NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SALE Rush County Indiana Beginning 10:00 AM, 10/13/2016 Rush Co. Courthouse Commissioners' Room Local Time Rush County Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following described property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 9/26/2016 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Rush County Circuit Court and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 9/26/2016. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment. Such sale will be held on 10/13/2016 at the Rush Co. Courthouse Commissioners' Room and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale. Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of: (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of: (1) twenty-five dollars ($25) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(c) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney's fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Friday, October 13, 2017 for certificates sold in the tax sale. For certificates struck to the county, the period of redemption may expire Friday, February 10, 2017. If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 10/13/2016 or during the duration of the sale. This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale. Dated: 8/31/2016 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for an Indiana county, you may register online at This registration is good for all counties that SRI services. You need to register only once for all counties. If you do not have access to a computer with internet service you may register the morning of the sale. Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured you will receive your bid number before the start of the sale. Please bring your registration form and W9 form with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be able to print these forms from the registration web site. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-5.1 a business entity that seeks to register to bid at the Rush County Tax Sale must provide a certificate of good standing or proof of registration in accordance with IC 5-23 from the Secretary of State to the Rush County Treasurer. 701600001 70-14-12-383-006.000-001 $165.74 HENSON, HOMER & BEVERLY 001-25274-00 JULIAN & TOMPKINS PT LOT 14 212 W MAIN 701412383006000001 212 W MAIN 701600002 70-14-12-410-003.000-001 $1,289.27 CRABTREE, PAUL & EUPHEMIA C/O WINDGATE PROPERTIES 001-25278-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST LOTS 15, 16 701412410003000001 415 N WALNUT 701600003 70-14-12-454-004.000-001 $1,233.43 CHANDLER, WILMA JEAN 001-25105-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST 57, 58, 59 & 60 212 E ROOT 701412454004000001 216 E ROOT St 701600004 70-14-12-454-008.000-001 $771.26 CHANDLER, WILMA JEAN 001-25112-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST LOT 41 214-216 E ROOT 701412454008000001 214 E ROOT St 701600005 70-14-12-457-004.000-001 $3,869.25 WARD, WILLIE & VIOLA ODETTE 001-25783-00 I P ROOT 2ND LOT 9 214 N PILLSBURY 701412457004000001 214 N PILLSBURY St 701600006 70-14-12-460-003.000-001 $315.32 CHANDLER, WILMA JEAN 