NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SALE Madison County Indiana Beginning 10:00 AM, 10/14/2019 County Courthouse - Commissioners Courtroom, Room 110 Local Time Madison County Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following described property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 09/27/2019 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Madison County Circuit Court III and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 09/27/2019. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment. Such sale will be held on 10/14/2019 at the County Courthouse - Commissioners Courtroom, Room 110 and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale. Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of: (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of: (1) forty-five dollars ($45) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(c) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney's fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 for certificates sold in the tax sale. For certificates struck to the county, the period of redemption may expire Tuesday, February 11, 2020. If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 10/14/2019 or during the duration of the sale. This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale. Minimum bid amounts are prescribed by law and are subject to change prior to the auction date. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-3(e), property descriptions may be omitted for properties appearing on the certified list in consecutive years. A complete property list may be obtained at or in an alternative form upon request. Dated: 09/02/2019 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for an Indiana county, you may register online at This registration is good for all counties that SRI services. You need to register only once for all counties. Make sure to bring the completed form with you to each sale. This will speed up the registration process for you the morning of the sale. If you do not have access to a computer with internet service you may register the morning of the sale. Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured you will receive your bid number before the start of the sale. Please bring your registration form and W9 form with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be able to print these forms from the registration web site. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-24-5.1 a business entity that seeks to register to bid at the Madison County Tax Sale must provide a certificate of good standing or proof of registration in accordance with IC 5-23 from the Secretary of State to the Madison County Treasurer. 481900001 48-13-02-100-003.000-001 $638.97 Hollingsworth Mark Allen NE NE 02-18-8 00001.2500A 4885 E 400 S 481900002 48-13-02-300-010.000-001 $435.86 Bousman James P & Elizabeth S S2 SW 02-18-8 00002.0000A 4212 E 500 S 481900003 48-13-06-200-008.000-001 $1,555.07 Metzing Danny P & Sandra L S2 NW 06-18-8 00002.2760A 4315 S New Columbus Rd 481900004 48-13-06-300-019.000-001 $3,816.79 Ellingwood Stephen & Shannon BABY FARMS 223' E END N2 L 004 4505 S New Columbus Rd 481900005 48-13-08-100-013.000-001 $3,622.39 Mc Cormack William Scott &Julie A NE NE TR 1 08-18-8 00000.7740A 1987 E 500 S 481900006 48-13-17-100-001.000-001 $959.18 Morrow James L Jr SW NE 17-18-8 00001.9300A 1538 E Gilmore Rd 481900007 48-13-17-200-021.000-001 $3,126.80 Saunders Mark D W2 NW 17-18-8 00001.0000A 6212 S 100 E 481900008 48-13-17-400-010.000-001 $1,321.37 ESM of Indiana Inc 17-18-8 Pt SE SE (0.269ac) 6997 S 200 E 481900010 48-13-18-200-009.000-001 $152.65 DeVries Adam M NE NW 18-18-8 00001.8800A Joined with parcel north of 6175 S 50 E 481900011 48-13-18-300-046.000-001 $365.45 Blake Developers EAST KNOLL SEC 2 L 41 00000.7887A Blake developers parcel west of 6978 s Co Rd 25 E join East of pond 481900014 48-13-22-200-006.000-001 $201.15 Young Wayne Scott & Heather J W2 NW 22-18-8 00000.1380A Property joining west of 7095 S Co Rd 400 E 481900016 