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Annual Financial Report County Number 09 AND 91 School Corporation Number 0775 PIONEER REGIONAL SCHOOL CORPORATION Receipts Comparison Calendar Year 2015 2015 Approved 2015 Actual Receipt Accounts Budget Receipts Receipts GENERAL FUND 1000 Local Sources $212,200.00 $111,441.01 2000 Intermediate Sources $55.00 $55.20 3000 State Sources $6,112,964.00 $5,450,161.08 TOTAL $6,325,219.00 $5,561,657.29 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $470,548.00 $506,270.36 TOTAL $470,548.00 $506,270.36 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $167,121.00 $173,446.60 TOTAL $167,121.00 $173,446.60 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1000 Local Sources $842,977.00 $958,838.19 TOTAL $842,977.00 $958,838.19 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION FUND 1000 Local Sources $822,748.00 $882,409.97 TOTAL $822,748.00 $882,409.97 SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 1000 Local Sources $89,533.00 $95,948.57 TOTAL $89,533.00 $95,948.57 GRAND TOTAL $8,718,146.00 $8,178,570.98 EXPENDITURES COMPARISONS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 2015 Approved 2015 Actual Expenditure Accounts Budget Expenditures Expenditures GENERAL FUND / FISCAL STABILIZATION FUND 11000 Instruction/Regular Programs $3,608,264.00 $3,376,560.82 12000 Instruction/Special Programs $374,494.81 $270,052.55 14000 Instruction/Summer School $27,316.20 $20,997.40 16000 Remediation $20,000.00 $18,881.12 17000 Payments to Governmental Units in State $411,315.59 $191,107.95 21000 Support Services/Pupils $259,650.00 $219,968.44 22000 Support Services/Instruction $113,016.23 $85,097.78 23000 Support Services/General Administration $264,200.00 $231,366.28 24000 Support Services/School Administration $510,796.23 $510,796.23 25000 Central Services $26,150.00 $17,279.88 26000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Srvcs. $738,295.85 $656,098.74 30000 Operation of Non-instructional Srvcs. $141,827.17 $133,085.48 TOTAL $6,495,326.08 $5,731,292.67 DEBT SERVICE FUND 50000 Debt Services $660,076.00 $499,424.00 TOTAL $660,076.00 $499,424.00 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND 50000 Pension Debt $169,640.00 $163,732.80 TOTAL $169,640.00 $163,732.78 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 22300 Instruction-Related Technology $108,817.30 $94,889.90 25000 Central Services $287,186.85 $231,054.56 26000 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Srvcs $591,855.48 $433,107.18 40000 Facility Acquisition and Construction $523,888.07 $227,076.87 TOTAL $1,511,747.70 $986,128.51 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION FUND 23000 Support Services/General Administration $88,000.00 $55,001.92 25000 Central Services 27000 Student Transportation $903,650.00 $841,159.94 TOTAL $991,650.00 $896,161.86 SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 27000 Student Transportation $301,091.60 $137,309.00 TOTAL $301,091.60 $137,309.00 GRAND TOTAL $10,129,531.38 $8,414,048.82 CERTIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 Yrs # Bach. # # Masters # Masters # Masters # # of Bach. of +15 of Master Of +15 of +30 of +45 of Doctor. Of Svc Pers hrs Pers Pers hrs Pers hrs Pers hrs Pers Pers 00 31588 4 32536 1 33483 34778 36073 01 32725 2 33768 34778 2 36073 37369 02 33862 9 34968 36073 37369 38664 03 35000 3 36200 