001-25109-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST LOT 54 226 N GANO 701412460003000001 226 N GANO 701600007 70-14-12-460-004.000-001 $315.32 CHANDLER, WILMA JEAN 001-25108-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST LOT 53 220 N GANO 701412460004000001 220 N GANO 701600008 70-14-12-460-008.000-001 $229.71 CHANDLER, WILMA JEAN 001-25147-00 F MC CORKLES 1ST LOT 37 OXFORD STREET 701412460008000001 219 N OXFORD St 701600010 70-14-25-452-004.000-001 $200.23 MOULTON, JOHN & MARY 001-25507-00 EARL CITY PT LOT 6 701425452004000001 10820 S EAST 701600011 70-05-23-100-003.000-006 $2,629.94 MILLER, DAVID H & ANDREA R 006-51378-00 WW 23 14 8 27.901 ACRES, TRACT #1 #2 & #3 LOHMAN FAMILY SUBDIVISION, 2.715 ACRES, 2.191 ACRES & 2.193 ACRES 2532 N 900 W 701600012 70-05-24-451-002.000-006 $1,587.24 DUDGEON, JASPER , SR JEANELLE JO MARGUERITE R 006-51193-00 PT SWSE 24 14 8 .806 700524451002000006 7313 W US HWY 52 701600013 70-05-24-476-006.000-006 $2,565.09 MAYSE, ISOM & BRENDA 006-51793-00 PT 24 14 8 .20 PT 24 14 8 .25 PT 24 14 8 700524476006000006 7178 W NORTH St 701600014 70-05-24-478-002.000-006 $6,863.18 PILE, KATHY 006-51060-00 PT SE 24 14 8 .20 700524478002000006 7120 W NORTH St 701600015 70-05-24-481-007.000-006 $330.57 KRAMER, WILLIAM F 006-51338-00 PT ESE 24 14 8 .20 700524481007000006 7045 W NORTH St 701600016 70-05-24-481-008.000-006 $3,122.92 KRAMER, WILLIAM F 006-51339-00 PT ESE 24 14 8 .05 700524481008000006 7035 W NORTH St 701600017 70-05-25-230-901.000-006 $524.77 MYER, RICKEY DALE 006-51346-00 leased building only located @1845 N 700 W Arlington IN 701600018 70-05-25-300-002.000-006 $1,126.95 MILLER, DAVID & ANDREA 006-51505-00 WSW 25 14 8 30 KAREN A FOURMAN (TIC) 700525300002000006 8223 W AMPHITHEATER Rd 701600019 70-05-26-400-004.000-006 $1,207.80 MILLER, DAVID & ANDREA 006-51506-00 PT SE 26 14 8 37.51 KAREN A FOURMAN (TIC) 700526400004000006 8420 W AMPHITHEATER Rd 701600020 70-06-19-303-004.000-006 $9,883.16 CARTER, ROY & DONNA 006-51748-00 J W GREENS 2ND ADD 41 700619303004000006 2366 N OAK St 701600021 70-06-19-305-001.000-006 $4,030.60 ARLINGTON TRUST DATED 5/28/15 REAL PROPERTY SERVICES I 006-51755-00 GREENS 2ND ADD 28 700619305001000006 2320 N 700 W 701600022 70-06-19-306-001.000-006 $13,845.92 PAUGH, MICHELE 006-51257-00 GREEN 2ND ADD 43 700619306001000006 2328 OAK St 701600023 70-06-19-306-002.000-006 $3,270.27 HOME OPPORTUNITY, LLC 006-51720-00 GREENS 2ND ADD 44 700619306002000006 2314 N OAK St 701600024 70-06-19-357-012.000-006 $15,870.41 CAMPBELL, ROBERTA L & JAN MARIE BURTON JT TIC/ROS 006-51797-00 J W GREEN PT 10 70061935701200006 2163 N OAK St 701600026 70-02-18-376-004.000-009 $9,589.63 CRUSE, SHANNON D 009-67002-00 W P HENLEY ADD 7,8, 712 N MAIN 700218376004000009 712 N MAIN St 701600027 70-02-18-376-005.000-009 $540.40 WILSON, MICHAEL P 009-67466-00 W P HENLEY ADD 6 700218376005000009 708 N MAIN St 701600028 70-02-18-453-002.000-009 $3,529.62 STEWARD, HOLLIE 009-67326-00 H & W P HENLEY ADD 27,28 H & W P HENLEY ADD 20 501 N MAIN 700218453002000009 501 N MAIN St 701600029 70-02-19-139-002.000-009 $676.42 LOGAN, RONNIE G & LORI ANN 009-67159-00 OP 7 105 N MAIN 700219139002000009 105 N MAIN