NOTICE OF HEARING ON PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE CAUSE NO. 20C01-1610-ES-000057 IN THE ELKHART CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ELKHART, SS: IN THE MATTER OF THE SUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY L. WEIST, DECEASED Notice is hereby given to Arcelie Bonsubre-Weist, Jessica M. Weist, Joseph W. Weist, Kaitlyn Dickson, Daniel L. Bonsubre C/O Arcelie Bonsubre-Weist, Livingston Financial, LLC, First Source Financial Solutions, LLC, and Elkhart County Board of Zoning C/O James W. Kolbus, that on the 27th day of September, 2019, at 11:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in the Elkhart Circuit Court, upon a Petition filed by Arcelie Bonsubre-Weist, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Jeffrey L. Weist, deceased, for authority to sell at private sale the following described real estate, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Sixteen (16), Township Thirty-seven (37) North, Range Five (5) East, more particularly described as follows: Assuming the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE ^) of said Section Sixteen (16) to have a bearing due East and West, commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (^) of said Section Sixteen (16); thence Northwardly along the East line of said Northeast Quarter (^) of said Section Sixteen (16), Thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning of this description; thence due West, Forty-six and Eighty-eight hundredths (46.88) feet along the North line of Hively Avenue to the East line of Sterling Avenue; thence North Thirty-three (33) degrees, Fifty-two (52) minutes West along the East line of Sterling Avenue Seventy-six and Four tenths (76.4) feet; thence Northeastwardly at right angles with the East line of Sterling Avenue One Hundred Seven and Twenty-three hundredths (107.23) feet, to the East line of the Northeast Quarter (^) of said Section Sixteen (16); thence Southwardly along the East line of said Northeast Quarter (^) of said Section Sixteen (16); thence Southwardly along the East line of said Northeast Quarter (^) of said Section Sixteen (16), One Hundred Twenty-two and Sixty-six hundredths (122.66) feet, to the place of beginning. If you have any objections to the sale of said real estate, you must appear at said hearing and state your objections to the Court. Dated: August 26, 2019 /s/ Christopher Anderson Clerk, Elkhart Circuit Court August 27 September 3, 10 hspaxlp