TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Superior Court of Floyd County, Indiana, in Cause No. 22D03-1904-MF-000576 wherein Republic Bank & Trust Company was Plaintiff and Susan E. McKern f/k/a Susan E. Gregory and Unknown Heirs, if any, of Doris P. Braden were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 17th day of October, 2019, at the hour of 10:00am local time or as soon thereafter as is possible, at the Floyd County Sheriff's Department, 1st Floor City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany, Indiana 47150, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Floyd County, Indiana. Being a part of Lot No.12 of Plat No. 126 of the Floyd County Record of Plats which is a part of Lot no. 42 of the Illinois Grant and which is more fully described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of North Fourth Street (Roosevelt Ave.) with the northeasterly line of the Charlestown Road and which commencing point is also the most southerly corner of Lot No. 12 of said Plat No. 126; thence N. 33 deg. 57' East along the northwesterly line of the Charlestown Road 175.35 feet to a point which is the true place of beginning of land to be herein described; Thence north 45 deg. 25' west parallel with the center line of said North Fourth Street and 173.00 feet distant at right angles northeasterly therefrom 482.75 feet to a point thence south 24 deg. 35' west at right angles 13.00 feet to a point, thence north 65 deg. 25' west parallel with the center line of said North Fourth Street and 160.00 feet distant at right angles therefrom 215.00 feet to a point; thence south 24 deg. 35' west at right angles 135.00 feet to a point on the east line of that part of North Fourth Street which is now vacated; thence north 85 deg. 25' west along the east line of said North Fourth Street which is vacated 68.41 feet to a concrete monument at the most southerly corner of a parcel of land heretofore conveyed to the Hoosier Panel Company on November 1, 1937 and recorded in Deed Book No. 100, Page 182 of the Floyd County Record of Deeds; thence north 23 deg. 65' East along the southeasterly line of said land of the Hoosier Panel Company 216.6 feet to a point; thence south 66 deg. 03' east along the northeasterly line of Lot No. 12 of said Plat No. 126, 781.13 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line of the Charlestown Road and which is the most easterly corner of Lot No. 12 of Plat No. 126; thence South 33 deg. 57' west along the northwesterly line of said Charlestown Road 78.10 feet to the place of beginning and containing 1.584 acres of land. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot Twelve (12) of Plat No. One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of Charlestown Road which point is 78.1 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) thence north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 394 feet 7 inches to the true place of beginning; thence continuing north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 58 feet thence north 23 deg. 55 minutes east to the north line of Lot Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) thence north 66 deg. 3 minutes east 58 feet, thence south 23 deg. 55 minutes west to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of lot Twelve (12) of Plat No. One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of Charlestown Road which point is 78.1 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) thence north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 452 feet and 7 inches to the true place of beginning, thence continuing north 65 deg. 25 minutes west, 30 feet 2 inches, thence north 24 deg. 55 minutes west 13 feet, thence north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 40 feet 2 inches, thence north 23 deg. 55 minutes east to the north line of Lot Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126), thence north 66 deg. 3 minutes east 70 feet 4 inches, thence south 23 deg. 55 minutes west to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot Twelve (12) Plat Number One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Charlestown Road where the north line of Lot No. Twelve (12) intersects the same, thence north 66 deg. 3 minutes west 27 feet 5 inches to the true place of beginning; thence continuing north 66 deg. 3 minutes west 75 feet, thence south 23 deg. 55 minutes west to the north line of Pontrich land, thence north 65 deg. 25 minutes east 78 feet, thence north 23 deg. 55 minutes east to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot Twelve (12) Plat Number One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of Lot No. Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) which point is north 68 deg. 3 minutes west 537 feet 10 inches from the west line of Charlestown Road, running thence north 66 deg. 3 minutes east 134 feet 6 inches, thence south 23 deg. 55 minutes west 81.6 feet thence south 65 deg. 25 minutes east 134 feet 6 inches, thence north 23 deg. 55 minutes east 81.6 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot Twelve (12) Plat Number One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of Charlestown Road which point is 78.1 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) thence north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 535 feet 4 inches to the true place of beginning, thence continuing north 65 deg. 25 minutes west 59 feet 1 inch, thence north 23 deg. 55 minutes east to the north line of Lot No. Twelve (12) Plat One Hundred Twenty-six (126) thence north 55 deg. 3 minutes east 59 feet 1 inch to a point thence south 23 deg. 55 minutes west to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot Twelve (12) in Plat Number One Hundred Twenty-six (126) bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of Lot 12, Plat No. 126 which point is north 66 deg. 03' west 672 feet and 4 inches from the west line of Charlestown Road, which is point is also the most northerly corner of the parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Thomas E. Rapp by Deed of Record in Deed Book 164 page 186 in the Office of the Recorder of Floyd County, Indiana, the true place of beginning of the tract to be herein described; running thence south 23 deg. 55' west along the easterly line of Rapp's tract for a distance of 81.6 feet; thence south 24 deg. 35' west 135 feet to a point in the north line of the North Fourth Street; thence north 65 deg. 25' west along the north line of North Fourth Street (vacated) 68.41 feet; thence north 23 deg. 55' east 216 feet to a point in the north line of said Lot No. 12 Plat No. 126; running thence south 66 deg. 03' west along the north line of said Lot 12 for a distance of 108.80 feet more or less to the true place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot 12, Plat No. 126 of the Floyd County Records thus bounded: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of North 4th Street with the northwesterly line of Charlestown Road, running thence north 33 degrees, 57 minutes east along the northwesterly line of Charlestown Road 175.35 feet, thence continuing along the same line 78.10 feet, thence north 66 degrees 3 minutes west 112 feet to a point which point is the true place of beginning, of the land herein sold; thence continuing north 64 degrees 3 minutes west 160 feet; thence south 23 degrees 55 minutes west to the line of Pontrich Land, thence north 65 degrees 25 minutes east 160 feet, thence north 23 degrees 55 minutes east to the place of beginning. Containing ^ Acre. Together with the right to use the 10 foot driveway leading from Charlestown Road to such above described real estate as a means of entrance and exit to such real estate. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, part of Lot No. twelve (12) Plat No. 126 of the Floyd County record thus bounded: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of North 4th Street with the northwesterly line of Charlestown Road running thence North 33 degrees 57 minutes East along the northwestwardly line of Charlestown Road 175.35 feet, thence continuing along the same line 78.10 feet, thence North 66 degrees 3 minutes West 112 feet to a point, which point is the true place of beginning of the land herein sold; thence continuing North 66 degrees 3 minutes West 160 feet; thence South 23 degrees 55 minutes West a distance of 76.00 feet more or less to the line of Pontrich land; thence South 55 degrees 25 minutes East 156 feet to an iron pin; thence northeasterly a distance of 77.00 feet more or less, to the place of beginning, containing ^ acre. BEING the same property conveyed to Benjamin R. Gregory and Susan E. Gregory, husband and wife, by Deed dated August 25, 2003, of record as instrument No. 200320152, in the Office of the Recorder of Floyd County, Indiana; which has been Quitclaimed of record to Susan E. Gregory, married, by Quitclaim Deed, dated October 7, 2005, of record as instrument No. 200515085, in the Office of the Recorder aforesaid. Key Number: 008-81100-46 More commonly known as 2211 Charlestown Road, New Albany, Indiana 47150 Parcel No. 22-05-04-200-080.000-008 Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Subject to all liens, encumbrances and easements of record not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause 22D03-1904-MF-000576 in the Superior Court of the County of Floyd, Indiana. Taylor M. Hamilton No. 30338-10 _____/s/ Frank Loop Morgan Pottinger McGarvey Sheriff of Floyd County, Indiana 401 South Fourth Street, Suite 1200 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Attorneys for Plaintiff SHERIFF FILE NO: The Sheriff's Department does not warrant title to this property, nor the accuracy of the address or legal description. SERVICE DIRECTED TO: Taylor M. Hamilton 401 South Fourth Street, Suite 1200 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Susan McKern 1052 Emerald Drive Sellersburg, Indiana 47172 hspaxlp