STATE OF INDIANA IN THE CLARK CIRCUIT COURT 1 SS: 2019 TERM COUNTY OF CLARK CAUSE NO. 10C01-1907-MF-000152 VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, INC. PLAINTIFF v. MARTY S. JENKINS AND TREASURER OF CLARK COUNTY DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the above-named defendant, Marty S. Jenkins. You are notified that you have been sued in the above-named court. The nature of the suit against you is: Complaint to Foreclose on Real Estate Mortgage on the following described real estate in Clark County: A part of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, and also being part of the land described in (Houchens 10-4648), described as follows: Beginning at a Stone Found at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a point in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, S. 39 deg. 00' 00 E. 1733.52 feet from an Iron Pin Found at the West Corner of Letter C of Survey #257; Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E., a distance of 802.05 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set, THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Thence N. 37 deg. 44' 23 E., a distance of 123.62 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set; Thence N. 44 deg. 03' 08 E., a distance of 145.49 feet along said centerline to a Nail Set; Thence N. 53 deg. 11' 52 E., a distance of 192.87 feet along said centerline to a Spike Found in the centerline of Heil Road; Thence N. 40 deg. 02' 44 W., a distance of 212.48 feet along Heil Road to a Nail Set; Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W., a distance of 472.00 feet along (Houchens 24-7379) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence N. 40 deg. 02' 31 W., a distance of 184.67 feet along (Houchens 24-7379) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W., a distance of 562.48 feet along (Heil 221-495) to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 40 deg. 03' 25 E., a distance of 241.11 feet along (Hill 16-11399) and along a fence to an Iron Pin Set; Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E., a distance of 576.07 feet to an Iron Pin Set; Thence S. 40 deg. 03' 25 E., a distance of 171.68 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, Containing 5.299 Acres. Subject to the county road right-of-way and any easements of record. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A part of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, also being part of lands described in Houchens DD 32-16198, described as follows: Beginning at a stone at the South corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E. a distance of 212.05 feet to a masonry nail; Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W., a distance of 282.25 feet along a fence line to a 5/8 rebar the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E. a distance of 163.50 feet to a 5/8 rebar. Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence S. 48 deg. 08' 00 W, a distance of 163.50 feet along a fence line to a 5/8 rebar, Thence S. 40 deg. 08' 25 E. a distance of 241.11 feet along a fence line to the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.9045 acres. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0.918 A part of Grant #257 of the Illinois Grant, Monroe Township, Clark County, Indiana, also being part of lands described in Houchens DD-10-4848, described as follows: Beginning at a Stone at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant, Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey #256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E., a distance of 212.05 feet to a masonry nail, Thence N. 40 deg. 03' 25 W. a distance of 282.25 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence N. 48 deg. 08' 00 E., a distance of 183.50 feet to a 5/8 rebar, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence North 48 deg. 07' 59 East, a distance of 185.90 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence North 40 deg. 03' 25 West, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence South 48 deg. 08' 00 West, a distance of 165.90 feet to a 5/8 rebar, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 241.11 feet to a 5/8 rebar, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.9180 acres. Also a 60' driveway easement described as follows: Beginning at a Stone at the South Corner of Survey #257 of the Illinois Grant; Thence N. 39 deg. 30' 00 W., a distance of 545.71 feet along the line dividing Survey #257 and Survey 256 to a railroad spike in the centerline of Henryville-Otisco Road, Thence N. 37 deg. 20' 15 E. a distance of 502.05 feet to a masonry nail, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence North 37 deg. 44' 22 East, a distance of 51.16 feet to a point, Thence North 40 deg. 03' 25 West, a distance of 212.47 feet to a point, Thence South 48 deg. 07' 58 West, a distance of 295.59 feet to a point, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 50.02 feet to a point Thence North 48 deg. 07' 59 East, a distance of 246.67 feet to a point, Thence South 40 deg. 03' 25 East, a distance of 171.68 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 3.48 acres, more or less. Also known as 5511 Henryville-Otisco Road, Henryville, IN 47126 Parcel #10-06-25-700-028.000-027 Also includes a 2013 Clayton Mobile Home, VIN #CWP023987TNAB This Summons by publication is specifically directed to the following named defendant whose whereabouts is unknown: Marty S. Jenkins. In addition to the above-named defendants being served by this summons there may be other defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before thirty (30) days after the third notice is published, and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the plaintiff has demanded. This the __15th_____day of August, 2019. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Angela L.Thompson Hon. Angela L. Thompson IN Atty. #24458-82 ANGELA L. THOMPSON, PLLC 401 Frederica Street Building D, Suite 101 Owensboro, Ky. 42301 270) 215-1112 Attorney for Plaintiff ATTEST: 8/15/2019 /s/ Susan Popp Clerk of the Clark Circuit Court 1 This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. hpaxlp