ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT County Number: 32 School Corporation Number: 3335 School Corporation Name: Mill Creek Community School Corporation RECEIPT COMPARISONS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 2015 2015 APPROVED BUDGET ACTUAL RECEIPT ACCOUNTS RECEIPTS RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND / FISCAL STABILIZATION FUND 1000 Local Sources $17,000.00 $116,534.01 2000 Intermediate Sources - 6,417.99 3000 State Sources 9,260,527.00 9,172,574.93 4000 Federal Sources - - 5000 Other Financing Sources - - 6000 Other Items - 6,130.00 TOTAL $9,277,527.00 $9,301,656.93 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $2,319,839.00 $2,363,143.67 2000 Intermediate Sources - - 3000 State Sources - - 4000 Federal Sources - - 5000 Other Financing Sources - - 6000 Other Items - - TOTAL $2,319,839.00 $2,363,143.67 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $286,837.00 $292,459.41 5000 Other Financing Sources - TOTAL $286,837.00 $292,459.41 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1000 Local Sources $1,316,475.00 $1,350,237.79 2000 Intermediate Sources - - 3000 State Sources - - 4000 Federal Sources - - 5000 Other Financing Sources - - 6000 Other Items - - TOTAL $1,316,475.00 $1,350,237.79 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION FUND 1000 Local Sources $991,722.00 $1,044,894.43 3000 State Sources - - 4000 Federal Sources - - 5000 Other Financing Sources - - 6000 Other Items - 2,544.71 TOTAL $991,722.00 $1,047,439.14 SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 1000 Local Sources $66,348.00 $67,506.89 5000 Other Financing Sources - - 6000 Other Items - - TOTAL $66,348.00 $67,506.89 GRAND TOTAL $14,258,748.00 $14,422,443.83 EXPENDITURE COMPARISONS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 2015 2015 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS APPROVED BUDGET ACTUAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND / FISCAL STABILIZATION FUND 11000 Instruction/Regular Programs $5,493,500.00 $4,918,945.78 12000 Instruction/Special Programs 815,000.00 909,932.68 13000 Adult/Continuing Education Programs 5,000.00 - 14000 Instruction/Summer School 9,000.00 886.16 15000 Enrichment Programs - - 16000 Remediation 101,000.00 113,577.29 17000 Payments to Governmental Units in State 487,000.00 503,003.11 21000 Support Services/Pupils 356,100.00 345,249.79 22000 Support Services/Instruction 158,500.00 147,703.27 23000 Support Services/General Administration 422,200.00 388,033.29 24000 Support Services/School Administration 937,000.00 964,235.95 25000 Central Services 189,300.00 138,295.97 26000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 1,295,000.00 1,017,411.04 27000 Student Transportation - - 30000 Operation of Non-instructional Services 110,000.00 85,679.31 40000 Facility Acquisition and Construction 7,000.00 5,996.31 50000 Debt Services - 14.28 60000 Non-programmed Charges 25,000.00 - TOTAL $10,410,600.00 $9,538,964.23 DEBT SERVICE FUND 25000 Central Services $ - $ - 50000 Debt Services 2,609,698.00 2,607,006.00 60000 Non-programmed Charges - 2,692.00 TOTAL $2,609,698.00 $2,609,698.00 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND 25000 Central Services $ - $ - 50000 Debt Services 285,757.00 285,756.80 60000 Non-programmed Charges - - TOTAL $285,757.00 $285,756.80 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 22300 Instruction-Related Technology $171,750.00 $74,375.12 23000 Support Services - General Administration $ - $ - 25000 Central Services 237,500.00 412,710.76 26000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 319,161.00 320,586.41 40000 Facility Acquisition and Construction 917,476.00 562,368.90 50000 Debt Services - 17,992.87 60000 Non-programmed Charges - - TOTAL $1,645,887.00 $1,388,034.06 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION FUND 23000 Support Services / General Administration $ - $ - 25000 Central Services - 162.50 26000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services - 2,059.19 27000 Student