town desires to construct a two lane roundabout at this intersection. Traffic counts with turning movements were taken at the intersection in early 2014 as part of an ongoing Traffic Impact Study being developed for the Town by A & F Engineering. As part of this study, the raw traffic counts were projected out ten years incorporating uniform growth as well as projected trips from future development planned around the intersection. From these ten year projections, twenty year projections were forecasted using a 2.0% growth rate. Based on these projections, a traffic study was developed to provide recommendations for the roundabout and approach configurations. The resulting configuration is represented in the display contained in this early coordination letter. The preliminary configuration is described as follows: Westbound Whitestown Parkway Approach - This will be a two lane approach with the left lane being a shared left/through lane, and the right lane being a shared right/through lane. Eastbound Whitestown Parkway Approach - This will be a two lane approach with left lane being a shared left/through lane, and the right lane being a shared right/through lane. Northbound Indianapolis Road Approach - This will be a two lane approach with the left lane being a shared left/through lane, and the right lane splitting off to be a right turn bypass. Southbound Indianapolis Road Approach - This will be a two lane approach with the left lane being a left turn lane, and the right lane being a shared left/through/right lane. This approach lane configuration will dictate that two circulating lanes be used around the entire roundabout with the exception of the portion between the eastbound exit and the westbound entrance at Whitestown Parkway. Based on the heavy truck volumes through the intersection, mainly for the south to east movement, the circulating lanes have been designed at 16 feet wide. A 13 foot truck apron will also be constructed around the interior of the roundabout to allow truck trailers to track onto the apron. For proper functionality of the roundabout, it is proposed to remove some access points on both roadways in the immediate vicinity of the intersection. The existing north truck stop access intersects Indianapolis Road approximately 140 feet north of the roundabout. It is proposed to relocate this access point to intersect Indianapolis Road farther north. The proposed relocation is shown on the aerial display in this report. This configuration will allow trucks to enter Indianapolis Road behind the southbound queue in the peak hour, and will alleviate impacts on the functionality of the roundabout. This configuration will require coordination with the truck stop as it will change the logistics of truck movements through the parking lot. Some truck parking spaces may be lost to allow maneuverability from the fueling stations to the exit; however additional parking spaces can be utilized in the area of the abandoned approach to compensate. It is also proposed to remove the Whitestown Parkway access points to the vacant building in the southeast quadrant just east of the intersection. This same parcel has frontage along Indianapolis Road south of the intersection. Therefore, the proposed design will provide access to this facility from Indianapolis Road. The Indiana Department of Transportation agreed that this project falls within the guidelines of a Categorical Exclusion Level 2 with no wetland impacts. Preliminary design plans, along with the environmental document and other information are being made available for review in the following offices. 1. The Town of Whitestown, 6210 S 700E Room 600, Whitestown, Indiana 46075. Phone # (317) 732-4333. 2. United Consulting, 1625 North Post Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46219. Phone # (317) 895-2585. All interested persons may express their concerns by submitting comments to United Consulting or request a public hearing on or before September 30, 2016. If a hearing is determined to be in the best interest of the public, a notice will be advertised with the date, time, and place. Otherwise, any comments or materials received for the record will be considered in the decision-making process. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you have a disability for which the Town of Whitestown needs to provide accessibility to the document(s) such as interpreters or readers, please contact Jason Lawson at (317) 733-8584 or This notice is published in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 771 (CFR 771.111(h)(1) states: Each State must have procedures approved by the FHWA to carry out a public involvement/public hearing program. 23 CFR 450.212(a)(7) states: Public involvement procedures shall provide for periodic review of the effectiveness of the public involvement process to ensure that the process provides full and open access to all and revision of the process as necessary. Approved by the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation on August 16, 2012. Z-192 Sept. 14, 21 hspaxlp