48-13-28-200-009.000-001 $2,622.20 Higginbotham June N SE NW 28-18-8 00000.5000A 8343 S 250 E 481900019 48-13-33-100-005.000-001 $558.12 Indiana Right Of Way Co S2 NE 33-18-8 00000.5470A Indiana Right of Way Co 481900020 48-13-33-200-001.000-001 $3,657.24 Myers Christopher Adam & Christine Kay W2 NW 33-18-8 61.690ac 1st parcel East of 1967 E Co Rd 900 S 481900021 48-13-33-200-002.000-001 $2,427.82 Myers Christopher Adam & Christine Kay E2 NW 33-18-8 00037.2440A 2nd parcel East of 1967 E Co Rd 900 S 481900024 48-13-34-100-026.000-001 $817.05 Clendenin Randall K & Julia A E2 NE 34-18-8 00005.2970A 3867 E Sr 38 481900025 48-13-34-100-033.000-001 $2,436.91 Mahaffey John & Phillips Clinton M J/T R/S TOMAHAWK TRAILS TR 06 34-18-8 00002.1770A 3938 E 950 S 481900026 48-13-34-100-043.000-001 $339.63 McCorkle Larry & Terrie TOMAHAWK TRAILS TR 18 34-18-8 00001.7930A west of 3738 E CoRd 950 S 481900027 48-13-34-200-018.000-001 $428.46 Holbrook Mary E & Martin SW NW 34-18-8 00003.0000A 1st parcel North of 9324 S CoRo 311 E 481900028 48-13-34-300-004.000-001 $715.17 Indiana Right Of Way Co SW 34-18-6 00000.7500A Indiana Right of Way Co 481900029 48-18-04-100-004.000-001 $3,097.88 Rowland-Fisher Chris P MINI PLAT #130 L 001 10215 S 300 E 481900030 48-13-27-300-046.000-002 $538.75 Diane Estates Inc STREET ROW (Fort Ave) 27-18-8 00000.3450A parcel is Fort St 481900034 48-13-27-300-095.000-002 $1,379.18 Harlan John P W2 SW 27-18-8 4.37AC4.37AC 207 E Main St 481900035 48-13-28-300-073.000-002 $3,217.09 ANS Holdings Inc PT SW 28-18-8 0.759A 2042 S Sr 38 481900036 48-13-28-400-081.000-002 $466.05 Indiana Right Of Way Co LEWIS 1ST LOTS 20 & 21 Indiana Right of Way Co 481900037 48-13-28-400-129.000-002 $1,764.89 Griffin Bonnie & Griffin Austin JT/RS FAIRVIEW LTS 11-15 E PT LT 10 28 Home Ave 481900038 48-13-28-400-146.000-002 $304.16 Seal Cameron Lee PT E2 SE 28-18-8 00000.1870A 1st parcel West of 20 W Main ST 481900039 48-13-28-400-147.000-002 $463.69 Holmes James A & Marilyn &T SE SE 28-18-8 00000.0500A 1st parcel North of 110 S State St 481900043 48-13-33-100-094.000-002 $3,448.95 Stafford Michael R PT E2 NE 33-18-8 00000.3970A 412 S State Street 481900044 48-11-01-101-003.000-003 $684.86 Madison County Coon Hunters Assoc Inc PT NE PLAT 205 01-19-7 00004.0750A Madison County Coon Hunters 481900045 48-11-01-101-093.000-003 $1,417.75 Ebbert Deborah L NORTH ANDERSON 12' S SD L 040 Parcel between 1805 Crystal and 1803 Crystal 481900046 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 $858.98 Sokol Robert V NW NE 1-19-7 0.05A adj to West side L 168 MT HOPE ADDN (pt abandoned PCC & St L RR) 1st parcel West of 1773 Silver St 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900047 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 $631.17 Sokol Robert V NW NE 1-19-7 0.05A adj to West side L 168 MT HOPE ADDN (pt abandoned PCC & St L RR) 2nd parcel West of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900048 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 $330.35 Sokol Robert V MT HOPE NO ANDERSON PT L 168 3rd parcel west of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-008.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-046.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900049 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 $1,526.06 Sokol Robert V MT HOPE NO ANDERSON 50' N END L 168 1st parcel West of 1739 Silver St 48-11-01-102-009.000-003 and 48-11-01-102-047.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900050 48-11-01-103-046.000-003 $188.10 Decker Martha & Melissa J/T R/S VINEYARD EXC 39' E SD PLAT 84 L 006 Parcel divides improvements of 218 West Vineyard St 481900051 48-11-01-103-070.000-003 $1,680.50 Jarvis Trenton A VINEYARD L 024 217 W Vineyard St 481900052 48-11-01-104-050.000-003 $2,301.14 Job Source Inc OAKDALE NO ANDERSON L 058 24 E Plum St 481900053 48-11-01-104-051.000-003 $1,302.50 Ice Randy D OAKDALE NO ANDERSON L 059 26 E Plum St 481900054 48-11-01-104-101.000-003 $5,244.95 Jones Christopher L & Theresa Lynn Ell J/T R/S OAKDALE NO ANDERSON E2 L 109 Parcel East