Transportation 1,039,500.00 859,701.08 40000 Facility Acquisition and Construction 21,000.00 11,815.68 50000 Debt Services - - 60000 Non-programmed Charges - - TOTAL $1,060,500.00 $873,738.45 SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 27000 Student Transportation $58,784.00 $58,784.00 TOTAL $58,784.00 $58,784.00 GRAND TOTAL $16,071,226.00 $14,754,975.54 CERTIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 SALARY AMOUNT # OF EMPLOYEES $14,861.48 2 $33,176.53 1 $34,238.00 26 $39,316.00 21 $39,373.00 1 $44,398.00 16 $49,479.00 8 $54,560.00 6 $59,058.00 1 $61,200.00 16 $62,882.00 1 $66,243.00 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF CERTIFIED PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF CERTIFIED FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES 98 EXTRA CURRICULAR SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 Position Amount Position Amount Head Football Coach $6,505 7th Grade Volleyball Coach 2,225 Head Basketball, Boys' Coach 6,505 8th Grade Volleyball Coach 2,225 Head Basketball, Girls' Coach 6,505 Middle School Swimming, Boys' Coach 1,883 Head Baseball Coach 4,451 Middle School Swimming, Girls' Coach 1,883 Head Wrestling Coach 4,451 Middle School Track, Boys' Coach 1,883 Head Volleyball Coach 4,451 Middle School Track, Girls' Coach 1,883 Head Softball Coach 4,451 High School Academic Coach 1,883 Head Swimming, Boys' Coach 4,109 High School Musical Director 1,541 Head Swimming, Girls' Coach 4,109 Middle School Cross Country Coach 1,541 Head Track, Boys' Coach 4,109 Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach 1,541 Head Track, Girls' Coach 4,109 Fall & Competition Cheerleader Sponsor 1,541 Head Cross Country Coach 3,766 SADD / Drug Free Coordinator(2) 1,541 Middle / High School Band 3,766 Middle School Assistant Swimming 1,198 Varsity Asst. Football Coach 3,081 Middle School Track Assistant Coach (2) 1,198 Varsity Asst. Basketball, Boys' 3,081 Middle School Cheerleader Sponsor 1,198 Varsity Asst. Basketball, Girls' 3,081 Middle School Academic Sponsor 1,198 Head Soccer, Boys' Coach 3,081 High School Yearbook Sponsor 1,198 Head Soccer, Girls' Coach 3,081 FFA Sponsor 1,198 Middle / High School Choir 2,910 Winter & Spring Cheerleader Sponsor 1,198 Assistant Basketball, Boys' Coach 2,910 High School 12 Sponsor 685 Assistant Basketball, Girls' Coach 2,910 High School Assistant Academic Sponsor (2) 685 Assistant Football Coach (2) 2,910 High School Musical Assistant (2) 685 Head Golf, Boys' Coach 2,910 High School Assistant Cheerleader Sponsor 685 Head Golf, Girls' Coach 2,910 High School 11th Grade / Prom Sponsor (2) 685 Assistant Wrestling Coach 2,739 High School Newspaper Sponsor 685 Assistant Baseball Coach 2,739 Middle School Yearbook Sponsor 685 Assistant Volleyball Coach 2,739 Elementary Grade Level Coordinator (2) per school 514 Assistant Softball Coach 2,739 6th Grade Team Coordinator 514 Assistant Swimming/Diving Coach 2,739 7th Grade Team Coordinator 514 Assistant Track, Boys' Coach 2,739 8th Grade Team Coordinator 514 Assistant Track, Girls' Coach 2,739 High School Student Council Sponsor (2) 514 Assistant Soccer, Boys 2,739 High School National Honor Society Sponsor 514 Assistant Soccer, Girls 2,739 Middle School Student Council Sponsor 514 Freshman Basketball, Boys 2,568 Elementary Student Council Sponsor (1) per school 514 Asst Football 2,568 Elementary Music Program (2) per year, per school 514 Middle School Head Wrestling Coach 2,397 Elementary Academic Assignments (3) per school 514 7th Grade Basketball, Boys' Coach 2,397 Middle School Honor Society Sponsor 514 8th Grade Basketball, Boys' Coach 2,397 High School Mock Trial 514 7th Grade Basketball, Girls' Coach 2,397 Strength Coach (1) per season 514 8th Grade Basketball, Girls' Coach 2,397 High School 9th Grade Sponsor 171 Middle School Football Coach (3) 2,397 High School 10th Grade Sponsor 171 NON-CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS AND RANGE OF PAY RATES 2015-2016 Classifications Range of Pay Rates I. Instructional and Supplementary