St 701600030 70-02-19-178-003.000-009 $1,904.09 MAGEE, JAMES D & BRENDA K 009-67223-00 OP PT 2 7 N MAIN 700219178003000009 vacant lot located between 5 N Main & 11 N Main Carthage 701600031 70-02-19-178-008.000-009 $479.27 MAGEE, JAMES D & BRENDA K 009-67249-00 OP PT 2 700219178008000009 located to the east of parcel #70-02-19-178-003.000-009 and north of parcel #70-02-19-178-013.000-009 701600032 70-02-19-178-012.000-009 $10,245.22 MAGEE, JAMES D & BRENDA K 009-67247-00 OP PT (BUS) 1 E MILL 700219178012000009 8 E MILL St 701600033 70-02-19-178-013.000-009 $644.30 MAGEE, JAMES D & BRENDA K 009-67248-00 OP PT 1 E MILL 700219178013000009 located between alley and 8 E Mill St 701600034 70-02-19-192-002.000-009 $1,642.40 MAGEE, BRADLEY A 009-67081-00 PT ENW 19 15 9 .38 105 S EAST 700219192002000009 105 S EAST St 701600035 70-02-19-192-004.000-009 $275.24 MAGEE, JAMES & BRENDA 009-67250-00 PT 19 15 9 .214 104 WALNUT 700219192004000009 104 S WALNUT St 701600036 70-02-19-192-005.000-009 $4,877.79 MAGEE, JIM & BRENDA 009-67472-00 PT 19 15 9 .25A 108 S WALNUT PT ENW 19 15 9 .12 700219192005000009 108 S WALNUT St 701600037 70-02-19-207-003.000-009 $2,313.57 TROTT, NORMAN L & CAROL L 009-67166-00 C HENLEY 2ND ADD 11,12 700219207003000009 102 N WALNUT St 701600038 70-02-19-327-003.000-009 $3,529.40 STOUTE, ED 009-67462-00 W J HENLEY 1ST ADD 5,4 303 WALNUT RIDGE RD 700219327003000009 307 S HENLEY Ave 701600039 70-02-19-327-004.000-009 $462.33 STOUTE, ED 009-67463-00 W J HENLEY 1ST ADD 6 WALNUT RIDGE RD 700219327004000009 303 HENLEY Ave 701600040 70-02-19-328-001.000-009 $634.36 SWANGO, KEVIN V 009-67234-00 W J HENLEY ADD 18,19 VACATED MARY STREET, 30'X130', ORD #1-2011, 4/20/11 402 S MAIN 700219328001000009 404 S MAIN St 701600041 70-02-19-330-001.000-009 $3,177.21 GRAHAM, CARL THOMAS & JULIE 009-67079-01 GRAHAMS SUB II LOT 1-D 19 15 9 700219330001000009 207 E LOG St 701600044 70-07-31-102-001.000-010 $1,504.92 RAVELLI, GABRIEL M & OPAL 010-72921-00 PT WNW 31 14 10 .33 PT WNW 31 14 10 .50A & .2652A 700731102001000010 1341 N SPENCER St 701600045 70-10-01-426-009.000-010 $502.77 MEDSKER, FRANK A 010-72824-00 MARLATT SUB II LOT 1 1.250A 701001426009000010 1075 W OLD 44 701600046 70-11-08-276-023.000-010 $424.60 SMITH, BARBARA A & DEAN W SMITH & VIRGINIA JAYNE AKERS PT ENE 8-13-10 COUNTRY ACRES PONE - 2.811 ACRES PER GIS MEASUREMENT retention pond in country acres estate addition 701600047 70-07-31-331-014.000-011 $2,666.98 STANLEY, EUGENE & BRENDA M STANLEY, H & W 011-01533-00 RAY HAY SUB LOT 3 805 N SPENCER 700731331014000011 805 N SPENCER St 701600048 70-07-31-402-017.000-011 $4,489.40 REYNOLDS, TAMMY 011-01232-00 P R & A LOT 88 1003 N SEXTON 700731402017000011 1003 N SEXTON St 701600049 70-07-31-405-010.000-011 $929.70 ERVINE, JENNIFER E 011-00760-00 P R & A LOT 90 931 N SEXTON 700731405010000011 931 N SEXTON St 701600050 70-07-31-455-005.000-011 $951.45 BELL, BONITA J 011-01016-00 L SEXTON HRS 2ND PT LOT 35 515 W 8TH 700731455005000011 515 W 8TH St 701600051 70-07-31-459-020.000-011 $3,140.27 STARKEY, MICHAEL 011-00469-00 L SEXTON HRS 2ND PT LOT 20 416 W 5TH 700731459020000011 416 W 5TH St 701600052 70-07-31-483-001.000-011 $7,115.80 