Notice to the Public: Auburn Meadows Subdivision Notice is hereby given to the Public that an NOI letter is being submitted for an estimated construction commencement of July 2016 for Auburn Meadows Subdivision, located in part of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 19 North, Range 1 East, Center Township, Boone County, Indiana, at the intersection of County Road 300 North and Elm Swamp Road, in order to notify the City of Lebanon and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of the intent to comply with the requirements of applicable local drainage ordinances, 327 IAC 15-5 and 327 IAC 15-13 to discharge stormwater from construction activities. Runoff from the site drains to detention ponds, to Small & Reynolds legal drain, to Prairie Creek. TLR-295 06/16 #1202818 hspaxlp