NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held before the Goshen Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Goshen, Indiana, on the 23rd day of August, 2016, in the Council Chambers, Police and Courts Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana. The public hearings will begin at 4:00 pm and will proceed in the order listed. DEVELOPMENTAL & USE VARIANCES A. Petitioner: Salvador Salazar and Arturo Salazar Petition: Developmental variances to allow a front yard setback (north) of approximately 16' where 30' is required along Clinton Street and to allow a front yard setback (west) of approximately 20' where 25' is required along Winter Avenue, for an open front porch. Location: 1218 W Clinton Street and zoned Residential R-2 District. B. Petitioner: Angelica Perez and Maria Latisnere Petition: Use variance to allow animal grooming (without pet boarding) in a Commercial B-1 zoning district where the use is permitted in the Commercial B-2, B-3 and B-4 zoning districts. Location: 512 Lincolnway East and zoned Commercial B-1 District. C. Petitioner: Zachery N Tate and Leah M Schroeder Petition: Use variances to allow the expansion of the previously approved use variance (15-05 UV) for an approximate 384 square foot accessory building (with 336 square foot attached lean-to) for storage and equipment for the art school, and to allow a monument-style freestanding sign, approximately 16 square feet in area and 5 feet in height, where freestanding signs are not permitted in any residentially zoned districts, and developmental variances to allow the reconstruction of a previously demolished porch with a south (side) setback of approximately 20' where 35' is required along Madison Street and to allow the freestanding sign to be located in the vision clearance area and with a 1' setback along Madison and S 5th Streets, where 5' is required. Location: 324 S 5th Street and zoned Residential R-1 District. D. Petitioner: Marilu Lopez and Carlos Maldonado Petition: Use variance to allow a non-permanent food vendor in the Commercial B-2 zoning district where the use is conditional in the Commercial B-3 and B-4 zoning districts. Location: 124 W Jefferson Street and zoned Commercial B-2 District. E. Petitioner: Albert L Mitchell, Sr, and Dessie Mae Mitchell Petition: Developmental variance to allow a 10' x 31' driveway (open parking space) in the front yard with a one foot side (east) setback where five feet is required. Location: 518 River Avenue and zoned Residential R-1 District. F. Petitioner: St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and Scott Signs Petition: Use variance to add an electronic message center (EMC) to a non-conforming freestanding sign in the Historic District, where changes to non-conforming signs are not permitted, and EMC signs are not permitted. Location: 417 S Main Street and zoned Residential R-3 District. G. Petitioner: LaGrange Monument Works, JP Morgan Chase Bank and FM Stone Petition: Use variance to permit monument sales with outside display in the Commercial B-1 zoning district, where the use is permitted in the Commercial B-3 District, and the Industrial M-1 and M-2 zoning districts. Location: 1719 Lincolnway East and zoned Commercial B-1 District. H. Petitioner: Angela Nisley and Sunrise Builders Petition: Developmental variances to permit a zero foot front yard setback for a parking/driving aisle where 25 feet is required, and open parking spaces in the front yard setback, for a 17' x 22' concrete pad. Location: 1462 Firestar Drive and zoned Residential R-3 District. Lori Lipscomb, Recording Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals 204 E. Jefferson Street, Suite 4 Goshen, IN 46528 574-534-3600 August 13 hspaxlp