Staton FOR THE COUNTY OF HOWARD STATE OF INDIANA No. 34D02-1605-DR-00358 IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF KATHLEEN ANN STATION Petitioner and THOMAS EDWARD STATON Respondent SUMMONS (Dissolution of Marriage) The State of Indiana to Respondent: THOMAS EDWARD STATON A Petition for the Dissolution of marriage has been filed by Kathleen Ann Staton against you in the above entitled Court and cause of action, a copy of which Petition is attached to this document and states the relief and the demand which has been made. If you have a claim for relief against the Petitioner arising from this marriage, you must assert it in writing in this Court within sixty (60) days. Date: 5/8/16 Kim Wilson, Clerk Howard County K-438 June 30; July 7, 14 hsapxlp