Wright TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Boone County, Indiana, in Cause No. 06D01-1510-MF-0484 wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-7 was Plaintiff, and Deborah S. Wright, Richard A. Wright, and State of Indiana Department of Revenue were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 7th day of April 2016, at the hour of 10:00am, or as soon thereafter as is possible, at Sheriff's Office in the Mtg. Rm. At 1905 Indianapolis Avenue, Lebanon, IN 46052, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Boone County, Indiana. Lot No. 21 in Sunnycrest Subdivision, a Subdivison of Part of Lots No. 12, 13 and 17 in Bryan's Addition to the City of Lebanon, Boone County, Indiana, as Per Plat thereof recorded in Plat Record 4, Page 159, of the Records Office of Boone County, Indiana. More commonly known as: 1510 South East Street, Lebanon, IN 46052 Parcel No. 06-07-06-000-004.022-002 "Subject to all liens, encumbrances and easements of record not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause 06D01-1510-MF-0484 in the Superior Court of the County of Boone, Indiana." Michael T. Nielson Sheriff of Boone Center Township 1510 South East Street Street Address Plaintiff Attorney: Miranda D. Bray ATTORNEY NO. 23766-30 Manley Deas Kochalski LLC P.O. Box 441039 Indianapolis, IN 46244 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. TLR-86 2/27, 3/05 & 12 hspaxlp