OUR LEGACY VENTURES, LLC 011-01885-00 H G SEXTON HRS PT LOT 75 434 N HARRISON 700731483001000011 434 N HARRISON St 701600053 70-07-31-485-002.000-011 $9,500.69 BUSSBERG, MICHAEL L & KATHY L 011-02029-00 L SEXTON HRS 1ST PT LOT 9 127 W 7TH 700731485002000011 127 W 7TH St 701600054 70-07-32-327-010.000-011 $1,251.63 SMEAL, SANDRA, GARY WALSTON & LORI WALSTON 011-00988-00 C GROVE LOT 4 700732327010000011 1027 N MAPLE St 701600055 70-07-32-336-006.000-011 $2,393.47 ECKART, CAROL A C/O WINDGATE PROPERTIES 011-00156-00 MC M & F LOT 80 818 N MAPLE 700732336006000011 818 N MAPLE St 701600056 70-07-32-354-006.000-011 $5,298.94 MALCOM, JOSEPH ALLEN & SUSAN c/o WINDGATE PROPERTIES 011-00801-00 G C CLARKS 1ST PT LOT 36 700732354006000011 313 E 8TH St 701600057 70-07-32-381-001.000-011 $660.25 EASLEY, RUTH ANNE 011-02234-00 BEECH GROVE LOT 4 700732381001000011 800 N FT. WAYNE Rd 701600058 70-11-06-176-002.000-011 $763.25 SHELTON, ORA CHRISTINE 011-01936-00 BERKLEY PARK LOT 44 1023 W MARKET 701106176002000011 1023 W MARKET St 701600059 70-11-06-176-003.000-011 $1,133.05 SHELTON, ORA CHRISTINE 011-02075-00 BERKLEY PARK LOT 43 1023 W MARKET 701106176003000011 1023 1/2 MARKET St 701600060 70-11-06-210-003.000-011 $3,069.74 INDIANAPOLIS PROPERTIES, LLC 011-00418-00 PT NE 6 13 10 440 W 3RD 701106210003000011 440 W THIRD St 701600061 70-11-06-226-005.000-011 $11,497.89 KETCHUM, LINDA 011-02444-00 STEWART & PUGH PT LOT 10 424 COTTAGE AVENUE 701106226005000011 424 COTTAGE Ave 701600062 70-11-06-264-007.000-011 $2,038.34 OWENS, ROBERT 011-01609-00 JENNINGS 3RD LOT 18 218 S PEARL 701106264007000011 218 S PEARL St 701600063 70-08-33-228-019.000-013 $3,683.71 REDD, ANTHONY W 013-87086-00 PT NE 33 14 11 SOLD TAX SALE 05 S S DURBONS PT 14,16 206 W STATE 700833228019000013 206 W STATE St 701600064 70-08-33-278-009.000-013 $1,154.60 ASH, AUTUMN L 013-87053-00 S S DURBON 5 107 W STATE 700833278009000013 107 W STATE St 701600065 70-09-15-405-010.000-014 $6,538.78 THOMPSON, SHELLA KAREN (LE) INT: ANGEL RENEE THOMAS, S 014-89202-00 MANILLA TREES & SPENCER 1 700915405010000014 2678 S CROSS St 701600066 70-09-15-405-011.000-014 $15,053.52 HOGAN, JOHN D & BONITA K 014-89230-00 TREES & SPENCER 2 700915405011000014 9356 W PEARL St 701600067 70-09-15-451-006.000-014 $10,261.43 DIAMOND PROPERTIES INVESTMENTS, LLC 014-89505-00 JAMES W TREES PT 13,14 700915451006000014 9405 W PEARL St 701600068 70-09-15-451-011.000-014 $1,089.14 DIAMOND PROPERTIES INVESTMENTS, LLC 014-89506-00 JAMES W TREES PT 14 700915451011000014 2715 S CROSS St 701600069 70-10-18-300-002.000-014 $1,229.78 DAWSON, SCOTT R 014-89226-00 PT SW 18 13 9 4.46A GOLDIE HUNGERFORD SUB LOT A & B 701018300002000014 2524 S HURST CEMETERY Rd Total Properties: 65 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpayment of taxes and special assessments for the time periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, current taxes and costs due thereon and the same are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with which they are charges on said list. Given under my hand and seal this 31st day of August, 2016. Mary Ann Beard, Auditor, Rush County Indiana. RR-272 Aug. 30; Sept. 6, 13 hspaxlp