NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) REGIONAL BROWNFIELDS PROJECT Notice is hereby given that sealed Statements of Qualifications will be received by the Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG) in the office located at 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., 1120 County-City Building, South Bend, IN 46601; until 4:00 pm (ET) October 7, 2019, for qualified environmental consultants to assist in the implementation of the Regional Brownfields Assessment Coalition project over a three year period. The RFQ may be obtained at / procurement_opportunities.html, in the MACOG office between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM (ET) Monday through Friday, by calling 574-287-1829, or by email beginning September 5, 2019. A pre-proposal conference may be held on September 17, 2019, in the MACOG Conference Room, if requested in writing before 4:00 PM (ET) on September 10, 2019. The project is funded by the U.S. EPA Brownfields Assessment Coalition grant. Please submit all sealed proposals to the MACOG office, Attn: Brownfields RFQ, by 4:00 PM, October 7, 2019. September 6, 7 hspaxlp