of 208 E Oak St and West of 222 E Oak St 481900055 48-11-01-104-212.000-003 $1,224.00 Johnson Chad OAKDALE NO ANDERSON Pt Lots 127 & 128 (0.138ac) 131 E Oak St 481900056 48-11-01-202-016.000-003 $3,639.73 Foley Phillip B & Mary E NORTH ACRES EXC 70' N SD PL 01 L 008 1820 N Madison Ave 481900057 48-11-01-202-046.000-003 $190.75 Stanley Haley NORTH ACRES 5.35' S SD PL 01 L 022 Parcel strip of land between 1810 Whitter Ave and 1806 Whitter Ave 481900059 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 $521.12 Rhodes Kevin K & Julie K & Kelsi & Kevin K Jr Rhodes COUNTRY CLUB VIEW 45' E SD L 019 Parcel is half of 620 Country Club Ln 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900060 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 $4,085.52 Rhodes Kevin D & Julie K & Kelsi & Kevin K Jr Rhodes COUNTRY CLUB VIEW 30' W SD L 018 620 Country Club Ln 48-11-01-203-053.000-003 and 48-11-01-203-052.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900061 48-11-01-204-004.000-003 $1,715.06 Pepellea Arthur III & Allissa PT N2 S2 NW 01-19-7 PL 27 00000.2000A 401 W Vineyard St 481900063 48-11-01-301-002.000-003 $7,799.62 Dowling Travis PT NE SW 01-19-7 0.30A **SEE MISC NOTE re: LEGAL** Parcel East of RR Track North of 328 W North St / 318 W North St 481900064 48-11-01-301-010.000-003 $364.27 Cuatro Casas LLC CLIFFORD PLACE L 010 939 Indiana Ave 481900065 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 $2,970.73 Dowling Travis CLIFFORD PLACE EXC W2 L 020 Parcel is 2 parcels West from 328 W North St 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 and 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900067 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 $6,146.81 Dowling Travis CLIFFORD PLACE L 021 Parcel is 4 parcels West from 328 W North St 48-11-01-301-021.000-003 and 48-11-01-301-023.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900069 48-11-01-301-071.000-003 $1,840.50 Alec Cay LLC CLIFFORD PLACE L 004 909 Indiana Ave 481900070 48-11-01-304-031.000-003 $634.63 Smith Jacob Cody & Whitney Lyn Stafford J/T R/S CLIFFORD PLACE L 031 902 Hickory St 481900071 48-11-01-304-036.000-003 $4,372.72 Stover Jesse D & Ramon A MERIDIAN AVE NO ANDERSON50'X PL 13 L 131 00000.1800A 1st parcel West of 223 Court St 481900072 48-11-01-402-005.000-003 $4,282.28 Express Funding Corp PT NE NW SE PLAT 171 01-19-7 00000.3100A 1st Parcel East joining 1220 Indiana Ave 481900073 48-11-01-402-033.000-003 $4,703.13 Mc Clure Lawrence J MIX NO ANDERSON EXC I5' W SD L 002 1st Parcel west of 202 W North ST 481900074 48-11-01-402-036.000-003 $1,561.88 Baker Steve A J MIX NO ANDERSON L 005 130 North St 481900075 48-11-01-402-037.000-003 $925.73 Davis Randy D J MIX NO ANDERSON L 006 126 North St 481900076 48-11-01-402-086.000-003 $401.85 Bathauer Ken HILLSIDE HTS L 009 1st parcel North of 1136 Lawson 481900077 48-11-01-402-087.000-003 $2,016.60 Bathauer Ken D & Barbara J HILLSIDE HTS L 010 1136 Lawson Ct 481900078 48-11-01-403-002.000-003 $1,062.08 LRB Holdings Inc Tomlinson Jill (cto) PT W2 SE PLAT 28-4 01-19-7 00000.2900A 724 Indiana Ave 481900080 48-11-01-403-043.000-003 $696.98 CRS Contract Services LLC J D RODECAPS L 010 212 CLIFFORD ST 481900081 48-11-02-201-064.000-003 $1,187.16 Arnold Richard J & Patricia J GREENBRIAR PARK 1.5' N SD SEC 10 L 410 Small strip of land between 1812 Redfern and 1804 Redfern 481900082 48-11-02-202-048.000-003 $797.19 Ruff Bethea A GREENBRIAR PARK PT TRI SEC 6 L 225 Small Strip of land between 2307 S Fairlawn & 2303 S Fairlawn 481900083 48-11-02-203-066.000-003 $1,646.26 Fuhrmann John R GREENBRIAR PARK SEC 1 L 066 1407 RAINTREE DR 481900084 48-11-02-203-094.000-003 $1,281.10 2311 Aspen Court Land Trust Vetter Johanna Mae & Dakota Wayne (cto) GREENBRIAR PARK SEC 1 L 094 2311 Aspen Ct 481900086 48-11-03-200-002.000-003 $3,246.28 Goacher Jason S PT E2 NW PLAT 5-2 03-19-7 00009.6200A 2909 W Cross St 481900088 48-11-03-200-050.000-003 $315.47 Thompson Debra Kay Wray Eva Mae Zirkle John Robert J/T R/S CLOVERDALE CONT W2 E2 L 024 3227 Washington St 481900089 48-11-03-300-006.000-003 $2,148.87 Beck Alicia A E2 NW PLAT 5-14 03-19-7 00004.6520A 1230 Romine Rd 481900092 48-11-10-300-159.000-003 $1,823.15 Stephenson Lance WESTERN VILLAGE 8TH L 119 Lot East of 2107 W 8th ST 481900093 48-11-10-300-175.000-003 $2,916.89 Holliday Jess WESTERN VILLAGE 3RD L 011 806 Park Rd 481900094 48-11-10-400-016.000-003 $2,801.72 Morant John L & Alberta H RAIBLE HTS L 013 617 Raible Ave 481900096 48-11-10-400-212.000-003 $2,958.66 Neidert David B & Caitlin E Dishman J/T R/S WESTERN VILLAGE L 021 925 Shellbark Rd 481900098 48-11-11-103-003.000-003 $6,631.71 Alac Services Inc SE PLAT 4 11-19-7 00000.3200A West of 1529 Sycamore Street in the woods 481900099 48-11-11-103-004.000-003 $8,723.61 A L A C Inc I/C SE PLAT 4-4 11-19-7 00000.7870A 233 Sycamore St 481900100 48-11-11-103-032.000-003 $795.23 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 082 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900101 48-11-11-103-033.000-003 $1,060.20 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 082 201 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900102 48-11-11-103-034.000-003 $808.21 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 083 201 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900103 48-11-11-103-035.000-003 $1,651.86 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 083 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900104 48-11-11-103-036.000-003 $808.21 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN W PT V/A L 084 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900105 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 $1,061.64 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN E PT L 084 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-032.000-003,48-11-11-103-033.000-003,48-11-11-103-034.000-003,48-11-11-103-035.000-003,48-11-11-103-036.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-037.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900106 48-11-11-103-067.000-003 $2,060.40 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN PT L 163 Joined north of 1512 W 3rd St 481900107 48-11-11-103-068.000-003 $1,771.19 Wilder George & Melanie EVALYN Pt Lots 163 & 164 (0.069ac) 1512 W 3rd St 481900108 48-11-11-103-069.000-003 $2,625.50 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN PT L 164 parcel joining West of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900109 48-11-11-103-071.000-003 $2,763.72 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN L 165 2nd parcel west of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900110 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 $2,623.95 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN L 166 3rd parcel west of 1512 W 3rd St 48-11-11-103-069.000-003,48-11-11-103-071.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-072.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900111 48-11-11-103-073.000-003 $2,193.19 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A L 167 South West corner of Sycamore and 2nd St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900112 48-11-11-103-074.000-003 $2,072.23 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A L 168 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900113 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 $5,425.86 A L A C Services Inc EVALYN V/A V/S L 169 207 Sycamore St 48-11-11-103-073.000-003,48-11-11-103-074.000-003 and 48-11-11-103-075.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900115 48-11-11-104-011.000-003 $427.00 Atkisson Nathan V & Dorotheo Reagan PT NE 11-19-7 PL 10 00000.1100A 0 Hazlett St 481900116 48-11-11-104-019.000-003 $647.82 Doctor Trust SE NE PLAT 15-1 11-19-7 00000.1400A West of Madison Ave and 17th St, South of Railroad 481900117 48-11-11-104-044.000-003 $9,153.80 Robinette Linda EVALYN L 011 1124 W 1st St 481900118 48-11-11-104-053.000-003 $5,176.50 Haines Donald L & Betty L EVALYN L 020 1217 W 1st St 481900119 48-11-11-104-069.000-003 $1,272.20 Rivas-Escoto Margarita EVALYN L 035 1009 W 1st St 481900120 48-11-11-104-070.000-003 $22,144.35 Pierce Bobby Joe EVALYN EXC 36.5' S END L 036 South West corner of 1st and Madison Ave 481900121 48-11-11-104-092.000-003 $188.28 Deering David L EVALYN 3' E SD L 057 Small Strip between 1302 W 2nd and 1304 W 2nd 481900122 48-11-11-104-143.000-003 $2,166.52 Davey Chuck & Kate EVALYN L 139 1208 W 3rd St 481900123 48-11-11-104-150.000-003 $2,834.57 Lewis Edna EVALYN L 146 1308 W 3rd St 481900124 48-11-11-201-026.000-003 $2,002.92 Gilley Michael R & Rebecca C GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 099 1912 Northshore Ext 481900126 48-11-11-202-105.000-003 $1,078.32 Sokol Robert Brandon & Stephen Brady Sokol GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 172 2111 Highland Ave 481900127 48-11-11-202-108.000-003 $764.72 Sokol Rob GRANDVIEW TERRACE SEC B L 175 2205 Highland Ave 481900128 48-11-11-202-136.000-003 $4,698.94 Bozelli David M & Brian N T-C GRANDVIEW TERRACE W2 SEC B L 203 Small Strp between 2221 Van Buskirk and 2227 Van Buskirk 481900129 48-11-11-202-138.000-003 $937.93 Ehle James W & Toni L GRANDVIEW TERRACE EXC 37.5'W SEC B L 204 Small Strp between 2221 Van Buskirk and 2227 Van Buskirk 481900130 48-11-11-301-011.000-003 $408.47 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 063 3rd lot East from 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900131 48-11-11-301-012.000-003 $363.32 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 064 2nd lot Eastfrom 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900132 48-11-11-301-013.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal BERNARDS L 065 1 lot East from1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900133 48-11-11-301-015.000-003 $918.94 Hazel Tyler J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 014 1712 W 7th St 481900134 48-11-11-301-020.000-003 $1,133.85 Victorias Properties LLC J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 019 1819 W 6th St 481900135 48-11-11-301-025.000-003 $2,223.33 Collins Jazzelyn J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 024 1721 W 6th St 481900136 48-11-11-301-026.000-003 $653.56 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 025 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900137 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 026 1 Lot West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-011.000-003,48-11-11-301-012.000-003,48-11-11-301-013.000-003,48-11-11-301-026.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-027.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900138 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 028 2 Lots West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900139 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 $370.85 Thompson Racheal J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 029 3 Lots West of parcel 1720 W 6th St 48-11-11-301-029.000-003 and 48-11-11-301-030.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900140 48-11-11-301-031.000-003 $573.70 Pacheco Shawna J M DONNELLYS 2ND L 030 520 Louise St 481900141 48-11-11-303-011.000-003 $781.08 Home Opportunity LLC Donald J Odom & Jennifer L Lindsey (cto) PT W2 SW 11-19-7 PL 18 00000.7170A 2112 W 8th St 481900142 48-11-11-303-024.000-003 $2,330.75 Silvey Alice PT SW SW PLAT 6-1 11-19-7 00000.0450A 1st lot Joined North of 2238 W 9th St 481900144 48-11-11-303-071.000-003 $1,699.41 DYG Anderson Properties LLC PT SW SW 11-19-7 PL 11 00000.1400A 2109 W 9th St 481900145 48-11-11-303-084.000-003 $272.21 Chesnut Michael & Margaret CATHEDRAL L 008 Half part of house at 2422 W 9th St 481900146 48-11-11-303-115.000-003 $1,446.70 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES L 049 East parcel joining 2211 W 8th St 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900147 48-11-11-303-116.000-003 $794.78 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES N END L 042 South of and joining parcel 48-11-11-303-116.000-003 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900148 48-11-11-303-117.000-003 $1,356.33 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES L 050 2nd lot East of 2211 W 8th St 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900149 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 $1,043.58 Aldridge Jason J & Jessie CHITTENDENS & JONES N END L 041 South of and joining parcel 48-11-11-303-117.000-003 48-11-11-303-115.000-003,48-11-11-303-116.000-003,48-11-11-303-117.000-003 and 48-11-11-303-118.