NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the municipal electric utility of the City of Washington, Indiana, under and pursuant to the Public Service Commission Act, as amended, and Commission Order in Cause No. 36835-S3, has determined the following incremental changes in the Rate Adjustment factors by Rate Schedules: Residential Rate RS - Increase $0.002523 per KWH Commercial Rate CS - Decrease $0.001188 per KWH General Power Rate GS - Decrease $0.001523 per KWH Large Power Rate LP - Decrease $0.000750 per KWH Municipal Rate MS - Decrease $0.003095 per KWH Municipal Water Rate MWS - Decrease $0.002736 per KWH Rate Adjustments applicable to the Rate Schedules are as follows: Residential Rate RS - $0.016145 per KWH Commercial Rate CS - $0.014815 per KWH General Power Rate GA - $3.612995 per KW - $0.002681 per KWH Large Power Rate LP - $3.901047 per KW - $0.002842 per KWH Municipal Rate MS - $0.012205 per KWH Municipal Water Rate MWS - $0.013341 per KWH The accompanying changes in schedules of rates are based solely upon the changes in the cost of purchased power and energy purchased by this utility, computed in accordance with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Order in Cause No. 36853-S3, dated December 13, 1989. This change of rate shall take effect for the bills to be rendered beginning with the October 2016 billing cycle. Anita Ash Office Manager hspaxlp September 6, 2016