Pupil Services a. Media Assistants $9.46 - $11.99/hourly b. Instructional Assistants $9.46 - $11.99/hourly II. Cafeteria and Food Services a. Cafeteria Employee $9.27 - $10.40/hourly III. Health Services a. Clinic Assistants $11.14/hourly b. Nursing Director $27,226/annually IV. Office/Clerical/Secretarial $12.81 - $23.09/hourly V. Executive/Administrative/Accounting a. Director of Transportation & Facility Operation $57,120/annually b. Assistant Director of Transportation & Facility Operation $48,000/annually VI. Maintenance/Custodial/Warehouse/Security/Transportation a. Building Custodians $11.99 - $18.81/hourly b. Bus Drivers $18.59 - $22.06/hourly c. Mechanic $13.14 - $16.39/hourly d. Maintenance Employee $13.86 - $17.02/hourly e. Special Education Bus Assistant $9.46 - $11.99/hourly VII. Computer Services a. Database Coordinator $36,057/annually VIII. Other a. Adult Labor $9.27/hourly b. Student Labor $6.97/hourly Total number of non-certified part-time employees 4 Total number of non-certified full-time employees 86 CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 Lowest Highest Avg. Number of Salary Salary Salary Personnel Administrative Staff $62,620 $107,000 $83,036 9 STUDENT ENROLLMENT - OCTOBER 1, 2015 Position Amount Position Amount Pre-Kindergarten Ages 3-5 (PK) 28 Grade 7 116 Kindergarten 93 Grade 8 107 Grade 1 124 Grade 9 121 Grade 2 113 Grade 10 125 Grade 3 117 Grade 11 109 Grade 4 133 Grade 12 111 Grade 5 120 TOTAL 1,552 Grade 6 135 ASSESSED VALUATION AND TAX RATES CALENDAR YEARS 2015 & 2016 Year 2015 Year 2016 Assessed Valuation 493,172,510 508,011,247 Tax Rate - General Fund N/A* N/A* Tax Rate - Debt Service Fund 0.3986 0.5023 Tax Rate - Retirement / Severance Bond Debt Service Fund 0.0517 0.0494 Tax Rate - Capital Projects Fund 0.2262 0.2239 Tax Rate - School Transportation Fund 0.1704 0.1709 Tax Rate - School Bus Replacement Fund 0.0114 0.0010 *The school corporation general fund will only have a tax rate if an excess levy appeal has been approved. Per HB 1001 passed in 2008. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Indebtedness Principal Outstanding School Bonds $ 1,897,000.00 Holding Company - Public & Private 5,235,000.00 Common School Loans 10,585,930.00 Retirement/Severance Bond Debt 575,000.00 School Bus Loan 267,159.00 Total $ 18,560,089.00 Outstanding Encumbrances - All Funds (Include purchase orders, vendor contracts, letters of commitment, leases) $ 309,826.12 PAYMENTS IN EXCESS OF 2500.00 MADE TO VENDORS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Capital Projects School Bus Vendor General Fund Operating Replacement Total Name Amount Amount Funds Amount Amount Five-Star Technology Solutions $ - $343,288.24 $ - $ - $343,288.24 Old National Trails Special Ed Coop 261,184.45 - - - 261,184.45 ESCRFT 8,619.84 121,413.28 22,000.00 - 152,033.12 Hendricks Power Co-op 137,561.18 - - - 137,561.18 Co-Alliance LLP 731.75 9,588.14 114,330.51 - 124,650.40 Petroleum Traders Corp - 122,666.01 - - 122,666.01 Duke Energy Corporation 110,541.59 - - - 110,541.59 MSD Wayne Township 107,124.92 - - - 107,124.92 Midwest Transit Equipment - - 1,615.14 58,784.00 60,399.14 Ace Mechanical Services, Inc - 55,265.01 - - 55,265.01 HP Products Corporation 46,447.02 562.05 - - 47,009.07 3D Professional - 42,679.85 - - 42,679.85 Royalty Companies of Indiana, Inc - 38,529.00 - - 38,529.00 Sharp Electronics Corporation 1,571.50 28,925.66 - - 30,497.16 Ivy Tech Community College 28,800.00 - - - 28,800.00 Quad-J, Inc. 544.16 25,868.85 - - 26,413.01 Netech Corporation - 26,339.78 - - 26,339.78 Windstream Corporation - 23,981.18 - - 23,981.18 Central Indiana Educational 23,850.00 - - - 23,850.00 Danville Community School Corporation 18,949.83 4,019.54 - - 22,969.37 Nic-Co LLC - 22,932.00 - - 22,932.00 Koorsen Fire & Security Inc - 21,162.40 - - 21,162.40 Hendricks County Sheriff's Department 20,809.48 - - - 20,809.48 A.E. Boyce Co, Inc. 3,783.54 16,010.00 - - 19,793.54 Indianapolis Winsupply Co. - 19,202.61 - - 19,202.61 Quill Corporation 14,312.36 3,395.37 