Rance This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA SS:COUNTY OF CASS IN THE CASS CIRCUIT/SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 09D01-1908-MF-000033 FIRST MERCHANTS BANK, an Indiana bank, successor in interest to Frances Slocum Bank and Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. JANIE E. RANCE, Deceased, by and through her spouse, widow, heirs, devisees, successors, assigns, and/or all other persons claiming any right, title or interest in the subject real estate by, through or under her or any other person or entity, the names of all of whom are unknown to Plaintiff; ESTATE OF CLARENCE J. RANCE, by and through its Administrator, Angela K. Hill; SANDRA K. RANCE, Deceased, by and through her spouse, widow, heirs, devisees, successors, assigns, and/or all other persons claiming any right, title or interest in the subject real estate by, through or under her or any other person or entity, the names of all of whom are unknown to Plaintiff; and UNKNOWN TENANT, Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Court named above. The nature of the suit against you is Complaint for Foreclosure concerning the real property located at 2355 S. Lockport Rd., Logansport, Indiana 46947, more particularly described as follows: A part of George Cicott's Reserve, in Township 26 North Range 1 West, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the West line of said Cicott Reserve and the East-West line dividing Township 27 North and Township 26 North, thence South on said West line a distance of 1696.9 feet to a point; Thence East a distance of 796.7 feet to a point lying in the center of the Lockport Road, said point being marked by an existing surveying monument and being the place of beginning; Thence South 36 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West along the center of said Lockport Road a distance of 149.66 feet to a point, said point lying on an existing bridge and being in the center of an existing drainage ditch; Thence Southeasterly along the meanders of said drainage ditch on the following courses, (on center line), South 13 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 138.16 feet; Thence South 37 degrees 22 minutes East a distance of 58.44 feet; thence South 80 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 53.57 feet; Thence South 52 degrees 31 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 179.89 feet; Thence South 69 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 157.80 feet to a point; Thence departing from the center line of said drainage ditch North 06 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 442.62 feet to a point, said point lying in an existing fence line; Thence North 84 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West on said fence line a distance of 346.11 feet to a point; Thence West a distance of 24.00 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO A fractional part of Cicott's Reserve, Township twenty-six (26) North, Range one (1) West, Jefferson Township, Cass County, Indiana, more fully described as follows: Commencing at a survey monument found marking the Northwest corner of an existing 3.460 acre tract, said monument lying in the centerline of the Lockport Road and being South 1695.9 feet and East 796.7 feet from the intersection of the West line of Cicott Reserve and the East-West Line dividing Township 26 North and Township 27 North; Thence East 24.00 feet along the North line of said existing tract; Thence S 84-00-00 E, 346.11 feet along the North line of said existing tract to a pipe found marking the Northeast corner of said existing tract, being the place of beginning; Thence S 84-00-00 E, 490.29 feet to a point being referenced by a re-rod set N 15-48-23 E, 3.04 feet; Thence S 15-48-23 W, 488.44 feet along an existing fence line, and the extension thereof, to a point being referenced by a wooden hub sent N 21-08-25 E, 1.96 feet; Thence N 66-27-30 W, 138.95 feet to a pipe found marking the Northeast corner of an existing 5.086 acre tract; thence N 66-27-30 W, 288.00 feet to a pipe found lying on the East line of the aforesaid existing 3.460 acre tract, said pipe also marking a corner of said existing 5.086 acre tract; thence N 6-00-00 E, 352.62 feet along the East line of said existing 3.460 tract to the place of beginning. This Summons by Publication is specifically directed to Janie E. Rance, Deceased, and Sandra K. Rance, Deceased, by and through their spouses, widows, heirs, devisees, successors, assigns, and/or all other persons claiming any right, title or interest in the described real estate by, through or under them or any other person or entity, the names of all of whom are unknown to Plaintiff, whose last known address is unknown. In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this Summons, there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint for Foreclosure in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days from the third Notice of Suit and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. ATTEST: /s/ Beth Liming Clerk, Cass Circuit/Superior Court 8/9/2019 BENNETT BOEHNING & CLARY LLP /s/ Kisti Good Risse Kisti Good Risse, #14833-12 Attorney for Plaintiff 415 Columbia Street, Suite 1000 Post Office Box 469 Lafayette, Indiana 47902-0469 (765) 742-9066 (765) 742-7641 (fax) L-248 8/20, 27, 9/3 hspaxlp