CITY OF ANDERSON COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PUBLIC NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT The Combined Sewer Overflow Public Notification Procedural (CSA PNP) is a requirement that is consistent with the 1994 National CSO Control Policy. This rule requires communities with combined sewer overflow outfalls to notify the "affected public" of discharges from Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). The purpose of the rule is to promote and accomplish the following: 1. Educate the public. 2. Alert the public who may be immediately affected by a CSO discharge of the potential for a CSO discharge to occur. 3. Enable the public to protect themselves from potential exposure to pathogens resulting from contact with a CSO discharge or ingestion of water affected by a CSO discharge. 4. Complement the CSO discharge requirements contained in a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Interested persons will have the opportunity to be notified that a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is imminent or occurring based on predicted or actual precipitation. The method of notification that will be used by the City of Anderson Water Pollution Control Department will be via telephone utilizing the City of Anderson's CSO Hotline (765) 648-6585.The following message will be recorded: "There is a sewage overflow warning today. You have reached the Anderson sewage overflow information line. When it rains or snow melts, the sewers in the older parts of the city can overflow sending untreated rainwater and sewage into our waterways. From time to time weather conditions indicate that there is a possibility that overflows will occur. Anytime an overflow occurs, please avoid all contact with water near combined sewers, especially the days after a rainstorm or during periods of snow melt for 72 hours. Signs are posted along the White River to identify areas where contact with the water could be hazardous. To learn more about Anderson's combined sewer system you may either access the city's CSO Information website at or contact the city Water Pollution Control Department at (765) 648-6560. The City is implementing many projects to improve our waterways. Thank you for calling." The City of Anderson's Water Pollution Control Department is required to offer this notification opportunity. More information about CSOs and the City of Anderson's CSO alert system can be found at HB-212 Mar. 8 hspaxlp 1164167