37369 2 38664 39959 04 36137 3 37400 38664 39959 41254 05 37274 2 38632 39959 41254 42549 06 38411 2 39832 41254 42549 43844 07 39548 2 41064 42549 43844 45139 08 40685 2 42265 43844 45139 46434 09 41823 1 43497 45139 1 46434 47729 10 42960 44697 46434 47729 49025 11 44097 2 45929 1 47729 1 49025 50320 12 45234 47129 49025 50320 51615 13 46371 48361 50320 3 51615 52910 14 47508 1 49562 51615 52910 54205 15 48646 50794 52910 54205 55532 16 49783 51994 54205 55532 56858 17 50920 53226 3 55532 56858 58438 18 52120 54489 6 56858 14 58438 60017 3 Total number of certified part-time employees 0 Total number of certified full-time employees 62 EXTRACURRICULAR SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 Position Amount Position Amount Elementary Schools High School (cont'd) Cheerleading Sponsor $411.00 Golf - girl $2,085.00 Basketball - boy $1,137.00 Head Softball $2,938.00 Basketball - boy-optional $1,137.00 Asst Softball $1,706.00 Basketball - girl $853.00 Head Swim - Coed $3,791.00 Basketball - girl-optional $853.00 Asst Swim - Coed $1,706.00 Student Council $474.00 Diving Coach $884.00 Student Council $474.00 Head Track - boy $3,412.00 Volleyball $695.00 Asst Track - boy $1,548.00 Volleyball - optional $695.00 Head Track - girl $3,412.00 Middle Schools Asst Track - girl $1,548.00 Basketball - 8th boy $2,085.00 Head Volleyball $3,096.00 Basketball - 7th boy $2,085.00 Asst Volleyball $2,305.00 Basketball - 8th girl $1,769.00 Head Wrestling $3,064.00 Basketball - 7th girl $1,769.00 Asst Wrestling $1,232.00 Cross Country $821.00 Cheerleading Sponsor $1,990.00 Asst Cross Country $505.00 Asst Cheerleading Sponsor $1,232.00 Football $1,801.00 Asst Cheerleading Sponsor $1,232.00 Asst Football $1,390.00 Academic Coach $632.00 Swimming $1,074.00 Asst Academic Coach $316.00 Track - boy $1,137.00 Auditorium Director $1,959.00 Track - boy $1,137.00 Head Band $2,527.00 Track - girl $1,137.00 Asst Band $1,895.00 Track - girl $1,137.00 Director Musical $1,674.50 Volleyball $1,137.00 Asst Director Musical $1,674.50 Volleyball $1,137.00 Drill Team Sponsor $1,169.00 Wrestling $758.00 Sponsor - 12th Grade $790.00 High School Sponsor - 12th Grade $790.00 Head Baseball $2,938.00 Sponsor - 11th Grade $1,611.00 Asst Baseball $1,706.00 Sponsor - 11th Grade $1,611.00 Head Basketball - boy $6,476.00 Sponsor - 11th Grade $1,611.00 Asst Basketball - boy $3,854.00 Happy Homemakers $221.00 Asst Basketball - boy $2,622.00 National Honor Society $284.00 Head Basketball - girl $6,476.00 Sunshine Society $474.00 Asst Basketball - girl $3,854.00 Sunshine Society $474.00 Head Football $6,254.00 Yearbook $884.00 Asst Football $2,495.00 Leadership Team $1,579.00 JV Football $2,495.00 Director Guidance $695.00 JV Football $1,801.00 Counselor Guidance $474.00 Cross Country $2,306.00 Traffic Director $411.00 Asst Cross Country $1,390.00 Student Council $948.00 Golf - boy $2,085.00 Student Council $948.00 NON-CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS AND RANGE OF PAY RATES 2015-2016 Classifications Range of Pay Rates I. Instructional and Supplementary Pupil Services A. Library Aides $8.13 TO $8.30 B. Kindergarten Aides C. Special Education Aides $8.13 D. Prime Time Aides $8.13 TO $10.90 E. Pre-kindergarten/Head Start Aides F. Educational Enterprises G. Other - Title 1 $8.13 TO $8.30 Title 2 $12.00 TO $12.25 Gifted and Talented $13.00 Ed Fund Stimulas