NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE FOLLOWING KOKOMO AREAS The Board of Public Works and Safety will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 S. Union St., Kokomo on Wednesday, September 14 at 10:00 a.m. At this time the Board will confirm the assessments affected by Barrett Law Improvement Resolutions 2015-08, 2015-09, 2015-10 and 2015-11. This is the final public hearing for this resolution for the improvements in the following areas: 2015-08 1100 Block of North Armstrong Street 2015-09 800 Block of West Taylor Street 2015-10 1100 Block of North Indiana Street 2015-11 800 Block of South Main Street In accordance with applicable statutes of the State of Indiana, reasonable accommodations for those persons with a known disabling condition will be considered for those attending this public hearing. Any person needing a reasonable accommodation should notify (765) 456-7400 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY CITY OF KOKOMO, INDIANA Randy C. McKay, President Susan M. Stewart, Member ATTEST: Patrick C. O'Neill, Member Erin E. Miller, Clerk K-684 Sept. 2 hspaxlp