NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Floyd County, Indiana, that the County Council of said County will meet at the PINEVIEW GOVERNMENT CENTER, 2524 CORYDON PIKE, NEW ALBANY IN 47150, COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOM #104 New Albany, Indiana at 4:00 P.M. local time on the 13th day of SEPTEMBER, 2016 to consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year. County General Courts (Depts Superior I, II,III, Circuit, & Magistrate) Salary & Wages(Departments 201/225/226/227/232) $ 105,000.00 Coroner (Autopsies-Dept 007) $ 35,000.00 Prosecutors (Department 009) $ 30,000.00 Prosecutors Child Support (660) $ 20,000.00 Amend Salary Ordinance for PT Legal Interns to $12.25/hour PT Employees to $10.25/hour Sheriff (Jail Additional-Dept 380) $ 160,000.00 Sheriff (Reimbursement additionals Dept 005) $ 2,000.00 EDIT (Prosecutor 4th Deputy ) $ 2,000.00 Georgetown TWP Fire District (General) $ 425,000.00 Alcohol & Drug Fund (Fund 2504) $ 185,000.00 Transfer funding from Rainy Day to cover Health Insurance Employee reimbursements(From 1186 to 5213) $ 25,000.00 Veterans Court (4101) $ 500.00 Health Department (1159) $ 7,263.38 Rainy Day (1186) State Board of Accounts $ 62,878.00 Rainy Day (1186 to 8895) Reimburse County IV-D Funds 2015 $ 18,000.00 Transfer funding from Rainy Day to cover EMA Director Position Salary and Benefits(From 1186 to 1000-361) $ 17,080.00 Other Appropriations $ 75,000.00 Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. Which Board, upon receipt, will hold a further hearing within fifteen (15) days at the County Auditor's Office of said county or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearing taxpayers objecting to any of such additional appropriations may be heard. Interested taxpayers may inquire of the County Auditor when such hearing will be held. PUBLIC BUDGET MEETING HEARINGS: SEPTEMBER 13 & 14....beginning at 9am on each day. At Pine View Government Center, 2524 Corydon Pike, New Albany In 47150.....Additional information is available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. 2017 Budget Adoption Hearing date is set for 2PM, October 25, 2016 at the Pine View Government Center, 2524 Corydon Pike, New Albany IN 47150 Scott L. Clark Floyd County Auditor hspaxlp