520.25 - 18,227.98 Vincennes University 17,750.00 - - - 17,750.00 Superior Fence Company - 17,539.00 - - 17,539.00 Caylor Communications, Inc - 17,405.00 - - 17,405.00 School Specialty 17,041.23 - - - 17,041.23 Sonitrol of Indianapolis 336.00 16,668.00 - - 17,004.00 Edmentum, Inc. - 16,600.00 - - 16,600.00 Stewart Signs - 13,990.34 - - 13,990.34 The Paper Corporation 13,946.40 - - - 13,946.40 LLC 5,272.32 7,915.11 229.10 - 13,416.53 Education Netowrks of America - 13,301.32 - - 13,301.32 The Independence Academy 13,200.00 - - - 13,200.00 Annette Burke - - 12,259.69 - 12,259.69 Lowe's Credit 445.03 11,355.25 452.26 - 12,252.54 Kaplan College 11,907.90 - - - 11,907.90 Town of Clayton 11,896.00 - - - 11,896.00 Star Financial Bank - 11,700.00 - - 11,700.00 Cintas Corporation - - 11,350.96 - 11,350.96 McGraw Hill Order Service 11,256.00 - - - 11,256.00 Indy Tire Centers, Inc. 59.70 10,902.88 10,962.58 Koch's Electric Inc - 10,398.58 - - 10,398.58 Precision Chemical LLC - 9,600.00 - - 9,600.00 TDS Telecom 9,252.11 - - - 9,252.11 Rush Truck Centers of Indiana - - 9,106.02 - 9,106.02 Mastercard 2,966.59 5,845.16 122.00 - 8,933.75 Heinemann 8,794.01 - - - 8,794.01 Ray's Trash Service, Inc 7,276.21 - 1,391.06 - 8,667.27 Mackin Book Company 8,101.53 179.43 - - 8,280.96 Stoops Freightliner - - 8,038.99 - 8,038.99 PJ's College of Cosmetology 7,500.00 - - - 7,500.00 Pearson - 7,457.50 - - 7,457.50 IN School Board Association 7,200.00 - - - 7,200.00 Otis Elevator Company - 6,976.58 - - 6,976.58 Amplify Insight 6,775.50 - - - 6,775.50 Andy Mohr Truck Center - - 6,771.11 - 6,771.11 School Datebooks 6,592.89 - - - 6,592.89 Ortman Drilling - 6,500.00 - - 6,500.00 Havel - 6,303.21 - - 6,303.21 West Central Indiana 5,971.73 303.00 - - 6,274.73 Orange Leaf Holdings LLC - 6,000.00 - - 6,000.00 Kerlin Bus Sales & Leasing - - 5,882.79 - 5,882.79 South Western Communications - 5,644.73 - - 5,644.73 Amo/Coatesville Conservancy 5,608.56 - - - 5,608.56 Carolina Biological Supply 5,286.06 - - - 5,286.06 School Office Pro - 4,972.00 - - 4,972.00 AP Program 4,935.00 - - - 4,935.00 BR Bleachers - 4,899.00 - - 4,899.00 In Dept of Workforce Development 4,757.33 - - - 4,757.33 Houghton Mifflin Co 4,643.65 - - - 4,643.65 Jackson Oil & Solvents Inc - - 4,639.40 - 4,639.40 Trane Building Services - 4,555.81 - - 4,555.81 Instructure - 4,500.00 - - 4,500.00 Hostetelr & Associates 4,377.50 - - - 4,377.50 BL Andreson Co Inc - 4,287.00 - - 4,287.00 DVM Corporation 2,357.33 - 1,728.20 - 4,085.53 Midwest Toxicology 1,820.00 - 2,209.00 - 4,029.00 Centrality Behavior 3,900.00 - - - 3,900.00 Iparadigms, LLC 3,850.00 - - - 3,850.00 Project Lead the Way, Inc 3,750.00 - - - 3,750.00 Adtec Adminstrative - 3,720.00 - - 3,720.00 H.J. Umbaugh & Associates 3,716.25 - - - 3,716.25 Kim Mountain Pest Control - 3,715.00 - - 3,715.00 Vincennes University 3,664.28 - - - 3,664.28 Tyler Technologies - - 3,646.04 - 3,646.04 Shambaugh & Son, L.P. 3,605.00 - - - 3,605.00 Flinn Scientific Inc 3,536.05 - - - 3,536.05 IXL Learning 3,330.00 - - - 3,330.00 JES & Sons, Inc - - 3,169.00 - 3,169.00 Speedway Automotive Dist 314.11 8.54 2,840.25 - 3,162.90 Emergency Services Education 3,000.00 - - - 3,000.00 Delta Water Management Group - 2,968.00 - - 2,968.00 Reliance Communications LLC - 2,960.00 - - 2,960.00 John Hall Construction, Inc 2,820.00 - - - 2,820.00 Spear Corpration Inc 2,663.41 - - - 2,663.41 Dynatec Machine - 2,600.09 - - 2,600.09 CDW Government, Inc - 2,577.24 - - 2,577.24 US Post Office 2,565.00 - - - 2,565.00 Totals $1,032,872.30 $1,159,273.86 $223,204.65 $58,784.00 $2,474,134.81 I hereby certify that the annual financial report is true and accurate in every respect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certify that all contracts, vouchers, and bills for all payments made by the school corporation are in its possession and open to public inspection. Date: August 10, 2016 Melisa J. Branscum, Secretary, Board of School Trustees Mill Creek Community School Corporation 6631 S CR 200 W Clayton, Indiana 46118 HCF-619 8/13 #1225967 hspaxlp