CLARK CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1 Small Claims Division Hearing held in Magistrate Courtroom A, Room 111 Service by: Certified Mail and Publication CASE NO. 10C01-1908-SC-00137 Irvin Banks 710 E. Rail Road St. Otisco, IN 47163 Plaintiff William James Fulkerson 2609 Gutford Rd. Clarksville, IN Defendant ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITIES WHICH MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE VEHICLE/MOBILE HOME, Defendant PETER L. LACEY, COMMISSIONER, BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES INDIANA GOVERNMENT CENTER NORTH 100 NORTH SENATE AVENUE, ROOM 402 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204, Defendant; ALSO SERVE: CURTIS T. HILL, JR., ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 302 W. WASHINGTON ST, IGCS 5TH FLOOR, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 TO THE DEFENDANT(S): You have been sued by the Plaintiff whose name appears above STATEMENT OF CLAIM The Plaintiff is seeking an Indiana Title to the Vehicle/Mobile Home Described as: Year: 1987 Make: Sea Ray Model: Seville Color: White Vehicle Identification No:SERV4104A787 If you have a legal interest in this vehicle/mobile, you must appear at the stated Trial Date. Otherwise, a Title will be issued. /s/Irvin Banks Plaintiff. A TRIAL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 10/17/19 at 1:30 P.M., IN MAGISTRATE COURTROOM A. ROOM 111. The plaintiff asks for judgment in this Court against you for the claim stated above. If you fail to appear in Court on the date and at the time set for trial, the Plaintiff can receive a judgment for the amount claimed, plus court costs. . By filing this small claim, the Plaintiff has waived the right to a trial by jury. You have ten (10) days from receipt of this notice to file a Motion requesting a jury trial and to pay the costs for transferring the case. Your failure to do so waives your right to trial by jury.. You may represent yourself in this Court. You do not need to employ an attorney. You may, however, have an attorney represent you if you wish. If you have questions concerning this matter, or if you are unable to appear at the time designated, you should call the Court Reporter at 812-280-5661 or write to Clark Circuit Court No. 3, County-Government Building, 501 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. hspaxlp