Channel: The Indiana Exchange Marketplace: Public Notices
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TransMontaigne Operating Company L.P., (200 Mansell Court East, Suite 600 Roswell, GA 30076) New Albany terminal located at 20 Jackson Street New Albany, IN 47150 with discharge to Falling Run Creek then to the Ohio River, is submitting a Notice of Intent letter to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirement under 327 IAC 15-9 to discharge wastewater associated with petroleum products terminals. Any person aggrieved by this action may appeal in writing to the Environmental Law Judge of the Office of Environmental Adjudication for an adjudicatory hearing on the question of whether this facility should operate under this NPDES general permit rule. An appeal must be postmarked no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this public notice. Such a written request for an adjudicatory hearing must: (A) state the name and address of the person making the request; (B) identify the interest of the person making the request; (C) identify any persons represented by the person making the request; (D) state with particularity the reasons for the request; (E) state with particularity the issues proposed for consideration at the hearing; and (F) state with particularity the reasons why the NPDES general permit rule should not be available to the discharger identified in this notice. Any such request shall be mailed or delivered to: Office of Environmental Adjudication Indiana Government Center - North 100 North Senate A venue, Room 1049 Indianapolis, IN 46204 hspaxlp

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