NOTICE FOR COMPLIANCE Notice is hereby given that the property located at 235 Adams Street, Pendleton, Indiana, (the Property) owned by Katherine L. Wisehart, is in violation of Ordinance No. 2016-13, An Ordinance Creating an Unsightly Premises Ordinance for the Town of Pendleton (the Ordinance). The following items constitute a violation as stated in Section Two of the Ordinance and are hereby cited as violations existing at the Property: (A)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town to maintain thereon a dangerous, dilapidated or unsafe structure as defined herein. (B)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town, to maintain junk, garbage, noxious or unsightly weeds, or heavy trash, as defined herein, to be deposited on, grown on, or remain on any such lot or parcel of real estate, or permit the existence of any condition on such premises. (C)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any responsible parties of any property, lot or parcel of real estate within the Town to allow any part of such property, visible from the street or adjoining premises to become unsightly. (D)It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, to deposit and/or leave garbage (rubbish, refuse (organic or inorganic), debris or waste) material in a location or condition where it is exposed to, scattered by, and/or otherwise dispersed by the elements; also not located or stored in such a manner where it creates a cloud of particles, unsightly conditions or health hazards. Per Section Three, Paragraph D of the Ordinance, this notice for compliance is being published because the property is not occupied and the current residence of Ms. Wisehart is unknown, though she is believed to be a resident of New Castle. Ms. Wisehart, or anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts, should contact the Town of Pendleton Planning Department. ACTION REQUIRED TO ABATE VIOLATION: (1)Secure the property. a.Secure back door dog door so that raccoons cannot enter house. b.Repair broken windows that are missing glass. (2)Clean up back yard. a.Remove household items (child car seat, toys, furniture, etc.) from yard. b.Remove tires and wood pallets. c.Remove garbage and heavy trash. d.Remove tree limbs. (3)Remove or repair leaning and fallen sections of fence. (4)Mow entire yard to a height of eight inches or less, and do so regularly. The responsible party may appeal this directive to the Town Court in accordance with Section Three, Paragraph E of the Ordinance. Failure to abate the violation will result in the Town Manager abating the violation and all costs incurred being charged to the property owner of record. Should the property owner refuse to pay the costs of abatement, a lien will be placed on the property. Please contact Kayla Hassett, Planning and Zoning Administrator, with any comments regarding this notice at 765-778-8370 or HB-625 8/31 9/7 9/14 hspaxlp