Howard Co. Chapter Izaak Walton League Of America 2629 S. 200 E. Kokomo, Indiana 46902 Location of charity game night event: 1201 W. Alto Rd. Unit A Kokomo, Indiana 46902 Operators of charity game night event: Mistina Oliver Jessica Oliver Charles Melton Ned Avelis Karena Orr Thomas Melton Lisa Bagby Peggy Ingle Lewis Campbell Lori Linzey Shelly Harless Debby Salinas Officers: President Ed Rethlake Chairman Blake Rollins Vice President Brian Lentz Treasurer Marcy Stahl Secretary Peggy Baugher Any person may protest the proposed issuance of the annual charity game night license. Protest letters must be received within fifteen (15) days from the date the last posting appears. The Commission shall hold a public hearing if (10) written and signed protest letters are received. Address Where Protest Letters Should be Sent: INDIANA GAMING COMMISSION Attention: Diane Freeman Charity Gaming Division East Tower Suite 1600 101 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 K-666 Aug. 22, 29 hspaxlp