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900150 48-11-11-303-137.000-003 $785.75 Kuhn Thomas L E ELLIOTTS 1ST 5' E SD L 008 Small strip between 2329 W 9th and 2330 W 9th 481900151 48-11-11-303-143.000-003 $1,942.64 DYG Anderson Properties LLC E ELLIOTTS 1ST L 013 2336 W 9th St 481900153 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 $256.90 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 046 East of 1003 West 10th St 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900154 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 $2,438.49 McCain Bradley Lamont S J JONES 1ST L 048 Southwest corner of West 10th St and Arrow Ave North of 909 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900155 48-11-11-304-042.000-003 $3,618.90 Jackson Harson & Cynthia D S J JONES 1ST 48' S END L 048 915 Arrow Ave 481900156 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 $32,718.00 McCain Bradley Lamont S J JONES 1ST L 053 903 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-048.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-040.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900157 48-11-11-304-054.000-003 $256.90 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 055 Has part of 1003 Arrow improvements 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900158 48-11-11-304-055.000-003 $679.59 Captain Kristopher J S J JONES 1ST N3 L 056 1003 Arrow Ave 48-11-11-304-055.000-003,48-11-11-304-054.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-035.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900159 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 $1,261.52 Fields Sarah Jane A T DAVIS 1ST L 015 1721 W 9th St 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900160 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 $622.40 Fields Sarah Jane A T DAVIS 1ST E2 L 016 1st Parcel west of 1721 W but has part of house improvement 48-11-11-304-078.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-077.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900161 48-11-11-304-083.001-003 $202.19 Mitchem Vera Amos T Davis 1st Addn 4'E sd Lt 20 1st Lot East of 1730 W 9th st 481900162 48-11-11-304-084.000-003 $959.96 Weatherford Lucinda J A T DAVIS 1ST L 021 2nd Lot East of 1730 W 9th st 481900163 48-11-11-304-086.000-003 $2,539.39 Bagienski Samuel G A T DAVIS 1ST L 023 1st Lot East of 1724 W 9th st 481900164 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 $390.60 Irwin Keith A T DAVIS 1ST EXC 20X20' SE L 026 1st lot West of 1715 Mulvane 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900165 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 $499.24 Irwin Keith A T DAVIS 1ST L 027 2nd lot West of 1715 Mulvane 48-11-11-304-092.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-091.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900166 48-11-11-304-093.000-003 $959.94 Weatherford Lucinda J A T DAVIS 1ST L 028 3rd lot West of 1715 Mulvane 481900167 48-11-11-304-108.000-003 $427.74 Belkacem Lyes A M WILLIAMS L 006 1st lot West of 1814 W 10th St 481900168 48-11-11-304-110.000-003 $427.74 Belkacem Lyes A M WILLIAMS L 008 Lot has partial house improvement of 1814 W 10th St 481900169 48-11-11-304-114.000-003 $1,613.14 Ashby David E & Rita J A M WILLIAMS L 012 1805 W 9th St 481900171 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 $2,597.81 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 026 902 Irving Way 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900173 48-11-11-304-167.000-003 $2,190.53 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS 8' V/S L 032 1903 W 9th St 481900174 48-11-11-304-172.000-003 $385.50 Woessner David CRAYCRAFTS L 037 Lot has partial house