NOTICE OF PETITION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP, APPROVE FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR LEAVE TO MAKE FINAL DISTRIBUTION CAUSE NO. 20D01-1810-ES-000048 IN THE ELKHART SUPERIOR COURT NO. 1 FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA; COUNTY OF ELKHART IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: HEATHER RENEA HARMON, Deceased, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF ELKHART COUNTY, INC., Personal Representative. TO: Felicity Bailey Tonya Harmon Thomas Harmon 1707 Roys Avenue 1707 Roys Avenue 1707 Roys Avenue Elkhart, IN 46516 Elkhart, IN 46516 Elkhart, IN 46516 Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Habitat for Humanity of Elkhart County, Inc. Indiana Family and Social Services Administration P.O. Box 950 402 W. Washington Street Goshen, IN 46527 W382, MS 07 Indianapolis, IN 46204 City of Elkhart, Indiana Cathy Harmon Anthony Bailey Redevelopment Commission 53081 Conrad Street 224 E. Crawford St. 229 S. Second Street Elkhart, IN 46514 Elkhart, IN 46514 Elkhart, IN 46516 This is notice to you that Habitat for Humanity of Elkhart County, Inc., as Personal Representative of the Estate of Heather Renea Harmon, deceased, has filed a Petition To Determine Heirship, Approve Final Account and For Leave To Make Final Distribution, a copy of which is attached. This filing will be examined and acted on by the Court on October 3, 2019 at 8:30 a.m., unless written objections, showing cause as to why the Court should not act on them, are filed with the Court on or before the aforementioned date and time, or unless you make proof of heirship or claim to any part of the estate by the date of the hearing that in any way contradicts this filing. The Court is located on the 2nd floor of the County Courts Building located at 315 S. Second St., Elkhart, Indiana 46516. The Court may, on its own motion or on request of any interested person, postpone the hearing to another date and time. Dated: August 15, 2019. /s/ Christopher Anderson Christopher Anderson, Clerk Elkhart Superior Court No. 1 315 S. Second Street Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 523-2233 James R. Byron Attorney #3068-20 THORNE - GRODNIK, LLP 228 W. High Street Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 294-7473 Attorney for Petitioner *Due to the length of the attachment, the Petition is on file for review at the office of the Clerk provided. August 22, 29 September 5 hspaxlp