IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1 OF CLARK COUNTY STATE OF INDIANA IN RE THE ADOPTION OF: BLAIR M. ROBINSON, A Minor Child, NORMAN SANDERS, Petitioner, vs. TIFFANY SANDERS, Respondent-Mother, and TERRILL ROBINSON, Respondent-Father. CASE NO.: 10C01-1605-AD-031 NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION TO: Terrill Robinson Respondent-Father Address Unknown YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on this date the Petitioner herein has filed in the Circuit Court for Clark County, Indiana, an Petition for Adoption of Minor Child. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that by the rules of said Court said Petition will be submitted to the Judge thereof for hearing on the 11 day of August, 2016 at 1:30 o'clock p.m. IN THE EVENT YOU FAIL TO APPEAR, IT MAY BE HEARD AND DETERMINED IN YOUR ABSENCE. It is suggested that you consult with an attorney of your choice regarding this matter. This notice issued this 6 day of July, 2016. /s/Susan Popp Clerk of Clark Superior Court No. 1 hspaxlp