SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION DLC#:Y228-79 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF FLOYD IN THE FLOYD SUPERIOR COURT 1 SS: CAUSE NO.:22D01-1606-MF-938 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION ("FANNIE MAE"), Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF JACK E. TIESING SR., A/K/A JACK E. TIESING DECEASED, OCCUPANT(S) OF 341 CHANDA LANE, NEW ALBANY, IN 47150, NATIONAL CITY BANK, FIFTH THIRD BANK (LOUISVILLE), THE STATE OF INDIANA THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND PEARCE BOTTLED GAS INC., Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned: You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is a Complaint on Note and for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described real estate: A Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section No. 9, in township 3 South, Range 6 East, Beginning at a Stone On the South Side of a Road, On the East Line of Said Northwest Quarter Section and also the Northeast Corner of Dr. I . G. Polhemus 5 acre Tract; thence North 30 Feet to the True Place of Beginning, thence North 423.5 Feet along the East Line of Said Northwest Quarter of Section 423.5 Feet to a Stone; thence North 87 Degrees 30 Minutes West along Raymond Grangier North Line 150 Feet to a Point; thence South 446 Feet to a Point On the North Side of a 30 Foot Road; thence North 84 Degrees 42 Minutes East 150 Feet to the Place of Beginning, Containing 1.25 acres, With the 30 Foot Road Out, Said Road Beginning at a Point On the East Line of the Northwest Quarter Section Said Point in North 227 Feet From the Stone at the Northeast Corner of Dr. Polhemus 5 acre Tract; thence North 226.5 Feet to a Stone, the Northeast Corner of Grangier Land thence North 87 Degrees 30 Minutes West 30 Feet to a Point ; thence South 202 Feet to a Point; thence South 79 Degrees West 124 Feet to a Point; thence South 30 Feet to a Point; thence North 79 Degrees East 154 Feet to the Place of Beginning, Containing 1.25 acres. Excepting therefrom an 0.60 of an acre Tract Conveyed to Harry R. Grangier and Ellen I. Grangier, Husband and Wife, By Deed Dated March 16, 1963 and Recorded in Deed Record 169 Page 472 of the Floyd County , Indiana Records , and By Deed of Correction Dated May 16, 1969 and Recorded in Deed Record 192 Page 424 of the Floyd County, Indiana Records. And Commonly known as: 341 Chanda Lane, New Albany, IN 47150 This Summons by Publication is specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are known to me: Occupant(s) of 341 Chanda Lane, New Albany, IN 47150, National City Bank, Fifth Third Bank (Louisville), The State of Indiana through its Department of Revenue and Pearce Bottled Gas Inc. This Summons by Publication is also specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown to me: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Jack E. Tiesing Sr. a/k/a Jack E. Tiesing In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this Summons, there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before the 15th day of September, 2016 (the same being within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so, a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. By /s/S. Brent Potter S. Brent Potter ATTEST: Clerk of the Floyd County Superior Court 1 S. Brent Potter (10900-49) Tina M. Caylor (30994-49) Stacy J. DeLee (25546-71) David M. Johnson (30354-45) Heather L. Grimstad (32356-49) Anthony L. Manna (23663-49) Matthew L. Foutty (20886-49) Craig D. Doyle (4783-49) DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. 41 E Washington St., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Telephone (317) 264-5000 Facsimile (317) 264-5400 hspaxlp