improvement of 1826 W 9th St 481900175 48-11-11-304-174.000-003 $406.72 Woessner David CRAYCRAFTS L 039 1st Lot joining West of 1826 W 9th St 481900176 48-11-11-304-193.000-003 $10,275.54 RE Asset Servicing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 058 1st Lot East of 1931 Mulvane Ave 481900177 48-11-11-304-195.000-003 $1,429.77 RE Asset Servicing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 060 3rd lot East of 1931 Mulvane Ave 481900178 48-11-11-304-200.000-003 $392.66 Brady Investing LLC CRAYCRAFTS L 065 1st lot East of 2001 W 8th St 481900179 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 $307.68 WS Properties LLC CRAYCRAFTS PT L 025 1st Lot West of 902 Irving 48-11-11-304-161.000-003 and 48-11-11-304-213.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900180 48-11-11-401-021.000-003 $1,538.99 Klingler Paige & Jimmy Klingler & Bartlett Dustin J/T R/S EVALYN L 208 1021 W 3rd St 481900181 48-11-11-401-024.000-003 $2,351.82 M & N Jones Family Limited Partnership Marsee Kimberly (cto) EVALYN L 211 1009 W 3rd St 481900182 48-11-11-401-025.000-003 $1,368.75 Santiago-Lopez Paulino & Floridelma Lopez-Santiago EVALYN L 212 1007 W 3rd St 481900183 48-11-11-401-027.000-003 $391.22 Griffin Will EVALYN S2 S2 L 214 337 Madison Ave 481900186 48-11-11-401-036.000-003 $6,749.26 Everhart Jacob EVALYN L 217 1016 W 4th St 481900187 48-11-11-401-049.000-003 $453.48 Gann Melinda D & Teresa L Etchison J/T R/S EVALYN EXC 43' W SD L 227 Small strip of lot between 1208 W 4th and 333 Locust 481900188 48-11-11-401-103.000-003 $24,375.86 Shoot Roger Loren & Pamela Kay EVALYN L 350 Lot West of 1225 W 5th St 481900189 48-11-11-401-124.000-003 $458.54 Tax Sale Investments of Madison County LLC W P HARTERS 1ST L 047 1st Lot East of 1217 W 6th St 481900190 48-11-11-401-132.000-003 $1,892.76 Rothasy Eshamlech LLC W P HARTERS 1ST L 055 1103 W 6th St 481900191 48-11-11-401-169.000-003 $2,882.12 L R B Holdings W P HARTERS 1ST L 091 1103 W 5th St 481900192 48-11-11-401-170.000-003 $19,452.00 Higgins Scott & Stacie W P HARTERS 1ST L 092 1st Lot West of 1019 W 5th St 481900193 48-11-11-401-193.000-003 $2,670.54 Short Denny F & Rena M W P HARTERS 1ST L 115 8 Lots North of 430 E 23rd St 481900195 48-11-11-402-024.000-003 $688.92 Keller Norman & Merrill Michael J/T R/S BERNARDS L 052 1617 W 6th St 481900196 48-11-11-402-039.000-003 $14,622.16 Deutsche Bank EVALYN L 173 1527 W 3rd St 481900197 48-11-11-402-043.000-003 $2,404.64 Goodman Donald E & Carole A EVALYN L 177 First lot West of 1509 W 3rd St 481900198 48-11-11-402-077.000-003 $1,878.69 Rector Randy EVALYN L 264 1517 W 4th St 481900199 48-11-11-402-080.000-003 $18,117.86 Watson Howard L EVALYN L 267 1505 W 4th St 481900200 48-11-11-402-084.000-003 $627.20 Holland Claude A EVALYN L 271 1st Lot West of 1417 W 4th St 481900201 48-11-11-402-123.000-003 $498.67 Lauziere Steven M Sr EVALYN EXC 62' N END L 343 507 Henry St 481900202 48-11-11-402-138.000-003 $28,530.85 De Witt Herbert W EVALYN L 371 1st Lot East of 1532 W 6th St 481900203 48-11-11-402-156.000-003 $355.00 Hillenburg Richard EVALYN 47' S END EXC 5' W L 411 **see Misc Note 1st Lot East of 1618 W 7th ST 481900204 48-11-11-403-091.000-003 $1,905.75 Hopkins John HILLSIDE E2 L 018 1st Lot East of 1420 W 10th St 481900205 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 $1,473.44 Reagan Elmer HILLSIDE N2 L 029 1613 W 9th St 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 & 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900206 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 $257.73 Reagan Elmer HILLSIDE N2 PT L 030 Half of 1631 W 9th St improvement 48-11-11-403-108.000-003 and 48-11-11-403-107.000-003 are to be sold and redeemed together. 481900207 48-11-11-403-113.000-003 $2,440.24 Tchentsovson Vladimir HILLSIDE S2 L 032 829 Sycamore St 481900208 48-11-11-403-117.000-003 $11,330.77 Leedy Brian Victor HILLSIDE E2 L 033 1st Lot East of 1530 W 9th St 481900212 48-11-11-403-139.000-003 $11,631.00 Earhart Charlie M HILLSIDE 40' W SD EXC 32' E L 046 1515 W 8th St cont. next page hspaxlp