Case 6-CZ-16 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Notice is hereby given that the Howard County Plan Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hearing Room (No. 101) at the Howard County Government Center, 120 E. Mulberry St, Kokomo, Indiana 46901. A portion of the agenda is as follows: Case 6-CZ-16: The petition of John & Mira Warner requesting the Howard County Plan Commission petition and recommend to the Howard County Board of Commissioners for a change in zone classification from AG (Agricultural) to RR (Rural Residential), for property described as follows, to-wit: A fractional part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Four (4) East, Howard Township, Howard County, Indiana, more fully described as follows: Commencing at a Mag Nail Found marking the Southeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section Twenty-seven, said Nail lying in the intersection of County Road 150 North and County Road 400 East and marking the Southeast Corner of an Existing 120.00 Acre Tract as described in Instrument Number 0334005987, as found in the Office of the Howard County Recorder; Thence North 00^ 00' 00" West, 1272.26 Feet along the East line of said Northeast Quarter, being the East line of said Existing Tract and along said County Road 400 East to a P.K. Nail w/I.D. Washer Set, being the PLACE OF BEGINNING, said Nail being referenced by a 3/4 inch pipe w/I.D. Cap set South 89^ 15' 49" West, 13.00 feet; Thence South 89^ 15' 49" West, 1365.24 feet to a 3/4 inch Pipe w/I.D. Cap Set; Thence South 89^ 15' 49" West, 1365.24 feet to a 3/4 inch Pipe w/I.D. Cap Set; thence North 00^ 00' 49" West, 617.60 feet along an Existing Fence Line to a 3/4 inch Pipe w/I.D. Cap Set; Thence North 89^ 13' 33" East, 668.68 Feet along an Existing Fence Line to a point being referenced by an Existing Wood Post South 89^ 12' 33" West, 3.87 feet, said point lying on the East Line of said Existing 120.000 Acre Tract, also being the West line of an Existing 40.000 Acre Tract as described in Deed Record 246, page 404; thence South 00^ 04' 10" East, 667.84 Feet along the East Line of said Existing 120.000 Acre Tract, being the West line of said Existing 40.000 Acre Tract and being along an Existing Fence line to a Corner of the aforesaid Existing 120.00 Acre tract, also being the Southwest Corner of said Existing 40.00 Acre Tract, said point being the Northwest Corner of the South Half of the East Half of said Northeast Quarter and being referenced by an Existing Wood Head Post South 82^ 11' 10" West, 1.81 feet; Thence North 89^ 16' 24" seconds East 1313.43 feet along the North Line of said South Half of said East Half of said Northeast Quarter, being the South Line of said Existing 40.000 Acre tract and being along an Existing Fence line, and the extension thereof, to a P.K. Nail w/I.D. Washer Set marking the Northeast Corner of said South Half of said East Half, also being the Southeast Corner of said Existing 40.000 Acre Tract, said Nail lying on the East Line of said Existing 120.000 Acre Tract and lying in the aforesaid County Road 400 East and being referenced by a Wood Head Post South 89^ 16' 24" East, 13.00 feet; thence South 00^ 00' 00" East, 50.00 feet along the aforesaid East line of said Northeast Quarter, being the East Line of said Existing Tract and along said County Road to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, said in previous deed to contain 9.545 acres, more or less and 1 lot, subject to highway rights-of-way, at 1735 N 400 E. At said time and place, all interested persons may be heard. Tuesday, August 16, 2016 7:00 p.m. Howard County Plan Commission Howard County, Indiana K-622 Aug. 5 hspaxlp