II. Cafeteria and Food Services A. Managers/Head Cooks $11.31 TO $11.55 B. School Food Service Director $16.09 C. All Other Food Service Employees $8.96 TO $10.80 III. Health Services A. Nurses $16.48 TO $22.55 B. Other IV. Office/Clerical/Secretarial $8.16 TO $12.25 V. Executive/Administrative/Accounting A. Corporation Treasurer $21.58 B. Buildings and Grounds Director C. Community Relations/Publicity Director D. Other VI. Maintenance/Custodial/Warehouse/Security/Transportation A. Building Custodians $8.97 TO $14.00 B. Bus Drivers $76.40/DAY TO $77.95/DAY C. Other - Crossing Guards $8.13 TO $8.30 Bus Mechanic $18.26 TO $21.50 Maintenance Supervisor $22.00 VII. Computer Services A. Desktop Support $11.00 TO $17.00 Total Number of non-certified part-time employees 40 Total Number of non-certified full-time employees 43 CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2016 Lowest Salary Highest Salary Average Salary Number of Personnel Administrative Staff $62,000.00 $101,622.00 $81,811.00 5 STUDENT ENROLLMENT OCTOBER 1, 2015 Grade Level Enrollment Grade Level Enrollment Pre-School Ages 0-2 (PW) Grade 7 76 Pre-Kindergarten Ages 3-5 (PK) Grade 8 66.16 Kindergarten 64 Grade 9 86.16 Grade 1 63 Grade 10 77 Grade 2 70 Grade 11 61 Grade 3 76 Grade 12 66.47 Grade 4 66 Grade 12+/Adult (13) Grade 5 75 TOTAL 919.95 Grade 6 73.16 ASSESSED VALUATION AND TAX RATES CALENDAR YEARS 2015 AND 2016 2015 2016 Assessed Valuation 275,674,207 277,152,814 Tax Rate - General Fund Cass N/A* N/A* White N/A* N/A* Tax Rate - Referendum Fund Cass N/A* N/A* White N/A* N/A* Tax Rate - Debt Service Fund Cass 0.1598 0.1854 White 0.1585 0.1820 Tax Rate - Retire/Severance Bond Debt Serv. Fund Cass 0.0567 0.0510 White 0.0567 0.0510 Tax Rate - Capital Projects Fund Cass 0.2860 0.2936 White 0.2860 0.2903 Tax Rate - School Transportation Fund Cass 0.2794 0.2874 White 0.2772 0.2843 Tax Rate - School Bus Replacement Fund Cass 0.0304 0.0239 White 0.0302 0.0231 Tax Rate - Exempt Debt Service Fund Cass N/A N/A White N/A N/A *The school corporation general fund will only have a tax rate if a excess levy appeal has been approved. Per HB 1001 passed in 2008. PAYMENTS IN EXCESS OF $2,500 MADE TO VENDORS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 General School School Bus Total Vendor Name Fund Capital Projects Transportation Replacement Amount Amount Fund Amount Fund Amount Fund Amount AE Boyce Company $13,245.00 $13,245.00 All-Phase Credit Office $4,310.03 $4,310.03 All Phase Electric Supply Co. $5,828.20 $5,828.20 American Enterprises $4,066.11 $4,066.11 Apple Inc. $45,852.39 $45,852.39 Atlas Building Services $3,893.71 $3,893.71 Auto-Jet Muffler Corp. $3,250.10 $3,250.10 Bell Industries $7,670.01 $7,670.01 BMO Harris Mastercard $41,733.37 $41,733.37 Brandt's Heating & Cooling $3,434.82 $3,434.82 Burns Construction Company $21,855.00 $21,855.00 Central Indiana Hardware $3,773.78 $3,773.78 Central Paving $74,099.00 $74,099.00 Century Career Center $71,339.20 $71,339.20 Certified Laboratories $3,590.21 $3,590.21 Community State Bank $288,098.80 $28,395.33 $316,494.13 CopyCo Office Solutions $7,919.23 $7,919.23 David L. Bess $3,116.38 $3,116.38 Duke Energy $108,223.58 $108,983.42 $217,207.00 Dupouy Enterprises L.L.C $20,649.00 $20,649.00 Dye Lumber Company $4,205.42 $4,205.42 ENA Services $46,488.00 $46,488.00 Flinn Scientific Inc. $3,261.35 $3,261.35 Follett Library Resources $3,441.26 $3,441.26 Frontier $12,315.86 $12,315.86 Gaggle $4,428.75 $4,428.75 Goudy Bros. Boiler Company $8,782.29 $8,782.29 Huston Electric, Inc $8,530.89 $8,530.89 IN State Teachers Retire Fnd $269,261.86 $269,261.86 Instructure $9,430.00 $9,430.00 Isolatin Station Inc. $22,000.00 $22,000.00 IXL Learning $5,980.00 $5,980.00 JH Saylor $20,453.37 $20,453.37 Jim Dobson Ford, Inc. $34,450.05 $34,450.05 Karr Tuckpointing $33,470.29 $33,470.29 Katherine D. Washburn $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Keystone Software Systems $16,325.00 $16,325.00 Kirby Risk Elect. Supply $2,558.50 $2,558.50 Knebel Insurance Agency $18,068.85 $70,000.00 $12,432.00 $100,500.85 Kone, Inc $5,503.39 $5,503.39 Koorsen Fire & Security $5,826.21 $5,826.21 Logansport Comm School $117,172.55 $117,172.55 Logic Key Inc. $2,502.00 $2,502.00 Mann Chevorolet $3,651.46 $3,651.46 M.A.S.E. Insurance Trust $346,172.03 $24,039.90 $81,356.50 $451,568.43 Maxwell Sales $8,795.80 $8,795.80 Midwest Transit Equip. Inc $31,247.40 $31,247.40 Morris and Sons Roofing $3,856.19 $3,856.19 Mulhaupts $46,377.75 $46,377.75 NAPA-Winamac Automotive $5,495.17 $5,495.17 NIPSCO $27,791.13 $25,886.33 $53,677.46 Nomanco $3,870.00 $3,870.00 North Central Cooperative $94,967.48 $94,967.48 Pioneer Payroll $48,062.91 $48,062.91 Pomp's Tire Service, Inc $15,303.42 $15,303.42 PERF $39,431.22 $15,729.29 $55,160.51 Quill $22,159.20 $22,159.20 RD Filip Janitorial Supply Co $19,226.07 $19,226.07 Rogers Construction, Inc $9,112.00 $11,901.00 $21,013.00 Royal Center Utilities $28,405.41 $2,809.79 $31,215.20 Sherwin Williams, Co $3,963.19 $3,963.19 Sopher's Body Shop $3,150.00 $3,150.00 Standard & Poor's Financial $10,400.00 $10,400.00 The Big Arrow Pest Control $2,629.00 $2,629.00 The Paper Corporation $11,571.60 $11,571.60 Transfinder Corporation $3,050.00 $3,050.00 Trugreen $12,040.00 $12,040.00 United Art & Education Supp. $3,635.53 $3,635.53 Variable Annuity Life Ins. $98,622.48 $98,622.48 Vision Service Plan $6,820.80 $6,820.80 Wabash Valley Ed. Center $3,376.79 $3,376.79 Waste Management $16,598.39 $16,598.39 Wells Fargo Financial Lease $16,511.52 $16,511.52 Wiers International Truck $9,895.98 $9,895.98 Zagajewski Construction Inc. $5,149.00 $5,149.00 Totals $1,657,475.00 $624,202.11 $454,099.18 $2,735,776.29 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Indebtedness Principal Outstanding Temporary Loans School Bonds Emergency Loans School Bus Loans Holding Company - Public and Private Veterans' Memorial Loans Common School Loans $2,634,374.25 Indiana Bond Bank/Anticipated Notes Retirement/Severance Bond Debt $1,340,906.22 Other DLGF Approved Debt Qualified School Construction Bonds (ARRA) Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (ARRA) TOTAL $3,975,280.47 Outstanding Encumbrances - All Funds (Include purchase orders, vendor contracts, $606,602.96 letters of commitment, leases) Xerox Copier Lease $37,939.48 Apple Ipad Lease $133,930.00 I hereby certify that the annual financial report is true and accurate in every respect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certify that all contracts, vouchers, and bills for all payments made by the school corporation are in its possession and open to public inspection. Date July 27, 2016 LISA KESLING, Secretary, Board of School Trustees L-310 August 2 hspaxlp

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